Self Help, Spiritual Inspiration
Date Published: 06-12-2024
Truths beautifully expressed
Toby Negus, author and illustrator of The heart knows what the mind cannot
see, has created a collection of lyrical inspirational prose messages
coupled with colorful and mesmerizing symbolic illustrations that speak to
the soul.
The author has continued his exploration of the most transformational
psychospiritual concepts that lie deeply within all humans, bringing the
wisdom of heart and soul into the light for our minds to connect with and
grow from. He weaves his messages through a variety of topics, including
love, freedom, choice, truth, self-awareness, the now moment, healing,
peace, and most importantly, the role of the heart and soul in enlightening
humanity’s journey on Planet Earth. Connections are made among these
concepts to help readers make the same connections in order to find peace in
their own lives.
As an artist, the author takes his ethereal subject matter, fuses it with
the colors and shapes presented by his own spiritual muse, and gives the
reader a visceral inner transformation through symbol, intense color, and
cosmic shape.
Heart and Soul creates a deep and beautiful immersion for the reader into
their own heart’s beautiful depths.
What’s love got to do with it?

Without love, hope has no home, courage no direction, and fortitude no purpose. It is why we dance and why we give. It brings meaning to life; for without love there is no colour, no passion, and no joy.
Its presence can sustain us through the darkest hours and the wildest storms. It calms the troubled mind and mends the broken heart.
Our love gives us strength for a leap of faith, a trust in life, a wish for tomorrow, and a living of the day. It is why we will always try again, to lift ourselves up and be what we love. And when we do this, when we renew ourselves with some act of love, we are as Creation, and Creation lives because of it.
What’s love got to do with it?
Love is why we live.
When we love
To love is in our very nature; we become a distraught apparition of life without its presence.
But when we love the heavens open. And the deeper we love, the deeper the peace.
There is no end to the depths that can be sought. There is no limitation to what may be when we love.
Love has been the saving grace of humanity and is the source of so much of the world’s greatness, for all the beauty in the world has been born from the idea of love. Its presence has inspired great leaders, holy people, artists, and writers to create the lights that have guided our journey on Earth.
And we, in our own way, have a part in this great endeavour.
In our effort to give expression to the love we carry, the power of light we create from our struggle and our joy is never lost, for no light is ever forgotten. It is cherished by Creation and becomes part of its eternal story.
What we love is no coincidence, those loves are urges from the soul that give guidance to our path in life.
The wishes of love that are held in the heart are not fairy tales for the lonely. They are gifts from the soul, echoes of the soul’s longing for communion with life.
Our loves guide us to moments of deep nourishment where we may rest in the comfort of our own sanctuary.
These great loves are not like the shallow love of convenience that puts to sleep our passion, but they are like the love that ignites our vision and unlocks our authentic power of action.
They are bridges that take us beyond the mundane into the great unknown: adventures with our future self that will always bring happiness.
This call of love will not be satiated. We may try to quench its thirst with ‘things’ or put it to sleep with indulgence but, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, we will still hold a wish of love.
If we do not love we become a ghost in life, a life with no heart. So, the search for the love of our heart is our sacred purpose. It is a unique portion of Creation that is ours alone to make known, for there can be no comparison, no reference outside of us for its key. Our wish to love is the only key.
It is in the endeavour to bring love into the light of day, to give it space on earth, that has created so many of the heroic qualities of the human spirit, lights that although born from ourselves and intimately personal, are also profound.
They augment the fabric of human consciousness and become part of the thousands of years that have created the story of humanitiy’s journey on Earth.
A timeless love
There exists within ourselves a beloved song that is hidden beneath our anxiety and beyond the scope of our fragile mind.
It was born from a timeless world of love and carries the memories of the infinite and the dreams of forever.
Its presence is known by the heartfelt loves we have in life and the longing for the intimacy of beauty; moments of communion when we slip into the magic of life and re-join the company of our beloved self.
This us of us that we love is simple, uncluttered by derision or doubt. It is the innocence of ourselves, a wise innocence that loves more than it fears. Its feeling of love and sense of beauty exist on the edge of our perception; the place of our lost dreams that calls us to a distant land that is held deep within the soul of ourselves.
This is the greater story we carry on Earth.
Its truth can only be known by ourselves and it is only we who can give it the light of day, for we will always be the author of what will be.
Conversation with the heart
The heart does not say hurt another, nor will it say take without giving.
It cannot say you are alone for it knows this not to be true.
It will never ask you to say ‘I am unworthy’ but may ask you to say ‘I am sorry’ and ‘I love you’.
It has no interest in who you think you are, only wishes for you to know who you love to be.
It does not care what you have or have not done, it is only interested in the moment you are in now.
It will never ask of you what you cannot be, only that you be what you love to be.
Its wish of love will never leave you and so will always call upon you to seek its gift and make some space for your love to be present.
It will only ask you to cherish life, all life.
About the Author

Toby Negus is an artist, both with paints and of the spirit. His work
reflects a deep commitment to meeting life on its terms and an equally deep
understanding of human nature.
Toby has studied and taught spiritual and personal development in the UK
and around the world for over two decades. He is qualified in advanced
counselling, as a life coach and as a Cognitive Behaviour therapist. He is
an Amazon best-selling author of a collaborative Conscious Creators book and
has illustrated and self published two books on the subject of
self-awareness and the spiritual journey. He has articles published in
national magazine and has given talks and run workshops in support of his
published work within the UK.
In the last few years, he has created many pieces of artwork that are a
reflection of his spiritual journey. These have appeared in magazines and
have been exhibited in the UK.
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