The Super Organism Virtual Book Tour

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The Super Organism cover

Sentinel of Addiction


Date Published: January 8, 2021



Individual characters in a distant future, offer us a series of memoirs
emerging as an all-powerful extraterrestrial life form discovers that it has
been imprisoned by God in human form as part of a supernatural
rehabilitation program.



The Super Organism tablet

About the Author

 M. Makhijani

 M. Makhijani is a novelist; he specializes in the genres of science fiction
and cross-genre. He grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and has a degree in
Psychology and Political Science, with a minor in Eastern and Western
philosophy. He also holds a Diploma in Graphic Design and Illustration from
the prestigious UHI Millennium Institute in the United Kingdom.

For Makhijani, his readers will always come first. A perfectionist by
nature, he obsesses over the tiniest of details, employing a style of
narration that combines a uniquely vivid imagination with intellect and
originality. He develops a narrative that immerses his readers in a very
absorbing and entertaining reading experience.

Makhijani’s hobbies include working out at the gym, Pilates, reading,
watching documentaries and popular science fiction shows on Netflix. He also
holds a First Dan Black Belt in Shotokan Karate, and for a time, trained as
a mixed martial arts fighter at the world renowned Griphouse gym in

He speaks nine languages, out of which Spanish and Italian are his
favorite. He never stops learning and aspires to become completely fluent in
them someday.


Contact Links

X @Makhijani_speak

Facebook: @m.makhijani.novels


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Ripple Effects Teaser

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Ripple Effects cover

Contemporary Romance, Multiple Partners

Date Published: June 21, 2024



Brady Sampson and Myer Joyner met in college, quickly bonding in their
business classes and both landing gigs at nearby Global Initiatives in
scenic Lost Lake, Tennessee. Combining their signing bonuses to invest in a
rental house beside the lake together, the two take to being roommates the
way they have every other challenge they’ve faced over the past two
years — secretly pining for one another while never speaking a word about

That is, until their sexy new coworker, Carly Carmichael, produces an
uncommonly sensual stirring in both men. When Brady invites their new
neighbor over for a meet and greet, she takes him up on the offer on the one
day he’s out. While she and Myer sip wine and get to know each other
better, both let it slip that they have a crush on Brady, unleashing a
series of events that threaten to topple everything they thought they knew
about each other.



Ripple Effects tablet


“White or red?”

Brady Sampson glanced over at his new roomie, Myer, holding up two wine
bottles and wearing an almost face-splitting grin. He struggled to ignore
the equally cataclysmic ripples of desire that rang through his body as he
kept a placid look on his face.

“Which do you prefer?” Brady answered.

Myer glanced from bottle to bottle as if he’d never seen them before,
giving Brady time to openly adore his big, veiny hands as he held each
aloft. “I always drank beer before now.”

Brady chuckled, never less than amused by Myer’s vaguely off-kilter
outlook on life. “So why don’t we grab some beer

Myer wrinkled his nose, nostrils flaring under a spray of cheery soft
freckles to go with his mop of strawberry blond stubble. “I dunno,
this seems so grown up right now, you know?”

Brady steered his own shopping cart closer, inching into the liquor aisle
to join his new roomie. “Beer is grown up,” he suggested,
studying the labels next to the shelf where Myer lingered. “And
cheaper, too.”

Myer gave him a “spoilsport” frown but set the bottles back
just the same. “Dude, you’re not going to be one of those
cheap-ass roomies who puts his food on one shelf and mine on the other and
pro-rates the rent if I happen to steal a grape or two, are

Brady chuckled. “No, of course not. I just don’t really feel
like paying for stuff I’m not going to drink, you know?”

Myer considered this as if he’d never thought of it before.
“Valid point, I suppose.” His big fingers did unspeakable things
to Brady’s already lurid imagination as he moved down the aisle, touching
several brands of champagne. “Bubbly then?”

Brady nodded, as if equally inspired. “That’ll work,” he
agreed, taking one of the two bottles from Myer’s hand.

“Hey!” Myer’s youthful face — oh yeah, he was definitely
getting carded, for sure — broke into a surprised grin. “I thought I
was in charge of alcoholic beverages this time.”

“You are, but that doesn’t mean you’re paying for it

Myer’s gaze quickly assessed the running total of Brady’s
half-full shopping cart. “You’re paying for the steaks already,

“Cuz they come in a two-pack. You want me to tear them in half and
get the butcher to rewrap them?”

Myer frowned, looking effortlessly casual in a mustard-colored V-neck and
striped blue Madras shorts, the clothing seeming to hang off his lean, rangy
frame the same way his shirt and ties did at work every day. “Fair is
fair, though.”

“Now who’s the cheap one? Huh, Myer?”

Myer glanced at his own cart, only slightly less full than Brady’s.
They were facing each other in the liquor aisle, carts side by side, just
two bros out shopping like any other two bros out shopping. And yet, to
Brady at least, the seemingly humdrum errand had such an intimate feel to it
he had to struggle to keep from sweating.

“I mean,” Myer teased, nudging Brady’s elbow with no idea
of what that little tremor from his touch felt like racing through
Brady’s body. “Have you seen the price of yogurt

Brady snorted, romantic reverie suddenly broken. “No, Myer, because
I’m not a retired housewife on a diet.”

They chuckled together, drifting onto the next aisle and quibbling over
potato chips and pretzels like an old married couple. Brady struggled to
keep things light when all he wanted was to reach out and grab Myer’s
hand and cling to it like they were an actual couple.

He swallowed the desire, as he had all his life, and played it cool
instead. Said the right things. Glanced Myer’s way just long enough,
but never too long. Walked just close enough to him as they argued over
wheat bread versus rye, and never too close. Laughed just hard enough,
smiled just wide enough, sending all the right signals like he always

He’d leapt at the chance to room with Myer when they both got transferred
to the Tennessee branch of Global Initiatives after their internship at the
corporate offices in Latham, Georgia. They’d hit it off as interns,
sharing lunch breaks and chatting it up in the campus gym after weekend
workouts. Brady thought it would be the perfect way to solidify their
friendship, even if he knew they could never be more than that. He thought
he could be strong, thought he could fight the temptation, thought it would
be easy, like it had been back when they’d just shared a

But now? Sharing a sprawling house out on secluded Lost Lake, shopping
together, padding barefoot down the same halls in various stages of undress?
Suddenly Brady wondered if he was strong enough to weather the ups and downs
of living with someone who only wanted to be friends.

When obviously, achingly, frustratingly, Brady wanted to be so much



About the Author

Alex Winters is the pseudonym of a busy restaurant manager whose curious
young staff would love nothing more than to follow him around the dining
room reading his steamiest, most romantic passages aloud! When not writing
romantic holiday stories of various heat levels, he enjoys long walks with
his wife, scary movies and smooth jazz. Visit him online to see what stories
are brewing up next!


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The Moral Conundrum Blitz

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Thriller, Military, Suspense



Reed Stanton is a navy fighter pilot and dedicated family man. As a combat
veteran who was assigned to work with navy SEALs overseas, he is proficient
in hand-to-hand combat and with small firearms. His experience on the
battlefield has caused him to struggle with the morality of killing
combatants in war. He doesn’t want to do it. You can’t unsee
dead bodies.

Out of nowhere, his life at home begins to crumble. Betrayal is everywhere.
Facing struggles in his marriage, friends that turn on him, and no longer
trusting of his military chain of command; he is framed for murder. Who is
doing this and why? His only way forward is to continue to trust people. But
who? Reed must unravel this mystery to restore his world. But can he?

All roads lead to a terrorist plotting an attack on a San Diego air traffic
control facility. On a collision course with a madman, Reed faces seemingly
insurmountable odds as he races to stop the attack, neutralize a terrorist,
confront his own moral demons, and reclaim his life.


About the Author

CS Runn

Using a Pseudonym

After careful consideration, I made a conscious decison to represent myself
throughout the site with a pseudonym. I’m sure it defies conventional
publishing wisdom but it enables the preservation of some privacy. I am not
hiding. To the contrary, I am very accessible. I just want the ability to
step back.


My Writing Process

While there is keen interest in the book; there was equal curiosity my
writing and publishing process. That led to the inclusion of a section
“On Writing” with information on topics such as my writing
process, locations in the book, and copyright. This section will grow and
there will be more later on publishing and marketing.



I was born and raised in south Florida and attended the University of
Florida graduating with bachelor of science degree. Following college, I
joined the navy and attended flight school in Pensacola, Florida. After
being designated a Naval Flight Officer, I reported to VF-124 in San Diego,
California and became an F-14 Tomcat Radar Intercept Officer. During a
twenty-year carrier, I accumulated over 2,200 flight hours and 336 carrier
arrested landings.

Subsequent to my navy career, I went to work for the Federal Aviation
Administration as an operations research analysis. This work included
unmanned aircraft systems research that answered questions about integration
of UAS with manned aircraft into the National Airspace System.

I now live in San Diego, California making frequent trips around the
country to explore our nations great national parks as I once did with my
older brother. I also enjoy spending time “yachting” on JBO –
Jerry’s Boat – a terrific, easy to handle, fourteen foot boat with a 40 hp


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Ghosts Teaser Tuesday

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The People That Melt in the Rain #2


Graphic novels-YA Fantasy

Date Published: 05-23-2024

Publisher: Abigail Books


Laura has only just come to terms with moving to the strange town of
Deluge, when she is mysteriously transported into a painting that is
displayed in the school library.  Shocked by her sudden relocation she
realizes she’s been brought back home to Seattle, Washington, but it
isn’t the Seattle she left behind. Has she also stepped backwards in


Ghosts teaser

Ghosts teaser 2


About the Author 

Mike Dubisch, Carolyn Watson Dubisch,

Mike and Carolyn began collaborating artistically at the School Of Visual
Arts in New York City.  They married soon after graduating and began
working together. Their first major project was designing rides on the Turn
of the Century Carousel that was displayed in Grand Central Station in New
York, The LA Auto Show in California, also in Washington DC and New
Orleans.  Their comic book adaptation of the Japanese fable Urishima
Taro, initially created for a fundraiser for the tsunami victims in Japan,
was licensed by FOX in 2013.

Mike is well known for his fantasy art and comics, including art for Star
Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, and Aliens VS Predator. Carolyn is a multiple
award winning author and illustrator of numerous children’s books,
working with multiple publishers and authors, and has appeared in Highlights
For Children magazine. Their most ambitious project, the all-ages graphic
novel series The People That Melt In The Rain, is the product of over ten
years of development.


Contact Links

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Mike’s Facebook




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Mike’s Instagram

Amazon Author Page


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Soul Ink Teaser Tuesday

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Date to be Published: June 23, 2024



Poetry; a unique and beautiful way to express feelings and ideas. Weaving
words into perfect poetic prose, these authors remind you of your childhood,
bring comfort from the hardships of life, fiercely spur emotions, and tell
tales of old. All lovers of poetry will find a favorite here!

Featuring poems by Rhiannon Bird, Luke Dylan Ramsey, Ron Perovich, M. Kelly
Peach, John Grey, Michael J. Corrigan, K.J. Watson, Jonathan Reddoch,
Vanessa Bane, Stephen Schwei, Daniel Anaya, Dana Trick, Cara Hartley,
Douglas Allen Gohl, Samuel Samba, Monica Kakkar, Rizwan Akhtar, Emma
Laurent, Ebuka Stephen, and J.E. Feldman.

Soul Ink standing book



A Brief Ode to an Unseen Eclipse

Though we were not in the path of totality

Partial eclipse sighting was possibility

Overcast as it was, it was not meant to be.

Clouds thick and heavy

Obscuring the sun.



many sing your praise

while your numbers grow smaller

precious butterfly



I inflame your fire

giving you warmth you desire

fundamental fuel


Dear Author

Dear Author,

Thank you for the submission of your story for our anthology.

Your story has good bones.

For us to consider publishing the piece, you must make it more innovative
by changing the characters to amorphous blobs with no discernible age,
ethnicity, nationality, sex, or size.

Within the confines of ten thousand words, we also insist on more
descriptive descriptions of the futuristic setting while not getting lost in
describing the futuristic setting but rather concentrating on compelling
character development between the amorphous blobs.

Further, we insist upon inclusion of an enemies to lovers trope.

Yours truly,

The Publisher


a wintry shower

dusting of snow on the trees

as spring awakens



I sit in my house listening to house music at 6:23 AM.

The skies are gray and the birds have not yet started stirring

In the ugly Siberian elm outside my window.

My father hated these trees with their rough bark and leaves.

He despised their haggard appearance,

Lamenting the downfall of their handsomer cousins, the American elm.

I remember seeing technicians cutting off branches of trees

Spraying them with paint, sometimes felling the whole thing

In order to stop the spread of Dutch elm disease.

I hope my father would be pleased to know

About the efforts made to save the trees he loved

So future generations can appreciate them

As he always did.

Outside my window, an ugly Siberian elm is a dwelling place for beautiful


For my father

31 May 1936 – 28 November 2010


Ornery Owl logo

Ornery Owl is a wise old bird who seeks the truth behind the lies. She uses
her observations to heal the wounded soul. In essence, she is the spirit of
an odd little bird whose wings were clipped at a young age. She is at once a
whimsical manifestation of poetic expression and a fierce protector of those
targeted for derision by an angry and unsympathetic world. Depending on how
you perceive her, she can be either a goddamned delight or your worst


Follow Ornery Owl (AKA Cara Hartley)

Cara H and Ornery Owl Amazon Author Page

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(C. L. Hart is my fantasy, horror, and sweet romance author pen

Naughty Netherworld Press Start Page


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