Tag Archives: YA Fantasy

Song of the Adoël Blitz


Song of the Adoël cover

YA Fantasy


Date Published: 2/22/2022

Publisher: Brimstone Fiction

The Adoël keep their past a secret, speaking only of some great sin for which they pay penance by living as servants to the royal family. The curse that haunts them, that turns their skin pale and their hair white, is a shame too deep to even speak of.

Raendel resents being told he must pay for the guilt of others. Why should he have to suffer? Their actions had nothing to do with him. Or so he thinks.

When creatures out of the darkest legends attack the king in his own castle, and the prince runs off on a suicidal quest for vengeance, the ‘sins of the past’ suddenly become a very present reality. And very personal.


Urgent shouts of “Protect the king!” echoed in Raendel’s head while flashbacks of the vision from Master Othniel’s chamber pricked his conscience. He covered his ears with his hands, but he couldn’t block out Othniel’s voice that spoke inside his own mind. We failed our master. We must never fail him again.

Raendel argued back against his conscience. What can I do? I don’t know how to fight! The king has Master Lenore and Master Deborah to protect him. I would only get in the way.

The shadow creature knocked aside nobles and soldiers alike, advancing to within a few yards of the high table. Lenore and Deborah pulled the king through a door that opened into a passage ending at the king’s chambers. He considered the advancing enemy and then the door where the king had gone. He didn’t know what he could do, but his conscience wouldn’t let him just lie there and do nothing. With one last glance at the attackers, he leaped up and ran after the king.

About the Author

Kevin King

Kevin King grew up in south Louisiana, raised on a steady diet of gumbo and fiction novels. His hobbies include Renaissance Fairs, bookstores, fencing, and daydreaming. He lives outside of Seattle with his wife, his dog Frodo, and their combined book collection.

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A Beauty of Magic: The Crystal Ball Virtual Book Tour

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A Beauty of Magic: The Crystal Ball cover

Fantasy, YA Fantasy


Date Published: November 2021

Publisher: Palmetto Publishing

In this humorous fantasy YA adventure, Ian is on a quest to find a crystal ball. He enters a magical realm, encountering fearsome creatures, and a young witch saves his life. She falls madly in love with him and brews a magical love potion. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as planned; instead, it turns Ian into a woman…with just 90 days to reverse the spell before the change becomes permanent.

Young adult readers and fans of Harry Potter are sure to enjoy this page-turning fantasy adventure.

A Beauty of Magic: The Crystal Ball tablet, paperback



In A Different Place

Guys, I never wanted this, but it just happened. 

If you think approaching magical women is a good idea, think again. If you think you have the same ladies’ man ego as I do, don’t even go there. Live your life without knowing they exist and flirt with someone natural. It’s usually a bad thing to flirt with them from my experience. They’re dangerous and fearsome. However, if you’re curious to know how I ended up with one, then keep reading these pages. But be warned. If you’re the type of guy that has the mindset as I do, be careful. Being too confident, too assertive, and too persuasively ambitious has its limits. 

My name is Ian Raphael Alvino. I am a young American teen who’s in deep trouble. Not because I am attending Samson High School and heading into my final years as a teenager, but for the way life has strangely taken me to a drastic turn. It’s bad and ter- rifying, mostly because I’m now being held against my will at this very moment. But before this strange occurrence, my life was quite normal. Thus, the list to say: I live in a decent neighborhood with two successful parents, one crazy overdramatic sister, and two stu- pid dogs. Nothing too big or too fancy happens here. Every day is the same, with many warm sunny days and cold cloudy nights. Most of my classmates would consider me as a lover, or shall I say in modern slang, a “player.” I never lose my game to persistently make a woman’s heart feel special. It’s my sole purpose in life to do so with absolute confidence. Even though I lose some, I keep pursuing as many as I can crave. 

What can I say? It’s been a gift since I was five years old. Ladies want to be loved, and I’m here to show them that love. However, love can backfire to an extreme degree… and I’ve regret- tably experienced such a thing. Not because of the modern metoo movement, or any other disturbing harassment, but because of one person that I never thought would exist. It all started with just one strange woman that I discovered in a forbidden forest. And this is no ordinary woman—she’s a witch. A gorgeous, jaw-dropping, curvy-figured, profoundly beautiful witch. She is the kind of girl that I regret pouring my affections on, even though she is quite the attractive figure to look at. From her presence, I wish I were safe in prison instead. Why you ask? Well, simply because she’s in love with me to a dangerous degree. That may sound like heaven to an average guy with no game, but it’s scary as hell for me. 

What you’re about to read is how I lost my mind in a twist of fate, and the beginning of my absolute misery of unfortunate events. But hey, it’s life. And life is always on curvy roads, never in a straight path. So, guys… as you read along, I am telling you this for your own good and safety. Be careful who you flirt with and how you approach to the ladies. Learn to respect others around and keep it honest and safe. Especially with the magical women.

About the Author

Ronald Guadamuz

Ronald Guadamuz is a fantasy author who just released his new book, A Beauty of Magic The Crystal Ball.

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The Dark Cluster Blitz


The Dark Cluster cover


The Darkling Duology, Book Two

YA Fantasy


Release Date: January 17, 2022

On a quest to unlock the secrets of her goddess-given powers, can one young woman defeat the ultimate evil?

Nalani is basking in her newfound contentment. But when her once-loathed ability surges back to life, the determined girl is convinced it holds the key to tracking down her long-lost father. So she’s horrified when her arrival on the mainland to investigate makes her the target of discontented warmongers.

Focused on pursuing the tiny clues she’s found, Nalani recruits old friends to cover dangerous new territory. Yet even as she grows closer to learning the truth, she’s terrified by its growing connection to an ominous Lord lurking high in the mountains.

Can Nalani beat back the creeping malevolence before it claims everything she loves?

The Dark Cluster is the second book in The Darkling Duology of YA fantasies. If you like authentic characters, charismatic villains, and quests driven by hope, then you’ll love Jane Shand’s tense adventure.

Other books in The Darkling Duology

The Shard cover


The Shard


The Darkling Duology, Book One

Her touch is the only cure for an all-consuming corruption. When she sets out to change her fate, will she condemn her world to despair?

Nalani is certain she’s cursed. Although everyone else claims her odd powers are a Gift from the goddess, the lonely young woman feels them cutting her off from those she loves. So when she’s called to leave her verdant island home and travel to the mainland, she seizes the journey as an opportunity to shed her unwanted magic.

Slow to surrender her innermost secrets to those who could offer help, Nalani gradually opens her heart to the new city and its fascinating denizens. But after she learns of a strange experiment with dark consequences, even her newfound allies can’t defend her against the ruthless forces she’s disturbed.

Will Nalani’s hunt for answers reunite a broken people or push her beyond salvation?

The Shard is the first book in The Darkling Duology of YA fantasies. If you like bold heroines, coming-of-age adventures, and lush worldbuilding, then you’ll love Jane Shand’s vivid escape.





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Nalani closed her eyes and gasped as the salt spray stung her face. She gripped the ship’s rail as it ploughed through the waves. The winter seas bullied the ship, so much rougher than on her last trip to and from the mainland. Luca’s warm arm snaked around her waist and pulled her into the warmth of his body. She raised her head towards him and his lips brushed her forehead. She opened her eyes as his laugh rumbled through her.

Everything tastes of salt!” he complained.

He grinned down at her, his eyes so much bluer than the sky over the grey and lurching sea.

I wish we could have waited until spring,” she said.

Luca nodded, saying nothing. He knew she could not wait any longer. The Gift wouldn’t let her. He turned away to where the mainland hid behind waves and low-lying clouds. Nalani followed his gaze. That was where she would find her father. She was sure of it. Why else would the Gift send her back to the mainland? They had destroyed the source of Darklings, back in the summer.

It has to be my father.”

Luca’s arm tightened. “We’ll find him or what happened to him.”

Nalani blinked; she hadn’t realised she had spoken aloud. “I have to find him. I have missed him so much for all these years. He is also the only other person I am aware of who has this Gift. He will help me understand it, accept it fully and learn what it is truly capable of.”

Luca’s fingers tipped her head up so that she had to look him in the eyes again. He had a tiny furrow between his brows. “I understand you need to find out what happened to him. Who wouldn’t? But I don’t think you need him to understand your Gift. You can do that yourself.”

Nalani made a sound of agreement yet didn’t speak. After she had taken back her Gift in the summer and understood that she needed it to heal the Orb and stop the spread of the dark energy, she had accepted it as part of her. She no longer thought of it as a parasite or a curse. But it remained an alien part of her. Luca couldn’t understand what it felt like to be controlled by a part of you. Her father did. He could help her; no one else could.

Nalani couldn’t help smiling as her thoughts dwelled on Luca. She had so quickly become accustomed to his presence. Her mother, her aunt and Arifi were all fond of him. She had never doubted it, yet it had been a relief to have it confirmed. It made life easier if all those you loved were on friendly terms.

Nalani invited Arifi to come with them to the mainland, as Arifi had asked to come last time, but Nalani had not allowed it. She was not entirely surprised when Arifi, somewhat regretfully, declined.

I wish to stay with Kahua. I am certain he is the one for me and I can’t leave him to have an adventure with you. Besides, I am doing really well with Ellara’s lessons. I love the silkworms and the gathering and the weaving.” She shrugged. “I like the life I have.”

Nalani had understood A pang of envy jolted through her chest. What must it be like to own your own destiny and to not be manipulated by your own Gift? Then her thoughts had turned to Luca, and she couldn’t remain envious. Her Gift had brought her together with him. It might prod her into doing its missions, but it also allowed her to help children who no one else could.

About the Author

Jane Shand

Jane Shand has always been an avid reader of fantasy and mystery and is an author of YA Fantasy.

She got hooked on fantasy after reading ‘Lord of the Rings’ at a young age and was determined to write books full of magic and adventure.

She lives in Hampshire, England with her family and two cheeky cats who would love to help her write.

She published her first novel, The Shard, in 2020 and her second, The Light Wielders came out Aug 2021. The Dark Cluster is her third novel, and she is now working on the brand-new Crystal Mages Trilogy.

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A Beauty of Magic: The Crystal Ball Blitz


A Beauty of Magic: The Crystal Ball cover

Fantasy, YA Fantasy


Date Published: November 2021

Publisher: Palmetto Publishing

In this humorous fantasy YA adventure, Ian is on a quest to find a crystal ball. He enters a magical realm, encountering fearsome creatures, and a young witch saves his life. She falls madly in love with him and brews a magical love potion. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as planned; instead, it turns Ian into a woman…with just 90 days to reverse the spell before the change becomes permanent.

Young adult readers and fans of Harry Potter are sure to enjoy this page-turning fantasy adventure.

A Beauty of Magic: The Crystal Ball tablet, phone, paperback

About the Author

Ronald Guadamuz

Ronald Guadamuz is a fantasy author who just released his new book, A Beauty of Magic The Crystal Ball.

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Melissa & Kasho Blitz


Melissa & Kasho cover

YA Fantasy, YA Paranormal


Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishers

Love across time and space – a coming-of-age story with a twist!

Set in 1959 Italy at a posh finishing school. Melissa, a shy teenage girl, feels lost in a transnational high society world that drives her to the depths of despair. But her attraction to the very human Kasho, who has snippets of philosophy to impart, eventually enables her to develop her own strengths. But Kasho doesn’t dwell physically on Earth. Melissa’s realistic story traverses class, gender, and power dynamics. She is expected to walk, or is bullied into walking, a certain path required of her class, including marrying a certain man. It’s only when she connects with Kasho, an Indigenous man whose values are in-line with hers, that she finds a kindred spirit who truly sees her. In an age of bullying and teen suicide, the resonating lesson throughout the story is “There is always a way of making your life better.”


Melissa & Kasho tablet



About the Author

Camilla Chance

Camilla Chance has always been a writer. She was born in 1940 and lived in London, where, when she was 18, her first novel was accepted by a then-large publishing company for publication. Although her father forced her to withdraw from this contract as she was still legally his “property” until she was 21, the writing bug never left her. Her family moved to Australia and she graduated in Arts from Melbourne University. When she was 22, she became a member of the Baha’i faith, and its spiritualism and acceptance have influenced her subsequent writing as well.

Camilla has had many interesting and varied occupations. She’s been a lyricist for an international performing group The Kuban Cossacks, a high school teacher, and an editor for Faber & Faber Publishers in London. Upon returning to Australia, she wrote book reviews for two prestigious Australian newspapers – The Age and The Australian. And she also married and became a mother as well.

Camilla has also been an advocate for Australia’s indigenous peoples, in part because of her Baha’i faith’s belief in unity and also because of her extraordinary 27 year friendship with Banjo Clark. Banjo Clarke’s life and teaching were the crux of her best-selling Australian book, Wisdom Man. Camilla took the highlights of her friendship with Banjo and created a book that was an instant best seller in Australia, and in its second edition won American USABookNews.com Award for best multicultural work. It also gained Honorable Mention at the London Book Festival. Camilla was also the first non-Aboriginal to receive the prestigious Unsung Hero Award from Aboriginal people for her dedicated friendship and work for them “behind the scenes.”

Melissa and Kasho,2018 and is a young adult novel set in the transition period of 1959. It’s a fantasy, love story, with a heavy dose of rock and roll, taking place in Florence Italy.

Currently, Camilla is at work on her autobiography, a companion piece to the Australian Bestselling Wisdom Man, called WARRUMYEA: THE LEFT-HANDED WOMAN

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