Tag Archives: YA Fantasy

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides Virtual Book Tour

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides banner

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides cover

The Merblood Saga, Book 2


YA Fantasy

Date Published: 02-25-2025

Publisher: Spider Web Press




Something strange is going down in the sleepy seaside village of Madderly
Bay. Best friends Selena and Chloe are stuck in the most boring summer
ever—until food starts coming to life and running wild in the

But that’s just the beginning. Earthquakes start shaking the village,
and creepy claw marks show up, hinting at something dark stirring beneath
the waves. Only Selena and Chloe know the real story about the zombie
mermaids they faced before—and now they’re worried the threat
they thought was gone might be back.

As the tremors get worse and the water turns a scary green, the girls have
to figure out what’s awakening in the depths before it’s too
late. With their friend Zelda and her magical squid, Glowella, by their
side, they’ll risk everything to save both the human and magical
worlds from a danger that could destroy them all.

In this thrilling adventure, Selena and her friends have to face their
fears and dig up some serious secrets between the human and magical worlds.
With their village and the ocean in danger, the stakes couldn’t be
higher. Can they figure out what’s messing with the sea before
it’s too late? Or will they realize that saving their town—and
both worlds—might be way harder than they thought?

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides paperback


The icy water hit Selena like a slap, her breath catching as they dove deeper. Goosebumps raced up her arms, even with Aunt Ada’s magic buzzing through her veins like liquid adrenaline. The murky green depths pressed in on all sides, the weight of it twisting her stomach into knots.

“This darkness is totally freaking me out,” Selena muttered through chattering teeth. Her eyes strained against the gloom. ” I can’t see anything down here.”

“For real,” Chloe’s voice wavered next to her. “The ocean straight up deleted all the light.”

They rocketed forward, the current whipping past their faces. Schools of fish darted by in silver streaks. Slimy seaweed brushed against their ankles. The water pressure squeezed Selena’s chest tighter with each kick deeper.

Zelda’s face flashed through her mind – that infectious laugh, those locs floating like a crown around her head. Selena’s gut clenched thinking about her lost down here somewhere in this creepy underwater wasteland. 

“This is so freaky,” Selena muttered. “I can’t believe Zelda’s down here somewhere.”

“We’ve gotta find her,” Selena said, her voice shaky. “She’s counting on us, you know?”

Chloe grabbed Selena’s hand. It was freezing but reassuring. “We’ve totally got this. No doubt.”

“Keep your eyes open, okay?” Chloe said, squinting through the murky water.

“No way we’re giving up,” Selena whispered. “Not when Zelda needs us.”

The ocean floor dropped away beneath them into pure black. A massive cave gaped ahead, jagged rocks lining the entrance like fangs. Before they could bail, an invisible force yanked them forward – their bodies moving against their will.

“Chlo!” Panic ripped through Selena’s voice. “I can’t control my movements – something’s dragging me!” 

“Me neither!” Terror cracked through Chloe’s words. “Like being pulled by a ghost!” 

Selena met Chloe’s eyes. “Faustina,” they gasped together. 

The force hauled them closer to the cave’s maw. Selena thrashed against it, muscles burning, but the grip only tightened. Terror clawed up Selena’s spine. Her lungs squeezed tight as pitch blackness pressed in from all sides like thick ink. 

The current swept them deeper into whatever waited in the cave’s depths. Dead ahead, something moved in the dark. Something big. Selena’s heart slammed against her ribs as her mind spun with all the undersea monsters from her worst nightmares. Whatever dragged them here wasn’t finished with them yet.


About the Author

Ella English

Ella English grew up in the heart of London, where the hustle and bustle of
city life met summer adventures at her grandma’s house on the Kent
coast. Exploring tide pools and collecting seashells, she developed a love
for the ocean and a knack for creating imaginative worlds that she now
brings to life through her writing.

Now living in Baltimore, Maryland, Ella is the author of The Merblood Saga,
a dark fantasy YA series that plunges readers into a haunting underwater
realm filled with cursed mermaids, ancient magic, and buried secrets. The
first book, Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby, has been a hit with young
readers, drawing them into its mysterious and dangerous world.

Ella also writes and illustrates Kitty in the City, a whimsical series
about a singing cat named Katy who takes New York City by storm. The latest
installment, Katy in Central Park, will be released in June 2025.

When she’s not weaving dark magic or drawing cats, Ella is kept busy
by her two mischievous felines who make sure she stays entertained and
grounded. Follow her adventures (and plenty of cat cameos) on Instagram
@EllaEnglishAuthor or visit www.ellaenglish.com for more.


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Filed under Book Tour

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides Blitz

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides banner

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides cover

The Merblood Saga, Book 2


YA Fantasy

Date Published: 02-25-2025

Publisher: Spider Web Press




Something strange is going down in the sleepy seaside village of Madderly
Bay. Best friends Selena and Chloe are stuck in the most boring summer
ever—until food starts coming to life and running wild in the

But that’s just the beginning. Earthquakes start shaking the village,
and creepy claw marks show up, hinting at something dark stirring beneath
the waves. Only Selena and Chloe know the real story about the zombie
mermaids they faced before—and now they’re worried the threat
they thought was gone might be back.

As the tremors get worse and the water turns a scary green, the girls have
to figure out what’s awakening in the depths before it’s too
late. With their friend Zelda and her magical squid, Glowella, by their
side, they’ll risk everything to save both the human and magical
worlds from a danger that could destroy them all.

In this thrilling adventure, Selena and her friends have to face their
fears and dig up some serious secrets between the human and magical worlds.
With their village and the ocean in danger, the stakes couldn’t be
higher. Can they figure out what’s messing with the sea before
it’s too late? Or will they realize that saving their town—and
both worlds—might be way harder than they thought?

About the Author

Ella English

Ella English grew up in the heart of London, where the hustle and bustle of
city life met summer adventures at her grandma’s house on the Kent
coast. Exploring tide pools and collecting seashells, she developed a love
for the ocean and a knack for creating imaginative worlds that she now
brings to life through her writing.

Now living in Baltimore, Maryland, Ella is the author of The Merblood Saga,
a dark fantasy YA series that plunges readers into a haunting underwater
realm filled with cursed mermaids, ancient magic, and buried secrets. The
first book, Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby, has been a hit with young
readers, drawing them into its mysterious and dangerous world.

Ella also writes and illustrates Kitty in the City, a whimsical series
about a singing cat named Katy who takes New York City by storm. The latest
installment, Katy in Central Park, will be released in June 2025.

When she’s not weaving dark magic or drawing cats, Ella is kept busy
by her two mischievous felines who make sure she stays entertained and
grounded. Follow her adventures (and plenty of cat cameos) on Instagram
@EllaEnglishAuthor or visit www.ellaenglish.com for more.


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Filed under BOOK BLITZ

Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides Reveal


Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides cover

The Merblood Saga, Book 2


YA Fantasy

Date Published: 02-25-2025

Publisher: Spider Web Press



Just when thirteen-year-old Selena Flowers thought she was safe, strange
events plunge her seaside town into peril once more. She must dive back into
the dangerous underwater world she narrowly escaped last year to find
answers about the chaotic happenings in town.

Beneath the waves, the undead mermaid queen Faustina desperately searches
for a powerful ruby necklace while corrupting sea creatures into her zombie
army. A sinister dark force is unleashed, spreading its dark magic and
corrupting the merkingdom.

To have any hope of stopping this evil and restoring balance above and
below the waves, Selena must join forces with unlikely allies, including
Faustina herself, and embrace her connection to the underwater world.

With the fate of two realms at stake, Selena must defeat the darkness
before it consumes everything and everyone she loves.

About the Author

Ella English

Ella English grew up in the heart of London, where the hustle and bustle of
city life met summer adventures at her grandma’s house on the Kent
coast. Exploring tide pools and collecting seashells, she developed a love
for the ocean and a knack for creating imaginative worlds that she now
brings to life through her writing.

Now living in Baltimore, Maryland, Ella is the author of The Merblood Saga,
a dark fantasy YA series that plunges readers into a haunting underwater
realm filled with cursed mermaids, ancient magic, and buried secrets. The
first book, Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby, has been a hit with young
readers, drawing them into its mysterious and dangerous world.

Ella also writes and illustrates Kitty in the City, a whimsical series
about a singing cat named Katy who takes New York City by storm. The latest
installment, Katy in Central Park, will be released in June 2025.

When she’s not weaving dark magic or drawing cats, Ella is kept busy
by her two mischievous felines who make sure she stays entertained and
grounded. Follow her adventures (and plenty of cat cameos) on Instagram
@EllaEnglishAuthor or visit www.ellaenglish.com for more.


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Filed under COVER REVEAL

Heart of the Storm Virtual Book Tour

Heart of the Storm banner

Heart of the Storm cover

 Demon Storm, Book 4


YA Fantasy

Date Published: 09-13-2023

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing


photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png


More than night terrors keep Kari awake at night. Ari languishes beside
her, broken by the horrors Raven bestowed upon him.

She hopes he heals, and soon.

When a familiar presence and an unexplainable human with magic happen upon
their doorstep, Kari and Ari make a decision: leave Raziac Village in search
of answers and a new home.

But the heart eater waits for them.


Heart of the Storm tablet


Kari pushed away her steak, half-eaten. “Can this place be real?”

Rathik looked up from his turkey. “Sometimes I can’t believe it myself, and I headed the revolution.”

Ari leaned over his plate, eyes widening. “You did? How?”

“From within the town itself. I was on the guard. I hid myself, too.” Rathik looked at Kari. “My commanding officer believed I had a skin disease.”

A sudden memory pricked her attention. The day she’d run into a guard in Snow Shade—after stealing the magic book for Kiki—she’d glimpsed scales on that man’s face and forgotten all about it.

Guine snorted. “Nice.”

Rathik inclined his head. “My position enabled me to sneak demons in. I was just trying to help sickly ones at first. Eventually my name—different than the one I used as a guard—became infamous.” He laughed, shaking his head, and took a sip of ale. 

“I…I remember your name. Rathik.” Kari wracked her brain, remembering the first bolt of lightning she had called down; it had been glorious, though it also represented the first time she had felt the burning fire of the Catalyst. She’d been attacked by a demon yelling about a Rathik. 

Rathik grimaced. “I became a rallying point for many demons in the north, and it wasn’t long until the Lord Isaac was looking for me.”

Kari, nodded, recalling that, too.

“Lord Isaac became frantic, especially when a man and his wife were found dead in their homes. He ordered searches, and it wasn’t long before my friends were found out. One died, trying to protect the others.”

Kari’s throat tightened. Ari shifted so she could grab his arm. Guine glanced at them.

“It was me,” she muttered in a hoarse whisper.

“What?” Rathik asked.

“It was my fault your friend died. I…I was the one who killed those two humans.”

She’d had no choice, she’d told herself, yet that hadn’t been true. How many times had Kiki tried to convince her they could run away without leaving any bodies behind? And Kari had refused, sure that killing Anne and Joseph was the only true way to honor her parents.

If she’d listened, Kiki may have lived, and Rathik’s friend wouldn’t have died.

Rathik leaned over the table. “No. Trust me, Kari. It was only a matter of time before Lord Isaac snapped. Even Dorn, from Isaac’s council, said he was well on his way to madness without anyone’s help.”

“He’s right,” Ari said, rubbing her. “Even we’d heard some stories in Raziac. You aren’t to blame for his actions.”

Kari caught Guine’s eye, his expression indiscernible, then frowned at her plate.

Rathik nodded. “His own people saw it. Some of them helped us, guiding our peaceful speeches to fellow humans, and reconciling began. Now we have this.”

He waved his hand, gesturing at the room.

“Even though I’d heard of the revolution, I can hardly believe my eyes,” Ari said. “This place is unimaginable.”


About the Author

Valerie Storm

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love
with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was
writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape
reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the
path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a
place to call home.


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1 Comment

Filed under BOOKS

Heart of the Storm Release Blitz

Heart of the Storm cover

 Demon Storm, Book 4


YA Fantasy

Date Published: 09-13-2023

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing


photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png


More than night terrors keep Kari awake at night. Ari languishes beside
her, broken by the horrors Raven bestowed upon him.

She hopes he heals, and soon.

When a familiar presence and an unexplainable human with magic happen upon
their doorstep, Kari and Ari make a decision: leave Raziac Village in search
of answers and a new home.

But the heart eater waits for them.


About the Author

Valerie Storm

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love
with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was
writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape
reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the
path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a
place to call home.


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Filed under BOOKS