Tag Archives: Nonfiction / Leadership

Doing Good and Doing Well Virtual Book Tour

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Doing Good and Doing Well cover

Nonfiction / Leadership

Date Published: 12/24/23





This book is the product of a 30-year career (and counting!) focused on
doing good in the world, spent on trying to improve the quality of life of
self and others, and dedicated to fulfilling the needs of those most in

In it, Michael shares his personal experiences with organizational
leadership and his insights on what makes a good leader in the helping
professions, incorporating anecdotes, case studies, and current cultural
profiles to illustrate his points and arguments.

Though not a memoir, each chapter of this narrated guidebook reflects the
author’s viewpoints on the essential and extolled roles helpers hold
in the workplace and why their particular contributions and talents have
never been needed more and should be valued like never before.

People who do good in the world can also do well—more than that, they
deserve to do well on the basis of their altruism and commitment. If
you’re looking to advance your helping professional career while
simultaneously advancing the human condition for the people you serve and
for society at large, you’ll find much in these pages that speaks to
you … and hopefully inspires you to make even more of a difference
than you already are.

Doing Good and Doing Well tablet

About the Author

Michael L. Kaufman

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Filed under Book Tour

Doing Good and Doing Well Blitz

Doing Good and Doing Well banner


Doing Good and Doing Well cover

Nonfiction / Leadership

Date Published: 12/24/23





This book is the product of a 30-year career (and counting!) focused on
doing good in the world, spent on trying to improve the quality of life of
self and others, and dedicated to fulfilling the needs of those most in

In it, Michael shares his personal experiences with organizational
leadership and his insights on what makes a good leader in the helping
professions, incorporating anecdotes, case studies, and current cultural
profiles to illustrate his points and arguments.

Though not a memoir, each chapter of this narrated guidebook reflects the
author’s viewpoints on the essential and extolled roles helpers hold
in the workplace and why their particular contributions and talents have
never been needed more and should be valued like never before.

People who do good in the world can also do well—more than that, they
deserve to do well on the basis of their altruism and commitment. If
you’re looking to advance your helping professional career while
simultaneously advancing the human condition for the people you serve and
for society at large, you’ll find much in these pages that speaks to
you … and hopefully inspires you to make even more of a difference
than you already are.

About the Author

Michael L. Kaufman

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RABT Book Tours & PR

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Filed under BOOK BLITZ

Lead Like a PRO, Inspire Like a Leader Virtual Book Tour

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Lead Like a PRO, Inspire Like a Leader cover

Nonfiction / Leadership



In the dynamic and demanding field of healthcare, effective leadership is
paramount. “Lead Like A PRO, Inspire Like A LEADER: 6 Core Pillars For
Healthcare Leaders” by Dr. Michael Rivera is not your typical
leadership read; it is a practical guide rooted in real-world experience,
specifically tailored for leaders in the healthcare industry. Rather than
delving into abstract mindsets, Dr. Rivera offers tangible advice drawn from
years of firsthand experience.

Structured around a framework of six essential pillars, this book outlines
the core principles crucial for success in healthcare leadership. These
pillars are not arbitrary; they have been carefully chosen because without
them, achieving success in healthcare becomes an uphill battle.

One of the main challenges healthcare leaders face is the constant barrage
of distractions and pressing issues. It’s easy to get caught up in
firefighting mode, losing sight of the foundational aspects that ensure
smooth operations on a day-to-day basis. Too often, leaders fixate on a few
major issues while neglecting others, resulting in overall

Lead Like a PRO, Inspire Like a Leader tablet


‘By cutting through the noise and providing a clear roadmap for success, leaders can elevate their game, inspire their team, and foster a culture of excellence’ p.13

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Filed under Book Tour

Lead Like a Pro, Inspire Like a Leader Blitz

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Lead Like a Pro, Inspire Like a Leader cover

Nonfiction / Leadership



In the dynamic and demanding field of healthcare, effective leadership is
paramount. “Lead Like A PRO, Inspire Like A LEADER: 6 Core Pillars For
Healthcare Leaders” by Dr. Michael Rivera is not your typical
leadership read; it is a practical guide rooted in real-world experience,
specifically tailored for leaders in the healthcare industry. Rather than
delving into abstract mindsets, Dr. Rivera offers tangible advice drawn from
years of firsthand experience.

Structured around a framework of six essential pillars, this book outlines
the core principles crucial for success in healthcare leadership. These
pillars are not arbitrary; they have been carefully chosen because without
them, achieving success in healthcare becomes an uphill battle.

One of the main challenges healthcare leaders face is the constant barrage
of distractions and pressing issues. It’s easy to get caught up in
firefighting mode, losing sight of the foundational aspects that ensure
smooth operations on a day-to-day basis. Too often, leaders fixate on a few
major issues while neglecting others, resulting in overall

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