Danje Blitz

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Horror, Psychological Thriller, Occult, Thriller, Paranormal, Fiction

Date Published: November 30, 2023



In a small Louisiana Bayou town during mid-September 1965, Albert Gilly
frantically prepares his family’s fishing store for an impending hurricane.
Amid the chaos, he notices Adonis, a drifter, lying motionless on the
street. With the wind raging and debris swirling violently around them,
Albert’s mind is consumed with thoughts of his family and their dependence
on him as the sole breadwinner. Knowing that they would be destitute without
him, he makes the painful decision to prioritize his own safety over
rescuing the stranger. As Albert stands in his shop’s doorway, the weight of
his guilt is almost suffocating, causing him to hesitate before locking
himself inside. He shouts one last time, urging the young man to seek
shelter in his late father’s houseboat at the end of the pier. Adonis is
startled awake by his words, his mind still hazy, as he struggles through
the strong winds until arriving at the floating sanctuary. However, his
relief is short-lived upon discovering the sinister secrets concealed within
the old wooden walls.

About the Author

Brigitte, "Gitte," Tamar

Brigitte, “Gitte,” Tamar was born in a small rural Oregon town.
Growing up, she was enthralled by scary tales featuring poetic tones and
consistently gravitated towards writing darkened narratives. In the
different storylines, Brigitte explores the harsh realities of social issues
faced by today’s generations. This includes the dark outcomes brought on by
peer pressure, addiction, homelessness, mental illness, childhood trauma,
and abuse. She feels it is essential to share narratives that refrain from
sugarcoating the topics society tends to shy away from.


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Holy Smoke Reveal


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Paranormal Romance/Romantasy

Date Published: 02/06/2024


Lust and lies? Now those, Jovi can handle.

But falling for a demon hunter like Nash Rogan?

Really dumb move for a succubus on the run.



But he’s acting like one. Breaking rules, spilling secrets—touching

He lives in the shadows. But the more Jovi lights him up, the less he wants
to go back to the dark.


Sparks fly when Jovi and Rogan are forced to flee—and fight—as
an unwilling duo in HOLY SMOKE, the first in the HELLBOUND series by Gin


About the Author

Gin Griffith

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Author on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook –  @gingriffithofficial

Publisher on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook – @harborlanebooks

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“America” Oh, Say Can You See Virtual Book Tour

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"America" Oh, Say Can You See cover



Political Nonfiction

Date Published: August 30, 2023


This book places the reader in the correct frame of mind to grasp the
gravity of the situation facing America and comprehend the downward spiral
we have entered collectively as a nation. The United States’ hegemony,
competitive advantage, economic interests, national security, social
construct, morality, and military capability are being threatened and
contested on multiple levels, internally and externally. The global
situation has escalated to a point where our past global retreats and
inactions are forcing us to face significantly more risk. It is imperative
that we adopt a more deliberate and strategic foreign policy posture, spend
substantially more on targeted foreign investments, reengage partners, fix
our sociocultural crisis, and develop new alliances to not fade away into
irrelevance as so many great empires did throughout history.

Oh, say, can you see “America” is written with the intention of
giving busy readers and the electorate a summary perspective on several
different issues that affect us singularly as a nation, regionally as a
country, and globally as a competing power. In the context of writing
styles, this book has an aura of simplification and reiterating points
throughout the book that I wanted to drive home. It is purposefully done to
give the reader a “common sense” perspective rather than a
scholastic paper filled with dry facts and data. Hopefully, this book will
create more questions than answers and spark lively debates among families,
friends, and colleagues. Please ask the tough questions, debate with an open
mind, do not follow talking points, get information from different sources
on both sides, and then use your common sense to see the truth of actions.
You may not agree with some points, but it is always beneficial to look at
varying perspectives, especially with so much on the line. To help the
reader connect the dots on America’s domestic spiral, the book will look
through a political, cultural, and social lens to tease out socio-political
issues impacting society and how the ramifications of these actions have
created the downward spiral our great nation is in today.

To reiterate, this book is purposed to not only wet the reader’s appetite
but to make you think, ask the hard questions, and become knowledgeable and
engaged in the democratic process of our nation, regardless of political
persuasion. Might I remind the readers that politics is there to serve us in
the governance of the country, not live in our “head space,” and
it must be returned to its rightful place in society so we as a people can
come together as “One Nation Under God” and most importantly,
“Under One Flag.”

"America" Oh, Say Can You See tablet

About the Author


The author is of East Indian Descent, born in England to Jamaican and
Guyanese East Indian immigrant parents. His father served in the RAF during
WW2, and his mother trained as a nurse and teacher. John has a diverse
background and was educated in the British and American systems. His
education includes the Cambridge University Examinations, a Bachelor’s
degree in Technical Management (BSTM), a Post-Bachelor certification as a
Paralegal, a Master’s in International Policy and Practice (MIPP) from The
George Washington University, Elliott School of International Affairs, and
numerous military and civilian courses. His academic tracks heavily
concentrate on Transnational Security, Strategic Leadership, Aviation, and
International Policy. John is a former Chief Warrant Officer in the United
States Army Aviation Corps, a graduate of the US Army Warrant Officer Career
College, US Army Aviation Flight Academy, US Army Intelligence School, US
Army Combat Readiness Center, and holds Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) certifications as a Flight Engineer (FE), Commercial Pilot (CP), and
Airline Transport Pilot (ATP). He is dual-rated as an aviator in Helicopters
and Airplanes and held career positions as an Aviation Safety Officer,
Intelligence FW Pilot, Electronic Warfare Officer, and Flight Operations
Officer. John has been deployed for many operations worldwide, and in his
last assignment, he served in Europe and Asia, where he changed careers and
went to UPS Airlines as a commercial cargo pilot, flying the DC8, B757, and
B767-300ER platforms internationally. During his civilian aviation career,
John volunteered for training at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
to be a Deputized Federal Aviation Law Enforcement Officer assigned under
the Department of Homeland Security. John is a disabled American veteran who
is extremely thankful and proud of his service to the United States Army and
is currently medically retired from United Parcel Service Airlines. He
brings to this book the perspective of an immigrant coming to his adopted
country, embracing the nation’s core values, and being fully engaged. John
continues service today as a security and leadership consultant, volunteers
as a training advisor to the Boone Police Department in NC, and advises
several foreign clients on strategic leadership, corporate security, and
risk management. John is a member of the Rotary Club and the Military
Officers Association of America, where he and his wife assist veterans in
various capacities. John is happily retired with his wife Gerarda (CDR.
USPHS. Ret), whom he met during their early Army careers. John often jokes,
“The Army gave me a life and issued me a wife.” They have two sons
and a close nephew in their circle. His oldest son and nephew are former and
retired Army, respectively. His oldest son is finishing his MBA studies, and
the youngest son has recently graduated from Law School. Together, John and
Gerarda have five grandchildren, and when not traveling the world, they hang
their hats in North Carolina and Florida. –This text refers to the
hardcover edition.


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MrDeadletters Blitz

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MrDeadletters cover

Vol. I


Romantic Poetry

Date Published: 11/09/23



Prepare to go on a poetic journey that will ignite your senses and awaken
your deepest desires. Michael D. Dennis invites you to delve into the
intoxicating world of love, passion, and sensuality with his captivating
collection of micropoetry, MrDeadletters Vol. I. These verses are carefully
curated from his renowned social media accounts, where Michael has gained a
devoted following for his fearless exploration of love, lust, and the human

In this volume, Michael lays bare the raw essence of modern love,
intertwining it seamlessly with a touch of enticing kinkiness. His words are
a symphony of emotions, a lyrical celebration of intimacy, and a poetic
revelation of the bonds that connect us on a profound level. Each verse,
each line, pulses with authenticity, taking you on an exhilarating
rollercoaster ride through the highs and lows of the human heart.

These poems are not just meant to be read; they are meant to be
experienced, to be shared with your cherished friend, lover, partner,
husband, or wife. When you gift them this collection, you’re offering a key
to unlock a realm of passion and connection that knows no bounds. Michael D.
Dennis’s micropoetry has the power to spark flames of desire, rekindle the
fires of romance, and deepen the bonds of love.

About the Author

Michael D. Dennis

Michael D. Dennis is an author and playwright who earned a degree in
English literature from Loyola Marymount University.

Winner of a LMU Playwriting Award for his play Death of a Watchdog, Dennis
also had his play Hen in the Field produced at the Whitefire Theatre in

Dennis currently lives with his wife and two kids in Los Angeles,


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Silent Rape Virtual Book Tour

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Veiled crimes of an evil physician


Medical Thriller

Date Published: January 18, 2023



It’s hard to imagine that a physician we think we know well could have an
obscure dark side. We have the affirmation of our family and friends that
our physician is trustworthy, competent, and our advocate. This riveting
novel dares to ask: What evil can a physician inflict behind the exam room

New obstetric residency graduate Dr. Faith Pernitelli is settling into her
career when a fellow provider is accused of taking advantage of his
position. After she divulges her patients’ stories, Pernitelli
discovers that doing the right thing for victims isn’t as
straightforward or well received as she expects. Moreover, her
Asperger’s diagnosis, which once served as a gift to her profession,
is now a curse that threatens everything—including her

As relationships change during stormy efforts to do the right thing,
Pernitelli must decide if fighting for the truth is worth the lies with
which her adversaries retaliate. Who will stick with her when their lives
are threatened in the crossfires of justice? The consequences of fighting
for justice in a quiet New Mexico community are unfathomable in this intense
medical thriller where powerful enemies hide the truth—no matter the
human cost. The truth may not set you free after all in this riveting
medical thriller from a seasoned physician author.

Silent Rape tablet

About the Author

Dr Tony Scott

Dr Tony Scott is a retired obstetrician and anesthesiologist who practiced
for forty years. He currently writes medical mysteries and thrillers.


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