Tag Archives: YA Fantasy

The Boatwright TOUR

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The Boatwright cover

Book 3 of the Verduran Pentology

YA Fantasy

Date Published: October 9, 2020

Publisher: INtense Publications LLC


Dalat was Prince Regent. But he didn’t think about it because it was too far in the future. He thought about the game, beating his opponents. And not simply winning, but crushing them, completely humiliating them.But then disaster struck. His father’s entire empire collapsed. Enemies took every city. Judgement came. The kingdom was proclaimed ended by some being that seemed to be a sort of Lord, even though it was only a bird. His father was struck dumb and deaf, motionless, empty, but not dead.Well, someone had to take charge. And he, Dalat, was supposed to be the one. He determined to be king, no matter who stood between him and the crown. No matter that he knew nothing about being king. No matter that no greater crisis had ever faced the kingdom. So he grasped the crown and put it on himself. But the crown took him to another world, another life, a multitude of other lives, each one more difficult than the last. They were designed to train him, to prepare him to be the king he ought to be. But would he learn? And could it make a difference to his people?

The Boatwright tablet



From Chapter 8: The Green Corn Dance

…one dance, done with feathers, particularly interested him. The dance boss watched him, and as the dance concluded, he extended the dance stick to Sabal, meaning that he was to lead the next dance. Sabal hesitated. But when the man started to take the feathers back to the tchoc-ko thloc- ko, he gestured for him to bring them back.

He set the stick down, took some feathers, and stepped into the leader’s spot. After he had placed feathers between his fingers, he held his arms down, straight and tight against his body so that the feathers splayed down toward the ground. He closed his eyes for a moment and gave himself over to thought. That bird, he mused. He remains in my mind, though I do not know whether to love him or to hate him. But then he opened his eyes and nodded.

He knew the story of Ispri. He had heard it in his creche. He began to dance the story. He raised his arms very slowly from his sides until they formed a straight line across his shoulders from hand to hand, feather to feather. Everyone in the dance circle turned slightly and stretched out their arms similarly.

He fluttered the feathers. They fluttered their fingers. Then he moved his hands – slowly, with deliberate grace – up and down, and up and down. He arched his back and began turning his arms so that the hands made small circles in the air. The others mimicked his circles.

Then he swayed his upper torso, gently, undulating. The others followed. He continued to do so as he stepped from one foot to the other, side to side. The entire line swayed and stepped from foot to foot. Then he waved his arms more swiftly. And when they were moving very swiftly he jumped.

He broke the circle, skipping and jumping. From place to place to place he skipped and jumped. The circle became a line, following him, a line turning and crossing and undulating. And then he tumbled to his knees. All the others fell, likewise, to their knees. His arms still made circles, but smaller, more slowly. Then he settled to his haunches, arms slowing still more. All did the same. And now, he gently rolled and waved his arms, gently, gently, feathers extending from the fingers, until he pulled them in upon himself, cradling himself.

He let his face fall forward and touch the ground, rise again slightly, and then fall again, unhindered, into the dirt. All the other men set their faces in the dirt. Sabal allowed his fingers, and the feathers, to ripple slightly, and then he was still. No one moved. No one made a sound.

The fire crackled softly. A few night birds sounded in the distance. Sweat trickled down Sabal’s down-turned face and dripped to the ground with a tiny hiss. An animal called in the distance. Crickets sang. Sabal’s forehead remained in the dirt. The dancers remained still.

But then Sabal moved a feather. He moved it and was still, but it had made its scratching sound on the earth.

And then he moved another. He rippled his fingers gently, first on one hand, and then on the other. Stop. He did it again. The others began cautiously to move their fingers, to turn their faces sideways to watch.

Then Sabal pulled an arm out from underneath himself, stretched it once and put it back. Then the other. Then both at once. Now he raised his head a bit, arching his back and shoulders, then straightening them, bending back down. And then he was up again, undulating. Slowly, slowly, arms gaining speed, circles becoming larger, he rose to his feet.

Then suddenly, instantly, wildly, he waved and turned and shouted and jumped… running to the edge of the dance circle… running along the edge, jumping, waving his arms. The dance followed. They all jumped and leapt. He led a wild, shouting procession all around toward and away from the edge of the dance circle, waving and weaving, exulting and leaping. On and on.

But finally—slowing, quietening, gradually—he led them back to the center of the circle. He led them back to the center and to stillness.

After a time, Sabal took the feathers from his fingers, picked up the dance stick, raised his head briefly, nodded at the dance boss. Then he bowed his head again.

The dance boss approached Sabal and gently took the stick from the ground in front of him. At that moment everyone broke out in cheers. But Sabal wept.

Keeta led Sabal from the dance circle. As he neared its boundary, did the single rotation and bow required, and stepped out, Chono approached. She took his hand in both of hers, gathering it to herself as one does a precious thing. He said nothing because he had no words. He had shared himself in the dance. There was nothing left to say, nothing left to share.

About the Author

Growing up in Boston, and living in four countries in Europe over 25 years,
gave Dr. Saunders a desire to know and share the history that has shaped the
world we live in today. He is excited to share how similar the founding
concerns and events of our country are to what we are experiencing


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The Lost Prince Blitz

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The Gifted Ones, Book 3

YA Sci-fi, YA Fantasy

 Release Date: October 1, 2020

 Publisher: Gean Penny Books


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A call to unite. A search for truth. Two superhuman teens running from the law…

Paradise, Texas. Fourteen-year-old Carmen isn’t sure what happened to her mother; one day she’s helping cook dinner, but the next day, her mother’s missing and Carmen’s fleeing for her life. Burdened with anger that interferes with her unusual power, she takes to the streets with the only clue her mother left behind. But when she encounters a stranger picking through her belongings, she finds herself in a life or death situation. 

Seventeen-year-old Simon survived a tragedy he doesn’t remember; he doesn’t know how or why he’s on the streets. So when his physical needs overtake him, he’ll do anything to satisfy them, including scavenging a homeless den. And when he discovers a drawing on the cardboard ceiling, it sparks a memory that compels him to help the owner.

But with danger lurking in every alleyway and one clue to lead the way, they may not succeed… 

Can Carmen and Simon discover how their mutual clue connects them before her mother’s life is taken?


The Gifted Ones The Lost Prince is the exciting final book in The Gifted Ones superhero fantasy trilogy. If you like young heroes, realistic settings, and stories of adventure, then you’ll love PG Shriver’s third book The Lost Prince.


Buy The Gifted Ones The Lost Prince to unlock the superpowered ending today!


Other Books in the The Gifted Ones Trilogy:


Paradise Rising cover


Paradise Rising

The Gifted Ones, Book 1

Publisher: Gean Penny Books

Published: June 1, 2020


San Antonio, Texas. Thirteen-year-old Cheater isn’t sure how she ended up wanted for murder. Burdened with a power she doesn’t understand, that’s triggered by a creeping darkness she can’t remember, she’s both saved and taken lives. But when she makes a vigilante move to stop a mugging, she encounters a boy who might be the key to cracking the mystery of her strange gift.

Fifteen-year-old Jaz has survived too many tragedies to stay on the right side of the law. So when his small gang’s robbery gets interrupted by a teenaged fugitive, he’s perplexed by her act of heroism. And when he discovers they’re both connected to the same mysterious fairytale, he feels drawn to her quest for answers.

But with danger lurking around every corner and the police hot on their trail, they may not even make it past the city limits…

Can Cheater and Jaz discover why Fate linked them together before they land behind bars?


The Gifted Ones Paradise Rising is the captivating first book in The Gifted Ones pre-superhero fantasy series. If you like smart heroines, gritty settings, and stories of hope, then you’ll love PG Shriver’s emotional tale.




Time of Dreams cover


Time of Dreams

The Gifted Ones, Book 2

Publisher: Gean Penny Books

Published: August 1, 2020


An unusual ally. A destined dream. Two superhuman teens hiding from the law…

Godley, Texas. Fourteen-year-old Nathan isn’t sure how the girl in his dream knew to warn him. Burdened with righteous anger, and past events that put him in the wrong place at the wrong time, he’s ready to avenge the tragedies he’s left behind. But when a lost girl in the woods demands his help, he finds himself in another sticky situation— a dead body, a familiar face, and a secret that might be key to deciphering the dream.

Seventeen-year-old Rebecca survived a tragedy that’s kept her locked away in fear. So when she flees for her life and crosses paths with a guy in the woods, she uses her power to push through his anger for help. And when she discovers their connection to the same mysterious girl, she is drawn into his heroic quest for revenge.

But with a sheriff hot on their trail and two strangers breaking into their safe haven, they may not even make it out of the city…

Can Nathan and Rebecca discover why Fate drew them together before the sheriff locks them up?




The Lost Prince tablet



About the Author 

P.G. Shriver holds a Masters in Education, a Bachelors in English and is currently retired from teaching. Shriver writes from her country home in Texas. She lives with her family among three Great Pyrenees, an eighty-five pound Chihuahua, four horses, six cats and many of my favorite books from various genres, seventeen of which are her own published works, seven picture books for children, five first reader chapter books, and five middle grade-young adult novels. Somewhere in the menagerie is my retired husband who enjoys his role as sounding board.

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The Boatwright Blitz

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The Boatwright cover

Book 3 of the Verduran Pentology

YA Fantasy

Date Published: October 9, 2020

Publisher: INtense Publications LLC


In The Boatwright we learn about Steven’s father, Dalat, who becomes
known as Sabal on earth. It chronicles the events leading up to the earlier
adventures. This one starts in Verdura but goes back to 19th century
America. Many unanswered questions from the first two books find a solution
in The Boatwright.



The Boatwright paperback



From Chapter 8: The Green Corn Dance


…one dance, done with feathers, particularly interested him. The
dance boss watched him, and as the dance concluded, he extended the dance
stick to Sabal, meaning that he was to lead the next dance. Sabal hesitated.
But when the man started to take the feathers back to the tchoc-ko thloc-
ko, he gestured for him to bring them back.

He set the stick down, took some feathers, and stepped into the
leader’s spot. After he had placed feathers between his fingers, he
held his arms down, straight and tight against his body so that the feathers
splayed down toward the ground. He closed his eyes for a moment and gave
himself over to thought. That bird, he mused. He remains in my mind, though
I do not know whether to love him or to hate him. But then he opened his
eyes and nodded.

He knew the story of Ispri. He had heard it in his creche. He began to
dance the story. He raised his arms very slowly from his sides until they
formed a straight line across his shoulders from hand to hand, feather to
feather. Everyone in the dance circle turned slightly and stretched out
their arms similarly.

He fluttered the feathers. They fluttered their fingers. Then he moved his
hands – slowly, with deliberate grace – up and down, and up and
down. He arched his back and began turning his arms so that the hands made
small circles in the air. The others mimicked his circles.

Then he swayed his upper torso, gently, undulating. The others followed. He
continued to do so as he stepped from one foot to the other, side to side.
The entire line swayed and stepped from foot to foot. Then he waved his arms
more swiftly. And when they were moving very swiftly he jumped.

He broke the circle, skipping and jumping. From place to place to place he
skipped and jumped. The circle became a line, following him, a line turning
and crossing and undulating. And then he tumbled to his knees. All the
others fell, likewise, to their knees. His arms still made circles, but
smaller, more slowly. Then he settled to his haunches, arms slowing still
more. All did the same. And now, he gently rolled and waved his arms,
gently, gently, feathers extending from the fingers, until he pulled them in
upon himself, cradling himself.

He let his face fall forward and touch the ground, rise again slightly, and
then fall again, unhindered, into the dirt. All the other men set their
faces in the dirt. Sabal allowed his fingers, and the feathers, to ripple
slightly, and then he was still. No one moved. No one made a sound.

The fire crackled softly. A few night birds sounded in the distance. Sweat
trickled down Sabal’s down-turned face and dripped to the ground with
a tiny hiss. An animal called in the distance. Crickets sang. Sabal’s
forehead remained in the dirt. The dancers remained still.

But then Sabal moved a feather. He moved it and was still, but it had made
its scratching sound on the earth.

And then he moved another. He rippled his fingers gently, first on one
hand, and then on the other. Stop. He did it again. The others began
cautiously to move their fingers, to turn their faces sideways to

Then Sabal pulled an arm out from underneath himself, stretched it once and
put it back. Then the other. Then both at once. Now he raised his head a
bit, arching his back and shoulders, then straightening them, bending back
down. And then he was up again, undulating. Slowly, slowly, arms gaining
speed, circles becoming larger, he rose to his feet.

Then suddenly, instantly, wildly, he waved and turned and shouted and
jumped… running to the edge of the dance circle… running along
the edge, jumping, waving his arms. The dance followed. They all jumped and
leapt. He led a wild, shouting procession all around toward and away from
the edge of the dance circle, waving and weaving, exulting and leaping. On
and on.

But finally—slowing, quietening, gradually—he led them back to
the center of the circle. He led them back to the center and to

After a time, Sabal took the feathers from his fingers, picked up the dance
stick, raised his head briefly, nodded at the dance boss. Then he bowed his
head again.

The dance boss approached Sabal and gently took the stick from the ground
in front of him. At that moment everyone broke out in cheers. But Sabal

Keeta led Sabal from the dance circle. As he neared its boundary, did the
single rotation and bow required, and stepped out, Chono approached. She
took his hand in both of hers, gathering it to herself as one does a
precious thing. He said nothing because he had no words. He had shared
himself in the dance. There was nothing left to say, nothing left to


About the Author

Growing up in Boston, and living in four countries in Europe over 25 years,
gave Dr. Saunders a desire to know and share the history that has shaped the
world we live in today. He is excited to share how similar the founding
concerns and events of our country are to what we are experiencing


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Beyond Relatively Normal Blitz

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Beyond Relatively Normal cover

YA fantasy

Date Published: January 21, 2020

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Jack Galloway has had enough of life and is chasing a high he just can’t
seem to find. Upon meeting with a drug dealer from his school, he is given
some mysterious, bean-shaped pills that just so happen to be nothing but
beans. However, Relatively Normal beans do not grow miles and miles into the
sky overnight, drawing attention from everyone around and destroying the
very idea of reality on Earth.

Now, in order to restore his Relatively Normal world, Jack must embark on a
mission with a girl he barely knows from high school, Red Crawford, who just
so happens to be the only one he knows who has encountered a tear in the
non-magical reality they live in.

The beanstalk, too tall and too wide to climb, leads them down a rabbit
hole to the strange and nonsensical Underland, where they must go through
insane trials in order to reach the answer to their problems — the Giants,
magical creatures who live in Overland and can rid the Relatively Normal
world of that pesky beanstalk. However, the beanstalk and its effects on
reality might just be the least of their worries when they reach the dark,
mysterious Overland.



Jack sighed. “Listen. It wasn’t a coincidence that yesterday, I
decided to try some harder drugs. It wasn’t a coincidence that Shy
gave me those beans. It wasn’t a coincidence that you were the one to
find me after I passed out. It wasn’t a coincidence that we’ve
been experiencing all of this together. I know we don’t even know each
other that well, but for some weird reason, I feel like we’re in this
together. If we want to fix this, it can’t just be me. It can’t
just be you. It has to be both of us. We’re the reason the portal is
opening, and we’re the ones that have to close it.”

About the Author

Mikaela Miller has not exactly found her place in the world yet, and she’s
still trying to understand herself, so there’s not much to say. She loves
writing, memes, her friends, and her fur children. She is currently living
the small town life but has high hopes of moving to a big city to live out
her dreams one day. She loves the darker side of all fairytales and has
recently discovered a love for horror novels. This book idea came to her in
a dream, as many of her strange ideas do, and she hopes for a bright future
as she delves further into her characters’ lives. One day, she would like to
be able to rescue lots of homeless animals and be the crazy old cat lady
down the street.


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Twitter: @mikaelamauthor

Goodreads: mikaelamauthor

Instagram: @mikaelamauthor

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Temple of Eternity Blitz

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Temple of Eternity cover

Bobby Ether Series, Book 2

YA Fantasy

Release Date: September 24, 2020

Publisher: Main Street Publishing


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Deep in the rain forests of Guatemala, an ancient Mayan temple holds a
mythical secret. The legendary Fountain of Youth lies within, but not all
myths are fairy tales. The temple ruins have been seized by the Core, a
sinister cult determined to unlock the mysteries of immortality.

When their captured friends are spotted near the temple, Bobby and his
cousin Jinx must journey into the dark heart of the jungle to save them.
Harnessing their extraordinary abilities, the boys will undertake an epic
quest to fulfill a centuries-old prophecy.

Cut off from their allies, Bobby and Jinx combat supernatural barriers,
raging rivers, and deadly beasts. They’ll face savage natives,
vengeful ghosts, and ruthless mercenaries who can conjure a person’s darkest

Past and present will collide, with the power of eternity on the line. Can
Bobby fulfill the prophecy and lay the temple’s spirits to rest?



Temple of Eternity tablet


Other Books in the Bobby Ether Series:

Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy

Publisher: Koehler Books

Release Date: April 24, 2019

YA Fantasy


When sixteen-year-old Bobby Ether is abducted and brought to the secluded
Jade Academy in Tibet, monks teach him and other special students how to tap
into their Anima—the universal energy that connects all living things.
But the headmistress of the academy is secretly exploiting the students,
looking for genetic triggers to create a new breed of humans with
metaphysical abilities. As his powers increase, Bobby is thrust into a
cesspool of conspiracy, lies, and betrayal. A jade amulet left by his
clairvoyant grandfather may provide answers, but what exactly is his
family’s connection to this mysterious place?

Can Bobby master his talents in time to uncover the truth? If not, his
fate—and the fate of the entire Jade Academy—may be

Praise for Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy:


“Tragedy, mystery, and suspense make this scientific coming-of-age
story a fascinating read.” —Clarion 5-star review


“Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy is a thrilling action-packed
adventure you never want to end.” —IndieReader 4.5 stars



About the Author

Scott Boyer grew up in Santa Monica, CA and graduated from the Haas School
of Business at UC Berkeley in 1996. In 2008, he became fascinated with the
idea of blending young adult fantasy with new-age/spiritual fiction and
spent the next six years crafting his first novel, Bobby Ether and the
Academy, which won critical acclaim for blending Eastern spiritual
philosophies with a fun, fast-paced adventure style.


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