Tag Archives: True Crime

My Illusion of Normal Virtual Book Tour

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The Peculiar Case of Jean Stevens

Inspirational, Spiritual, True Crime

Date Published: March 21, 2024

Publisher: Mindstir Media



As a retired death investigator, I have discovered throughout my career
that what I once interpreted as normalcy was grossly misunderstood. I have
learned that lifestyles greatly vary from individual to individual,
situation to situation, and ideology to ideology. A “normal
situation” and “normal behavior” are relative to any given
individual in any given environment. The inevitability of death is highly
overwhelming. There are some who fear death. But, little do they know, fear
has nothing to do with death, for it is death that fears nothing. At the
core of the fear of death is the fear of destruction, which refers to the
extinction of mind, spirit, soul, and the destruction of the body- that is

This book is the true story and behind-the-scene look into the case of Jean
Stevens. A case that would change my life, both professionally and
personally, forever. Together, Jean and I learned from each other. This case
is particularly of interest since it caters to the topic of death and life
and how loneliness brings havoc in our normally functioning life. Since
death separates one being from the other, the feeling of never meeting the
one that is gone is excruciating. This permanent separation can drive people
to do things they wouldn’t usually consider doing. How far would you go to
remain with the ones you love? You will learn how far an elderly woman went
to remain with hers.


My Illusion of Normal tablet



My name is Tom Carman. I am a retired medicolegal death investigator. I am now a born-again Christian who dedicates my life to serving our Lord. This book is the result of over 20 years of experience in the field of medicolegal death investigation. Being directly involved with over 2,000 death investigations, I have had the opportunity to work with many agencies, including county, state, and federal. I have also had the opportunity to meet many families, see the lifestyle, and hear the ideology of hundreds.

I have been deemed an expert in the field of death investigation by the Court of Common Pleas, but else wise, I am a simple man with a love for Christ and a desire to bring others to the Lord by offering hope and lived experience. 

It would be within a short period of time that I would come to the realization that people are as unique as many of the cases themselves. This uniqueness often brings light to a very dark scenario. This light brings about explanation, family reunion, and at most times, understanding. Most times meaning that things are not always completely understood. In fact, both families and investigators are occasionally left with an absence of reason and understanding. It is not death we mourn, but the reasoning behind it.

In those respective cases where there is discovery of understanding and etiology, I’m reminded of Matthew 4:16, “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” 

From scripture, Isaiah speaks in a prophetic style. A simple synopsis in a place of the overspreading of spiritual darkness both knowledge and holiness came about them from understanding the principles of Christ. Likewise, with death (darkness), understanding can come about when we possess an open mind and systematically approach each investigation. On the other hand, the inevitability of death is highly overwhelming. Some people in their old age fear death. But, little do they know, fear has nothing to do with death, for it is death that fears nothing. People fear the process of death rather than death itself. As a result, there’s a potential for them to experience the terror of death consciously. At the core of the fear of death is the fear of destruction, which refers to the extinction of mind, spirit, and soul and the destruction of the body- that is nonexistent.

I have discovered throughout my career that what I once interpreted as normalcy was grossly misunderstood. I have learned that lifestyles greatly vary from individual to individual, situation to situation, and ideology to ideology. A “normal situation” and “normal behavior” are relative to any given individual in any given environment. With an open, non-judgmental mind, and a desire to seek facts, the truth will prevail regardless of societal or cultural norms and/or personal beliefs. 

The compilation of case notes described within this book will illustrate human action, emotion, and ideology of what these decedents considered to be normal. Perhaps most arguably, normal is no more than fallacy. In no way are any of these cases mentioned intended to be judgmental, disrespectful, or a form of embarrassment to the decedent, family members, friends, or associates. As you read these stories, it is crucial to remember Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” 

For the exception of Jean Stevens and related investigative information pertaining to this case, all other cases mentioned within this book have been changed for the protection of both the dead and the living. These changes include names, locations and dates. The names and locations used in these cases are purely fictitious and in no uncertain terms represent the factual identity of the person, actual date, or town in which these incidents occurred. 

This book does however contain a factual, behind-the-scene look into the case of Jean Stevens. A case that would change my life, both professionally and personally, forever. Together, Jean and I learned from each other. It is with expressed consent and expectation by Jean that her story be told. This case is particularly of interest since it caters to the topic of death and life and how loneliness brings havoc in our normally functioning life. Social isolation can drive people to do things they wouldn’t usually consider doing. Humans are conflicted about their mortality and that of their kin and friends. Regardless of how a person has lived, they’re bound to fall on their knees when they experience abandonment and social seclusion. The denial of death is an essential factor in knowing how and why relationships with other social beings are fundamentally exploitative and harmful. Since death separates one being from the other, the feeling of never meeting the one that is gone is excruciating. Separation drives a person crazy and instills a pursuit of meeting the ones that are gone. Norman Cousins says, “Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.” Since humans live their lives socializing and networking, the loss of special moments upon someone’s death makes them feel aloof and heartbroken. Reminiscence of priceless memories shared with the deceased leaves an unfillable void in one’s heart. 

Monophobia, which refers to the fear of being lonely at some point in time in the future also triggers feelings of loneliness and goes to the extent of mania. Such feelings are commonly seen within old age groups since they consider that being old jeopardizes their identity and personality. They are of the view that age-related illnesses, loss of network of friends, difficulty communicating, and death of a spouse or a loved one may make them weak, stubborn, and worse – alone. Their intuition tells them that they are no longer helpful to society and thus feel trapped in destructive thoughts involving death and isolation.

I have

learned that lifestyles greatly vary from individual to individual,

situation to situation, and ideology to ideology.

About the Author

Tom Carman is an American author who currently resides in Pennsylvania. As
a retired Medicolegal Death Investigator, he has investigated over 2,000
deaths. Additionally, he has served as a consultant on several other cases.
Tom has had the opportunity to get first-hand behind the scene knowledge of
both scenes and people. Tom believes in love, grace, forgiveness, and hope.
As a non-judgmental, now walking in Spirit man, he shares his personal
journey with many. For many years Tom lived in flesh and is very familiar
with sin, hardship, and knows the difficulties of starting over and
accepting death. Having been formerly incarcerated, Tom now dedicates his
life to serving the underdogs of the world by delivering hope. He believes
wholeheartedly that anyone can receive this hope and begin a new journey
leaving their past behind.

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The Berman Murders Blitz

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Unraveling the Mojave Desert’s Most Mysterious Unsolved Crime


True Crime

Date Published: March 5th 2024

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield



At daybreak on January 6, 1986, a couple on a camping trip in the Mojave
Desert set out for a stroll and never returned. The local sheriff’s
office eventually discovered that Barry and Louise Berman had been murdered.
As years passed and the double homicide remained unsolved, the Berman case
spawned speculation and conjecture. Despite extensive investigation by local
and federal authorities, to date there’s never been an arrest made in
the case – let alone a conviction. But this doesn’t mean the
crime is unsolvable.

After years of investigation, research, and interviews, Kari was able to
link the Berman murders to a Cambodian sex crimes and trafficking case
involving a former Marine. This is the first book to tell the full story of
the Berman murders and uncover the likely suspect.

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Finding the Zodiac Killer Virtual Book Tour

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True Crime,  Serial Killers True Accounts ,  Crime & Criminal

Date Published:  October 1, 2023


In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a serial killer, who called himself the
ZODIAC, terrorized Northern California with cold-blooded murders and a
series of taunting ciphers and letters. His first set of three ciphers,
considered at the time to be one, were sent to three newspapers in 1969.
They were cracked by a couple within a week. On July 11, 2021, David Daniel
read, where the Zodiac had stated in a letter, that the three ciphers
contained his identity, but the couple and the authorities claimed that it
wasn’t there. David believed that the authorities had said the ciphers
didn’t reveal the Zodiac’s identity for one reason—they
couldn’t find it. He knew it was there and he knew that he would find
it. He looked at the first of the three ciphers—the one that the
Zodiac had sent to the Vallejo Times Herald. Within three to seven seconds,
he knew he had solved the nation’s most notorious unsolved murder
case. David studied the cipher further and looked at other ciphers that the
killer had sent. One by one he cracked the ciphers and completely solved
another. Within two minutes he had absolutely confirmed the secret identity
of the ZODIAC killer multiple times. Law enforcement and cryptographers have
been searching for his identity for over 50 years. Finally, the search is
over. He has been found!

Finding the Zodiac Killer tablet





This book tells the story of the murders committed by the Zodiac Killer, his taunting of the police, press, and public, the 50-year search for his identity and, finally, the story of how I uncovered his identity. 

It begins with a prologue—a story of some very strange encounters that I have had. They include my encounters with serial killers. I have met three. That is three more than most people have ever met and three more than most people would ever want to meet. You might say I was in the wrong place at the right time. 

And I have met three people who have had encounters with serial killers. One of these encounters was safe enough, but the other two people I have met have had close ones. They were definitely in the wrong place—but at the right time. In both of these cases, they are very lucky to have survived. 

On top of all this, I was there when law enforcement came to question an employee that resembled the 1985 sketch of a serial killer called the Night Stalker. Elsewhere, a friend’s father painted their house out of fear that the color was too similar to houses invaded by the Night Stalker. 

I have also made intelligent, educated guesses about serial killers. One was regarding the Hillside Stranglers being two men instead of one. Years later, I made an educated guess on the whereabouts of the Grim Sleeper’s residence. I told people the Grim Sleeper lived near the corner of 81st and Western. He did. 

And I found the codes and clues that reveal the secret identity of Red John—a serial killer on the TV series The Mentalist. That is the subject of one of my books—The Mentalist Code and the Search for Red John

Solving the identity of a fictional serial killer after just the first two episodes of The Mentalist was a lot of fun, as was continuing to watch for and follow up on codes and clues for several years throughout the series until the big reveal. 

But solving the identity of a real serial killer has been a very different journey. It has meant reading about the horrific murders of real people and reading about the real taunts of the real public, the real police, and the real press by an authentic—not fictional—narcissistic psychopath. A monster with no regard for human life.

About the Author

Let me tell you a little about myself. In the 1970s, I predicted that the
serial killer called the Hillside Strangler were two people (not one) and
that they were stepbrothers or step cousins. I was right. I predicted that
another serial killer, the Grim Sleeper, lived near 81st and Western in Los
Angeles. When they found him, he lived three houses down from the corner of
81st and Western.

When the TV series The Mentalist came out in 2008, I deciphered codes,
unscrambled anagrams, and solved multiple clues and I knew the secret
identity of Red John—the fictitious serial killer on the
series—after the first two episodes. I have written a book about my
discoveries called The Mentalist Code and the Search for Red John.

Now I have cracked the ciphers and clues sent by the real serial
killer—The Zodiac—who terrorized Northern California in the late
1960s and early 1970s. Cryptologists, law enforcement and other have been
seeking his identity for over 50 years.

My book—The Code: The Secret Code Hidden in the English
Language—which details my amazing discovery of a secret code hidden in
the English language is too shocking to believe—will be coming out
within weeks.


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UNJUST: Precipitant of Greed Virtual Book Tour

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True Crime

Date Published: January 23, 2022

Publisher: Palmetto Publishing


It is time that “We the People” act and return our country to its
righteous path.

Unjust is just one example of how injustice goes unchecked. Ultimately,
there will be very few winners and an entire nation that loses.

Unjust starts with a case in Oklahoma and discusses how the case in
Oklahoma is much larger than just Oklahoma and includes the entire United


UNJUST: Precipitant of Greed tablet



Black is the chapter number and name.  Blue is either a quote or strong statement in the book or both.

Chapter I “And I’m Waiting on the Reaper”      Kymberly Matthews’ fathers request in her obituary.

Chapter II The Breaking Game “Yeah, I have no doubt and none of this surprises me.”

Chapter III The United States Attorney General is Called to Action “… if you feel you still have a valid complaint, please contact your local FBI.”  Part of the documented complaint was about the local FBI.

Chapter IV The Goal Posts are no Longer Moving, They’re Gone  “If you want to commit a murder in this state do it in Beckham County Oklahoma.

Chapter V Dear Sweet Aunt (DSA) Andrea has the Cart before the Horse “Follow the Money”

Chapter VI Apparently BancFirst is hiding something, Else! Stress will do strange things to one, “May even cause one to take up drinking?”

Chapter VII The Golden Gin, on Steroids or is it Life Support?  Or is it, “I’m my own Grand Pa”

Chapter VIII Chris Poindexter Goes to Court, Again!

Chapter IX Judge Weedon fills the charge, or is it her pocketbook “…a restraining order against Mr. Poindexter from going on his own property.”  When he complied, he was held in contempt for doing as ordered.

Chapter X The Banks Converge The Wedding rings have been purchased and we are on our way to the Alter!”  The Mob’s plan was for many, a quick walk to the alter, jump into bed, screw this guy, (metaphorically) and out the door with the purse.

Chapter XI The Grand Bank Collapse Scheme, Courtesy of the FDIC 

Chapter XII Leave a Message, The State Supreme Court is Busy!

Chapter XIII Storms Roll In  Its amazing how arrest records disappear if you are part of the Mob in Oklahoma.  Note Alan Dale Beck, Commercial Drivers license and the DUI’s just vanish.

Chapter XIV Who and Why?  Wasn’t it Mr. Gentry who made up the Will for Robert Dean Newberry that he is now inquiring about?

Chapter XV The FAA Joins the Fight  “The Regulations Do Not Apply to us.”

Chapter XVI The Deadly Elk Hunt  At the time the U.S. Army issued a Criminal Alert Notice (CAN) on the Reverend, Dr. Larry James Wright, Why did the U.S. DOJ refuse to take any action against him and even had a Federal Judge cover for him?

Chapter XVII “You Can’t Win, Do You Understand Me, You Can’t Win!”  

“It’s not the size of the man in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the man.” 

Chapter XVIII The Co-op Collapse Calamity  

“This Really makes your mind ask, Why!”

Chapter XIX Friends Suing Friends, How Does this work?

“Note that the Insurance commissioner of Oklahoma in 2008 ordered the Reverend, Dr. Larry James Wright (The Underwriters Group)to cease and desist in selling his wares in the state.”

Chapter XX When You’re Warm and Happy in a Pile of …,


Chapter XXI               The Kiowa Nation Goes to War, Against Itself 

“It has come to my attention that the legislators are communicating with employees concerning Tribal Business.  You are hereby directed to cease all communication.  All Tribal business and questions will be cleared through me.”

Chapter XXII             Chairman Komalty of the Kiowa buys the Medical Clinic?  “I have Already Bought the Clinic.” 

Chapter XXIII The Busy Bee is Busted

Chapter XXIV It’s Like Stealing Candy from a Baby, Oh, Wait!

Chapter XXV Those kids need to stop showing their sheep.”  

Chapter XXVI OSU Foundation’s Criminal Side

Chapter XXVII Forget the First Amendment 

“Regardless of what this jury finds, I can throw you in Jail.” Stephens County Oklahoma District Judge G.Brent Russel.

Chapter XXVIII TNT, Why and How

“Trinitrotuluene, The Nerd Theory, Till Next Time?”

Chapter XXIX The Common Man

“Whistle Blower Retribution act?”


“Black Robe Fever”

Chapter XXXI The Standridge Insurance Empire of Arkansas 

“Below is a sample of the Reverend, Dr. Larry James Wrights Customers”  You the taxpayer are paying for.

Chapter XXXII Bankers, Lawyers, Tribes and the Foundation

“The District Attorney, John Wampler refused to issue the warrants!”

Chapter XXXIII Fort Cobb Reservoir and How this All Started

“Next, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Loan guarantee wrap would back the project, …”

Chapter XXXIV The Rest of the Story

“She was never bullied again until later in life and we all know how that turned out.”


About the Author

Lee McGarr is a retired pilot with Degrees in Electrical Engineering and

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UNJUST: Precipitant of Greed Blitz

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UNJUST: Precipitant of Greed cover

True Crime

Date Published: January 23, 2022

Publisher: Palmetto Publishing


It is time that “We the People” act and return our country to its
righteous path.

Unjust is just one example of how injustice goes unchecked. Ultimately,
there will be very few winners and an entire nation that loses.

Unjust starts with a case in Oklahoma and discusses how the case in
Oklahoma is much larger than just Oklahoma and includes the entire United



About the Author

Lee McGarr is a retired pilot with Degrees in Electrical Engineering and

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