The Gnome and the Science Experiment Virtual Book Tour

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The Gnome and the Science Experiment cover

Illustrator: Angel Neha


Children’s Book

Date Published: March 6, 2024

Publisher: Mindstir Media



This short story is about Nathan’s adventures during a 5th grade science
field trip to the Sunbrook Forest National Park. Nathan is familiar with the
park because he and his sister Iris has visited the park before with the
encouragement of their mom. Nathan overcomes some anxieties of not liking
the subject science, having to buddy with the 5th grade bully, and worrying
about other 5th graders, teachers and volunteers might see Gob the gnome and
cause problems for Gob and the park. By the end of the science fieldtrip
Nathan has built a level of confidence that he could make the best science
presentation in his classroom and together with the 5th grade bully develop
a monthly ‘Clean the Park’ project where he and his classmates join to clean
up the forest. a mother wanting her children to enjoy the outdoors. Nathan
meets an interesting park ranger who later become very instrumental in his
interest in science, the environment and his future career plan after high

Since the 1400s, folklore has described gnomes as guardians of treasure and
the protectors of Earth. Gnomes represents stability, growth, and good luck.
This is the third book of the six-book series about Gob the gnome. The six
books in this series all revolve around a gnome, the protector of a local
forest, who becomes friends with Nathan and Iris and helps to educate them
on the importance of caring for the environment.


The Gnome and the Science Experiment tablet


The Gnome and the Science Experiment excerpt


About the Author

Marilyn Slaughter

Marilyn Slaughter is an educator with experience teaching second through
fifth grades, middle school science, and social studies. She now spends time
authoring books for children and adults for engagement, learning, and
entertainment. Marilyn’s first six books are a set with the theme of
children, with their families enjoying the outdoors; and with teachers and
classmates learning about the environment. The children are introduced to a
magical and mythical being in the forest and they work to save the local
forest. Her goal is to provide a fun read with an entertaining way for
children to learn about science.

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The Neighbors’ Secret Blitz

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The Neighbors' Secret cover

A Maddie Mystery series, Book 1


Middle Grade Mystery, Children’s Mystery

Date Published: 05/21/2024

Publisher: EverImagine Books (an imprint of Harbor Lane Books, LLC.)



Maddie’s life is a mess. Along with the usual hassles of eighth
grade, her best friend Rachel has gone boy-crazy and seems drawn to a new
crowd. To make matters worse, everyone’s teasing Maddie for
impulsively breaking into her neighbor’s home when her imagination
went wild thinking that she saw a mythical creature called a Yeti

Then, the new neighbors pull into their driveway and Maddie thinks she sees
a human hand push out the taillight of their car. Other strange events
follow. Are they kidnappers? Spies? Maddie convinces Rachel to help
investigate, hoping that working together will bolster their friendship. But
that looks unlikely after both of them crush on the new neighbors’ son

Maddie is in a no-win situation. If she proves the new neighbors are spies,
Alex will hate her. If she finds out they’re not spies and dates Alex,
Rachel will hate her. But Maddie can’t resist solving a mystery and
soon finds herself on a collision course with her best friend, her first
crush, and the dangerous world of espionage. Her entire world – and
her life – is at risk.


About the Author

Since discovering Nancy Drew books as a child, Diana has been a lifelong
mystery fan. She wrote this story to share her passion with tweens and early
teens, to glorify girl power, and to pay tribute to female spies from the
American Revolution. Recent FBI counterintelligence investigation of Russian
spies, who portrayed themselves as typical Americans, known as Operation
Ghost Stories and an American scientist who was arrested for providing
intelligence to China inspired her to write this story. As a former
litigator, she also drew from her experiences defending FBI prosecutorial
targets and witnesses and handling a case involving someone who had led a
double life. She also did research on Agent 355 of the Culper Spy Ring. She
grew up near Cranbury, New Jersey, where her sister now lives. The
Neighbors’ Secret is a finalist in the Connecticut Tessa Awards.


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Can’t See Around Corners Blitz


Psychological Thriller

Date Published: January 27, 2024



Two fraternal twins, Sharon and Annie are the only children of Edna and
Warren Karce.

They are the future of the highly famed socialite dynasty.

The girls have graduated with honors and look forward to their trip to

The sisters’ love for one another is obvious but a sinister force of
malicious feelings dwells beneath their facade of shared contentment.

Once abroad and with their hypervigilant parents absent, treachery, deceit,
and wickedness develop intensely between the girls, and their relationship
advances into the vilest possible nightmare, changing their lives

The discovery of an ancient, mysterious pendant formerly owned by Vlad, the
Impaler from Dracula’s Castle begins an epic spiral of demonic incidents
that traumatize not only the twin girls lives while in Romania but has the
ability to penetrate their family’s existence back home in Australia.

How will the highly renowned family survive the unforeseen satanic entity,
integrated with the discreditable exploits from the once idolized and
respected daughters of the Karce Empire?

About the Author

Josie Townsend

Josie Townsend was born in regional NSW Australia, the eldest daughter of
five children. She started writing at the age of 55yrs old and has
self-published two manuscripts and a third on the way. At the young age of
21, Josie had a car accident and lost sight in her left eye, so as a
vision-impaired writer it was even more difficult for her to write but she
endeavour’s to follow her heart’s desires and keep moving forward in life.
Even through her struggles, she believes in never letting life’s hardships
hold you hostage like you’re its victim.


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Quantum Consequence Virtual Book Tour

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Quantum Consequence cover

Physic, Lust and Greed Series, Book 5



Date Published: 05-16-2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing



After foiling the political ambitions of a would-be American dictator,
time-traveling lovers Marta Hamilton and Marshall Grissom return to their
life in the Caribbean only to confront the murder of a friend and inherit
responsibility for a gutsy 10-year old boy. Throughout their unlikely and
tumultuous relationship, Marta has harbored suspicions that her
time-traveling companion is not being honest with her. Is Marshall really
the bumbling, good-hearted klutz she has come to love and trust? Or is he
the cunning, cold-blooded assassin Gillis Kerg suspects him to be? In this
fifth tale of physics, lust and greed, a bizarre parallel universe and a
monstrous product of artificial intelligence will impose a costly
consequence requiring both Marta and Marshall to face the truth of her most
haunting question:  “Who are you, Marshall Grissom?”


Quantum Consequence tablet


Everyone familiar with Marshall Grissom and Marta Hamilton knew Marta was the scary one.

Marshall towered six foot seven and was as wispy as a soda straw. Clumsy, self-effacing and kind. In contrast, Marta stood barely five feet, sinewy, built like a marathoner. Although her romantic liaison with Marshall had softened some of her bristles, she could be as mean as a mamba snake and unforgiving as a loan shark.

Once she’d allowed someone to pick their way through her tangled emotional defenses, though, her loyalty was fierce. Which was why she was quick to respond when she heard a man yelling from the dock beside Cecil’s boat, Somewhere Over China.

“Come on, old man! Come out here!”

Marta scrambled to the deck of Dontchaknow—a thirty-two-foot Bavaria tied bow to stern with Cecil’s ketch-rigged Tayana in Grenada’s Prickly Bay Marina. On the dock a hulking man, his belly peeking out from under a T-shirt that strained to contain beefy biceps, swayed a little, like a long-distance sailor who hadn’t quite found his land legs.

“Come out, you, and bring Baptiste! His mama want him home right now,” Cecil’s would-be assailant bellowed in a Caribbean-Creole accent.

Cecil emerged onto his boat’s deck, brandishing a speargun.

“Stop right there, Ignace Aguillard,” Cecil said. “Baptiste doesn’t have to go anywhere with you. You hit this boy. Go away, or we’ll call the constable.”

“I’m da only father he got,” Aguillard answered. “Boy sass me, need to get hit. Boys gotta learn respect. Put down that toothpick you holdin’, you, or I come up there and stick it up your ass.”

Marshall clambered up on deck after Marta. “What’s going—

The question died on his lips as Baptiste peeked from behind Cecil, revealing a black and purple shiner that closed his left eye.

“Marshall,” Marta said, “go below and get the flare gun.”

Instead, Marshall vaulted over Dontchaknow’s lifelines, landing with surprising agility onto the narrow dock.

“Marshall, no!” Marta called.

Aguillard turned to confront this new threat.

“Now you in trouble, you!” Baptiste shouted with all the venom a ten-year-old could muster. “Dis da one I tell you about. He a famous killer, not afraid a’ da likes a’ you.”

Aguillard glanced at Cecil, still pointing his speargun, then back to Marshall. He laughed. “You who dis boy been yappin’ about? I break you like a stick.”

Marshall looked around, blinking, as if surprised to find himself in the middle of this confrontation but quickly collected himself. “You hurt Baptiste? He’s just a little boy.”

“Believe me,” Aguillard said, “gonna hurt you a lot worse.”

Aguillard took a step forward.

Bugger, thought Marta. Her only weapon, a flare gun, was below deck. She saw Cecil lean forward, the speargun steady in his hands.

“What are you doing, Marshall?” she said. “You can’t—‍”

Aguillard charged with Marshall dead in his sights.

“Run, Marshall!” she yelled.

Marshall appeared frozen, paralyzed with fear.

“Oh no!” Cecil called, tracking Aguillard with his speargun, finger on the trigger.

Marshall flinched but stood his ground as Aguillard gathered momentum.

Marta wondered if Marshall wanted flowers at his funeral.

At the last instant before impact, though, Marshall stood tall—almost on tiptoe—and executed an elegant spin, like a matador’s pase natural, allowing Aguillard to brush past him, only a whisper of space between them. As he passed, Marshall gave Aguillard a backhanded nudge with just enough pressure to alter the big man’s trajectory.

Aguillard careened off the dock into fifteen feet of warm, green water, then came up sputtering and cursing. Marta appeared at Marshall’s side, carrying an aluminum dinghy oar. Aguillard swallowed a mouthful of seawater and gagged. Marta swung the oar with all her might, striking him on the head.

Baptiste had leapt onto the dock and stood beside Marshall and Marta as they watched Aguillard sink. Bubbles drifted to the surface, their wet little pops waning in frequency.

Eventually, Baptiste said, “Somebody don’t do somethin’, he gonna drown.”

“Yeah, well . . .” Marta said.

Cecil joined them. They regarded her with imploring eyes.

“Oh, all right,” she said. “Marshall, go to the beach.”

Marta dove in, grabbed Aguillard by his hair and kicked toward shore.

Marshall helped haul him onto the gleaming sand where Aguillard lay unmoving, turning a curious shade of blue.

“Um . . . shouldn’t we, you know . . . do mouth-to-mouth or something?” Marshall asked.

“Not my mouth,” said Marta. “And not yours either, if you want it to have anything to do with mine.”

“We can’t just let him—

“Oh, I suppose not,” Marta said.

She jumped into the air, then using her whole weight, slammed her elbow onto Aguillard’s chest, which made a cracking sound. Water spewed from his mouth as he gagged and gasped.

“Roll him onto his side,” Marta said.

“Okay, now what?” Marshall asked.

“If he doesn’t get up and walk away in an hour, we’ll call someone to haul him off.”

“I think,” Marshall said, “the tide’s coming in.”

“Then I guess he’d better hurry.”

About the Author

Mike Murphey

Mike Murphey is a native of eastern New Mexico and spent almost thirty
years as an award-winning newspaper journalist in the Southwest and Pacific
Northwest. His debut novel, Section Roads, has been recognized by Indie
Reader Discovery Awards, Reader Views Reviewers Choice Awards, The IAN Book
of the Year Awards, the Somerset Contemporary Fiction Awards, and the
Independent Publishers Book Awards. His novel, The Conman has been
recognized by the International Book Awards, the eLit Awards and the
Manhattan Book Awards. His award-winning Physics, Lust and Greed Series
includes Taking Time,  Wasting Time, Killing Time and  The Outlaw
Gillis Kerg. “We Never Knew Just What It Was… The Story of the
Chad Mitchell Trio” is his first non-fiction work. Mike loves fiction,
cats, baseball and sailing. He splits his time between Spokane, Washington,
and Phoenix, Arizona.


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MEGASTAR! Virtual Book Tour

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Contemporary fiction and Romance

Date to be Published: May 1, 2024

Publisher: Indies United Publishing House



Dive into the mesmerizing world of “MEGASTAR” and experience a
poignant tale of music, fame, love, and love lost. Nineteen-year-old Addison
Stone, raised by a mentally unstable single mother, becomes an overnight
international singing sensation. Still carrying the scars of his youth, he
struggles to accept his sudden fame and fortune. Will it suffice to fill the
void left by his tumultuous past?

With a twist of fate and a bit of kismet, Addison stumbles upon solace in
his extraordinary singing voice. The stage becomes his refuge, but amidst
the blinding lights and thunderous applause, there’s a deafening
silence left by the absence of the woman he loved, lost, and hopes to

As he climbs the ladder to musical acclaim, his heart remains tethered to a
past he can never escape. He yearns for the love he once had but is lost to
his addiction to fame and fortune.

From mother to son, the legacy of Addison’s turbulent childhood
persists. Journey through the intricate roots of Addison’s life as
“MEGASTAR” takes you on a captivating odyssey.


Praise for Megastar

In Megastar, readers receive a powerful tale of teen Addison Stone, who
reaches the pinnacle of international singing success but also creates
distance from the woman he loves, lost to stardom and addiction. The author
blends realistic dialogue and character insights into the story of how pasts
are either set aside or influence future decision-making. Libraries and
readers seeking novels steeped in reflective accounts of changing love and
ambition will find Megastar thought-provoking and worthy of book club debate
and discussion as its hero attempts to move from tragedy to uplifting new
possibilities in both life and love. 

5 Stars. D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review


Novels that feature celebrities are of enormous interest to the reading
public. Megastar features teen Addison Stone reaching the heights of fame
without the usual pitfalls that so often overshadow the rich and famous. The
story concentrates on Addison’s feelings, portraying how money and
fame cannot replace the loss of the woman he loves love. I kept expecting
the story to take a different path, but time after time, I was surprised and
simply had to keep reading to the explosive ending. I highly recommend this
book. A well-deserved 5 stars!

Reviewed by Lucinda E Clarke for Readers’ Favorite

MEGASTAR! tablet


Someone tapped Addison’s shoulder as he and Ben approached the buffet table. He turned and came face-to-face with a beautiful young woman with large, penetrating blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds, reddish-blond hair that touched her shoulders, and a great figure to boot.

“Hi, I’m Hanna.” She took Addison’s right hand in hers and gently squeezed. Her grip was firm and warm. “That was one hellacious performance, Mr. Stone.”

Addison’s heart skipped a beat. He couldn’t take his eyes off this stunning young woman. “P-P, please call me Addison. Are you in the music business?”

“No, no, not me. A friend on the production staff slips me a ticket to the show whenever I can make the show.”

“Nice friend to have, um—”

“Hanna—H-a-n-n-a—without an h at the end. It was my mother’s idea.”

“Hanna without the h,” Addison repeated.

“After tonight, everyone will know the name Addison Stone.”

Addison blushed. “Oh, I don’t know about that.”

“Trust me; they will. What’s next for you?”

“That’s up to the Sherman Agency who represents me.”

“Well, Addison Stone from Addison, Alabama—”

“That was my mother’s idea.”

“I’m happy to have this opportunity to have met you.” Hanna glanced at her watch. “I promised to meet up with friends after the show. Good luck to you, Addison.” She hesitated before turning to leave and stared at Addison as if to say something, but she didn’t. She just stared.

“Were you going to say something?”

“Huh, no, I mean, yes. When you sang Your Love, several people near me had tears in their eyes. The same is true when you sang Time to Say Goodbye. You sing with great emotion. That’s a gift.”

“Thank you, Hanna.”

“Well, I have to go. Best of luck to you.

Hanna turned and began to walk away.”

Addison blurted, “Boyfriend?”

Hanna turned back. “What?’

“I was just wondering if you were meeting a boyfriend.”

“Ah, I don’t have one.”

“Me neither… I mean a girlfriend.”

“Then,” Hanna said with a chuckle, “We both need to get a life. You take care now, Addison.”


Hanna looked back over her shoulder. “Yes?”

I-I… I was wondering if… I, ah, I would like to see you again sometime?”

Hanna thought for a moment. “I would like that. How long will you be in New York?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Hanna took a small pad from her purse, wrote her cell number, and handed it to Addison.

“If you’re gonna’ be in town for several days, call me.”

“O-o, okay,” Addison smiled. “I will, I promise.”

Hanna tossed him a thumbs up and began walking away but stopped, turned back, and smiled. “Enjoy yourself. Tonight, you are on top of the world. Be well, Addison Stone. Call me if you can.”

Addison, the shy introvert, was smitten by this lovely young creature. “Hanna,” he whispered low as she walked into the crowd. His eyes remained on her until all he could see was the top of her reddish-blond hair. Like a wisp of wind, Hanna was gone.

Ben had been watching the exchange with amusement. He inched closer to Addison and whispered, “See something you like?”


“There will be many pretty young women circling you before long.”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Ben. Let’s eat.”

Lang and Andy watched from nearby as guests continued to congratulate Addison.

“He has no idea what’s about to happen to him,” Andy said. “His unique voice and good looks are about to propel him to the Moon.”

Lang nodded in agreement. “Yes, but remember that his entire singing experience has been in that church choir. We’ll have to protect him and carefully walk him through the process. Tomorrow will tell where we go from here. Come on, let’s boost his ego.”

They approached Addison and Ben. “You, young man, are about to begin the most exciting time of your life,” Lang said. “You get the next two days off, enough time to let what happened sink in. We’ll meet at the office on Monday. Julio will pick you up around one. Until then, take it easy and savor the pleasures of New York City.”

Addison couldn’t wait to return to his hotel room and write in his journal.


Tonight was magical. Not only did I win the show—a mind-blower in itself—but I met a beautiful angel named Hanna, who moved me in ways I have never experienced. She took my breath away. I hope to spend time with her before Lang and Andy send me off to parts unknown. God, was she beautiful, or what?


About the Author

R.J Eastwood

Mr. Emery’s career as a Producer, Director, and Writer of motion
pictures and television productions spans four decades. At a very early age,
he began writing short stories and shared them with one of his teachers, who
encouraged him to keep writing. His work in motion pictures and television
eventually led him to begin writing books, both fiction and non-fiction, for
which he has received many book awards, among them, Pen America,
Author’s Circle, Book Excellence, Book Talk Radio, Readers Favorite,
Literary Titan, International Review of Books.

His newest novel, “MEGASTAR,” is his 9th publication.

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