Simple Rich People Virtual Book Tour

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Self-Help Personal Finance

Date Published: 4/3/24

Publisher: Mindstir Media



Have you ever wondered how people become rich? They keep it simple!

Business dealmaking veteran Shekhar Chopra dispenses wealth wisdom for
dreamers, thinkers, renegades, mavericks, and do-gooders in this
indispensable roadmap to building financial success and personal

Simple Rich People explores fundamental principles and practical scenarios
to build wealth and leverage money as an effective resource to live a
fulfilling life. It’s time to simplify becoming wealthy and feeling

Are you ready to feel rich? It’s simple…once you know how!


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Simple Rich People shows people how to build wealth. Wealth earned the right way is a significant impetus for self-belief. Wealth is not only described by the amount of money one has, though this is a metric that helps measure, but it’s also a shameless quantitative metric. Wealth is not what it is but what it can provide to the individual in pursuit of this highly prized yet mostly elusive reward. 

This book shares simple principles to generate wealth. Seemingly ordinary people can achieve incredible wealth through simplicity and ingenuity. Someone’s genes determine neither simplicity nor ingenuity; these are within the sphere of influence of “ordinary” human beings. Ordinary human is an oxymoron akin to corporate wellbeing and work-life balance. Corporate well-being feels like a resort spa experience. And work-life balance is a myth to follow to hell — burn your work and your life. The banal truth is that there is only life, and work in any form supports this life. There is no ordinary human being. Each human being is a trapeze artist, a magician in an invisible cloak. Endowed with unique abilities, we have sufficient assets within ourselves to create wealth with purpose. 

The principles in the book will take you from A to Z for creating wealth, the state of A being where you are today even if you are starting out under mountains of debt. And Z is where you want to go. For those who lean quantitatively, the number is yours to pick. I cannot guarantee whether you will reach this number, but if you choose it wisely you have my assurance of a life well lived and money well beyond your needs.


About the Author

Shekhar Chopra

I have twenty plus years of experience in procurement and business
negotiations at Fortune 500 companies including Deloitte Consulting, Yahoo,
eBay, Kaiser Permanente, Splunk, and Novellus. I have built wealth from
ground zero with discipline, courage, and experimentation. I did not create
a new software, invent a new drug, or sell investments in Wall Street.
Simple Rich People shares the methodology, and frameworks on how this was
accomplished, and to guide others in their journey.

I am devoted to elevating financial literacy in our communities and help
people of all backgrounds to live richer, simpler lives, and improve quality
of life outcomes. The potential to expand financial literacy for readers of
all socio-economic backgrounds, and generate self-belief and self-reliance
is the mana.


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