Tag Archives: Chronic pain

Dear Lyme Disease TOUR

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Non-Fiction, Self-Help, Chronic Pain

Date Published: 4/21/20

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This book is a must-read for anyone who lives with Lyme Disease, chronic
pain, and illness and is still seeking answers and support.

In 2015, Wendi’s life drastically changed when she was diagnosed with
Lyme disease and other life-threatening infections. She was once a
competitive athlete, enjoyed the flexibility and freedom of her life to
being bedridden. She shares her struggles along with her celebrations of
living with Lyme disease and chronic pain.

As you read this book, Wendi guides you through each chapter taking you
from theory to practice learning alternative healing tools and engaging in
experiential exercises to start implementing a new way of thinking, living
and finding your “new normal” and hope again.

If you are struggling with Lyme Disease, chronic illness, and pain, you
will learn to forge a new relationship with your body, mind, and soul and
learn new tools to optimize your life despite your limitations.



I discovered how strong I was when my body was at its weakest. My physical and mental body could no longer think, move, or function properly.  My life and health were abruptly rerouted on a path that was scary and unknown. 


Eventually, I knew I had to make a choice. Who was going to be in control of my future health and life, Lyme disease, or me? 


I chose me. 


I chose to trust and listen to my body so I could continue to thrive, learn, teach, and live a life of purpose. 


I chose to view my life from a new perspective to create my place in this new world of chronic pain and Lyme disease. 


Within this new view of living with multiple diagnoses, symptoms, and pain, I practiced the alternative healing tools and methods in this

book so that I could reclaim my health and start creating a life I was in love with again. 

I want the same for you.

I was able to embrace and change my experience and relationship with Lyme disease and other co-infections to help me release my fears, heal, and transform them into a story of purpose. That is what I am sharing on these pages. I wrote this book to connect people and remind all of us that we are not alone. We are on this healing journey together.  


I am not an authority on treating, diagnosing, and/or treating Lyme disease or any other chronic disease and illness. I am however an authority on living with chronic pain and the symptoms of this disease and my other related diagnoses. I also have a master’s degree in public health. 


Please note that Lyme disease and other diseases/illnesses/symptoms are profoundly serious and could be life-threatening. They require proper medical attention and care from a qualified healthcare provider or team. 


This book is not to be used as a substitute for your medical care and attention. Your life and health are important and seeking proper medical care is a priority. This book is a guide to provide you with alternative healing tools and activities to learn, practice, and empower yourself to become your own advocate to help you think better, feel better and live better in mind, body, and spirit as a whole. 

We were born to live our highest potential even with our chronic illnesses, diagnoses, and symptoms. Sure, it was easier to plan our future dreams and goals when we had the energy, focus, and felt well. Even though our path has been temporarily derailed, it does not mean we stop believing, stop having hope, and stop having a purpose. 

It only means we need to look at and approach our health and live our best lives differently. Sometimes all we need is a simple reminder, some guidance to gently nudge us and give us permission to start envisioning, creating, and living new dreams and achieving new goals.

My story focuses on my experience with Lyme disease and my personal healing process, but this could easily be your story too. 


This book was written for everyone who lives with any type of chronic pain, symptoms, and illness. This book is for those who are still seeking answers and support. The message in these pages will provide you with hope when you experience the ups and downs in your personal healing journey. 

There will be moments and days where you feel like you are succeeding and moving forward. There will be days where you feel like your health took a huge step backward. You may question your life, your purpose, and more. This is where hope comes in, the key ingredient that saved me and keeps me going. 


About the Author

Wendi M. Lindenmuth BS, MPH, is an Author, Energy Medicine and Alternative
Healing Specialist and an Intuitive Healing Artist. With over 25 years of
experience in teaching, medical and public health, and healing, she helps
people suffering from Lyme Disease, chronic illness and pain find relief
from their symptoms and limitations and start creating a life of hope,
strength and purpose again. She lives in Dresser, Wisconsin with her husband
and 2 dogs surrounded in the tranquility of Wisconsin Interstate park.

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