Tag Archives: DS Johnson

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs Tour

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs banner

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs cover

Action Adventure Fantasy

Date Published: April 2020

Publisher: Rosecrest Publishing


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As the descendants and heirs unite and fortify one another with their
special skills, they find themselves in the heart of the center realm,
Ebassia. The recently deceased King has left the enormous duty of ruling
such a vast realm to his daughter, Oladesni, who has only the head
Necromancer of the Velsharoon as her mentor. With an unrelenting desire to
be released from her own prison, Isot leader of the Velsharoon uses the
coronation of the new queen as her opportunity to execute the Binding of the
Crypt spell through the Pact of the Everlasting. Shaz and his company of
elemental mages and miniature warriors must find a way to stop the
Necromancer from committing an unthinkable act of mass murder. The company
is thwarted by one thing after another and must race against time to stop


Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs tablet



Heavy gusts whipped through the barren wasteland. The radiating heat stung their lungs as they barreled over the uneven ground. Long strands of purple haze lined the night sky. Murky shadows played tricks on their senses as they dodged the tiny night insects. Turkill snagged a small stone as he turned a sharp corner. He placed it in the pocket of his sling and swung it over his head. He regained his footing and twisted at the waist. He let the momentum propel the stone. It sliced through the air like a razor and hit the Jaduuk square in the forehead. The creature fell backward at an instant. The pack of Jaduuk still behind leaped over their fallen packmate. They dug their hind legs into the ground and leaped over scattered boulders with ease.

Ladtwig ran onto a half-fallen tree and slammed his walking stick into the ground. His small frame launched into the air.  He pulled his arms and legs in tight and rolled through the smelly, orc-like-wolf-hunter’s arms. He somersaulted onto a jagged boulder on the other side and scurried over the edge. 

“Send our scents into the breeze,” Shaz said.

Serin twirled her hands, spinning the air before launching it toward the Jaduuk. The Jaduuk hunter snarled. Drool dripped from his long fangs at the sides of his mouth. Long ears at the top of his head twitched, and his snout-like nose puckered as he caught the scent. He skidded in the soft dirt and shot off toward them. Turkill leaped behind the boulder Ladtwig was behind and rolled to a stop. 

“That should draw them this way,” Shaz said.

“And then what?” Serin asked.

“We set a trap,” Shaz said.

“How those things are twice our size, and we have no idea what they’re capable of?” 

“Then we find out,” Shaz said.

“You know, I’m starting to doubt your logic here,” Serin said. 

“Here, help me with this rock.”

Serin called the air and sent a puff under the immense boulder.  Even with her air magic, the boulder was almost too heavy to move. She gripped the ground with her toes and stretched her arms out as far as she could. The boulder inched gradually. Shaz thrust his shoulder into the stone and heaved. It moved into place and Serin dropped her arms. They hurried behind the rock and crouched into its shadow. 

Serin gripped the cold stone for support. Shaz could tell she was becoming weaker and he did rely on her air magic more than he should. Think, think, what would Grandfather tell me to do?  he thought. 

“Do you think you could make a sandpit, while I keep them busy?” Shaz asked.

Serin studied him with a little surprise. She understood from his expression that he knew she was tiring. She sucked in a deep breath and nodded. Shaz touched her shoulder and she became aware of his energy. It tickled her skin and gave her a little more confidence. Shaz gripped the hilt of his sword and rounded the boulder. At first, he couldn’t see anything, but then, a funny image played out in his head. He sucked in a deep breath and the image became a little clearer. 

“One, two, three, four, five,” Shaz counted.

He found the Jaduuk scents and a blurry image of where they were settled into his conscienousness. Three were larger than the other two and he surmised they were the males. He pulled the sword from his side and allowed the energy to surge through his arm. He took several steps from Serin and then ran toward the smaller beasts. 

Serin slipped off her boots and wriggled her toes into the soft sand. She hadn’t understood why Shaz wanted the boulder moved but now she could tell it was because the ground was softer here. She gathered the strength she needed and began filling the sand with air. A steady stream of wind burrowed into the sand making the top bubble and bounce. Serin’s arms ached. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the wind, but she found it difficult. She breathed heavily, and her body began to sag. The wind continued to burrow deep into the ground making the circle widened. She had no idea how big to make it because she had no idea how big the beasts actually were, or if they could jump high, or at all. 

Shaz clenched his fist. The pounding of the ground intensified as the pack quickened their paces. He was confident they had him locked into their senses and the only way out was to fight. A high-pitched snarl echoed over his shoulder. The enormous jaguar leaped over Shaz and sank her claws into a Jaduuk. The creature recoiled. A strong odor wafted through the air and Shaz covered his nose. Jagwynn gripped the sand and slid on her haunches. The Jaduuk snarled and roared. Jag returned the roar and leaped at the Jaduuk. The Jaduuk dug its claws into Jag’s flesh. Jagwynn yelped and her eyes widened. She opened her jaws wide and gripped the Jaduuk’s face with her claws. She sunk her teeth into the think leathery texture of the beast’s neck. The Jaduuk reared back and tried to shove the huge cat off. Jagwynn swung her tail to keep her balance as her hind legs pushed herself onto the beast. They toppled to the ground and the more the Jaduuk wriggled the tighter Jag clenched. 

Shaz ran at one of the smaller Jaduuk. He flipped the sword and sliced the beast’s chin. The beast roared and stumbled backward. Shaz spun and brought his blade over his head. The slight glow of the sword’s markings made a mark in the night sky. He pulled it down with ease and listened to the whipping-sound it made against the howling of the wind. The blade sunk deep into the shoulder of the oncoming Jaduuk. A high-pitched howl pierced Shaz’s head and he flinched. 

Shaz flew several lengths from another Jaduuk’s fist hitting him in the ribs. Shaz struggled to breathe as the pain raced to his brain. The cold gritty earth found its way into his lungs as he gasped for air. Shaz coughed and gagged as a mixture of blood and sand escaped his lungs. The metallic taste the blood left, sank into his consciousness. The heat of the Jaduuk’s breath ripped down his spine. He couldn’t make his body move. No matter how hard he tried and how much he yelled in his mind, it wouldn’t respond.  

“Stay here,” Turkill said.

“What are you going to do?” Ladtwig asked.

“I don’t know yet, but I have to help,” Turkill said.

“We are way too small, they will eat us alive,” Ladtwig said.

“Maybe that’s the way we fight,” Turkill said.

“How do you mean?” Ladtwig asked.

“Well, they can’t fight something they can’t see,” Turkill said.

“But they see with their noses,” Ladtwig said. 

“Yep,” Turkill said.

Turkill pulled all his leather armor and clothes off, clear down to his skivvies. Ladtwig’s eyes popped out of his head. Turkill pulled his knife from his belt and sliced several desert plants off their stems. He rubbed them vigorously until his bronzed skin no longer showed. Ladtwig quickly followed and covered himself too. 

“This plant stinks,” Ladtwig said.


Turkill removed his sling and gathered several rocks and shoved them into his pouch. He secured them around his waist and crept out from around the boulder. Ladtwig filled his pouch and grabbed his dart gun. 

“I thought you were out of darts?” Turkill asked.

“I am, but you never know.”

The steady wind had long dried all the water from their bodies. It was hard to move around without feeling the sting of their skin cracking. The heavy clouds thinned letting a soft hint of the moon’s light shine over the wasteland. Turkill caught a glimpse of the pack running toward Shaz and Serin. 

“Over there,” Turkill said.

Ladtwig nodded and hurried around the other side of a broad-faced rock. They froze in place when they heard Jagwynn snag her prey. Seconds later Turkill waved to Ladtwig and they maneuvered closer. 

The largest Jaduuk waited at the back of the pack. He twisted his ears back and forth and sniffed the air. Turkill crept up to a desert plant and cringed as a twig snapped under his foot. The Jaduuk cocked his head and flicked his long pointy ear backward. Turkill froze and held his breath. The beast turned and studied the landscape. He sniffed again and sank his massive claws into the ground. A deep orange glow radiated from the creature’s eyes. Turkill’s heart sank and he pushed the bile back into his stomach. Ladtwig tossed a stone across his path onto the other side and the beast turned. The Jaduuk meticulously searched the night. 

Turkill laid a stone into his sling and sucked in a deep breath. His arm shot above his head and his wrist flicked the sling so hard that the motion didn’t even take half a second. The rock soared through the air like lightning and sank into the back of the beast’s skull. The Jaduuk stopped mid-step and hesitated. He touched the back of his head and felt the stone. He turned around in slow motion and tried to make sense of what happened. 

Turkill held his breath as he tried to understand why the rock didn’t take him down. The beast shook his head and the orange glow returned. Turkill gulped and sunk low to the ground. Ladtwig flicked his sling sending another stone into the Jaduuk’s temple. The beast stumbled but didn’t fall. Turkill scoured around in his pouch for the sharpest stone and loaded it into his sling. He stood, raised his arm and flicked his wrist. The stone shot out of the sling and ripped across the sky. 

The fierce rotation of the rock became like a razor as it sliced its enormous bicep. Ladtwig slipped as he stepped over a rock and fell. He rolled over and rubbed his hiney. He hurried to his feet and positioned himself behind a rock. He reached for another stone, but his pouch wasn’t there. 

“Blast,” he said.

The Jaduuk turned and moved toward him. Ladtwig hurried to the bush to search for his pouch. Turkill moved behind a dead tree trunk and loaded his sling. He peeked over the trunk but couldn’t see the beast. He moved to the end of where it had been, but it wasn’t there either. He hurried to the other end and peeked under the haggard roots. He could barely make out the Jaduuk and crept to a closer rock. 

Shaz gripped his ribs and closed his eyes. A strong sensation coursed his torso calming the pain to a tolerable degree. He caught a glimpse of Serin stepping back behind the boulder. His heart swelled with undeniable gratitude for her. He shook his head and flung the Honor Blade behind him, letting the motion carry him back to his feet. The Jaduuk jumped back but not far enough. The tip of the blade raced over its belly. 

Shaz parried and sidestepped. The Jaduuk pulled a battle-ax off his back. Shaz studied the images in his mind and readied himself. Shaz threw up his sword and caught the ax at its head. He spun the blade and yanked. The Jaduuk gripped the long-hardened wood shaft tightly in his paw. Shaz let the blade slip away and parried back. The Jaduuk pounded its chest and howled. The grounds vibrations rippled into Shaz’s body and the pit in his stomach clenched tighter. Shaz identified the remainder of the pack and learned they had mobilized toward them. Still keeping the beast in his sight, he checked to see if Serin was ready. 

Serin leaned against the boulder and wiped the sweat from her brows. Her lightweight cotton tunic stuck to her slender frame. She tried to steady her breathing but found it difficult. She rubbed her aching arms and shivered from the wind as it blew against her wet skin. She examined her sinkhole and was confident it would at least take a few of the beasts. Serin brushed off her feet and slipped them back into her boots. She boosted herself from the boulder and curled her tongue between her teeth. A high-pitched whistle whipped over the air. The long-draping fur at the top the Jaduuk’s ears curved over to shield its inner ear from the noise. Shaz closed the gap and brought the sword up to a side strike. The blade made contact at the base of the creature’s neck. The ridiculous stench wreaked havoc on Shaz’s senses and he struggled to keep his nerves. The Jaduuk staggered, swaying back and forth until it lost consciousness and fell with a thud. Shaz searched his night vision and determined the rest of the pack wasn’t far behind.   

Jagwynn released the lifeless body and searched for her next target. She narrowed her eyes and slunk close to the ground. The coolness of the red dirt felt good on her warmed fur. At the back of the pack, she found the smallest Jaduuk and made her way. Jagwynn lay in the taller straggly grass and waited until the Jaduuk came close enough. She lunged with her forceful hind legs and released her claws. Jagwynn sunk her claws into the Jaduuk’s shoulder and flung it to the ground. She flipped around and lunged again. 

The Jaduuk went sprawling to the ground. Its look of shock and instant fear fed Jagwynn’s excitement and she sank her teeth into its neck. The Jaduuk squealed and flailed around but Jagwynn gripped tighter. 

Ladtwig found his pouch and tried to tie it back onto his breeches. The hot breath of the Jaduuk caressed his bare skin. The hairs on the back of his neck stood out and his body shivered. He gulped and turned around. His head lifted upward as far as it could go. The orange glow was now dark red. Its long snout flared, and drool dripped from its giant fangs that crested its eyebrows. Ladtwig searched his pouch but his heart sunk when there were no stones. He slid his foot backward. 

Ladtwig didn’t see the rock behind him and toppled over it. He scooched backward scrambling to figure out what to do. As he grappled the ground he brushed up against a prickly plant. He broke off a long stem and jammed it into his dart gun. The Jaduuk opened his mouth wide and roared. Ladtwig sucked in and blew the stick hard and fast through the dart gun. The stick shot out and lodged into the back of the beast’s throat. 

Stunned, the Jaduuk dropped its ax and grabbed at its throat. Ladtwig scurried out from under its extensive claws as it staggered around. Turkill shot across the dirt and loaded his sling. The rock ripped across the sky with a whistle and embedded into the Jaduuk’s throat crushing its airway. Ladtwig jumped to his feet and darted back to the boulder they had left their clothes behind.  

“One, more second,” Shaz said under his breath. Serin whistled again and peeked out. Shaz dug his boot into the ground and lunged toward her. He crossed the distance at full speed and slid to a stop as he rounded the boulder. “Are you ready?” he asked breathing heavily.

“Yes, but I have no idea how many it will hold?” she said.

Shaz nodded and peered around the rock. 

“In about ten seconds, run that way as fast as you can and don’t look back,” Shaz said. Serin scowled and searched his face. He wasn’t playing, and a hint of fear crept into her chest. “Go!” he said. 

Serin propelled herself from the rock and dug her boots into the sturdy ground. She was glad the clouds had thinned letting her see enough of the landscape, so she didn’t have to stumble around. The pounding of the beast’s heavy claws drowned out the blood beating in her ears. The sudden boost of adrenaline surged throughout her body giving her a satisfying renewal. She leaped over a fallen tree trunk and caught herself as the loose ground moved under her feet. 

From the corner of her eye, she found Ladtwig and Turkill huddled under the lowest ledge of a substantial rock. She picked up a rock and chucked it at them. They jumped, grabbed their things and darted toward her. She slowed her pace, so they could catch up. 

“Don’t stop running,” she said as they met up with her. 

“Where’s Shaz?” Turkill asked.

“He’s coming,” she said.

About the Author

DS Johnson is an artist, illustrator, entrepreneur, and author of the
Realms of Edenocht series for Young Adults. With over a decade of writing
Young Adult novels and graphic design and an avid online role-playing gamer,
DS Johnson has years of experience in the art of fantasy make believe and a
love for the genre of role playing games and has endeavored to bring to life
in action adventure novel form the love of the game. With quotes like ‘WOW,
now that was pleasantly unexpected!’ With the natural sense of leveling up
your character and developing your skills, DS Johnson has successfully
combined the art of fantasy and role playing in a remarkable series for
young and old readers. Even if you’re not a role-playing gamer, you will
find the books Realms of Edenocht utilizes the traditional, but exciting
story telling techniques with skill and flare all readers will love. DS
Johnson works from home and enjoys family life and the creative


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Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard Tour

Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard banner

Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard cover

Action Adventure Fantasy
Date Published: March 2020
Publisher: Rosecrest Publishing
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In a time of desperate measures, the Queen of the most powerful city in
Edenocht threw the world into a fallen and broken state in an attempt to
destroy the most powerful Necromancer the world has ever seen.  The
once magically enhanced world is no more and the elemental beings that once
inhabited it are gone. The only thing strong enough to bring it back is the
ancient artifacts of the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah and the only one strong enough to
use them is The War Wizard.
Edenochts only hope is a War Wizard, but none have been born in a
millennium, until now. Hidden from the Necromancer in a time realm not his
own, the future of the world resides in a barely grown man’s destiny.
The War Wizards protectors did the best they could to prepare him without
the use and teaching of his magic and Shaz must now quickly learn his true
potential and battle the evils of the shadow world.
As a being which hold all the elements and the dreaded shadow magic, Shaz
must find the descendants of the ancient magical races and the artifacts
before the Necromancer does and the world of Edenocht’s future
succumbs to the evil Shadow.

Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard tablet


1-What Funny Business Are You Up To

300 Years Since The End Of The Realms

Seconds before a deafening crack of thunder echoed, a flash of lightning crossed the darkened skies that frequent the isolated island. The ever-persistent clouds never gave much warning before unleashing their wrath, making this part of the sea barren of much life. 

“Let’s get a drink before we ship off. We’re only halfway around the Turbulent Reef,” Merrick said.

 Merrick fought the howling wind and lashed the mooring line to the dock, and Shaz scaled the plank. Shaz pulled his tunic tight around his neck, and they walked briskly toward The Screaming Siren Tavern. They trudged up the hill and shielded their eyes from the wind and dirt. The dark clouds opened and dumped the heavy rain and the soft dirt rapidly turned to mud. Merrick gripped the heavy latch and flung the door open, which smacked against the stone wall with a BANG. 

A pitch-black jaguar prowled in behind the men like a shadow. No one noticed her until her bright yellow-orange eyes cautiously scanned the room. The black jaguar followed Shaz around a man that was half-slumped in a chair. The tavern was hardly quaint, but it was warm and designated as neutral territory and sailors, deckhands, and the occasional outlaw stopped here for a quick reprieve. Small wooden tables were strewn about the tavern in no particular order and large silver platters of meats and bread covered the tables. The pungent odor of alcohol mixed with sweat and tobacco filled the air. Each time the heavy wooden door swung open eddies of cold air wafted throughout the room. Half-burned candles in sconces let off as much feeble light as they could. Long wooden planks hung over large tables acting as crude chandeliers were covered in spent wax.

The massive ornately carved fireplace filled one full wall and the waning fire warmed the tavern with its simmering, crackling embers. The floor-length colorful skirts of the serving ladies brushed and swooshed as they busily moved from table to table helping hungry, thirsty and the occasional rude and grabby, customers.

“Quickly Shaz, before Yerild sails off without us,” Merrick grumbled. 

Merrick pulled off his wet cloak and tucked it into the crook of his elbow. His broad width navigated the crowded room toward the bar.

“Do you think Captain Yerild is crazy enough to set sail in this storm?” Shaz asked. 

“Yerild is a wild card. I wouldn’t put it past him, son,” Merrick said.

Shaz ran his fingers through his long pale blonde hair and pulled the soaking wet locks from his handsome face. He slipped off his cloak revealing a slender, but muscular build. Several patrons mumbled to each other, as he and Jagwynn worked their way through the smoke-filled room. Shaz was used to being gawked at. His whole life he’d been the only one, he’d ever seen with blonde hair.

“One laager, and one miote, please,” Merrick said.

Merrick slapped a copper on the counter. A sudden chill ran down Shaz’s back as the hairs stood out straight. Shaz scanned the tavern and found a dark hooded figure with large beady-gray eyes and a nose that resembled a beak sitting in a corner. Its hands appeared crippled, and its frame was bent almost in half. It was as if he was half-man and half-crow. Jagwynn arched her back as a low rumbling growl broke her lips. The bird creature withdrew into its hood and hissed at the jaguar. Shaz had gotten the chills before but this was different, and he wasn’t sure why. Shaz sidled up next to Merrick at the bar, and he saw a second hooded figure in the opposite corner of the room. The man sat up and stared in his direction. His hood covered most of his face which made Shaz uneasy.

The barkeeper set two tankers on the counter and Shaz took the fruity beverage and gulped it down. The second hooded man stood and began making his way toward them. He was tall and strong with an air of authority about him. The man pulled back his hood and opened his robe and put his hands on his hips. Bright colored cloth draped and encircled his stately frame, starting at his forehead and ended at the floor. His dark eyes were kind against his black skin and the colorful swaths around his head gave him a unique appearance. 

“I would like to introduce myself,” he stated. He bowed to each of them, “My name is Ceros, I am a representative of the Sun Goddess. It is imperative that I talk with you both, at this moment, privately,” he indicated to his booth.

“Um…” Shaz said. 

Shaz looked at his father, who held up his hand.

“Please Shazmpt, may we talk?” Ceros asked. Shaz raised his brow and sized the man, noting his curved sword and its size. “It is imperative that we talk at this instant. Merrick, I’m sure you appreciate the magnitude of this moment,” Ceros said. 

“What is he talking about?” Shaz asked.

Merrick stared at the stranger. He knew Shaz was not a boy anymore and sighed. 

“I guess Yerild’s going to have to wait after all,” Merrick said.  

Ceros motioned for them to move to his table in the corner and then followed them. The hair on the back of Shaz’s neck stood out and a pit in his stomach formed. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but this was the second time since they came into the tavern. He turned to the corner of the room and the beaked figure was no longer there. A prickle sat at the back of his mind and he was sure the creature was still in the tavern. Shaz casually glanced around and found it skirting around a table of outlaws pretending to talk to them. 

“Let me first tell you how pleased I am to finally meet you,” Ceros said. His lips half-bent into a well-groomed grin under a dark beard. Shaz’s mind circled back to the man sitting in front of him, “Obviously you’ve not been made aware of your unique situation,” Ceros said.

Ceros gave Merrick a ‘you’re-in-trouble-look’ and Merrick rolled his eyes.  

“Mathieu has his reasons, and you are certainly not the one who makes the decisions around here. Neither is that ridiculous council you call yourself a part of,” Merrick said.

Merrick’s brows tightened and his jaw clenched. Shaz’s heart jumped and his blood quickened under his skin. Shaz tried to figure out what the connection between the two men was and his alert level soared. A rapid heat lit in the center of his chest under his sternum, a feeling he had never felt before.

“Not tell me what?” Shaz asked.

Ceros dismissed Merrick’s threat and smiled at Shaz.


“It’s just Shaz,” Shaz said.

“Shaz, you were born for a purpose and it is time you become the force you were meant to be,” Ceros said. 

“That is what you believe, but I am going to let Shaz decide for himself what he becomes,” Merrick said.

“I don’t think it’s up to any of us Merrick,” Ceros said.

The heat in Shaz’s chest was growing and a bit of panic tingled his arms. 

“What are you talking about,” Shaz asked. 

“You possess special abilities that can assist the Dodjen in their fight against the rising evil in our land, and I have come to seek your help,” Ceros said.  

“Why here? Why now? Aren’t you supposed to be corresponding with Mathieu?” Merrick asked.

“Mathieu had stopped his communication with the council, and we are in great need. If he is not going to honor his commitments, then we will take matters into our own hands,” Ceros said. 

Shaz’s uneasiness crept into his throat and his mind raced around the details of what was happening. 

“We are a secret society commissioned of the Sun Goddess. We’ve been around since the dawn of time. The scales have been tipping ever so slowly towards the darkness, since the rise of the wicked necromancer, Gavin Rhill. He leads a large and powerful army called the Velsharoon,” Ceros said. 

“You have to be soooo dramatic,” Merrick said.

Merrick crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the dark-skinned man. Shaz found himself nodding and remembered the stories his Grandfather Mathieu told him. Ceros sat forward in his seat and gave Merrick a steely glare.  

“You are a literal descendant of The Tooatha De Danann, an ancient people blessed with extraordinary gifts.”

“I know that, so what is it that you want,” Shaz said. 

The creature was now standing a few feet away and Shaz wondered why Merrick and Ceros didn’t show concern. The pit in his stomach continued to grow, could they even see it, he wondered. 

“Merrick isn’t your blood father. He raised you as his own, but Reinholt O’Connon is your blood father and you are the heir to his kingdom,” Ceros said.

The words hit Shaz with a heat of irritation and his nerves were about shot. Merrick’s heart sank and Shaz could somehow tell Ceros’s words had hit a soft spot.

“But I love you as my own son, Shaz, believe me,” Merrick said. He squeezed his son’s shoulder.

“I know father, I have always known,” 

Shaz paused a moment listening to the heavy rain against the small window above him, his thoughts continued to race around, and he reached out with his mind to find the creepy figure. Ceros interpreted his hesitation for his pondering the truth of his heritage.  

“I know this is a lot to take in, but I still need to tell you about the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah.”

“The secret artifacts that are powerful and everyone wants them, yeah I know,” Shaz said. 

Shaz was starting to get annoyed at the blabber of the person and Merrick snickered, he wasn’t sure how long it was going to take before Shaz’s snarky sarcasm was going to show up and it just did.   

“Yes, the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah, are four separate and ancient artifacts that hold tremendous powers. The legend says, when these four items are united, they evoke the powers of the universe,” Ceros’s eyes glossed over as though he were looking into the future. Merrick rolled his eyes and Ceros shook his head clear and said, “Gavin Rhill is obsessed with finding the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah. He desires to use its powers to become as the God’s.”

“So, that is what the legend says, and what’s it to me?” Shaz asked.

“Only a war wizard can do it. You, Shaz, are the war wizard and the only one that can join the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah together. But you mustn’t join the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah, you must destroy them, and Gavin Rhill,” Ceros’ words all but cracked under their own pressure. 

Shaz endured a long silence. Merrick’s heartrate slowed and Ceros’s quickened. The figure was a few booths behind him, Jagwynn was gripping the floor with her claws and the pit in his stomach sank even lower. 

“So, become a war wizard, kill a man with a funny name, and find and destroy legendary artifacts, got it,” Shaz said. 

Merrick blurted a ga-fa and Ceros slammed his fist on the table. 

“This is serious, Shaz. This is real. You’ll find out all too soon and you must be ready for it. But since you don’t think this important, I will give you this and be on my way,” Ceros said. 

He pulled out a small blue stone.

“What’s this?” Shaz asked.

Ceros whispered to the stone, in a different language, and the stone glowed. 

“This is your birthstone. It allows you to inherit the sword, a small part of the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah,” he handed it to Shaz.

As the stone touched Shaz’s skin, a loud crack erupted from the sky, shaking the tavern. Jagwynn scurried from under the table as Shaz and Merrick leaped to their feet and drew their swords in one fluid motion. They stood with their backs to each other’s and surveyed the room. 

“What funny business are you up to?” Merrick growled.

Some of the patrons covered their heads while others hid under tables. The constant tingle on the back of Shaz’s neck was gone. Shaz scanned the tavern and the beaked figure was gone too. 

“Ah, now he knows,” Ceros said.

“Who?” Shaz asked.

“Gavin Rhill,” Ceros said. 

“What does he know?” Merrick asked. 

“Better yet, how?” Shaz asked. The birdman? he thought.

“Now do you believe me?” Ceros asked. 

Merrick glared and Shaz put his sword away. 

“I assume Mathieu has the box and satchel entrusted him?” Ceros asked. 

“Yes, I will tell him you came by,” Merrick said, “Come on let’s go.” 

About the Author

DS Johnson is an artist, illustrator, entrepreneur, and author of the
Realms of Edenocht series for Young Adults. With over a decade of writing
Young Adult novels and graphic design and an avid online role-playing gamer,
DS Johnson has years of experience in the art of fantasy make believe and a
love for the genre of role playing games and has endeavored to bring to life
in action adventure novel form the love of the game. With quotes like
‘WOW, now that was pleasantly unexpected!’ With the natural
sense of leveling up your character and developing your skills, DS Johnson
has successfully combined the art of fantasy and role playing in a
remarkable series for young and old readers. Even if you’re not a
role-playing gamer, you will find the books Realms of Edenocht utilizes the
traditional, but exciting story telling techniques with skill and flare all
readers will love. DS Johnson works from home and enjoys family life and the
creative process.
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Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs Blitz

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs banner

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs covers

Action Adventure Fantasy

Date Published: April 2020

Publisher: Rosecrest Publishing


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As the descendants and heirs unite and fortify one another with their
special skills, they find themselves in the heart of the center realm,
Ebassia. The recently deceased King has left the enormous duty of ruling
such a vast realm to his daughter, Oladesni, who has only the head
Necromancer of the Velsharoon as her mentor. With an unrelenting desire to
be released from her own prison, Isot leader of the Velsharoon uses the
coronation of the new queen as her opportunity to execute the Binding of the
Crypt spell through the Pact of the Everlasting. Shaz and his company of
elemental mages and miniature warriors must find a way to stop the
Necromancer from committing an unthinkable act of mass murder. The company
is thwarted by one thing after another and must race against time to stop


About the Author

DS Johnson is an artist, illustrator, entrepreneur, and author of the
Realms of Edenocht series for Young Adults. With over a decade of writing
Young Adult novels and graphic design and an avid online role-playing gamer,
DS Johnson has years of experience in the art of fantasy make believe and a
love for the genre of role playing games and has endeavored to bring to life
in action adventure novel form the love of the game. With quotes like
‘WOW, now that was pleasantly unexpected!’ With the natural
sense of leveling up your character and developing your skills, DS Johnson
has successfully combined the art of fantasy and role playing in a
remarkable series for young and old readers. Even if you’re not a
role-playing gamer, you will find the books Realms of Edenocht utilizes the
traditional, but exciting story telling techniques with skill and flare all
readers will love. DS Johnson works from home and enjoys family life and the
creative process.


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Filed under BOOKS

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs Blitz

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs banner

Realms of Edenocht: Descendants and Heirs cover

Action Adventure Fantasy

Date Published: April 2020

Publisher: Rosecrest Publishing


photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png


As the descendants and heirs unite and fortify one another with their
special skills, they find themselves in the heart of the center realm,
Ebassia. The recently deceased King has left the enormous duty of ruling
such a vast realm to his daughter, Oladesni, who has only the head
Necromancer of the Velsharoon as her mentor. With an unrelenting desire to
be released from her own prison, Isot leader of the Velsharoon uses the
coronation of the new queen as her opportunity to execute the Binding of the
Crypt spell through the Pact of the Everlasting. Shaz and his company of
elemental mages and miniature warriors must find a way to stop the
Necromancer from committing an unthinkable act of mass murder. The company
is thwarted by one thing after another and must race against time to stop




Heavy gusts whipped through the barren wasteland. The radiating heat stung
their lungs as they barreled over the uneven ground. Long strands of purple
haze lined the night sky. Murky shadows played tricks on their senses as
they dodged the tiny night insects. Turkill snagged a small stone as he
turned a sharp corner. He placed it in the pocket of his sling and swung it
over his head. He regained his footing and twisted at the waist. He let the
momentum propel the stone. It sliced through the air like a razor and hit
the Jaduuk square in the forehead. The creature fell backward at an instant.
The pack of Jaduuk still behind leaped over their fallen packmate. They dug
their hind legs into the ground and leaped over scattered boulders with

Ladtwig ran onto a half-fallen tree and slammed his walking stick into the
ground. His small frame launched into the air.  He pulled his arms and
legs in tight and rolled through the smelly, orc-like-wolf-hunter’s
arms. He somersaulted onto a jagged boulder on the other side and scurried
over the edge.

“Send our scents into the breeze,” Shaz said.

Serin twirled her hands, spinning the air before launching it toward the
Jaduuk. The Jaduuk hunter snarled. Drool dripped from his long fangs at the
sides of his mouth. Long ears at the top of his head twitched, and his
snout-like nose puckered as he caught the scent. He skidded in the soft dirt
and shot off toward them. Turkill leaped behind the boulder Ladtwig was
behind and rolled to a stop.

“That should draw them this way,” Shaz said.

“And then what?” Serin asked.

“We set a trap,” Shaz said.

“How those things are twice our size, and we have no idea what
they’re capable of?”

“Then we find out,” Shaz said.

“You know, I’m starting to doubt your logic here,” Serin

“Here, help me with this rock.”

Serin called the air and sent a puff under the immense boulder.  Even
with her air magic, the boulder was almost too heavy to move. She gripped
the ground with her toes and stretched her arms out as far as she could. The
boulder inched gradually. Shaz thrust his shoulder into the stone and
heaved. It moved into place and Serin dropped her arms. They hurried behind
the rock and crouched into its shadow.

Serin gripped the cold stone for support. Shaz could tell she was becoming
weaker and he did rely on her air magic more than he should. Think, think,
what would Grandfather tell me to do?
  he thought.

“Do you think you could make a sandpit, while I keep them
busy?” Shaz asked.

Serin studied him with a little surprise. She understood from his
expression that he knew she was tiring. She sucked in a deep breath and
nodded. Shaz touched her shoulder and she became aware of his energy. It
tickled her skin and gave her a little more confidence. Shaz gripped the
hilt of his sword and rounded the boulder. At first, he couldn’t see
anything, but then, a funny image played out in his head. He sucked in a
deep breath and the image became a little clearer.

“One, two, three, four, five,” Shaz counted.

He found the Jaduuk scents and a blurry image of where they were settled
into his conscienousness. Three were larger than the other two and he
surmised they were the males. He pulled the sword from his side and allowed
the energy to surge through his arm. He took several steps from Serin and
then ran toward the smaller beasts.

Serin slipped off her boots and wriggled her toes into the soft sand. She
hadn’t understood why Shaz wanted the boulder moved but now she could
tell it was because the ground was softer here. She gathered the strength
she needed and began filling the sand with air. A steady stream of wind
burrowed into the sand making the top bubble and bounce. Serin’s arms
ached. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on the wind, but she found it
difficult. She breathed heavily, and her body began to sag. The wind
continued to burrow deep into the ground making the circle widened. She had
no idea how big to make it because she had no idea how big the beasts
actually were, or if they could jump high, or at all.

Shaz clenched his fist. The pounding of the ground intensified as the pack
quickened their paces. He was confident they had him locked into their
senses and the only way out was to fight. A high-pitched snarl echoed over
his shoulder. The enormous jaguar leaped over Shaz and sank her claws into a
Jaduuk. The creature recoiled. A strong odor wafted through the air and Shaz
covered his nose. Jagwynn gripped the sand and slid on her haunches. The
Jaduuk snarled and roared. Jag returned the roar and leaped at the Jaduuk.
The Jaduuk dug its claws into Jag’s flesh. Jagwynn yelped and her eyes
widened. She opened her jaws wide and gripped the Jaduuk’s face with
her claws. She sunk her teeth into the think leathery texture of the
beast’s neck. The Jaduuk reared back and tried to shove the huge cat
off. Jagwynn swung her tail to keep her balance as her hind legs pushed
herself onto the beast. They toppled to the ground and the more the Jaduuk
wriggled the tighter Jag clenched.

Shaz ran at one of the smaller Jaduuk. He flipped the sword and sliced the
beast’s chin. The beast roared and stumbled backward. Shaz spun and
brought his blade over his head. The slight glow of the sword’s
markings made a mark in the night sky. He pulled it down with ease and
listened to the whipping-sound it made against the howling of the wind. The
blade sunk deep into the shoulder of the oncoming Jaduuk. A high-pitched
howl pierced Shaz’s head and he flinched.

Shaz flew several lengths from another Jaduuk’s fist hitting him in
the ribs. Shaz struggled to breathe as the pain raced to his brain. The cold
gritty earth found its way into his lungs as he gasped for air. Shaz coughed
and gagged as a mixture of blood and sand escaped his lungs. The metallic
taste the blood left, sank into his consciousness. The heat of the
Jaduuk’s breath ripped down his spine. He couldn’t make his body
move. No matter how hard he tried and how much he yelled in his mind, it
wouldn’t respond.

“Stay here,” Turkill said.

“What are you going to do?” Ladtwig asked.

“I don’t know yet, but I have to help,” Turkill

“We are way too small, they will eat us alive,” Ladtwig

“Maybe that’s the way we fight,” Turkill said.

“How do you mean?” Ladtwig asked.

“Well, they can’t fight something they can’t see,”
Turkill said.

“But they see with their noses,” Ladtwig said.

“Yep,” Turkill said.

Turkill pulled all his leather armor and clothes off, clear down to his
skivvies. Ladtwig’s eyes popped out of his head. Turkill pulled his
knife from his belt and sliced several desert plants off their stems. He
rubbed them vigorously until his bronzed skin no longer showed. Ladtwig
quickly followed and covered himself too.

“This plant stinks,” Ladtwig said.


Turkill removed his sling and gathered several rocks and shoved them into
his pouch. He secured them around his waist and crept out from around the
boulder. Ladtwig filled his pouch and grabbed his dart gun.

“I thought you were out of darts?” Turkill asked.

“I am, but you never know.”

The steady wind had long dried all the water from their bodies. It was hard
to move around without feeling the sting of their skin cracking. The heavy
clouds thinned letting a soft hint of the moon’s light shine over the
wasteland. Turkill caught a glimpse of the pack running toward Shaz and

“Over there,” Turkill said.

Ladtwig nodded and hurried around the other side of a broad-faced rock.
They froze in place when they heard Jagwynn snag her prey. Seconds later
Turkill waved to Ladtwig and they maneuvered closer.

The largest Jaduuk waited at the back of the pack. He twisted his ears back
and forth and sniffed the air. Turkill crept up to a desert plant and
cringed as a twig snapped under his foot. The Jaduuk cocked his head and
flicked his long pointy ear backward. Turkill froze and held his breath. The
beast turned and studied the landscape. He sniffed again and sank his
massive claws into the ground. A deep orange glow radiated from the
creature’s eyes. Turkill’s heart sank and he pushed the bile
back into his stomach. Ladtwig tossed a stone across his path onto the other
side and the beast turned. The Jaduuk meticulously searched the night.

Turkill laid a stone into his sling and sucked in a deep breath. His arm
shot above his head and his wrist flicked the sling so hard that the motion
didn’t even take half a second. The rock soared through the air like
lightning and sank into the back of the beast’s skull. The Jaduuk
stopped mid-step and hesitated. He touched the back of his head and felt the
stone. He turned around in slow motion and tried to make sense of what

Turkill held his breath as he tried to understand why the rock didn’t
take him down. The beast shook his head and the orange glow returned.
Turkill gulped and sunk low to the ground. Ladtwig flicked his sling sending
another stone into the Jaduuk’s temple. The beast stumbled but
didn’t fall. Turkill scoured around in his pouch for the sharpest
stone and loaded it into his sling. He stood, raised his arm and flicked his
wrist. The stone shot out of the sling and ripped across the sky.

The fierce rotation of the rock became like a razor as it sliced its
enormous bicep. Ladtwig slipped as he stepped over a rock and fell. He
rolled over and rubbed his hiney. He hurried to his feet and positioned
himself behind a rock. He reached for another stone, but his pouch
wasn’t there.

“Blast,” he said.

The Jaduuk turned and moved toward him. Ladtwig hurried to the bush to
search for his pouch. Turkill moved behind a dead tree trunk and loaded his
sling. He peeked over the trunk but couldn’t see the beast. He moved
to the end of where it had been, but it wasn’t there either. He
hurried to the other end and peeked under the haggard roots. He could barely
make out the Jaduuk and crept to a closer rock.

Shaz gripped his ribs and closed his eyes. A strong sensation coursed his
torso calming the pain to a tolerable degree. He caught a glimpse of Serin
stepping back behind the boulder. His heart swelled with undeniable
gratitude for her. He shook his head and flung the Honor Blade behind him,
letting the motion carry him back to his feet. The Jaduuk jumped back but
not far enough. The tip of the blade raced over its belly.

Shaz parried and sidestepped. The Jaduuk pulled a battle-ax off his back.
Shaz studied the images in his mind and readied himself. Shaz threw up his
sword and caught the ax at its head. He spun the blade and yanked. The
Jaduuk gripped the long-hardened wood shaft tightly in his paw. Shaz let the
blade slip away and parried back. The Jaduuk pounded its chest and howled.
The grounds vibrations rippled into Shaz’s body and the pit in his
stomach clenched tighter. Shaz identified the remainder of the pack and
learned they had mobilized toward them. Still keeping the beast in his
sight, he checked to see if Serin was ready.

Serin leaned against the boulder and wiped the sweat from her brows. Her
lightweight cotton tunic stuck to her slender frame. She tried to steady her
breathing but found it difficult. She rubbed her aching arms and shivered
from the wind as it blew against her wet skin. She examined her sinkhole and
was confident it would at least take a few of the beasts. Serin brushed off
her feet and slipped them back into her boots. She boosted herself from the
boulder and curled her tongue between her teeth. A high-pitched whistle
whipped over the air. The long-draping fur at the top the Jaduuk’s
ears curved over to shield its inner ear from the noise. Shaz closed the gap
and brought the sword up to a side strike. The blade made contact at the
base of the creature’s neck. The ridiculous stench wreaked havoc on
Shaz’s senses and he struggled to keep his nerves. The Jaduuk
staggered, swaying back and forth until it lost consciousness and fell with
a thud. Shaz searched his night vision and determined the rest of the pack
wasn’t far behind. 

Jagwynn released the lifeless body and searched for her next target. She
narrowed her eyes and slunk close to the ground. The coolness of the red
dirt felt good on her warmed fur. At the back of the pack, she found the
smallest Jaduuk and made her way. Jagwynn lay in the taller straggly grass
and waited until the Jaduuk came close enough. She lunged with her forceful
hind legs and released her claws. Jagwynn sunk her claws into the
Jaduuk’s shoulder and flung it to the ground. She flipped around and
lunged again.

The Jaduuk went sprawling to the ground. Its look of shock and instant fear
fed Jagwynn’s excitement and she sank her teeth into its neck. The
Jaduuk squealed and flailed around but Jagwynn gripped tighter.

Ladtwig found his pouch and tried to tie it back onto his breeches. The hot
breath of the Jaduuk caressed his bare skin. The hairs on the back of his
neck stood out and his body shivered. He gulped and turned around. His head
lifted upward as far as it could go. The orange glow was now dark red. Its
long snout flared, and drool dripped from its giant fangs that crested its
eyebrows. Ladtwig searched his pouch but his heart sunk when there were no
stones. He slid his foot backward.

Ladtwig didn’t see the rock behind him and toppled over it. He
scooched backward scrambling to figure out what to do. As he grappled the
ground he brushed up against a prickly plant. He broke off a long stem and
jammed it into his dart gun. The Jaduuk opened his mouth wide and roared.
Ladtwig sucked in and blew the stick hard and fast through the dart gun. The
stick shot out and lodged into the back of the beast’s throat.

Stunned, the Jaduuk dropped its ax and grabbed at its throat. Ladtwig
scurried out from under its extensive claws as it staggered around. Turkill
shot across the dirt and loaded his sling. The rock ripped across the sky
with a whistle and embedded into the Jaduuk’s throat crushing its
airway. Ladtwig jumped to his feet and darted back to the boulder they had
left their clothes behind.

“One, more second,” Shaz said under his breath. Serin whistled
again and peeked out. Shaz dug his boot into the ground and lunged toward
her. He crossed the distance at full speed and slid to a stop as he rounded
the boulder. “Are you ready?” he asked breathing heavily.

“Yes, but I have no idea how many it will hold?” she

Shaz nodded and peered around the rock.

“In about ten seconds, run that way as fast as you can and
don’t look back,” Shaz said. Serin scowled and searched his
face. He wasn’t playing, and a hint of fear crept into her chest.
“Go!” he said.

Serin propelled herself from the rock and dug her boots into the sturdy
ground. She was glad the clouds had thinned letting her see enough of the
landscape, so she didn’t have to stumble around. The pounding of the
beast’s heavy claws drowned out the blood beating in her ears. The
sudden boost of adrenaline surged throughout her body giving her a
satisfying renewal. She leaped over a fallen tree trunk and caught herself
as the loose ground moved under her feet.

From the corner of her eye, she found Ladtwig and Turkill huddled under the
lowest ledge of a substantial rock. She picked up a rock and chucked it at
them. They jumped, grabbed their things and darted toward her. She slowed
her pace, so they could catch up.

“Don’t stop running,” she said as they met up with

“Where’s Shaz?” Turkill asked.

“He’s coming,” she said.


About the Author

DS Johnson is an artist, illustrator, entrepreneur, and author of the
Realms of Edenocht series for Young Adults. With over a decade of writing
Young Adult novels and graphic design and an avid online role-playing gamer,
DS Johnson has years of experience in the art of fantasy make believe and a
love for the genre of role playing games and has endeavored to bring to life
in action adventure novel form the love of the game. With quotes like
‘WOW, now that was pleasantly unexpected!’ With the natural
sense of leveling up your character and developing your skills, DS Johnson
has successfully combined the art of fantasy and role playing in a
remarkable series for young and old readers. Even if you’re not a
role-playing gamer, you will find the books Realms of Edenocht utilizes the
traditional, but exciting story telling techniques with skill and flare all
readers will love. DS Johnson works from home and enjoys family life and the
creative process.


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Filed under BOOKS

Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard Blitz

Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard banner

Realms of Edenocht: The War Wizard cover

Action Adventure Fantasy

Date Published: March 2020

Publisher: Rosecrest Publishing


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In a time of desperate measures, the Queen of the most powerful city in
Edenocht threw the world into a fallen and broken state in an attempt to
destroy the most powerful Necromancer the world has ever seen.  The
once magically enhanced world is no more and the elemental beings that once
inhabited it are gone. The only thing strong enough to bring it back is the
ancient artifacts of the Sev-Rin-Ac-Lavah and the only one strong enough to
use them is The War Wizard.

Edenochts only hope is a War Wizard, but none have been born in a
millennium, until now. Hidden from the Necromancer in a time realm not his
own, the future of the world resides in a barely grown man’s destiny.
The War Wizards protectors did the best they could to prepare him without
the use and teaching of his magic and Shaz must now quickly learn his true
potential and battle the evils of the shadow world.

As a being which hold all the elements and the dreaded shadow magic, Shaz
must find the descendants of the ancient magical races and the artifacts
before the Necromancer does and the world of Edenocht’s future
succumbs to the evil Shadow.


About the Author

DS Johnson is an artist, illustrator, entrepreneur, and author of the
Realms of Edenocht series for Young Adults. With over a decade of writing
Young Adult novels and graphic design and an avid online role-playing gamer,
DS Johnson has years of experience in the art of fantasy make believe and a
love for the genre of role playing games and has endeavored to bring to life
in action adventure novel form the love of the game. With quotes like
‘WOW, now that was pleasantly unexpected!’ With the natural
sense of leveling up your character and developing your skills, DS Johnson
has successfully combined the art of fantasy and role playing in a
remarkable series for young and old readers. Even if you’re not a
role-playing gamer, you will find the books Realms of Edenocht utilizes the
traditional, but exciting story telling techniques with skill and flare all
readers will love. DS Johnson works from home and enjoys family life and the
creative process.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

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