The 7th Dimension Virtual Book Tour

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The 7th Dimension cover

Book 2 in the 21 Tattoos series


Visionary/Metaphysical Fiction; Speculative Fiction; Christian

Date Published: forthcoming September 18

Publisher: Acorn Publishing



What do a comatose old woman, a dying gang member, and a brutal assault on
a teenage boy have in common?
Derek Hollinger isn’t sure, but he knows
they’re all connected to the mysterious tattoos that suddenly appeared
across his body.

Determined to untangle the web spun by the vicious thug known as
“Spider,” Derek embarks on a journey of redemption that leads
from his lavish L.A. penthouse to the seedy world of underground fighting
and human trafficking. But as he ventures deeper down the rabbit hole, the
self-exiled plastic surgeon realizes that the answer lies within his heart
and mind … and soul.

Faith is the key to reclaiming his life, but choosing God may be difficult
for Derek, who has spent his entire career valuing material success over
spiritual growth.

In this thrilling sequel to 21 Tattoos, Derek must face the hard truth
about where his tattoos came from and an even harder truth about what it
will take to be free of them once and for all.


The 7th Dimension tablet


The walls were lined with peeling wallpaper. Yet, despite the squalor, there was an air of danger and power that permeated the place. Derek and Terry were led through the maze of rooms until they reached their destination.

The man motioned for them to enter. The room was lit with a soft, yellow light from flames in the fireplace on the far wall. In the center stood a large mahogany desk, and behind it stood the same pale-faced Asian man, but this time in a simple black suit and wearing a stern expression. A psychological game seemed to be in play. He stared across the room at them, his gaze never wavering, and nodded for them to sit in the two wooden chairs in front of the desk.

Terry and Derek glanced at each other. This wasn’t what they expected to find when they had come to the house. They both felt a growing sense of apprehension as the man behind the desk slowly walked around to the front, stopping a few steps away from them.

He cleared his throat and spoke in a quiet yet firm voice. “Tatman, I understand you have something to show me? Have a seat.”

He appeared to treat their arrival as a special ceremonial occasion — a shift from their last meeting. Derek took a seat directly in front of the man. Terry elected to stand.

“How’s our Magic Monk doing?” he asked. “Is he ready to fight?”

Derek nodded solemnly, playing along. “Yes, he’s ready.” 

“Good. We don’t want any misunderstandings.” He acted as though he held an unspoken power and that he sat in the seat of judgment. “He needs to bring his best tomorrow. The magic needs to be in full force or else there is going to be some serious repercussions.” 

Derek was unfazed by this show of intimidation. “You need to understand that if all of this doesn’t go down the way it is supposed to, then you are going to have to answer some questions,” he countered.

His smile disappeared. “What questions would those be?” 

“Now that, I wouldn’t know, I can only provide the facts and then let your bosses ask the questions.”

“And what facts would those be?” He frowned, lips tightening. 

“Well, for now those facts are put away in a safe place, so that if anything happens to Magic Monk or his brother, or anyone associated to them, the facts go directly to your bosses.” Derek stared back at him with a half-smile. “I have it set up on a failsafe system. If anything should happen, I won’t even be able to stop it. So, let’s not push that button.”

“Why should I believe you?” He crossed his arms as he leaned back.

“I am here on mutual trust.” Derek maintained eye contact. “I trust that you are going to do what you say you will do, and you trust that I will do what I say I will do. That’s all.”

Speaking slowly in a controlled voice, he asked, “How do I know when this is over, you won’t use that information?” 

Derek stiffened. “The same way I know that when this is all over, you are not going to come after us for more money.” 

He forced a smile. “Okay, I get it. Trust. So, we are going to make this one deal and then it’s over.”

Derek returned the smile. “That’s the idea, yes.” 

He nodded and returned to his place behind the desk. “Okay, be at The Lodge in Studio City, 8:00 p.m. sharp tomorrow night. Meet at the side entrance. My guys will be there to take him in to get him ready. I don’t want anyone with him before the fight except one of my guys.” He pointed his finger at Derek. “You got it?”

“No.” Derek sat relaxed. “I stay with him at all times. I am his coach and sparring partner. What happens after the fight?”

The man inhaled a controlled breath and slowly blinked, then sat down in his chair. “Okay, Tatman, but just you. Once we collect our money, then he will be free to go.”

“What about his brother?” Derek asked, glancing back at Terry. 

“He still owes me money,” the man said.

“I want this all to end tomorrow night. Plan to release him at the same time.” Derek resisted the impulse to clench his fists. 

“Okay, all the better.” He smirked as if he knew something Derek had missed. 

“You just make sure that the kid is in good condition and that they both come back healthy.” Derek rose to leave, then turned back. “What do I call you? What’s your name?”

“My name is ZhiZhu. You know, like the Spiderman.” He made a climbing motion with his hands. 

“Spiderman?” Derek’s eyes went wide. He tried to control his emotional reaction to the name.

“Yeah, like the guy who climbs the buildings. His name is ZhiZhu, they call him Spiderman.”

“Okay, ZhiZhu, Spiderman, let’s get this done.” 

As they exited the front door, he heard the lock snap closed behind them. Derek’s senses felt weirdly heightened. He noticed a girl with a large birthmark on her face standing at the corner of the house. 



About the Author

Monica Broussard

Writer, speaker, and certified life coach Monica Broussard is passionate
about writing fiction that contains elements of fantasy and keeps the reader
intrigued about the lead character’s motives. She also writes an
occasional article for her hometown’s magazine, SeaCliff Living. She
belongs to Toastmasters International and enjoys attending national writers’

Born in North Carolina on a Marine Corps base, Monica now lives in
“Surf City,” Huntington Beach, California, with her husband of
thirty-eight years. She has enjoyed various occupations over the years, but
her favorite job is the one she’s doing now—writing.

Her debut novel, 21 Tattoos, was published by Acorn Publishing in 2023. The
7th Dimension
is Book 2 in the 21 Tattoos Series.


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1 Comment

Filed under Book Tour

One Response to The 7th Dimension Virtual Book Tour


    This looks really good. Thanks for sharing.

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