Tag Archives: YA Fantasy

Thelema – Blitz

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Thelema cover

YA Fantasy
Date Published:  March 2018
Publisher: Thelemic Arts
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What if you were born into a world where the gods once walked among men and women? Where you wake up every morning to find a mystical pendant around your neck and know, as everyone knows, that the gods had granted you this awesome gift, to house your will, allowing you to perform incredible feats. But what if that blessing was also a curse in that it tethered your soul to the world; and if you removed it, you would forfeit the will to live? What if your pendant was merely the missing half to someone else’s pendant? Someone whom you’ve never met, and may never meet, for the gods were selfish and cruel in keeping you apart? Everytime you gaze down at your pendant, you feel the promise of great joy and despair simultaneously as every fiber of your being is drawn to your other half – your twin flame.
If only you could summon the will of a god yourself, perhaps you’d be united.
What if this same world was inhabited by legions of monsters known as juristic persons – living, breathing corporations with wills and minds of their own? What if such creatures had rights and powers that far exceeded those of humans?
Into such a world were born Dean Maynard and Jane Stewart – Justices of the Peace who use the Thelemic arts, along with their martial prowess and knowledge of the Law, to bring about order and justice in the land of Severa. When a routine trial by jury gets turned into a trial by combat, however, the balance of power between mankind and its creations shifts, leading some to question whether the course of history will be forever changed, and humanity’s future suddenly becomes uncertain.
As everyone tries to find peace and purpose in their lives, dark and sinister forces begin to emerge from the shadows thrusting the Department of Justice into a battle for the soul of Severa and the lives of its citizenry.
Journey now into that world in this fantastical tale of love, action, intrigue, and will.
Thelema stack of books
Where could he be? Justice Jane Stewart adjusted her dorky black glasses
on her gentle face and brushed her bangs from her eyes as she reviewed
the file in her hand for a third time.
The seventeenth day of the month of the Lamb, near Samuel Forest, just
outside Fiber City, Belier. Sixth step of Rael. She looked around to see the sordid
remains of the heavily deforested region that had once been Samuel Forest. The
location was right. The presence of the adverse parties, as well as the jury,
confirmed it.
She looked at her watch. It was already half a step passed midday.
He’s late. Could he have gotten lost?
In high-profile cases such as this, a Justice of the Peace would sometimes
request the trial be held at the scene of the crime in order to help the jury
understand certain key factors about the case. Jane specifically chose this
location in order that they might see the devastation the defense’s actions had
wrought to the trees, the animals, and the land itself. She hoped they’d be moved
to side with her against the adverse party.
However, none of her careful tactics would work unless the judge arrived
soon to administer the proceedings.
And I can’t do it without you, Dean.
The advocates for the defense began whispering amongst themselves.
“Is everything set?” asked the one.
“Yes,” said the other, “It’s been arranged, just as we planned. All we have
to do is wait for the trial to finish before we make our move.”
“That may not be necessary,” said the first, in a sinister insinuation, “At
this rate, there might not even be a trial. The other judge isn’t even here yet.”
“It’s not like they need two Justices to try a case, right?”
“No, but that was the agreement and it’s at our discretion whether we
exercise our rights or not. We both know our clients are guilty as hell, so we’d
be fools not to press any advantage we can.”
“In that case, let’s hope he never shows. Then we won’t even have to get
our hands dirty. We can just stand on our right to a speedy trial, motion for
dismissal, and since he’s not here, we would enter into default judgment and
estoppel. If that happens, the Department of Justice won’t be able to try this case
again because of the provision against double jeopardy.”
“That would certainly be an embarrassment for one of Severa’s top
“Just think how disappointed she’ll be to see all her hard work wasted
because her partner couldn’t be bothered to show up on time.”
The two shady lawyers cackled and snickered amongst themselves.
“We’ll give him a few more minutes before we move to dismiss,” said the
one, “Just so we can say we were gracious and thereby avoid drawing any
suspicion to ourselves.”
Jane’s slender calloused hands began to shake with anxiety.
Come on, Dean. Where are you?
She gripped the curved hilt of the two-handed hunting saber at her side in
an effort to calm her nerves. Her heart pounded. She closed her doe brown eyes
and took a deep breath. Judge or no judge, she could not stand idly by any longer.
It was still possible to stall for time by going over preliminaries.
“I guess we’ll get started,” Jane declared, the tinge of an Ionian accent still
lingered in her voice from her days in finishing school as a child abroad.
She turned to her clerk and said, “Hanji, summon Adaiah.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Hanji replied.
The young black-haired clerk grabbed the pendant around his neck with
his left hand and drew his quillon dagger from its sheath with his right. He held
the blade out in front of him with the tip pointed down, like an ice pick. This
position would allow him to draw energy out from the weapon and, in this case,
summon Adaiah.
“Arcesso!” he shouted.
Sparks of electricity and light surrounded his short, frail body as a surge
of unseen energy traveled from the dagger, up his right arm, through his stomach,
down his left arm, into his Thelema, through his heart, along his spine, and out
the top of his head, before finally discharging into the sky.
The energy body’s meridian path, through which one’s chi flowed.
A creature the size of the blade emerged from the disc at the hilt and floated
in midair just above it. She looked like a short, slender black bear with white
tufts of fur on her elbows, knees, paws, and ears. She had a long, thin prehensile
tail that ended in a white ball of fluff, as well as a pair of velvet-covered wings.
Her name was Adaiah and she was a Notary. Every Justice had one by operation
of law, though it usually fell to the Justice’s clerk to manage them.
The Notary’s sole job was to take in everything that transpired around
them and retain it with perfect memory for later use. The testimony of a Notary
was held as self-evident, legally treated as indisputable fact; and for this reason,
they made excellent record keepers.
“Adaiah,” Jane commanded, “Begin recording.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Adaiah replied in a high-pitched, squeaky voice. Her eyes
flashed white and a pale blue glow enveloped her. From that point onward, she
would remember everything that happened to Jane and Hanji until she exited the
Hanji returned his knife to its sheath. Beyond being the indenture that
bound Adaiah’s soul to the world, it could still serve as a weapon like any other.
“Clerk, call the roll,” Jane ordered.
“Yes, ma’am,” said Hanji. He cleared his throat and turned to the restless
crowd that had gathered in the clear-cut forest to watch the trial. “Are the
advocates for Bunyan Logging and Blue Ox Shipping here?”
“Here.” They said.
“Kindly step forward and present your indentures.”
They did as they were instructed. A man in a dark suit emerged from the
crowd and held up a small statue carved to look like a beaver wielding an axe
and wearing a flannel shirt with overalls and large boots. A lawyerly woman
also emerged from the crowd and held up a similar totem that looked like a
Minotaur with a ring piercing its nose and a yoke around its neck. These were
the indentures of the juristic persons of their respective companies.
Hanji squatted down in front of them. This time, he gripped his Thelema
with his right hand and placed his left hand on the ground in front of them.
“Infero!” he shouted.
The same light as before surrounded him. A surge of energy traveled from
the ground, up his legs, along his spine, through his heart, into his Thelema, along
his right arm, through his stomach, down his left arm, out his hand, and back into
the ground before discharging. A pair of glowing red seals, about the size of
Hanji’s hand, appeared. Each seal consisted of two squares offset by forty-five
degrees so as to form an eight-pointed star and inscribed in a circle, with a smaller
circle inscribed inside both of them. Centered within each of the triangles formed
by the overlapping squares was an elegant sigil depicting one of the eight
heavenly bodies.
Having completed the seals, Hanji withdrew his hand and stood up.
“Please place your indentures into the summoning circles,” he said.
The two advocates set their totems on the ground within the seals and then
stepped back. Hanji stretched out his arm towards them.
“Ligo!” he shouted.
The seals began to glow more intensely as a wall of light rose up to
surround the statues, binding them in place.
“All set,” said Hanji.
“Good,” Jane declared.
Such formal protocols as these aren’t strictly necessary, but they at least
help me buy time.
Jane grabbed her Thelema pendant with her right hand and held out her
left hand towards the two indentures. For anyone who was right-handed, this
position would have allowed them to emit energy from their left hand; but
because Jane was left-handed, the flow of chi through her meridians was
reversed, and so it would yield the opposite effect. Thus, she used it to draw
energy out of them the way Hanji had summoned Adaiah.
“All rise!” she commanded.
Her petite warrior body lit up in a bright aura much like Hanji’s did, only
more intensely. The seals around the statuettes erupted in a flash of electricity
and light. Two towering creatures slowly emerged from the indentures. Each
measured about eight to nine meters tall. Their appearance conformed to the
likenesses of their totems – an axe-wielding beaver and a burly, blue Minotaur.
These were the juristic persons of Bunyan Logging and Blue Ox Shipping in their
living, breathing forms.
They were also the principle defendants in this case.
Jane released her pendant, letting it fall against her chest.
Now we just need to wait for Dean to show up.
As if on cue, the rumbling of an engine crescendoed like rolling thunder
as Justice Dean Maynard came riding over the hill on his motorcycle. He parked
the vehicle under a tree away from the action and walked towards the group
without any sense of urgency at all. He marched with the confident poise of a
medieval knight having just dismounted from his trusted steed. His hooded black
cloak and the bastard sword hanging from his side only served to reinforce the
image. He wore his weapon with pride, like a badge of honor, for indeed a
Justice’s sword was a badge of their authority.
A modern rendition of the classic priestly robes, the uniform of a Justice
of the Peace consisted of a simple, yet elegant frock jacket and matching pants,
both black with elaborate gold trim around the edges. The jacket was designed
so that it could be worn over a judge’s regular shirt or blouse and provided a thin
layer of padded protection. A Justice’s duties to give chase and to engage in
combat were also taken into consideration, with most choosing to wear leather
boots of some kind as opposed to dress shoes.
Slight variations in the overall attire existed between male and female, and
also between members of the same sex, depending on season, climate, and the
need for mobility, with some parts being cut longer or shorter than others, but all
falling under the same general style. The idea, in the minds of the outfit’s
designers, was that anyone could look upon a Justice of the Peace and recognize
them instantly as such. This was not merely decorative, but practical as well in
that a Justice served as a symbol of authority among the people out in the real
The uniform also came with a cloak, which had a variety of subtle features,
such as earbuds, a visor, and an inflatable pillow all sewn into the hood for long-
distance trips.
A Justice’s cloak was usually black with gold trim as well, though in more
recent times, some latitude was given to tailor its interior to the judge’s personal
preference and to help distinguish them from one another. The interior of Dean’s
cloak was a cobalt blue that matched his deep-set eyes, while Justice Stewart’s
was a deep red-violet that paired well with her long, chestnut brown hair.
Jane felt relieved to see Justice Maynard finally arrive. Her opponents
were less than thrilled.
“Sorry I’m late,” said Dean nonchalantly, “I’m afraid my clerk was
nowhere to be found this morning. We’ll just have to start without him.”
“We’ve already started, Your Honor,” Jane said curtly.
Dean sulked in disappointed. “Aw, man, really? Well, in that case …”
He grabbed his Thelema with his right hand and knelt down on the ground,
touching the earth with his left hand.
“Saepio!” he shouted.
His body lit up even more intensely than Jane’s had. A thin wall of blue
light stretched out from behind him and carved a path in an enormous arc around
him. It continued outward, encircling Jane, Hanji, the jury, the juristic persons,
their agents, and the other officers and onlookers who were present for the trial, before eventually closing in on itself. All told, it formed a giant hemispherical dome, some fifty meters in diameter around them, isolating the group from the outside world. This was Dean’s Chambers. Its purpose was to prevent interference with the trial and all Justices were given discretion on when they could invoke such a power. Once erected, however, no one and nothing could enter or leave the area without the consent of its creator.
Dean slowly stood back up and released
About the Author
Marushia Dark is a mysterious figure whose real identity is unknown.  Only to a select trusted few are privileged enough to be invited to know their secret.  Marushia can often be found on social media, writing from the shadows of a blog called “The Darkness Files.”  Marushia self-identifies as your favorite dark transhumanist and has created a number of campaigns to help bring human beings together in an otherwise divided world.  As for why they choose to remain anonymous, you can learn more at: https://www.darknessfiles.com/
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The Path of Destiny – Blitz

The Path of Destiny BANNER

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The Cremelino Prophecy, Book 1
YA Fantasy
Date Published: September 23, 2018
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2nd Edition
A Prophecy.
A Powerful Sword.
A reluctant wizard.
Darius San Williams, son of one of King Edward’s councilors, cares little for his father’s politics and vows to leave the city of Anikari to protect and bring glory to the Realm.
When a new-found and ancient magic emerges within him, he and his friends Christine and Kelln are faced with decisions that could shatter or fulfill the prophecy and the lives of all those they know.
Wizards and magic have long been looked down upon in the Realm, but Darius learns that no matter where he goes, prophecy and destiny are waiting to find him.
If you love magic, sword & Sorcery and wizards read this first book in The Cremelino Prophecy to find out what destiny awaits Darius.
Praise for The Path of Destiny:
5 Stars – “Author Mike Shelton has done a great job in creating characters that his readers will enjoy, connect with, and even care bout. His world creation abilities are second to none, and his ability to describe surroundings is so vivid and great that readers will feel as if they can simply slip through the pages and into Darius’ world. Any reader, young adult or not, who enjoys a great work of fantasy with an extremely adventurous story line should absolutely read this book. I highly recommend it, and am very much looking forward to reading the next in the series from the talented Mike Shelton as soon as possible!” – Tracy A. Fischer for Readers’ Favorite
“A fantastic young adult series that even adults can enjoy! It is fantasy series full of magic, suspense and adventure…I loved the connection of the magic, the horses and Darius and Christine. It was so exciting! Especially to watch the magic grow in Darius as he learned how to control his magic and what it needs to work. The three books are well written, played out and lead into each other very well. They are incredibly exciting and full of suspense. These are perfect books for young adults but even older adults who love fantasy.” – workingmommyjournal.ca
5 Stars: “In a combination of medieval gallantry and fairytale fantasy, Shelton weaves a delicious tale reminiscent of Robin Hood or the Knights of the Round Table. The author’s command of the English language draws the reader into a vividly described setting.” – Lisa McComb for Reader’s Favorite
“An exciting and character-rich young adult fantasy novel. Author Mike Shelton is expert at world building: both the world the characters inhabit, and their inner world as well. Darius and his friends are true-to-life characters who will keep you turning the pages. This is a fun and well-thought-out introduction to this series. Fans of a certain teenage wizard, or fantasy fiction in general, will find a lot to like here.” Self-Publishing Review
“Mr. Shelton’s debut young adult novel…is captivating.” The characters are relatable, and the reader gets lost in their plights.4 out of 4 stars. – Onlinebookclub.org
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Other Boooks in The Cremelino Prophecy Series:
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The Path Of Decisions
The Cremelino Prophecy, Book 2
2nd Edition
Release Date: October 7, 2018
Cutting betrayal.
Increasing powers.
Complicated decisions.
A wizard walks the land once again, but he struggles with how to use his power.
Darius San Williams, now the first commander of the King’s Elite Army struggles with his emerging powers.
After winning his first battle against external foes, he must decide now to follow the King or to take matters in his own hands.
Back in Anikari, Christine wrestles with how to confront oppression against her people, while in Belor, Kelln must escape the clutches of an evil wizard and warn Darius.
Mezar, the captured Gildanian quietly watches everything closely and harbors a secret of his own.
Each of their decisions will determine the fate and destiny of their friendship and their kingdom.
For more magic, wizards, betrayal, and sword & sorcery read book 2 in The Cremelino Prophecy, The Path of Decisions.
 photo The Path Of Peace Book Three_zpsl947icsd.jpg
The Path Of Peace
The Cremelino Prophecy, Book 3
2nd Edition
Release Date: October 24, 2018
A wizard King.
An Evil influence. 
Powerful new magic.
Darius DarSan Williams, now newly crowned King of the Realm, is being pushed and tested on all sides by others vying for power.
His best friend Kelln is in Mar trying to find the escaped Preacher and his daughter.
Mezar discovers a plot in Gildan that could tear the Realm apart and put Christine in danger.
All are being watched over and guided by the mysterious Cremelino horses.  They hold one final magical secret that could help Darius save those he loves and find the path of peace.
Can everyone come together in time and find a solution or will the Realm fall to a conquering foe? 
With magic and wizardry abounding, and a race against time, the conclusion to The Cremelino Prophecy will not disappoint.  Read it today!
About the Author

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Mike Shelton is now on his third young adult/teen fantasy series. For information on his new releases, book reviews, and other relevant info, please join him at www.MichaelSheltonBooks.com
Mike was born in California and has lived in multiple states from the west coast to the east coast. He cannot remember a time when he wasn’t reading a book. At school, home, on vacation, at work at lunch time, and yes even a few pages in the car (at times when he just couldn’t put that great book down). Though he has read all sorts of genres he has always been drawn to fantasy. It is his way of escaping to a simpler time filled with magic, wonders and heroics of young men and women.
Other than reading, Mike has always enjoyed the outdoors. From the beaches in Southern California to the warm waters of North Carolina. From the waterfalls in the Northwest to the Rocky Mountains in Utah. Mike has appreciated the beauty that God provides for us. He also enjoys hiking, discovering nature, playing a little basketball or volleyball, and most recently disc golf. He has a lovely wife who has always supported him, and three beautiful children who have been the center of his life.
Mike began writing stories in elementary school and moved on to larger novels in his early adult years. He has worked in corporate finance for most of his career. That, along with spending time with his wonderful family and obligations at church has made it difficult to find the time to truly dedicate to writing. In the last few years as his children have become older he has returned to doing what he truly enjoys – writing!
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Dawn of the Reaper – Blitz


Dawn of the Reaper

Dawn of the Reaper cover

YA Fantasy
Date Published: 04/03/2018
Publisher: Fire & Ice YA
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  Firestorm, a legendary creature thought lost to the ages, has returned to the land of Evernight. Following centuries of exile, the dragon plots his revenge against the kingdom that vanquished his kind. After he murders Rowan’s family to safeguard his identity, the boy is taken in by the notorious sorcerer, Archibald Scott. Showing promise in the ways of magic, the orphan becomes the eccentric magician’s apprentice and is tutored in the elusive art of wizardry. Hoping to discover his purpose in life, Rowan finds himself thrust into a perilous quest to find a legendary weapon. Accompanied by longtime companions and new allies alike, he must use all of his wits if they’re to survive the storm brewing on the horizon. But evil lurks in the shadows as a secretive assassin stalks their every move. Can Rowan unravel the mysterious riddle of his past and fulfill his destiny? Only time will tell as he races to recover the dragon slayer, an ancient sword known as the Reaper. Together they’re humanity’s only hope of defeating Firestorm and his legions!
About the Author

“Paul was born in Yorkshire, England to Irish parents. His most vivid memory as a child was travelling to Egypt and visiting the Pyramids of Giza and Tutankhamen’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. Currently he resides in Kansas City with his wife Jozia and his son Gavin. Paul graduated from medical school and plans to pursue residency training as a pathologist. He loves to travel and also enjoys ethnic food, Celtic mysticism-type music (think Enya and Clannad), and is a fervent Game of Thrones fan. Favorite books would be Tolkien’s “The Hobbit”, T.H. White’s “The Once and Future King”, R.A. Salvatore’s Dark Elf Series, Harry Potter, and George R. R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire Series.”
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Nadia’s Heart Part Hart Two – Blitz


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Nadia's Heart Part Hart Two cover

YA Fantasy, Horror
Date Published: 11/11/2017
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In Nadia’s Heart, Part One, amnesiac Nadia knew that something was wrong, so she went in search of her missing heart. What she encountered has only brought more questions: about her origins and her ties to the people of the Land of Silence. She learned that her heart was indeed removed, and that her memory was erased by an evil Voice. But why?
Now Nadia and her glowing-eyed companion, Georgeonus, must help recover the stolen hearts of the children of the Land of Silence. In Part Two, they will do battle against the evil Voice and travel to frightening places. They receive help from a powerful Witch and Wizard, and Nadia gets her heart back—but it’s not at all what she expected. Can they rescue the stolen children’s hearts in time?
From Chapter VII: The Nether Regions:
“Mabel,” said Nadia, “how did you get down here? Did Georgeonus and Holofernes make it? Are they okay?”
Mabel smiled patiently, helping Nadia to step away from the table.
“Oh, I suspect they’re fine now” was her reply.
“Come,” she said, turning. She pulled her wand from her pocket, pointed it at the cloth, and the wrap sewed itself into pants and a belted tunic.
“We cannot linger here,” Mabel warned, turning to walk briskly.
Nadia caught up to her. “Aren’t we in the canyon?”
“No, Nadia.”
“Then where are we?”
“We are in the Otherworld. We mustn’t linger!”
Nadia did not press the matter, but followed Mabel closely, striving to keep up. She had the feeling that they were neither in the underworld nor in a canyon. She remembered the ice castle constructed by the Voice. It seemed so long ago now. In that castle, when her thoughts perceived that perhaps it was not there at all, it would come into and out of view, disappearing before her. It was the same with this canyon. This time, she perceived her own illusion. When it faded, all she could see was light.
“Take my hand, Nadia!” said Mabel urgently, in a tone which alarmed her, and in a moment Nadia’s hand found Mabel’s, which clutched hers back. Mabel’s other hand came around Nadia’s waist and drew her close, and suddenly they were being sucked through some type of funnel. It was not comfortable; it felt dangerous, and there was great pressure all around penetrating Nadia’s cells.
From Chapter IV: The Silver Witch:
They remembered that her visit had been preceded by a magick dust.
The dust came from above, the air tingled, and miniscule, silver particles glistened as they fell. It was musical, and as they breathed, they smelled fresh air like new spring, and they felt an excitement of imminent magick. She appeared suddenly, and at first no one knew where she had come from or how; she was just there on the road. She came as naturally as if she had approached them from the road. But as the magick dust settled, they realized—remembered—that the Silver Witch had dropped out of the sky.
As she stood there smiling at them, they remembered that they had looked up at the sky at a circling dot which descended. As it approached, it formed the shape of a square, floating quilt. The Witch was soon revealed to be sitting on top in black garb and hat, her silvery skin thick and rubbery. With both hands placed on diagonal corners of the quilt, she jumped off and shook the fabric out like clean laundry and parachuted down to them, the tennis sneakers on her feet ready for the road. Softly she landed, snapping the quilt upward and folding it once, twice, three times, and again and again until it was a small square deposited into one of her pockets.
From Chapter III: Fighting Back:
They headed for the road, away from the castle tumbling toward them, hoping the mountain itself would hold until they could get to the bottom. But what awaited them at the bottom was a sheet of ice, and it too could crack and send them down into the frigid deep.
She had never driven a sleigh nor a team of dogs before. The pure instinct of survival now taught her. As they rounded the rough road, more slippery now as they gathered speed, their path looked grim. Giant chunks of the castle came descending down, hitting the mountain’s jagged sides and causing avalanches of huge falling debris. The children screamed, and Nadia wanted to do the same and take refuge closer in toward the mountain, but there was nothing that would shelter them. She kept focused on the dogs in front of her, thinking only of getting to the bottom. Cascading from above came another rock, and the children held onto the sleighs, terrified. Nadia tried to turn the sleigh toward the mountain to avoid it. They swerved dangerously around the edge of the road.
Something also descended from the sky. It was a black figure, but Nadia could not even think about another potential threat as the second sleigh bore down upon them, rushing behind her. They swerved back to a straight course, barely missing the rolling boulder which crashed onto the road.
About the Author

Wendy Altshuler is a writer-producer who explores myth in new media. She writes fantasy novels and creates works in stop motion animation.  Her credits include award-winning screenwriting and WGA-accredited representation. With a degree in psychology and a Master of Arts from Columbia University, Altshuler documented the work of international choreographers and wrote and produced regional programming. Her short plays have been performed at Boston Playwrights’ Theatre, at regional schools and most recently, Puppet Showplace Theatre. Altshuler’s young adult book series has been hailed as “emotionally moving, uplifting and wholesome,” and “spirited and haunting. . .with much symbolism and beauty.”
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The Book Knights – Blitz

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YA Fantasy
Date Published: July 5, 2017
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When her parents are condemned to death by Morgan Fay for the crime of reading, Arti Penderhagen becomes a fugitive. Hunted by Mordred, the sadistic police captain who recites poetry to enhance his physical strength, Arti escapes to the Isle of Avalon, a sanctuary for outlaws. There she meets an old librarian named Merl who tells her about the Grail Tome, an ancient book in Morgan Fay’s possession that can alter the course of history. Can Arti steal the book in time to save her family?
The fire crept across the floor, devouring paper and carpet, gaining momentum as it spread. A thick, black smoke filled the room, rolling over itself like a storm cloud, ravenous flames growling hungrily as they climbed. A moment later, there was another sound: a deep, drum-like thudding, barely audible above the burning tempest. A lower section of the shelf separated from the wall, and a row of hard covers slapped the floor. More books cascaded to the carpet, and a groping hand emerged.
The girl coughed violently, retching as she labored to breath amid the thickening blanket of smoke. She squeezed out from behind the book case, reaching back to pull a duffel bag from the cavity, pushing aside the dish, cup, and utensils her father had cast into the void in the rush to hide her. The bag held provisions, preparations made for a day they prayed would never come.
Making sure her vidlink was in her pocket, she lifted the hood of her sweatshirt and with eyes clenched shut, crawled across the floor, dragging the duffel bag. Scalding heat seared her throat as she gasped for air, her face and hands feeling like they were on fire. Gulping a mouthful of acrid smoke, an intense wave of nausea washed over the girl, and she fell against the wall of books. She was helpless now, certain she was going to die.
As the firestorm raged, her mind floated away from the horror. She was a young child again, sitting on her father’s lap, following his finger as it traced words on the page. She giggled and squirmed with excitement as the story unfolded, peeking ahead, eager to find out how the tale would end. Her mother leaned toward her from the adjacent chair, her smiling face awash in the light of the reading lamp. This is our secret, Arti. You can’t tell anyone. She could hear herself answer, I promise.
When the story was done, she reached across with her tiny hand and closed the book’s cover. She smiled up at her parents expectantly, waiting to say the ritual words together. And they lived happily ever after.
From somewhere in the cloud of her delirium, Arti Penderhagen heard the books on the shelves call to her, drawing her back to the present. Words echoed from their pages, guiding her hand along their bindings, showing her the way out.
About the Author

J.G. (John) McKenney is a writer and teacher. His first novel, EON’S DOOR, received the 2012 Reader Views Reviewers Choice Award, and was also a finalist for the Eric Hoffer Award.
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