Tag Archives: Fantasy

Blood of the Prince Blitz

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Blood of the Prince cover

Science Fiction, Fantasy

Date Published: August 2020

Publisher : RLD Publications


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An orphan discovers he can wield ancient, mysterious technology but will
pay a terrible price if he uses his wondrous skills to fight for his

As winter settles in an old man sits down to pen the tale of his youth. A
sense of melancholy, of love lost, and the disappointment of labors
performed in vain cloak his shoulders as he leans forward, the quill in the
weathered knuckles of his hand hovering over parchment. Asking himself where
it all began was unnecessary … time could not erase the flames that leapt
in his mind’s eye.

Herein contains Patrin’s complete first mission, Greater Things than Thou,
All Things Ruin, and That Which Remains From his early childhood memories,
kidnapping, salvation, and finally, the betrayal of his best friend.

Blood of the Prince tablet


About the Author

As a native Texan in the early 90s R.L. Dean created door programs for
bulletin board software. In 1998 R.L. became a Christian and has taught
expositional Sunday School at his local church for eight years. He currently
resides in southeast Texas with his wife of twenty years, ten cats, and two
stray dogs. He works in the IT industry as a technician for a large
restaurant chain, but his dream is to work professionally creating novels,
television shows, and films.


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Speculative Fiction

(Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror mix)

Date Published: August 4, 2020

Publisher: Mictlan Press


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There’s magic and mystery around every corner, if you know where to

This collection of eleven short stories from fantasy and science fiction
author Terri Bruce explores the hidden corners of our world. Blending
fantasy, horror, magical realism, and folklore, these tales will delight,
mystify, and unsettle. Unicorns roam the New Hampshire countryside disguised
as a biker gang. Portals to other worlds hide on commuter train platforms.
And be careful of what really lurks at the bottom of those quaint wishing
wells that dot the countryside. Strip away the veneer of everyday life and
dare to see what lies just below the surface.

SOULS tablet

Excerpt  – from The Lady and the Unicorn

The air in the diner grew thick with worry. Tam’s pulse fluttered. She and the other staff drifted to the window one by one to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to gaze out at the men in the parking lot—diners, burgers, and Fryolators all forgotten. 

“What’s wrong?” Tam asked, her voice hardly more than a whisper, first to the waitress on her right and then to the dishwasher to her left. Neither woman answered. “Are they Hell’s Angels or something?” she asked a little more forcefully, though she scoffed at the idea that some outlaw biker gang was roaming the scenic byways of New Hampshire. The men were rough looking, to be sure—beefy and unkempt, the wiry bristles of their bushy beards disappearing into their jackets—but that didn’t make them dangerous. She knew better than to buy into stereotypes. Most bikers were never any trouble, even if they did come pouring out of places with a certain rough, backwoods flavor, like Webster, Loudon, Henniker, and Northwood. They were mostly quiet men who just wanted to be left alone. They drank their coffee quickly and silently and paid their bill with no fuss. The rest were usually weekend warriors—reclaiming freedom and lost youth in the all too short breaks between their nine-to-five days. Heck, Tam’s uncle rode a motorcycle, a bandana tied to his head and aviator shades covering his eyes, like he was Jack Nicholson in Easy Rider, and he was an accountant.

Still, a nameless fear prickled at the back of her neck.

“Worse,” Marge ‘The Barge’, who’d marched out from the kitchen, answered in a flat voice, never taking her eyes from the bikers. 

What could be worse than Hell’s Angels? Tam wondered.

There was a silence, just long enough to be noticed, and then Marge said, “Unicorns.” 

About the Author

TERRI BRUCE is the author of the paranormal / contemporary fantasy
Afterlife series, and her short stories have appeared in a variety of
anthologies and magazines. She produces hard-to-classify fantasy and science
fiction stories that explore the supernatural side of everyday things from
beautiful Downeast Maine where she lives with her husband and various

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Souls Blitz

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Souls cover

Speculative Fiction
(Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Horror mix)
Date Published: August 4, 2020
Publisher: Mictlan Press
photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png
There’s magic and mystery around every corner, if you know where to
This collection of eleven short stories from fantasy and science fiction
author Terri Bruce explores the hidden corners of our world. Blending
fantasy, horror, magical realism, and folklore, these tales will delight,
mystify, and unsettle. Unicorns roam the New Hampshire countryside disguised
as a biker gang. Portals to other worlds hide on commuter train platforms.
And be careful of what really lurks at the bottom of those quaint wishing
wells that dot the countryside. Strip away the veneer of everyday life and
dare to see what lies just below the surface.
About the Author

TERRI BRUCE is the author of the paranormal / contemporary fantasy
Afterlife series, and her short stories have appeared in a variety of
anthologies and magazines. She produces hard-to-classify fantasy and science
fiction stories that explore the supernatural side of everyday things from
beautiful Downeast Maine where she lives with her husband and various
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Everwinter Teaser

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Chronicles of Naelyra Series, Book 1


Date Published: July 20th

Publisher: Digital Quill Publishing


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Typically, my daily routine is to get up, enjoy my hot chocolate, go to
work at my book store, go home, cook, clean, read a book and go to bed.

Simple. Relaxing. Calm.

But not all days go as planned.

Nope. Some days, you get up, have your morning hot chocolate, go to work,
head home only to be portalled to another world. I’ve done my best to
try to fit in. But while changing my clothes seemed reasonable, sharing a
bed with their king put an entirely new level of complication on things.

Try to sort out your day when that happens. Especially when nobody in your
new surroundings knows how you got there, let alone how to get you home.



Everwinter teaser


About the Author 

R.J. Lloyd started off as a romance writer under another pen name. However,
R.J. is the side of this award winning, best selling author that delves into
fantasy, sci-fi, supernatural, paranormal and all things action and spooky
that she loves so much.

A Detroit area based author, R.J. writes both novels and short stories,
always looking for the next interesting and slightly off kilter character to
follow on an adventure with.


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Undercover Goddess Blitz

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Book 1 of the No Boundaries Trilogy


Date Published: July 24

Publisher: Blue Fortune Enterprises LLC, Lavender Press

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 In 2400 BCE Crete, 18-year-old Mave keeps the old spirituality alive,
primarily through her clay chips and the symbolic images she paints on them,
the original runes. She falls in love with Tear, a semi-divine being born
both male and female, and finds an ally in Inna, a former holy prostitute
kicked out of her communal home. The Gigante from the northern tribes marry
the holy prostitutes then replace the Goddess of the temple with a Sun God
who loves order and lighting bolts. Girls and women, formerly revered
stand-ins for the Goddess and her creator, the cave-dwelling Ssha, either go
underground with their beliefs or find a way to fit in the new culture. As
it turns out the old ways of the Goddess had its flaws, and this creates the
opportunity for the Gigante and their sun God to move in.


About the Author

Karen Cavalli, née Lound, writes fiction and non-fiction. Her work
has been published online and in books. Her work has won awards including
Outstanding Secondary Science Book. She is a graduate of Old Dominion
University where she earned a B.A., and The University of Alabama’s
MFA in Creative Writing Program where she studied with Margaret Atwood. She
has worked in technology for over 10 years. She taught a writing course on
the topic of psychological descent at the University of Minnesota and in
North Carolina. Her work in technology has taken her to India and China and
allowed her to work with individuals in Mexico, the United Kingdom,
Australia, New Zealand and the emirate of Dubai. She loves her local Savage
library and volunteers there. She can be contacted at


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