The Stars Rain Down Week Blast

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The Stars Rain Down cover

Who Owns You?,  Book One


Science Fiction

Date to be Published: October 11th



Set in the early 23rd century, THE STARS RAIN DOWN follows an android woman
pursuing a renegade human. At the same time, he searches for his missing
wife and child, abducted by alien pirates, and sold into slavery. Special
Agent Catherine Mercer, an artificial intelligence and agent of
Interplanetary Security (think FBI in space), is given the assignment to
pursue and apprehend Rick McCabe, a freighter pilot suspected of illegally
smuggling passengers to the free colony of Aranae, some 1300 light years
from Earth. Rick, on the other hand, on route to Aranae, was attacked by
pirates and separated from his pregnant wife, Sarah, who was captured. But,
having come under the suspicion of IPS of illegally transporting passengers,
Rick goes rogue and sets off to find Sarah while evading Catherine trying to
capture him. Rick and his tech-savvy partner QR follow a trail of clues and
tips that lead from one planet to another, from one hostile slave owner and
alien race to more pirates and unsavory characters. Along the journey,
Catherine learns that being human is more than possessing a flesh and blood
body. The transitory body holds an eternal spirit that yearns to be free.

The Stars Rain Down tablet

About the Author

Glenn Thomas

Glenn Thomas’s life path has been a meandering one, setting new life
goals at various points along the way, gaining skills in art, photography,
film-making, driving, and ultimately, writing in screenplays and
prose.  As a self-described “high-functioning daydreamer,”
Glenn often finds contentment in self-imposed isolation, in conversation
with characters only he sees and hears, in universes of his own
creation.  Once in a while, he writes them down into scripts and novels
to share with the world.

Glenn lives in the Los Angeles area and works as a driver for a major
motion picture studio.  His first self-published work was a series of
short Science Fiction stories called The Spiderboys of Aranae, which
appeared in 2015.

In 1986, when Glenn was convinced he was at the start of a long and
prosperous career as a visual artist, an idea for a sci-fi story came to
him.  A guy loses his wife to space aliens, and he searches the galaxy
to find her.  As a fan of the genre, Glenn sat down with paper and
pencil to write the story, and two years later, No Longer Mourn for Me was
finished.  It then sat on the shelf, unpublished, for nearly 35
years.  Glenn thought about that crudely executed early work, got ideas
to improve it, and sat down at the computer for a rewrite.  The
original story was completely gutted, retooled, and reborn with a new title:
The Stars Rain Down.


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