Tag Archives: YA Adventure

The Adventures of Ruby Pi and the Aviation Girls Virtual Book Tour


YA Adventure

Date Published: 12-05-2024

Publisher: Empire Studies Press




Fly along with Ruby, Sarra, Isoke and other young heroines as they take to the skies to save their families. 

Nine scenarios, nine heroines, nine lessons in flight.


Gia travels from Manhattan’s Lower East Side to the Aleutian Islands to capture one of the most mysterious warplanes of all time – the Mitsubishi A6M Zero.

Young Yi-Tai Jo falls in love with the homely, misunderstood X-1 rocket jet. Heartbroken at X’s failure to break the speed of sound, she may have a solution.

One morning, bratty Anke has a bitter spat with her sister, Romy. Yet when Romy is kidnapped, Anke is the one who can save her – using an old war-kite to glide to the villain’s tower. Can she navigate gliding through the Black Forest and save Romy?

Ship-salvager’s daughter Sarra defies a garrison to save Father from Rome’s wrath. Can her home-made balloon win the day?


“Tom’s delightful stories in The Aviation Girls span ancient ideas
about flight through the Golden Age of aviation to the Age of

— Anne Millbrooke, author of the award-winning “Aviation

The Adventures of Ruby Pi and the Aviation Girls tablet




Within all of us is a varying amount
of space lint and star dust,
the residue from our creation.
It is strongest in those of us who fly.

– K.O. Eckland

Copyright @ 2024 Tom Durwood. All rights reserved.

1.How Birds Fly

A fable about causation.
Is the Tanager right?

When feathery therapod dinosaurs launched
themselves into the air roughly 160 million years ago,
they were limited flyers, fluttering only over short distances
or in tiny bursts. But with only a few exceptions,
the more than 10,000 species of birds descended from
those dinosaurs have evolved into extraordinary flight machines …
— Samik Bhattacharya

Ayaeeewueeiioooo —
It was a Capuchin.
So much pathos showed in the baby monkey’s face, having suddenly become aware of its helplessness. She called for her mother.
The pitiful infant was stranded high in the top branches.
She was lost. Helpless. Terrified.
EEEeeiiioooooo ahuhahuahu …
The high-pitched trill came out in short bursts.
It repeated, worse this time.
The baby had tried to find and touch the pretty lights in the sky and gotten lost in the process.
Disoriented, too many trees away from home and scared, the baby Capuchin called again and again for its mother. Her distress was unbearable to hear.
A storm gathered in the mountain beyond. Raindrops plunked in the foliage. Strong winds bent the branches to and fro.
AYowwww ahuhahuhahuh WAAH!
Far below her, near the first branches up from the ground, a panther crept, silent and stalking.
He was a figure from a nightmare, a walking embodiment of death.
The Capuchin wailed pitifully.
She tried to call out her tormenter’s name, so as to more properly demand help.
“Demon!” It was the only word she could think of.
“Demon! Oh, someone save me. Mama! AAaaagghhh — ”
The baby monkey’s cries were lost in a compound sequence of crashing thunders.
The storm moved closer.
Mesmerized by the way the cat’s powerful muscles moved beneath a blue-black gleaming coat of fur, the baby monkey made no effort to hide.
The Panther’s eyes looked around. He blinked and caught some small movement in the growing storm winds.
The panther stared upward.
He locked eyes with his prey …

Birds can completely alter both the aerodynamic
characteristics that govern how air moves over their
wings and the inertial characteristics of their bodies
that determine how they tumble through the air to
complete fast maneuvers.
– Yasemin Saplakoglu

In that very same, storm-riven grove, three trees over, a pair of starlings fluttered, let their wings luff a moment, and alit adroitly on the thick oak branch.
“Go away!” shrieked the baby Capuchin in the adjoining tree crown, to its unseen hunter.
“Help! Help! Help!”
“Has anyone seen that baby monkey?” asked the younger of the two Starlings, with some urgency.
“Yes,” replied the Owl, on a branch higher than the others. “She seems to be trapped in the top of that alder.”
“AYowwww ahuhahuhahuh WAAH!” cried the Monkey, begging for mercy.
The birds were perched in a natural circle, or gathering, formed by interlocking tree limbs, partially shielded from the rain. It was a council, or informal meeting-place of birds. An amphitheatre among the sturdy branches of beeches, araucaria, nothofagus, Patagonian oak.
A parliament. A congregation of birds.
A kettle.
Thunder rumbled ominously.
This particular kettle took place in that part of the world where the Valdivian forests rule, in the shadows of the Grand Concourse, sometimes called the Andes. The kettle included a mix of local and migrating birds – two rough=hewn Gulls, a giant-sized Condor, a Scarlet Tanager (a migrator), an oddball Wren, an Owl and now the two Starlings.
“Something’s closing in on that poor thing,” added the Starling’s older sister, worriedly.
“She’s in big trouble,” echoed the Starling.
“Just a baby, sounds like,” added the Starling’s Sister.
“So what?” asked the First Gull.
“It’s nobody’s business, that’s what,” commented the Second Gull. “Baby monkeys are hunted down every day.”
The Owl fluffed her neck feathers. She tilted her neck until it made a cricking sound.
All seemed to agree, except for the Starlings and the towering, hunched-over Condor, who was busy grooming. Condors have a frill of white feathers which surround the base of the neck, and the feathers here are meticulously kept clean by the birds. This Condor was young, and not so jaded as the others. He glanced around innocently, as he groomed.
Thunder rumbled, not so far away now. Lightning flashed after four beats, meaning the storm front was closing in.
“I’m going to help her,” announced the Starling, preparing to launch —
“You can’t, Dear,” instructed the Owl from her perch (higher than the others). “You’re too small. Too light. That monkey would grip you tight and strangle you and you’d both crash.”
The Starling stopped.
“You could,” said the Starling.
She was looking at the Young Condor.
“You’re big enough.”
“Ba-wang,” said the Wren.

* * *

The Young Condor seemed surprised to be singled out in this manner.
“No, he couldn’t,” corrected the Scarlet Tanager.
“Why not?” demanded the Starling’s Sister. “He can fly. I see his kind fly, every day — ”
“He can soar but he can’t fly,” corrected the Tanager politely. “Not every bird flies the same.”
Tanagers themselves are skilled flyers, long-distance flyers, as well as songbirds. At the approach of the lightning storm, this Tanager had thought it prudent to pause on her journey northward.
“’Soar but not fly’? What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Second Gull.
“How do we fly at all?” asked Young Condor, as though it was a question that had been bothering him for some time. His voice was raspy and foreign-accented, like a Spanish songbird, but with a sore throat.

Well, not every bird flies the same.

This sudden and much larger question caught the group off-guard.
“Well, we fly because we’re chosen,” explained First Gull.
“Wrong!” cried Wren gleefully.
“We fly on the sins of the Deese Mal,” stated the Owl.” By that term, known among birds, the Owl meant to indicate all walkers – lions, turtles, snails, the entire animal kingdom, all fish in the seas. All non-birds. Every being that is unable to fly.
“The stupidity and evil of the Ten Thousand curse the universe,” the Owl continued, speaking plainly and kindly, as a teacher might. “We are the universe’s reward. The world delights in seeing us.”
“I think everyone knows that — ” commented First Gull.
Now, in the western horizon, the long, low rumbles gave way to violent thunderclaps and light displays so bright and so thorough that they illuminated the mountain ranges.
Air within the storm clouds was displaced. An imbalance in the contrasting temperatures generated low, titanic noises and bursts of electricity. Continual inversions spurred rolling peals, thunder which began in the highest peaks and picked up speed as they came down the hills and crescendoed over that deep and moody mountain body of blue water which humans of the region call Llanquihue.
The storm was almost on them.

* * *

The Panther advanced its careful climb up the staircase of slick-bark branches.
Soon …
“Faith,” replied the Starling’s Sister. “We fly because we believe we can. If we ever doubt it, we crash. Destined to crawl with the Tinamou. All the walkers.”
“That’s not true,” objected Scarlet Tanager. “That’s not how we fly.”
“Then how, Finch?” asked First Gull, ‘finch’ being a rude thing to call a tanager. “Why don’t you tell us?” challenged Second Gull.
“Really? Is everything a fight with you?” said the Starling to the Gulls.
“Pretty much,” First Gull replied.
“I saw a gannet,” declared Second Gull.
“I saw a gannet once, fly circles around a pair of sea-hawks,” he continued, “and then dive 200 feet straight down into the deep blue ocean. And swim like a penguin! And she stayed under!
“Expert flier. Swims like a fish,” added Second Gull, to clarify. “Did you ever think about that, hey?”
First Gull shivered, as though the very thought of such a thing rattled his entire belief system.
“Ba-wang!” said the Wren.

Bird in flight is a series of photographs by Eadweard Muybridge (circa 1896)

Evolution has created a far more complicated
flying device than we have ever been able to engineer.
— Samik Bhattacharya

“Can you stop saying that?” demanded the Owl of the Wren. “It’s not at all helpful. What does it even mean?”
The rainstorm had arrived, in its full force.
“The truth,” declared the Scarlet Tanager, “the truth is that our Young Condor friend can’t save that baby monkey because he can’t fly that way.”
“What way?” asked the Starling.
“The big Starling, you might have a chance,” continued the Tanager. “You can hover.”
“What do you even mean?” asked the Starling. “We can all fly …”
“Yes, but the Condor doesn’t fly in a manner that would allow him to do any good,” answered the Tanager. “Do you not realize that? Right away?
“He’s meant to flap, slow, like this, and glide, in the upper middle sky. Not hover low, among the tree crowns. You’ve seen how ponderous it — it’s the opposite of what you’d need. A wasp. A flying ant. A dragonfly. That’s more like it.”
She added a melodic trill from the Tanager songbook — of the chick-burr variety, you would recognize it — for emphasis. She repeated it. The unexpected beauty of the musical call changed the mood (slightly) in the kettle.
“We fly by Magic,” said the Owl, hoping to assert a different way of seeing things.
“No, we don’t,” said the Tanager.
“We can fly because the forward motion of our wings displaces air. That way, the upward force, the lift, can win out,” stated the Tanager. “Over the drag.
“Our bones are so light,” continued she, “that, with propulsion from our chest muscles, our wings flap, with just enough force to keep us aloft.
“That’s how we fly.”
All eyes had turned to the migrating songbird.
Finished talking for now, she groomed her wing feathers, in the front, along the edges, giving the others time to digest what she had said.
“Uh huh,” said First Gull. “Great. That’s great. And what is ‘air’?”
“Air is what surrounds us. We breathe it.” The Tanager demonstrated.
“I can’t see any ‘air,” said the Second Gull. “What does it look like?”
“It’s invisible,” answered the Tanager.
“What?” asked the Starling. “It’s what?”
“Okay,” said First Gull to the Tanager. “I get it.”
He scuffed his talons on the branch where he stood, as though he were making an effort to be patient.
“So you’ve invented an invisib — ”
“What about bumblebees?” asked Second Gull, peeved. “Have you ever seen one of those things fly? I mean, up close?”
“What about gliding?” protested the Starling, belatedly. “That’s done on stiff wings. How does ‘air’ figure into that — ?”
“That doesn’t count,” said the Owl. “That’s flying as in a ‘flying’ squirrel — ”
“Ba-wang!” said the Wren, laughing.

* * *

“Must you?” The Owl turned and displayed, and did so at full extension, talons and all – making as if to attack the Wren, who cowered. Owls are, appearances aside, among the fiercest of raptors.
“Some birds have a fantail, so they can hover,” the Scarlet Tanager said, trying harder to explain. “They can maneuver. Like a butterfly. Ever seen a godwit?”
“Have you been eating some of those fermented berries or something?” snickered First Gull, of the Tanager.
“Well, if we don’t understand how we fly, we certainly can’t help that little monkey,” replied the Tanager. “If we don’t understand how we fly, we can’t — ”
“All right, we get it!” snapped First Gull and Second Gull in unison.

Modern aircraft can’t do that.
— Christina Harvey

The baby monkey was way past panic.
The panther stepped onto the very branch where the baby Capuchin cringed, shivering with terror.
Where was the Mother?
A lightning flash caught the white fur along the front of the creature’s face.
Raw terror — beyond mere fear – now crept into the baby capuchin’s voice. It was a caterwauling tone which every living thing larger than a microbe recognizes: the banshee shriek of violent death. A succession of liquid sounds poured out of the monkey, as though emptying his body – howls, wails, hollers – begging, pleading, weeping, demanding help from any living mammal or reptile who could show some morsel of pity.
The new lightning bolt was forked. Its partnering thunder peal crashed right with it, its sound having changed from a cloth-tearing sound to a cannon-shot.
Now again, thunder and lightning struck and sounded as one.
The storm raged, bending the tree branches to and fro.
“We are alive for a reason,” stated the Starling. She clenched the branch beneath her.
She vaulted straight upward.



About the Author

Tom Durwood

Tom Durwood is a teacher, writer and editor with an interest in history.
Tom most recently taught English Composition and Empire and Literature at
Valley Forge Military College, where he won the Teacher of the Year Award
five times.

Tom’s historical fiction adventures has been promising. The stories
have won nine literary awards to date.  “A true pleasure …
the richness of the layers of Tom’s novel is compelling,” writes
Fatima Sharrafedine in her foreword to “The Illustrated
Boatman’s Daughter.” The Midwest Book Review calls that same
adventure “uniformly gripping and educational … pairing action
and adventure with social issues.” Adds Prairie Review, “A
deeply intriguing, ambitious historical fiction series.”


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The Adventures of Ruby Pi and the Aviation Girls Blitz

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The Adventures of Ruby Pi and the Aviation Girls cover

YA Adventure

Date Published: 12-05-2024

Publisher: Empire Studies Press




Fly along with Ruby, Sarra, Isoke and other young heroines as they take to the skies to save their families. 

Nine scenarios, nine heroines, nine lessons in flight.


Gia travels from Manhattan’s Lower East Side to the Aleutian Islands to capture one of the most mysterious warplanes of all time – the Mitsubishi A6M Zero.

Young Yi-Tai Jo falls in love with the homely, misunderstood X-1 rocket jet. Heartbroken at X’s failure to break the speed of sound, she may have a solution.

One morning, bratty Anke has a bitter spat with her sister, Romy. Yet when Romy is kidnapped, Anke is the one who can save her – using an old war-kite to glide to the villain’s tower. Can she navigate gliding through the Black Forest and save Romy?

Ship-salvager’s daughter Sarra defies a garrison to save Father from Rome’s wrath. Can her home-made balloon win the day?


“Tom’s delightful stories in The Aviation Girls span ancient ideas
about flight through the Golden Age of aviation to the Age of

— Anne Millbrooke, author of the award-winning “Aviation

About the Author

Tom Durwood

Tom Durwood is a teacher, writer and editor with an interest in history.
Tom most recently taught English Composition and Empire and Literature at
Valley Forge Military College, where he won the Teacher of the Year Award
five times.

Tom’s historical fiction adventures has been promising. The stories
have won nine literary awards to date.  “A true pleasure …
the richness of the layers of Tom’s novel is compelling,” writes
Fatima Sharrafedine in her foreword to “The Illustrated
Boatman’s Daughter.” The Midwest Book Review calls that same
adventure “uniformly gripping and educational … pairing action
and adventure with social issues.” Adds Prairie Review, “A
deeply intriguing, ambitious historical fiction series.”


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Between Darkness and the Light by Paul Mitchener – Blog Tour

Between Darkness and the Light cover

Between Darkness and the Light
by Paul Mitchener

Summary: A young, bored and confused teenager is thrown into an adventurous world that he believed only existed in books and dreams. Henry is destined to become the next Host Master and to lead the everlasting fight between the darkness and the light. The Wyvern, an ancient creature of mythical powers and defender of all things living, has to find a host to be able to dwell in this world. It chooses Henry. After his encounter with Bert and the odd dog Ben in the woodland, Henry s life would never be the same again: as well as finding his only true love, he s told that his mother and aunt had kept from him that they were creatures of nature and guardians of the woodland and commanded great powers. Henry has to find a way to grow up fast and find the strength to face up to both his own demons as well as those sent by the Shadow Master, a powerful sorcerer, who has the power and the aid from dark allies to destroy life and spread darkness across the world.

Information about the book
Title: Between Darkness and the Light
Author: Paul Mitchener
Release Date: 14th March 2018
Genre: YA Adventure
Publisher: Brown Dog Books
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40498514-between-darkness-and-the-light
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Between-Darkness-Light-Paul-Mitchener/dp/1785452428

Paul Mitchener

Author Information
I now live in a small picturesque village called Penton Grafton in Hampshire, which consists a large duck pond, a village green where cricket is played most Sundays during the summer and a 14th century church. Penton Grafton is about four miles away from our nearest large town of Andover. Andover is briefly mentioned in my book.
One of seven children and a son of a farmer, I spent all my childhood playing in the countryside. I was born in the same house that my parents lived in for all their married life. Unfortunately, I had very pour education. That, added to the fact that I suffer from dyslexia, meant that I didn’t just struggle with the written word all of my life, but I also had to work twice as hard as others in many aspect of life. That said, I have never allowed it to hold me back from anything I wanted to achieve. I’m now retired but before that, I was a Managing/production director of company that made armoured and stretched luxury limousines for royals and dignitaries, mainly in the Middle East. I spent the best part of fifteen years travelling the world on business and met many of the royals as well as famous celebrities. Since retiring, I took a two year full time collage course in countryside conservation which is a subject that I’m very passionate about and despite my disorder, I achieved top grades and best student of the year.
Between the Darkness and the Light is my first novel but I’m now in the process of writing a sequel, my motivation for this book comes in two parts. Firstly, to become a published author has been on my bucket list for years now. I’ve always envied anyone who could write, especially writers like Terry Brooks, who have the skill to capture a moment in time and develop such interesting strong characters, so, I needed to prove to myself that someday I could write a novel. Dyslexia can be a very debilitating condition which is often overlooked, so I wanted to prove not just to myself but to others that suffer from it, that if they really worked at it, they could do the same and nothing should hold them back from reaching their own potential. I managed to achieve more than most and much more than I had hoped; but it has been a long hard uphill battle.
Secondly, I have a passion for nature and although my book is fantasy it is set in the here and now. The message I wish to get across to my readers (especially teenagers) is that we must start caring for the world in which we live. One of the main reason for choosing a teenager as the main character was to try and take others of the same age on a journey of discovery but with a teenage prospective, his first love, his new-found passion for nature and other living beings; but more importantly, discovering himself. What makes my book important to me are the characters and the location in which my book is set. Most of my characters are a mix of people that I know or have known in the past, although the people I know are interesting characters in their own right, it was fun putting them all in a mixing pot and creating new and more interesting characters. The location is set in and around the town of Whitchurch, an area where I was born and raised, the woodland was where I used to play as a child, there’re both places I still hold very dear to my heart.
The whole story of my book is set around one teenaged character (Henry Harris). Henry a confused, lazy and often very moody young man and now having left full education he has no idea what he wants from life. I’m sure most, if not all teenaged readers can relate to him, especially his relationship with his family. Henry eventually finds himself but only with the help, support and love from those that care for him most. The only message I wish to get across to teenagers is, that they don’t have to face life’s trials alone, if they have family and friends that love them and support them there is nothing in this world that they couldn’t get through.


Tour Schedule

Between Darkness and the Light tour graphic

Monday 6th August
Muggle Books

Tuesday 7th August
An Awfully Big Adventure

Wednesday 8th August
Between the Lines

Thursday 9th August
Splashes into Books

Saturday 11th August

Sunday 12th August
Big Book Little Book

Monday 13th August
Book Junkiez

Wednesday 15th August
Donna’s Book Blog

Thursday 16th August
Bookworm for Kids

Friday 17th August
Jazzy Book Reviews

Saturday 18th August
JBronder Book Reviews

Top Five Inspirational Authors.

Terry Brook was certainly my main inspiration for writing. The Shannara series was written across a span of 8 years or more, his first book “The Sword of Shannara” was my first fantasy and I was blown away with his wonderful world of wizards and druids. Although the Shannara series was impressive and has often been unfairly called a pale imitation of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, an opinion in which I don’t agree. All authors are inspired by other writers, and often borrow ideas from other authors, in Terrys case, the Landover series was I believe inspired by the Wizard of Oz, there are certainly similarities in his discription of the landscape. However, when it comes the “Angels on fire” and “Knight of the word” This is all his own work, in this series, he takes you away from a world of wizard and elf and introducing you a post apocalypse world where children fight for survival in a world devastated by war and is now inhabited with demons. Brooks has always managed to create strong characters that are believable and easy to relate to, some characters you love and others you hate, and his storys line just drags you in. If it were not for Terry Brooks, I would never have considered writing, it’s his seer genius and his ability to create incredible characters and story lines that had inspired me. I would say without hesitation that Terry Brooks was the inspiration I needed to put pen to paper.


Trudi Canavan “Black Magician Trilogy”. Trudi is possibly the best award-winning fantasy writer to come out from down under. To me at least, all her books seem to be written at quite a fast pace, that said, they are still good light reading full of intrigue and mystery. Her storylines are extremely enjoyable, and her characters believable. The only reason I started to read her books was because it would be a few months before Terry Brooks release his next novel and I was scanning book shops to find something else to read in the meantime.  After reading “The Magicians Guild” I was spurred on to read the rest of the trilogy. The use of clever of magic is one of the most interesting aspects of her books, through the protagonist magical training, we get a peek into the process of how magic works in Canavan’s interesting but dark world. Unfortunately, when all the battles are fought, there seem to be an anti-climax, this I believe to be due to the steed of her writing. It’s possible for any writer to learn from other authors, some good points and others not so. Possibly the most important thing I learned from Trudi Caravan was to ensure I had a good and solid ending to my book. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that her writing inspired me, but certainly, she helped highlight aspects of writing that I hadn’t considered before reading her novels.


Chris Bunch “Dragon Master” Whilst Trudi Caravan and Terry Brooks write fantasy, Chris Bunch writes action!  Be ex-military himself, his tends to have incorporate a military aspect to his novels, they are tactical and very much full of action. However, like Trudi Caravan, his endings didn’t exactly build up to be as exciting as they could have been. I approached his books knowing that they would be veering away from the worlds of Landover and fairy creatures, and boy; I wasn’t disappointed, a world of war and political upheaval, where the lines between good and bad are not clearly defined. At first, I was worried that politics would overpower the whole novel; but I was swiftly proved wrong. Chris Bunch had the ability to be able to twist things about so as to keep the plots interesting, even after several books of the series. The main thing I’d taken away from his books, was not to be afraid to be different, we all have our own method of writing and regardless what others say, there is no right or wrong way, it’s what works you.


J.R.R Tolkien. Tolkiens books are the plateau and skeleton of all fantasy books. A bold statement to make’ but I’m sure most, if not all fantasy readers would agree that Tolkien has had as much influence as any when it comes to fantasy, and I truly believe that fantasy wouldn’t be as popular as it is today if were not for his genius. Although Terry Brooks “Sword of Shannara” was my first fantasy novel, I quickly went on to read the “Hobbit” and then “Lord of the Rings” but I must say, it wasn’t easy reading. If you are truly into fantasy, and you haven’t read these books, then my advice would be that you really must, because you’d no idea what you are missing out on, the films were fine and true to Tolkiens books, but the books offer so much more. From the beginning, for me at least, they were both a little difficult to understand, because I was new to fantasy it took me a while before I was comfortable with it. But once I’d really got into them, I couldn’t put them down and wanted more once I finished them. I believe that all good books leave you feeling that way, so I suppose it was this feeling of needing more that drove me on to write. Writing gives me the freedom to experiment with different worlds and characters, and I’d say its help fill that little space in me that yawns for adventure.


Terry Pratchett. Terrys works of science-fantasy Discworld novels are some of the best-selling works in English fiction around the world. Sadly, this mad-cap genius died in 2015 but sold more than 85 million books worldwide, and like his book he was full of wit and wisdom. His writing is inspiring, Terry Pratchett never held back in his writing and allowed his imagination to run away with itself, as a result he produced works of pure genius. As an author, it’s easy to question ones own method of writing, if it’s taught me anything from reading his novel, it’s not to be afraid to allow your own imagination to run away with itself, no matter how strange or wacky it is. I can’t help but wonder what must have gone on inside that brilliant mind of his, but whatever it was, sadly, it’s lost to us now. To me, Terry Pratchett’s wasn’t just inspiring, but I feel he introduced a fresh and unencumbered approach to writing and has left a lasting legacy to all writers.




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