Wrinkled Rebels Reveal


Wrinkled Rebels cover

Literary Novel / Historical Fiction

Date Published: 07-23-2024

Publisher: Vine Leaves Press



Now 80 years old, retirement and advanced age have dissipated the spirit of
six college radicals of the 1960s, who jointly had participated in civil
rights campaigns and anti-war protests. Having engaged in only periodic
communication over the decades, they suddenly receive an invitation to
reunite for an extended weekend. Struggling with whether to go, each of them
has divergent qualms and expectations for the proposed gathering.

During their three days together, they confront their inner demons, each
other, and their future. Does Rebecca, the prime mover of the event, find
solace after losing her wife and career? Can Malaika regain her sense of
self after stepping down from her successful law practice? Mourning the loss
of her youthful athletic prowess and attractiveness, what happens when
Deanna faces her old friends?

Struggling with two divorces and a failing marriage, can Russell attain
peace of mind? How will Max, an expat living in Canada, manage with his
incipient dementia? Will the demoralized Keith recover his idealism?

Wrinkled Rebels is a story of how six people achieve meaningful lives
through the struggle for social justice. It is also a tale of love, the
bonds of friendship, and growing old positively.

About the Author

Laura Katz Olson

Laura Katz Olson, AGF Distinguished Professor of Political Science, has
taught at Lehigh University since 1974. To date, she has published nine
nonfiction books, focusing on aging and healthcare. Her latest, Ethically
Challenged: Private Equity Storms U.S. Health Care has been awarded several
gold medals, including from the Independent Book Publishers Association
(IBPA) and the Benjamin Franklin Awards. Elder Care Journey: A View from the
Front Lines, which relates her personal experiences as a caregiver for her
mother, won a Gold Medal in the Ninth Annual Living Now Book Awards.
Wrinkled Rebels is her second novel.


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Avil of God Tour

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Avil of God cover

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 1/18/2024

Narrator: Deborah Balm

Run Time: 15h 30 min



It is 741. Only one thing stands between Charles the Hammer and the
throne—he’s dying. Despite his best efforts, the only thing to reign
after Charles’s death is chaos. Son battles son, Christianity battles
paganism, and Charles’s daughter flees his court for an enemy’s love.

Based on a true story, Anvil of God is a whirlwind of love, honor,
sacrifice, and betrayal that follows a bereaved family’s relentless quest
for power and destiny.


Avil of God tablet


About the Author

J. Boyce Gleason

After a 25-year career working as a press secretary on Capitol Hill,
writing a weekly column for a daily newspaper, and managing crisis and
public affairs for many of the largest American corporations and
institutions, J. Boyce Gleason began writing historical fiction to satisfy
his passion for storytelling.

His first novel ANVIL OF GOD, Book One of the Carolingian Chronicles
received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, was named Historical
Fiction Book of the Year by the Independent Publishers Awards and
Mainstream/Literary e-Book of the Year by Writers Digest Magazine.  The
sequels (Wheel of the Fates & Crown of a King) both received 4.5 ratings
or better on Amazon.

With an AB in history from Dartmouth College, Gleason brings a strong
understanding of the events that shaped history. He says he writes
historical fiction to discover “why.” He and his wife live in


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Cressida’s Agents Teaser Tuesday

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Cressida's Agents cover


Date to be Published: June 7, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press




Replete with all the trappings of an alternate world — airships, steam
powered aircraft, automatons, moon bases, and witches with psychic powers —
Cressida’s Agents is a steamy thrill-a-minute ride in a universe of
what could have been.

Cressida Troy, after being mesmerised into betraying humanity, is now the
wife of Mon Ilson, the alien leader, and is crowned Empress of Space. While
pretending to be the love of his long-life, Cressida is desperately seeking
a way to redeem herself, and somehow save human civilization from
destruction at his hands. Then her former fiancé, Jacob, is captured
and brought to the moon. Can she earn back his love, or has her seeming
betrayal hurt him too much?

Meanwhile on Earth, Marjorie, in the guise of brothel madam and casino
owner is acting as an agent of Mon Ilson. Her goal is to learn from him the
secret of immortality, and for now she must do his bidding. A violent
assassination attempt on her airship Fortuna brings her into the strong arms
of handsome Squadron Leader, Sir Christopher “Kit” Colby. Her
attempt to uncover the mastermind behind the plot leads them both into
deadly danger.


Cressida's Agents tablet




Bauble-like, the Earth shone down on ash-hued desolation, embarrassing the
barren scene with exuberant fecundity. Patches of white lace speckled the
deep blue of the oceans and brushed the rich ochre of North Africa. Above
was Europe and, if I squinted my eyes, I fancied I could see my island home,
the lush green of England.

My breast ached with a fervent yearning.

My husband, Mon Ilson, the self-anointed Emperor of Space, drew me closer
and kissed my neck. “It will all be ours, my love.”


“In due time, my darling.” He pulled me to him, and I snuggled
against his muscular chest. “Do you miss it so?”

I thought a moment and shook my head. “Not when I am with

His lips brushed my earlobe. “We will return soon. I promise. Our
plans advance by the day. Once again you will walk upon the green grass and
feel fresh air upon your cheeks.”

I turned my head and returned his kiss, deepening it, allowing the stirring
in my quim to mask the confusion of my thoughts. As homesick as I was, did I
really want to go back? Could I conquer my guilt? I feared that with the
first step the grass beneath my feet would turn to cinders as dead as the
lunar dust.

Much had happened to me in the year since I’d left the world of my
birth. I was no longer the same woman, the naive and selfish Cressida Troy
who’d been fooled into betraying humanity. That silly girl had become
Nil Ilson, Empress of Space, wife to Mon Ilson, and co-leader of the
Lunarians. I was no longer responsible only for myself. Thousands now
depended upon me, be they hideous goblins, or those who’d
“adopted” human bodies.

In the deepest recesses of my mind, where I was safe from mental probing, I
knew that I’d been possessed, mesmerised into being a traitor to
humanity, deceiving my fiancé, Jacob McLeary, and then killing the
two greatest threats to Mon Ilson’s plans, Fleur and Horatio

The problem was only the agent of my apparent treachery knew that. The
spirit of a murdered girl, Marjorie Gilbert. She had taken over my mind and
had deluded me into believing I loved Mon Ilson, and deceived him into
believing it too. She’d also tricked him into giving her advanced
knowledge of witchcraft. My anger at her was tempered by the realisation she
had not done this to me out of maliciousness, but so she could regain her
body which had been stolen by Mon Ilson’s goblins. Because she loved
me, Marjorie had confessed this, and passed on all the magical powers and
knowledge Mon Ilson had given her, including the ability to hide my deepest

That was the past. I had committed myself to saving humanity from
enslavement at my husband’s hands. How I would accomplish this I did
not know. I was impatient. Biding my time waiting for an opportunity to
present itself was both frustrating and dangerous. Not only could I be
discovered, but I ran the greater risk of letting my growing love for Mon
Ilson blind me to the chance if it arose, and then could I bring myself to
exploit it? That I had come to love him no longer surprised me. Over the
last year I’d learned his dreams, ruled alongside him, and shared his
bed. I’d seen firsthand what an extraordinary and charismatic man he
was, and in other circumstances I would have unreservedly given him my heart
and soul. However, those benign conditions did not exist. The reality was
Mon Ilson was a murderer.

A moan escaped my lips as Mon Ilson caressed a hardening nipple. We were
lying on a couch in the top deck of the royal barge, he behind me, with one
leg draped over my hip. In the crease of my posterior his cock

I wiggled against him. “Make love to me,” I murmured.

“That was my intention.”

My husband deftly lifted the hem of my robe and pressed the swollen head of
his cock against my quim. He gently nudged apart the moist lips and
effortlessly slid inside. With a slight adjustment of his hips the tip of
his cock touched that especially sensitive flesh on the roof of my cunny.
Pure pleasure flooded my system.

Mon Ilson was over a thousand years old, and with countless sexual liaisons
behind him he had developed techniques that ensured a woman’s complete
satisfaction, and men too. He used sexual magic to bond his people to him
after he transferred their spirits from their goblin bodies into the vacant
husks of murdered humans, a process they termed Adoption.

When Marjorie had occupied my mind she would stimulate my senses from the
inside, maximising my pleasure, and bonding me even more tightly to Mon
Ilson’s influence, and made him even more convinced of his devotion to
me. He had been trapped in Marjorie’s web of deceit just as tightly as
I had. His hold over his people was not just through sexual magic, but the
promise of eternal life. Only he could give them that. Only he could
transfer their goblin souls into human bodies. That was why Marjorie stayed
his servant, hoping to learn the trick. Though she had possessed me, she
didn’t know how. That was the one secret Mon Ilson did not share with
her. Marjorie wanted so much to live, over and over again, that she would do
anything for him.

Now that she was gone from my mind, my physical reactions to his lovemaking
were under my control. To overcome my natural aversion to him — a murdering
megalomaniac goblin in a human body — I used magic to bury my repugnance,
project lustful thoughts, and intensify my physical reactions.

“Fuck me harder,” I encouraged him.

His technique, with my magic, quickly filled my body with the pulsating
energy that took me to the precipice of climax, a cliff edge from which I
gladly launched myself, and was lifted like a skyrocket to an explosive

My response caused him to reach his own conclusion, and he filled me with
his copious essence. He wanted children, and my tardiness to provide the
gift was, from his perspective, the only negative aspect in our
relationship. Not that he put any pressure on me — he loved me too much,
but I’d felt his need. The reality was that any unnecessary delay
would need to be explained and defended. I knew of no reason to defer the
inevitable any longer. Though I had control of my fertility, when and by
whom I became pregnant, it was not something I expected to enjoy despite my
intention to use magic to remove the more onerous aspects that plague many
women. At most it would be awkward. Being with child might give me the
leverage I needed to control Mon Ilson’s ambitions and hopefully
mitigate the worst excesses of the invasion, if not avoid it

My husband’s kisses became more fervent, and he resumed his lusty
thrusts. He used his own magic to remain hard, and he fucked me to another
shattering climax. Another glut of his seed filled me to overflowing, and
those fireworks exploded in my head once more. We lay in each other’s
arms, his cock still rigid, while our ragged breathing slowly returned to

“My Lord,” Gloria said diffidently. While we recovered, she had
waited by the bed, head bowed, her hands clasped before her shaven quim.
Gloria had befriended me after I’d been first kidnapped. She was
blonde, with caramel eyes, and a deliciously curved mouth. Like all Lunarian
women who’d adopted a human body, Gloria was not only beautiful with a
spectacular bosom and narrow waist, but she was also obsessed with sex. I
gave her a smile, and she nodded acknowledgement. “Nil Ilson, I am so
sorry to interrupt. The humans have sent a vessel beyond the

Mon Ilson sat up. “Have they really?”


About the Author

Aussie Mikala Ash used to be a mild-mannered training & development
consultant by day, and a wild sci-fi and paranormal adventure writer by
night. Now she is a brazen full-time writer and nature photographer who is
concentrating on having among other things, “… bags, and bags
of fun!” Mikala can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.


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Zero Risk Startup Virtual Book Tour

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Zero Risk Startup cover

The Ultimate Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mitigating Risks When Starting
or Growing a Business


Business Nonfiction / Self-Help

Date Published: May 7, 2024

Publisher: ForbesBooks



Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential!


In the realm of entrepreneurial endeavors, where the brilliance of
innovative ideas holds the potential to reshape markets and industries, the
shadow of risk often looms over visionary business pursuits. This often
discourages numerous promising entrepreneurs from pursuing their dreams or
it leaves them seeking grants or external funding to mitigate risks
associated with launching a new business venture.

But what if entrepreneurs could systematically diminish that risk, paving a
clearer path to success and even securing the trust of banks or investors?
In Zero Risk Startup, Paulo Andrez, a serial entrepreneur and angel
investor, offers an invaluable masterclass to help mitigate key
entrepreneurial risks, providing more than one hundred concrete tips and
tools to empower you to start or grow your business with virtually zero

This transformative manual is far from being a mere compendium of
theoretical insights. It’s a reservoir of practical wisdom that you can put
into action, whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or a first-timer.


In this informative read, you’ll learn about 

  • determining whether or not to start a business 
  • identifying and mitigating the risks of your business with Zero Risk
    Startup methodology (MEFLO) 
  • increasing chances to get external funding from accelerators, angel
  • venture capitalists, or banks, and leveraging cutting-edge artificial
    intelligence technologies for risk mitigation.


Every page is infused with real stories and tips from all over the world,
clearly laid-out strategies, and profound insights aimed at bolstering your
venture against the unpredictable tides of the business landscape.

Zero Risk Startup is more than just a guidebook; it guides you through the
initial steps of minimizing every conceivable risk for your future business,
including reducing capital requirements to launch it.

Whether you’re a budding founder stepping into the unknown with a
revolutionary idea or a seasoned innovator striving to elevate your venture
to the next level, Zero Risk Startup serves as your strategic ally. It’s
your practical companion to transform visionary ideas into realities,
navigating through the array of risks facing your business project,
systematically eliminating them one-by-one.

Zero Risk Startup tablet

About the Author

Paulo Andrez


Paulo Andrez is an angel investor, serial entrepreneur, international
expert in entrepreneurship and innovation, business development, scaling up
and risk mitigation.

He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Zero Risk Startup”,
published by Forbes in May 2024.

He owns a significant portfolio of investments in startup and scale up
companies. As an angel investor, he received the award “Best European
Angel Investment” in 2012 as one of his investments (United Resins)
reached 24.5 million euros in revenues within the first year of operations.
One of his early-stage investments (Sword Health) became unicorn in

In 2000, he played a pivotal role as one of the key shareholders in
Novabase’s IPO on Euronext.

Paulo is a founder of Entrepreneurship Agency DNA Cascais, which supported
more than 500 startups. Paulo was appointed President Emeritus EBAN,
European Business Angel Network, after serving as President until

He has a background as serial entrepreneur and is frequently invited as
speaker worldwide, guest lecturer and expert in innovation, entrepreneurship
and early stage investment. Since 2012, Paulo has been holding a series of
workshops on the topic of new ventures risk mitigation: Zero Risk


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Channeling Virtual Book Tour

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Channeling cover

Mystery / Thriller

Date Published: March 12, 2024



Defying gravity, manipulating the naked eye, and moving faster than time
itself? These abilities, or Channels, were once considered impossible yet
are now commonplace, and the small town of Lockwood, New Hampshire is no
exception. In 2055, society has progressed to include and incorporate
Channeling as a natural part of life. This is made possible by the
establishment of the Department of Channel Control and the limited abilities
most Channelers have. However, this all changes when four students at
Lockwood University discover they can take their Channels further than ever
thought possible. Now, the more Rachel, Miles, Angelo, and Clayton discover
about their abilities and their pasts, the more dangerous their lives


Channeling tablet


part I


Defying gravity, manipulating the naked eye, moving faster than time itself, and more. These abilities or Channels were once considered impossible yet are now commonplace in our world. But how did these abilities come to be? How does their utilization truly impact the user’s body? And what, if any, potential for advancement should society expect from these Channels? 

Through research, observation, and experimentation, we will attempt to find the answers. 


Excerpt from “The Origins of Channeling,” written by Dr. Trevor Sullivan, self-published by Dr. Trevor Sullivan in 2053 5 

About the Author

Andrew Teague McCollister

Andrew has always been passionate about writing and storytelling. They
describe themselves as a curious Writer who loves exploring diverse themes,
motifs, and genres. As part of their writing process, they love immersing
themselves in their projects—diving headfirst into the research,
production, and fine-tuning of the stories they feel are the most worthy of


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