Tag Archives: I’ll See It When I Believe It

I’ll See It When I Believe It Virtual Book Tour

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I'll See It When I Believe It cover

A Path To Ascension


Date Published: July 8, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



What is it that you believe in?

Are your beliefs assisting you in creating the life you want to live, or
are they limiting you?

Do you TRUST more that you DOUBT?

Every thought you think is a choice. Every word you speak is a choice.
Everything you do is a choice.

What are you choosing because of your beliefs?

Who are you showing up as?

Who do you WANT to show up as?

Come explore with my team of Angels and Guides as we assist you in making
higher choices so that you can live your life in the most sacred and
powerful way.

You will see and experience it because you believe it!

I'll See It When I Believe It tablet


Are you ready to think a different way—believe a different way—“be” a different way? Then you are exactly where you need to be. We need each and every one of you to assist in this shift of the ages. It is vital that you have tolerance, for we are all going through this and we are all doing it in different ways. Allow others their own journey as others have allowed you to experience your own journey. We are ALL DIFFERENT. We are supposed to be different. Know that YOUR PIECE OF OUR ASCENSION IS IMPORTANT. MY PIECE OF THE ASCENSION IS IMPORTANT. Only when all of the pieces come together can we be whole. Only then will we be complete—whole—Holy! 

You will see it—Be it—Experience it—when you believe it


About the Author

Mary Beth Smith

What brings me joy above all things, is touching lives. Meeting random
people and having Spirit share with me what I can say to uplift their lives
is incredible! Every encounter is a precious gift, even the challenging

Spending time with my hubby of over three decades is sacred to me. Watching
my daughter learn and grow from everything she encounters as an adult is
fascinating. I don’t worry about our future when I notice the choices
she makes. All is well.

My favorite activities are going out to dinner, going for walks with joy in
my heart, and watching movies that inspire me. I also look forward to Spirit
waking me up in the middle of the night with a new chapter for us to write
together. What an amazing gift my life is. I hope that you enjoy this book
given to you by my Angels and Guides.


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