Tag Archives: Historical Fiction

Five Hundred Moons Blitz

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Five Hundred Moons cover

Historical Fiction



Spain is on the move in California and in turmoil at home. As wars ensue
and revolutions brew, a Gypsy woman flees her captors, a young soldier
dreams of a future, and a French naval officer conquers a dancer’s

On the crescent shores of the great bay, a priest battles inner demons
while pursuing men’s souls. An Ohlone chief worries. He does not
understand his spirit guide, the Lioness. He hopes the shaman’s life
force in his young daughter will point the way.

Set during the latter half of the turbulent eighteenth century, Five
Hundred Moons spans nearly five decades and two continents as we follow the
spirited Carmona family, Alta California’s Ohlone people, the zealous
Junípero Serra and his Franciscan missionaries, and the heavy-handed
Spanish military that sought to control them all. As richly drawn as the
landscapes they inhabit, my characters meet indignity and deprivation with
resourcefulness and compassion in the timeless search for where they fit in
a world undergoing monumental change.

About the Author

Besides being something that I felt the need to accomplish in my lifetime,
I wrote Five Hundred Moons because, since I was a young boy, I have wondered
about the people in whose footsteps I tread. Along the beaches, over the
coastal terraces, and in the redwood forests, the Ohlone lived and thrived
without permanent structures, manufactured goods, domesticated animals, or
traditional agriculture. They hunted and gathered to sustain themselves and
formed societies that lasted hundreds if not thousands of years. They
demonstrated fire ecology and managed the abundant natural resources
surrounding them in a sustaining way.

I recently walked through the old-growth redwood loop near Felton,
California. Surrounded by towering ancient trees, I felt the presence of its
former inhabitants. I imagined I could hear their songs and see their
villages spread out in the filtered light. To the Ohlone, those trees were
as alive as any human who walked beneath them. I envisioned the great
grizzly bear, the soaring eagle, the stealthy lion, and the cautious
deer—all intimate to the Ohlone world. It is a world now lost, but I
hope the mindfulness and sensibilities they practiced still hold a strong
thread of existence in our present-day realities, perhaps rekindled in the
reading of my book.

I’m 70 years old, retired, married for 43 years to my wife, Jennie. I live
in Santa Cruz, California. I have three sons that live close by, as well as
four grandchildren

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The Mark of the Salamander Virtual Book Tour

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The Mark of the Salamander cover

The Island of Angels Series, Book 1

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 09-28-2024

Publisher: The Book Guild





Nelan Michaels is a young Flemish man fleeing religious persecution in the
Spanish Netherlands. Settling in Mortlake outside London, he studies under
Queen Elizabeth’s court astrologer, conjuring a bright future –
until he’s wrongly accused of murder.

Forced into the life of a fugitive, Nelan hides in London, before he is
dramatically pressed into the crew of the Golden Hind.

Thrust into a strange new world on board Francis Drake’s vessel,
Nelan sails the seas on a voyage to discover discovery itself. Encountering
mutiny, ancient tribes and hordes of treasure, Nelan must explore and master
his own mystical powers – including the Mark of the Salamander, the
mysterious spirit of fire.

THE MARK OF THE SALAMANDER is the first in The Island of Angels series: a
two-book saga that tells the epic story and secret history of
England’s coming of age during the Elizabethan era.

The Mark of the Salamander tablet



Home at Last

26th September 1580


It was midway through the afternoon watch. On a Monday. It wasn’t any old Monday. It was a special Monday. Not because of an extra beer ration; nor because of the smell of fish emanating from the galley. No – it was because, on that autumn day, nearly all fifty-eight surviving crew members hung over the gunwale, their eyes dripping with expectation and glued to the horizon. On occasion, they glanced up at the topmast and the barrel man as if waiting for a message from the heavens. None came, even after they’d passed the Isles of Scilly. Nor did it come after they passed Wolf Rock. It surely wouldn’t be long in coming.

As the creaking of the sails ceased, the Golden Hind glided serenely through the waters as if drawn forward by a divine wind. Even the gulls stopped squawking. A light rain shower washed the decks. The men gazed at the white flecks on the waves.

Amidst the quiet, a cry went out, and travelled down the mizzenmast, across the poop deck and into the soul of each crew member. “Land ho!”

Nelan stood next to Fletcher, who raised his hands like an Old Testament prophet and cried out, “Oh, my God!” Then he knelt on the deck, hands clasped in a prayer of thanksgiving.

The other hands – all long-haired, heavily bearded, and stinking of piss, ale and perspiration – planted their knees on the deck. To Nelan, that moment felt portentous. It was one of collective bliss in which men of all ranks, natures and ages shared a sublime experience and encountered, perhaps for a few seconds only, the most concentrated religious feeling in the world: that of belonging to each other and to a land. Perhaps they didn’t know it fully, then. Maybe they had an inkling of it, as Nelan did. But at that moment, each of them knew that, through their voyage, their endeavours and their courage, they had unchained the shackles of the past, cut most of the remaining threads of the Gordian Knot of papal suppression, summoned the fresh, clean winds of the future, and set the people of England on a course towards the discovery of themselves and towards an exploration of the world and its peoples.

As the familiar jagged promontory of the Lizard hove into view, the hardy souls who’d survived unimaginable hardships together were stunned to silence. For once, their tongues stopped wagging. Where before they had been vocal in their japes and musical in their jaunts, now they were mute, stilled by the awe and wonder of seeing the distant contours of their land, their England, appear on the horizon. Their journey neared its end. They knew that another would begin as surely as God gave them the grace of another breath. They had not seen this land’s green pastures and gentle slopes for over a thousand days; 1,018, the pilot told them. England. Home at last. They would greet friends they had not seen for two years and ten months. See children who’d grown from suckling babe to infant. Meet mothers who’d given birth in the interim. Comfort wives grown old from the worry, and embrace daughters who’d married during their long absence. They’d clasp hands with their brothers, fathers and sons, and hold them close. Such were the anticipated joys of homecoming. Since they’d set out twice from old Plymouth – once when storms had forced them to return to safe harbour, and later when they’d finally embarked on that fateful day in December 1577 – this was a second coming.

Nelan swallowed hard. He licked his parched lips. While he didn’t expect anyone to meet him on the quay, he remained as excited as the native-born mariners to see old England. She was his home now. She had been a haven for Protestants from all over Europe fleeing the cruel persecution of the Inquisition. He couldn’t go back to Sangatte or Leiden. The angels of the island coursed through his blood and enriched his soul. He belonged to them, and they belonged in him.

From within him there arose a poem of persuasion, a song of softness, a dance of deliberation.

One question hovered on the lips of the crew. But none dared speak it aloud. Not Nelan, and, for once, not even Tom. But it demanded to be asked. The answer would decide their fate; particularly that of the officers and gentlemen and, most of all, of the admiral. He had to be the one to ask it.


About the Author


JUSTIN NEWLAND’s novels represent an innovative blend of genres from
historical adventure to supernatural thriller and magical realism.

Undeterred by the award of a Doctorate in Mathematics from Imperial
College, London, he conceived his debut novel, The Genes of Isis (ISBN
9781789014860, Matador, 2018), an epic fantasy set under Ancient Egyptian

His second book is a historical thriller, The Old Dragon’s Head (ISBN
9781789015829, Matador, 2018), and is set in Ming Dynasty China in the
shadows of the Great Wall.

His third, The Coronation (ISBN 9781838591885, Matador, 2019), is another
historical adventure and speculates on the genesis of the most important
event in the modern world – the Industrial Revolution.

The Abdication (ISBN 9781800463950, Matador, 2021) is a mystery thriller in
which a young woman confronts her faith in a higher purpose and what it
means to abdicate that faith.

His latest is The Mark of the Salamander (ISBN 9781915853271, Book Guild,
2023) and is the first in a two-book series, The Island of Angels. Set in
the Elizabethan era, it tells the epic tale of England’s coming of

The second in the series, The Midnight of Eights, charts of the uncanny
coincidences that culminated in the repulse of the Spanish Armada and is due
to be published later this year.

Author, speaker and broadcaster, Justin appears on LitFest panels, gives
talks to historical associations and libraries and enjoys giving radio

He lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset,

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Avil of God Tour

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Avil of God cover

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 1/18/2024

Narrator: Deborah Balm

Run Time: 15h 30 min



It is 741. Only one thing stands between Charles the Hammer and the
throne—he’s dying. Despite his best efforts, the only thing to reign
after Charles’s death is chaos. Son battles son, Christianity battles
paganism, and Charles’s daughter flees his court for an enemy’s love.

Based on a true story, Anvil of God is a whirlwind of love, honor,
sacrifice, and betrayal that follows a bereaved family’s relentless quest
for power and destiny.


Avil of God tablet


About the Author

J. Boyce Gleason

After a 25-year career working as a press secretary on Capitol Hill,
writing a weekly column for a daily newspaper, and managing crisis and
public affairs for many of the largest American corporations and
institutions, J. Boyce Gleason began writing historical fiction to satisfy
his passion for storytelling.

His first novel ANVIL OF GOD, Book One of the Carolingian Chronicles
received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, was named Historical
Fiction Book of the Year by the Independent Publishers Awards and
Mainstream/Literary e-Book of the Year by Writers Digest Magazine.  The
sequels (Wheel of the Fates & Crown of a King) both received 4.5 ratings
or better on Amazon.

With an AB in history from Dartmouth College, Gleason brings a strong
understanding of the events that shaped history. He says he writes
historical fiction to discover “why.” He and his wife live in


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Anvil of God Audiobook Tour

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Anvil of God cover

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 1/18/2024

Narrator: Deborah Balm

Run Time: 15h 30 min



It is 741. Only one thing stands between Charles the Hammer and the
throne—he’s dying. Despite his best efforts, the only thing to reign
after Charles’s death is chaos. Son battles son, Christianity battles
paganism, and Charles’s daughter flees his court for an enemy’s love.

Based on a true story, Anvil of God is a whirlwind of love, honor,
sacrifice, and betrayal that follows a bereaved family’s relentless quest
for power and destiny.


Anvil of God tablet

About the Author

J. Boyce Gleason

After a 25-year career working as a press secretary on Capitol Hill,
writing a weekly column for a daily newspaper, and managing crisis and
public affairs for many of the largest American corporations and
institutions, J. Boyce Gleason began writing historical fiction to satisfy
his passion for storytelling.

His first novel ANVIL OF GOD, Book One of the Carolingian Chronicles
received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, was named Historical
Fiction Book of the Year by the Independent Publishers Awards and
Mainstream/Literary e-Book of the Year by Writers Digest Magazine.  The
sequels (Wheel of the Fates & Crown of a King) both received 4.5 ratings
or better on Amazon.

With an AB in history from Dartmouth College, Gleason brings a strong
understanding of the events that shaped history. He says he writes
historical fiction to discover “why.” He and his wife live in


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Hatfield 1677 Virtual Book Tour

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Hatfield 1677 cover

Historical Fiction

Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing



Colonist Benjamin Waite, a devoted husband, father, and skilled military
scout in King Philip’s War, reluctantly obeys orders to guide an
attack against a camp of Algonquian Natives.

After the catastrophic event, Benjamin is burdened with guilt and longs for
peace. But the Algonquians, led by the revered sachem Ashpelon, retaliate
with vengeance upon Ben’s Massachusetts town of Hatfield, capturing
over a dozen colonists, including his pregnant wife Martha and their three
young daughters.

Hatfield 1677 is a tale of three interwoven yet diverging journeys of
strength and survival: Benjamin, driven by love and remorse to rescue his
family; Martha, forced into captivity and desperately striving to protect
her children; and Ashpelon, willing to risk everything to ensure the safety
and freedom of his people.

Based on the lives of the author’s ancestors, this riveting and
unforgettable novel gives voice to three vastly different experiences in
North America during a time before the creation of the Declaration of
Independence. Then, the land was but a wilderness and a battleground;
equality was not yet perceived as self-evident; and liberty and happiness
were nothing more than dangerous pursuits.

Hatfield 1677 tablet




I was startled by a pounding of little fists. I set Mattie in the chair with the book and opened the door. Mary and Abigail stood there, eyes wide, cheeks flushed from running. 

“Mama, there’s smoke, look, and loud noises, like dogs howling!” Mary said, pointing down the street and scampering inside.

“Or wolves!” Abigail added, pushing past me.

“Wolves?” Mattie cried. “Mommy, wolves are scary, like lions. Look, look, it is a picture of a wolf in this book!” Mattie said, climbing down off the chair to show me.

I stuck my head out the door and smelled smoke. Not the whiff of cooking fires; this was denser, with the scent of iron and burnt paper. My whole body trembled. I peered down the lane and saw black smoke roiling above the rooftops.

Over the shouting from the carpenters next door came the dreaded and all too familiar battle cries.

I slammed and barred the door, then pressed my back against it and closed my eyes. Sweat flushed my brow. I took several deep breaths. Nearly all our men were in the fields, as usual. The Natives knew our predictable English ways.

“Mommy? What’s the matter?”

My eyes flew open at Mary’s voice.

I ran and closed the shutters on the two front windows. Scooping up Sally, ragdoll and all, I gazed about my home as if angels might have descended to rescue us.

The musket! Ben had left it hanging above the mantle. At the end of every mustering day, he had me practice loading and firing it. I hadn’t needed that knowledge till now.

“Mary, Abigail, take Mattie and Sally to the lean-to. We’re going to play hide-and-go-seek. Hide in the empty cupboard in the lean-to where we used to keep the jelly before we ate it all,” I said, failing to keep the tremor of fear from my voice.

Halfway there, Abigail stopped and looked at me. “But, if you know where we’re hiding, ’tis not fair, and—”

I cut her off. “Abigail, do as you’re told,” I said sharply.

“Will you count to twenty?” Mattie asked. Mary grabbed her hand, and Abigail took Sally’s.

“I’m counting to fifty. Now, go!”

Mary had seen the smoke. Like Abigail, she knew the seeker doesn’t choose the hiding place. I thanked God for Mary’s virtue of obedience. She asked no questions, just hurried all of them to the lean-to.

“One, two, three . . .” I counted aloud. I stood on a stool, took down the gun, and reached for the powder, balls, and rags. Ignoring the blood pounding in my ears, I talked myself through the steps, remembering Ben’s words.

Place the butt end on the floor and point the muzzle at the ceiling.

“Four, five, six . . .” Measure powder from the horn, pour it into the barrel, then ram a wad of cloth and the musket ball down. “Seven, eight, nine, ten . . .” Replace the ramrod. Push the frisson forward, add a pinch of powder to the pan, and close the frisson. Finally, cock it halfway.

“Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen . . .” I made the flintlock ready in the time it took to recite the steps. Slinging the powder horn around my neck, I stuffed the pouch of musket balls and wads into my apron pocket. I grabbed the picture book and my little Bible, too.

“Mommy?” Mattie called, “You aren’t counting!”

I skipped ahead. “Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two . . .”

Pointing the gun, I unbarred the door and cracked it a few inches to look up and down the lane. Smoke poured from houses on both sides, so I couldn’t see farther than the blacksmith shop. But I knew the stockade gate was open, as it had been during the day for the past few months. Dear God!

The fires were moving in our direction. The Natives were heading this way. Repeated gunfire shattered the air. The lane filled with people screaming, crying, yelping, and scattering. I pulled my head back inside, slammed and barred the door again, then let out a gasp of air I hadn’t realized I’d been holding. “Thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven . . .”

God had spared us once. I prayed the girls would stay hidden, that we could flee. I prayed that I would hit my target if I fired the gun. Tears sprang to my eyes, and I brushed them away. My hands trembled as I aimed the musket at the door and continued counting.

“Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty! Ready or not, here I come!”

About the Author

Laura C. Rader

Laura C. Rader earned a BA in psychology from San Diego State University,
where she minored in history and took creative writing and literature
classes. She drew on those passions in her thirty-year career as a history
and English teacher of elementary and middle school students. Now, a
full-time historical fiction writer, Laura also enjoys studying genealogy,
attending neighborhood book club meetings, taking forest walks with her
Rough Collie, and visiting her adult daughter in Brooklyn. Originally from
California, Laura lives twenty miles north of  Raleigh, North
Carolina.  Hatfield 1677 is a work of historical fiction inspired by a
story Laura discovered about her ninth great-grandparents while researching
her family’s genealogy.


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