Tag Archives: YA Fantasy

Melissa & Kasho Blitz

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YA Fantasy, YA Paranormal

Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishers


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1958- 59 Florence Italy


Melissa, a shy parentally abused teenage girl, feels lost in a
transnational high society world that drives her to the depths of

But her attraction to the very human Kasho, who has snippets of philosophy
to impart, eventually enables her to develop her own strengths.

But Kasho doesn’t dwell physically on Earth.

Melissa’s realistic story traverses class, gender, and power dynamics. She
is expected to walk or is bullied into walking, a certain path required of
her class, including marrying a certain man.

It’s only when she connects with Kasho, a native man whose values are
in-line with hers, that she finds a kindred spirit who truly sees her.

In an age of bullying and teen suicide, the resonating lesson throughout
the story is “There is always a way of making your life

But how will she and her best friend, Daisy, find it?



Melissa & Kasho tablet, phone, paperback

About the Author

Camilla Chance has always been a writer. She was born in 1940 and lived in
London, where, when she was 18, her first novel was accepted by a then-large
publishing company for publication. Although her father forced her to
withdraw from this contract as she was still legally his
“property” until she was 21, the writing bug never left her. Her
family moved to Australia and she graduated in Arts from Melbourne
University. When she was 22, she became a member of the Baha’i faith,
and its spiritualism and acceptance have influenced her subsequent writing
as well.

Camilla has had many interesting and varied occupations. She’s been a
lyricist for an international performing group The Kuban Cossacks, a high
school teacher, and an editor for Faber & Faber Publishers in London.
Upon returning to Australia, she wrote book reviews for two prestigious
Australian newspapers – The Age and The Australian. And she also
married and became a mother as well.

Camilla has also been an advocate for Australia’s indigenous peoples,
in part because of her Baha’i faith’s belief in unity and also
because of her extraordinary 27 year friendship with Banjo Clark. Banjo
Clarke’s life and teaching were the crux of her best-selling
Australian book, Wisdom Man. Camilla took the highlights of her friendship
with Banjo and created a book that was an instant best seller in Australia,
and in its second edition won American USABookNews.com Award for best
multicultural work. It also gained Honorable Mention at the London Book
Festival. Camilla was also the first non-Aboriginal to receive the
prestigious Unsung Hero Award from Aboriginal people for her dedicated
friendship and work for them “behind the scenes.”

Melissa and Kasho,2018 and is a young adult novel set in the transition
period of 1959. It’s a fantasy, love story, with a heavy dose of rock
and roll, taking place in Florence Italy.

Currently, Camilla is at work on her autobiography, a companion piece to
the Australian Bestselling Wisdom Man, called WARRUMYEA: THE LEFT-HANDED

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Paradise Rising Blitz

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The Gifted Ones, Book 1
Teen Superhero, YA Fantasy
Date Published: June 1, 2020
Publisher: Gean Penny Books
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San Antonio, Texas. Thirteen-year-old Cheater isn’t sure how she ended up wanted for murder. Burdened with a power she doesn’t understand, that’s triggered by a creeping darkness she can’t remember, she’s both saved and taken lives. But when she makes a vigilante move to stop a mugging, she encounters a boy who might be the key to cracking the mystery of her strange gift.
Fifteen-year-old Jaz has survived too many tragedies to stay on the right side of the law. So when his small gang’s robbery gets interrupted by a teenaged fugitive, he’s perplexed by her act of heroism. And when he discovers they’re both connected to the same mysterious fairytale, he feels drawn to her quest for answers.
But with danger lurking around every corner and the police hot on their trail, they may not even make it past the city limits…
Can Cheater and Jaz discover why Fate linked them together before they land behind bars?
The Gifted Ones Paradise Rising is the captivating first book in The Gifted Ones pre-superhero fantasy series. If you like smart heroines, gritty settings, and stories of hope, then you’ll love PG Shriver’s emotional tale.
Paradise Rising paperback
About the Author

P. G. Shriver is the best selling author of the #1 New Release of The Lonely Chair–second edition release June 7, 2019. She was born in Buena Park, California. She is the also the author of three young adult novels and the Texas Festivals picture book series featuring her reading puppet, Sally the Travelin’ Saddle. P. G. has been writing since the age of seven when her poem won an opportunity for publication in the local newspaper. It was then that she discovered her writing affected people; it made them happy, sad, hopeful. Readers easily interpret her writing moods and fall for her strong characters.
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Knightmare Arcanist – Book Tour

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YA Fantasy
Date Published: June 18th 2019
Publisher: Capital Station Books
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Magic. Sailing. A murderer among heroes.
Gravedigger Volke Savan wants nothing more than to be like his hero, the legendary magical swashbuckler, Gregory Ruma. First he needs to become an arcanist, someone capable of wielding magic, which requires bonding with a mythical creature. And he’ll take anything—a pegasus, a griffin, a ravenous hydra—maybe even a leviathan, like Ruma.
So when Volke stumbles across a knightmare, a creature made of shadow and terror, he has no reservations. But the knightmare knows a terrible secret: Ruma is a murderer out to spread corrupted magic throughout their island nation. He’s already killed a population of phoenixes and he intends to kill even more.
In order to protect his home, his adopted sister, and the girl he admires from afar, Volke will need to confront his hero, the Master Arcanist Gregory Ruma.
A fast-paced flintlock fantasy for those who enjoy How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell, Unsouled (Cradle Series) by Will Wight, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan.


I outlined a fresh grave for the cemetery as bells rang from the isle’s tower, signifying the start of the celebrations. The soil reeked of ammonia and rot, but the crisp morning breeze washed the scent away, dispersing it over the ocean. I removed my shirt, allowing the wind to cool me while I worked.

Every ten years, the people on the Isle of Ruma gathered to watch the fledgling phoenixes bond with a few chosen mortals. Lamplighters did their duty despite the glorious sunshine, each lamp’s fire representing the flames of phoenixes. Merchants cleared their horses and carts from the main road in anticipation of the crowds.

This was my second Day of Phoenixes. A decade ago, on my fifth birthday, I missed the bonding ceremony to attend my father’s trial. He was convicted of murder, but because he hadn’t been born on the island, he was taken to the mainland for final judgement. That was the last time I saw him.

Although the last Day of Phoenixes had been inauspicious, I intended to change that. Once I had finished digging a shallow grave, I would make my way into town.

I slammed the shovel’s head into the dirt and scooped deep. The cemetery sat near the edge of the island, far from those gathering to observe the hopeful students trying to win the favor of the phoenixes.

Tradition stated that anyone who handled sewage, waste, and dead bodies wasn’t allowed to attend the bonding ceremony, which was just my luck. After my father was sent away, I could’ve been given to any profession for apprenticeship. I could’ve gone to the carpenter and learned the craft of woodworking, or I could’ve gone to the silversmith and learned the art of fine metal work, but misfortune hounded me like a shadow. I was given to the gravekeeper, slated to dig corpse-holes until the end of time, forever exiled from the festivities.

I still intended to go. Even if it meant ignoring the traditions of the isle—something unheard of on our tiny spit of land—no one could stop me from proving myself to a phoenix. No one.

I scooped another mound of dirt and tossed it to the side.

“You look deep in thought, Volke,” my fellow corpse-hole apprentice, Illia, said. “What’re you planning?”

“I’m waiting for the trials to begin.”

“And then what?”

“You’ll see.”

Illia sat in the shade of a cypress tree, her legs crossed and her chin in both hands. Most people hated the thought of sitting on graves, since it was supposed to bring bad luck, but Illia wasn’t like most people. She leaned back on a headstone and exhaled as the ocean wind rushed by, catching her wavy brown hair and revealing the scars on the side of her face.

She held a hand over the marks, like she always did. The moment the wind died down, she pulled some of her hair around to cover her scars, hiding the old knife wounds that had taken her right eye.

I finished one half of the grave and huffed.

Illia and I lived in a tiny cottage on the edge of the cemetery, apprenticed to Ruma’s sole gravekeeper. We both held the glorious title of gravedigger. Like me, she had no family. Well, we had each other, and Gravekeeper William, but he hardly counted.

For ten years, Illia and I had considered ourselves brother and sister, and siblings always know each other’s mood. Illia displayed all the telltale signs of irritation—narrowed eye, rarely blinking, her mouth turned down in a slight frown. She hated the fact I was keeping secrets from her. If I didn’t explain myself quick, she’d exact her revenge.

“I don’t want to become the next gravekeeper,” I said as I threw a mound of dirt off to the side.

With an eyebrow sarcastically raised, Illia asked, “So you’re going to impress a phoenix and leave this place, is that it?”

“That’s right.”

“Only two phoenixes were born this year,” she said, wagging her finger. “And the schoolmaster has already picked his two favored disciples to win the right to bond. No one wants you to take a phoenix from either of those try-hards.”

“I don’t care.” I scooped out another clump of dirt, my grip on the shovel so tight it hurt. “Bonding with a phoenix is too important. Besides, no one on this isle likes me anyway. Why should I start caring about their opinions now?”

About the Author

Shami Stovall relies on her BA in History and Juris Doctorate to make her living as an author and history professor in the central valley of California. She writes in a wide range of fiction, from crime thrillers to fantasy to science-fiction. Stovall loves reading, playing video games, entertaining others with stories, and writing about herself in the third person.
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Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy – Blitz

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April 24, 2019
Koehler Books
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sixteen-year-old Bobby Ether is abducted and brought to the secluded Jade
Academy in Tibet, monks teach him and other special students how to tap into
their Anima—the universal energy that connects all living things. But the
headmistress of the academy is secretly exploiting the students, looking for
genetic triggers to create a new breed of humans with metaphysical abilities.
As his powers increase, Bobby is thrust into a cesspool of conspiracy, lies,
and betrayal. A jade amulet left by his clairvoyant grandfather may provide
answers, but what exactly is his family’s connection to this mysterious place?
Bobby master his talents in time to uncover the truth? If not, his fate—and the
fate of the entire Jade Academy—may be sealed.
for Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy:
mystery, and suspense make this scientific coming-of-age story a fascinating
read.” —
Clarion 5-star review
Ether and the Jade Academy is a thrilling action-packed adventure you never
want to end.” —
IndieReader 4.5 stars
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the Author

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Scott Boyer graduated from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley in 1996.
In 2008, he became fascinated with the idea of blending young adult fantasy
with new-age fiction and thus began his journey as a writer. While maintaining
a full-time job, he couldn’t help but envision the kind of book he wanted to
read. This exploration led to the creation of the Bobby Ether YA fantasy
series, which combines spiritual elements with ancient myths and legends to
create fun, fast-paced stories tailored for young adults but suited for
adventure lovers of all ages.
his writing, Scott likes to explore various spiritual and metaphysical themes,
including karma, serendipity, communion with nature, and the interconnectedness
of all living things. In his free time, Scott likes to play basketball and
tennis, as well as bike with his rescue dog, Patch. Over the years, Scott has
been involved with a number of volunteer youth organizations, including United
In Harmony, YMCA summer and winter camps, various basketball programs, and
in Santa Monica, California, Scott still resides in the Los Angeles area close
to his family.
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Luris: Memories of Dreams – Blitz

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YA Fantasy
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Published: January 2016
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Luris: Memories of Dreams is a full-color manga which follows the unfortunate life story of M—, a young adult suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. Due to amnesia induced by the PTSD, M— cannot remember many details from her past. What remains in her memory are fragments of dreams that must be traversed in order to piece together the reality that traumatized her. Though often strange and ambiguous, her dreams hold the keys that will empower her to face and overcome the terrible events of her past and the deepest fears of her inner self.
Luris: Memories of Dreams is suitable for teens and older.
About the Author

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Rune Marie Nielsen is an author and artist who seeks to provide a glimpse of divine eternity in her work through creative storytelling, unconventional angles, and occasional humor.


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