The Invisible Trap Blitz

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The Invisible Trap cover

Children’s Book

Release Date: January 3rd, 2023

Publisher: Archway Publishing


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This book is a tool to help parents and children become aware of their
emotions, why they feel the way they do, and work together to embrace the
journey of life.

The Invisible Trap is an allegorical story of a child who leaves the safety
and comfort of home. Soon he is overwhelmed by his new reality. Realizing he
is all alone, he has to overcome his big emotions to gain clarity.

The Invisible Trap is the effect limiting beliefs have on our ability to
function. This book embraces Integrated Psychological Leadership Theory and
intends to help people learn emotional intelligence as early as

About the Author

 John Clay

 John Clay served in the US Army from 2011 until 2022. The impact of his
service left him angry, frustrated and scared. In 2017, his first daughter
was born, and he realized he needed to address his emotional trauma. That’s
when he discovered his on Invisible Trap.


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The Parakeet Prankster Blitz

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The Parakeet Prankster cover

Children’s Book, Children’s modern fantasy adventure

Date Published: Dec 25, 2022


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The Chronicles of the Cove

The Chronicles of the Cove are inspired by Megan’s childhood adventures.
While the real island may have no vampires, were-bears, or other monsters
(that we know of); it remains just as magical as Megan remembers it.


The Parakeet Prankster

Forks in your lawn? Ding-dong-ditchers? Stink bombs? Too much glitter? They
all lead to one thing: a PRANKING WAR! Introducing the magical adventures of
Jessie, Josie, and Jack as they explore their new island home… and
catch the parakeet prankster!

Welcome to Book 2 of the Chronicles of the Cove!

About the Author

Megan Lucker

Megan Lucker hails from Sanibel Island, Florida. A freelance author,
editor, ESL tutor, and utter rapscallion; Megan has over a decade of
experience in children’s education.

She paddled to the mainland to earn her degree from FGCU. Now, she spends
her days fist-fighting alligators, teaching her dog to skateboard, and sword
fighting in the garden. Oh, and of course, writing.


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I’M In PoWeR! Blitz

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A Journey to Discover Who We Are

Children’s Book

Date Published: May 20, 2022

Publisher: Hasmark Publishing International


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Josh, age ten, and Sara, age eight, are brother and sister. They enjoy each
other’s company and love to play games together and explore the woods near
their house. Sometimes, though, they worry that they don’t fit in with their
peers. Like many kids, they have questions and concerns about life and why
things are the way they are.

One day, a seemingly wrong turn in the woods leads them to an unexpected
discovery. They meet a wise, magical being who teaches them how to
appreciate and use their miraculous minds and unique God-given gifts.
Through these lessons, they learn how to connect with their authentic
confidence and personal power, positively transforming them and their

The story in this short book is based on the author’s personal life
journey and the wisdom and insight she has gained from her mentors and
spiritual teachers in the field of personal development and spirituality. It
is a life-transforming guide for children and adults alike.

About the Author

Misun Hifumi

I was born in Seoul, Korea in 1971.  As the youngest of the family,
with an older sister and two older brothers, I was surrounded by comfort,
support, and most of all, love.

As a child, I loved spending time in my own world of imagination, where I
had the ability to create my friends, experiences, and
“realities.” These were always preferable to the true reality
that surrounded me.

Growing up in the 1970s and 1980s, Korea was still recovering from its long
history of military dictatorship after the Korean war and still experiencing
the turmoil of political upheaval. It was simply too chaotic and harsh for a
free-spirited young mind.


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The Night the Reindeer Came to Play Blitz

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The Night the Reindeer Came to Play cover

Isabelle & Karen M Tanch Illustrations and Artwork

Children’s Book

Date Published: October 6, 2020


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What are they up to now? Children will be delighted to turn each page to
find out what happens when Santa’s reindeer visit the home of a young child
on Christmas Eve. Full of mischief and fun, this silly group does everything
to enchant, excite, and engage our little tot!

Help your child learn to read and count while enjoying the magic and
merriment these reindeer provide in this award-winning storybook!


*Wishing Shelf Books Awards Red Ribbon WINNER

*Purple Dragonfly (Story Monsters) Award FIRST Place WINNER – Children’s

*A 2020 Best Picture Book for Preschoolers – Preschool Powol Packets

*2021 American Fiction Awards – WINNER/Holidays


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Polly’s Special Day Virtual Book Tour

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Yulinda Blake Cook cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: Aug 3, 2022

Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.


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The story of a lifelong memory given to a little girl by her father who
grants her the gift of her dreams, which is… time!

What do #GIRL DAD’S DO? They show their daughters that quality time
given to them doesn’t tick away. Quality time is recorded and locked
in the heart to cherish and retrieved through the memory anytime they need


Yulinda Blake Cook tablet

About the Author

Yulinda Blake Cook

Yulinda Blake Cook lives in Suwanee Georgia, she is a wife, mother of four,
and YaYa to nine wonderful grandchildren and counting. She loves spending
quality time with her family. Yulinda loves reading to her grandchildren and
cooking large family meals. Prior to retirement, she worked professionally
in the fields of Social Work, Psychology, and Early Childhood Education. She
has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Alabama (Birmingham) in
Social Work with a Psychology minor. She also has an Associate Degree in
Early Childhood Education from Lawson State College (Birmingham). Yulinda
has experience as an editor/writer of a newsletter, and as an instructor and
mentor during her employment with the federal government.
“Polly’s Special Day” is Yulinda’s first published
book. This book is loosely based on a true family event. With every book,
she hopes to fortify children’s imaginations and improve family

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