The Invisible Red String Blitz

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The Invisible Red String cover

A love story that transcends time, place, and circumstance.


Drama, Fiction

Date Published: November 7, 2023



Love knows no boundaries; it’s written in the threads of


“An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet,
regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or
tangle, but it will never break.” – Chinese Proverb


The Invisible Red String is a soulful odyssey where an invisible red thread
of destiny weaves a tapestry of love, growth, and transformation across


Join four extraordinary souls as their lives intertwine in the most
unexpected of ways, transcending the barriers of race and culture to create
profound and meaningful connections.

John, an advertising executive, carries the scars of a turbulent past, a
product of the foster care system, now striving to provide a loving home for
his son, who has Down syndrome. When his supermodel wife abandons him, he
finds himself at a crossroads, searching for healing and redemption.

Anna, hailing from a conservative background in Kerala, India, knows the
pain of forced arranged marriages and the depths of physical abuse. As a
divorcee, she’s determined to break free from her past and discover her own
path to happiness.

Jake, a successful cardiologist, appears superficial on the surface, but
beneath his polished exterior lies a longing for something deeper. He
embarks on a journey of self-discovery, encountering a love that transcends
time and space.

Lilly, a young African woman who once endured the cruelty of corporal
punishment, arrives in a foreign land to pursue her education, with no
family to guide her. She finds unexpected solace in the warm embrace of a
gay couple who become her chosen family.


As these four souls converge at Soul Haven, a place where personal stories
are shared, and meaningful bonds are forged, they embark on a remarkable
journey of growth and transformation. Through profound experiences, they
confront their traumas, explore unconventional therapies like past life
regression and shadow work, and break down the barriers of race and


Anna and John’s love story emerges as a beacon of hope, proving that love
can heal even the deepest wounds. Jake and Maya’s connection transcends the
physical realm, leading Jake on a quest to understand the depths of his own


The Invisible Red String is a spiritual love story that delves into complex
concepts of abuse, trauma, and therapy, offering a glimpse into the power of
human connection and the unbreakable threads of destiny that bind us


Get your copy today and experience a love story that will touch your heart,
challenge your perceptions, and leave you believing in the power of destiny
and human connection.

About the Author

Ann Zachariah, M.D.

Ann Zachariah, M.D. is a renowned psychiatrist, educator, clinician, and
author based in Houston, Texas.

Mr. Peter Berlin is a publicist and author and lives in LA,


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The Keeper of the Book Virtual Book Tour

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Action Adventure

Date Published: November 13, 2023


In the year 2043, World Council Edict 1735B proclaimed that all of the
world religions were to be outlawed in the interest of public safety. Houses
of Worship were labeled centers of dissension and attending any underground
religious service was punishable by imprisonment and relocation. To possess
any religious artifact or Holy Book was a mandatory death sentence. Jenny
Keane is a Believer, a Christian and the proud owner of a Holy Bible given
to her by her Grandmother. Michael Keane, her husband, is a former Special
Forces Operative. He is not a believer in the holy teachings of any
religion. Michael gave up the warrior path to live a cherished, peaceful
life with his family. Jenny and the children, while attending an illegal
religious service are captured by sadistic One World troops and taken to a
reeducation camp. This sets Michael out on a one man rescue mission to bring
his family home and nothing short of death will stop him. Against impossible
odds he walks a path of revenge and destruction with no negotiation, no
rules of engagement and no mercy for his enemies. He is aided by the unseen
prayers of the faithful and years of experience in killing his foes.


The Keeper of the Book tablet


Michael Keane dreams of his dead mother. She is making breakfast. Her slight frame is backlit by a buttery morning sun shining through the kitchen window. It makes her glow, other worldly. Like an angel. 

The rich scent of bacon frying wakes Michael. Then tittering peals of laughter from his three children and the lilting, sweet voice of his wife, Jenny. Jenny is singing an old church hymn. Wonderful Grace of Jesus. Mama loved that song. Jenny sang it at her funeral ten years ago in 2031. Ten years. Time is flying by. Michael rolls over and out of bed. He is happy. Happier than he’s been in all his 42 years. He stretches right, then left. Ohhhh man, I just ache. He grunts and groans a little bit, then shakes it off. They’re just little aches and pains that come every day. Every ache and pain is a little reminder of his ten years in the highly elite Homeland Security Department Special Forces Units. Those ten years got him a tiny pension, a chest full of medals and a body full of scars. He steps in front of the mirror and stares at his reflection for a moment. His pale green eyes hold the stare with himself as he scrutinizes the scars on his body. I’m fine with it. At least I still have most of my hair. He runs his fingers through his full head of light brownish, blondish hair. I chose it. Nobody made me do it. My reflection proves I am still here. Still alive. 

Michael had been wounded five times over those ten years with HSD. The worst of it came in the African Campaigns when the whole world went to war over a rare earth metal mine in Uganda. There was no FBI or CIA or State Department anymore and no separate branches of the military. They had all been rendered impotent by the World Council Edicts. By 2033, they had all been absorbed under each nation’s umbrella version of the Homeland Security Department. 

The rich smell of bacon frying makes Michael’s mouth water. As he reaches for the glass of water on his nightstand, Gypsy, his brindle mountain cur dog, bounds into the bedroom and launches onto his bed. He leans down to let her give him a few overly enthusiastic, sloppy kisses. 

“Good morning, Gypsy.” Michael winces and turns his face to the side. “Gypsy, your breath stinks. I mean, really stinks.” She tries to lick his face again. 

“You stink. You been eating deer guts and you’re dirty. Get off of the bed.” Michael shoos her away, then makes the bed. He smooths the bed covers and tucks the corners tightly. A legacy of time spent in the military. Satisfied with the crispness of the bed cover tucks, he pulls on his jeans and boots. On his way out of the room, he stops at the dresser and takes a tee shirt out of the top drawer. He pulls it over his head as he makes his way to the kitchen. The children abandon their card game of Go Fish when they see Michael. They rush up to surround him. Michael picks the youngest one, four-year-old Gabriel, up in his arms. 

He kisses him on the forehead, “How’s my boy doing today?” The girls, 11-year-old Bridget and 6-year-old Amber, pull on Michael’s legs. 

“Pick us up too!” Amber commands her dad. Michael obeys. 

He scoops the girls up and holds all three children in his arms. They hug him and laugh. Jenny turns from the counter then places a platter stacked high with blueberry pancakes next to a plate of crisp bacon on the kitchen table. Jenny is lovely, radiant. Her dark black hair is just beginning to show the first strands of gray. She hates it. Her mischievous, sparkling dark green eyes entranced Michael from the first moment he laid eyes on her fourteen years ago. The ancient Irish, Druidic blood flowing in Jenny’s veins fuels her passion for life, for family, for love. Michael finds her eternally enchanting.

About the Author

Ryland Harris

Ryland Harris is a father, a builder and a combat decorated Marine. He
resides in the Appalachian mountains of southwestern Virginia. He enjoys
long hikes in the mountains, designing and building houses and spending time
with his children. He shares his life with nine chickens, three goats and a
black mouth cur dog.


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The Savior of Norfolk Blitz

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Christian Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: November 2023



A vanishing boy, human-animal hybrids, and the grisly murder of one’s
peers are a lot to handle. Existing in two worlds, being hunted by your
town’s killer, and nearly dying every day doesn’t make it any
easier. For 15-year-old Stephen Benson, all of this has become normal,
managing one life as a town outcast and another as a fantasy land hero.
Hopeless and depressed, will he overcome his inner demons and the outer evil
hounding his spirit? Will he listen to the child-penguin fairy? Will he save
the girl he loves and prevent the slaughter of more teens?

The Savior of Norfolk is set in the not-too-distant future when America has
been divided by political and ideological hate. It is a fresh take on
understanding the purpose of existence and suffering and wrestles with a
spiritual understanding of reality.

About the Author

Nathan Edmundson

Nathan Edmundson has lived in many states throughout his lifetime but is
currently residing in Tyler, Texas and hopes to stay put. When not writing,
he works as a psychologist and enjoys nutrition and fitness, traveling,
spending time with friends and family, serving with his church, and eating
at restaurants he hasn’t yet visited.



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Amansun the Dragon Prince

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Amansun the Dragon Prince – Vol. 1


Young Adult Fantasy / Mythical

Date Published: February 17, 2023

Publisher: Gatekeeper Press

High up in the Smoky Black Mountains, Amansun and his family live among the
great colony of dragons who call the steep and jagged mountain range home.
Though Amansun is the eldest of his dragon clutch, he often feels like an
outcast, and he spends most of his time venturing to the Great Forest up
North, where he finds peace and solitude. His life is one dreary day after
another—until one day when he sets into motion something that impacts
the entire colony, putting him and his family at odds with the rest of the

The elders of the colony decide to send Amansun on a perilous quest to
remedy his mistake, but there is little hope he will succeed. Along the way,
he encounters elves, dwarves, stone trolls, and centaurs, all of whom choose
to either help or hinder in his quest; he travels farther than he thought
possible, across the Barren Plains, past the Old Great Forest, and to a
mysterious and dark final destination; and he faces questions about his
morals and his place in the world.

All mysteries will be answered along the way, and a prophecy of old may
even prove to be true. Only time will tell.

Amansun the Dragon Prince tablet



Long ago in a far-away land there lived a colony of dragons whose home was amidst the steep and jagged cliffs of the Smoky Black Mountains. These mountains could be seen from far away, and few if any ever traveled near, because of the reputation of the dragons that lived there as being ruthless killers who would sweep down out of the sky and burn alive or carry off any unfortunate travelers who happened to get caught out in the open. The lands leading up to the base of the mountains were black and barren from years of being scorched by the young dragons who spent their days learning how to ambush prey, breathing searing hot dragon’s breath onto the few bushes and shrubs that clung to life in this hostile land, and scouting for the occasional rabbit, wolf or wild boar that was foolish enough to be following the rutted, worn cobblestone road that slowly meandered from the woods up north down through the lower plains leading down to the great river. 

The colony was made up of many families of dragons, ranging from the smaller brown and black variety normally found in the low lying hills and plains of the west up to the mighty copper and bronze colored dragons who came from far up north back when the lands were younger. Finally there were three families of large and rare golden skinned dragons who originated from the oldest line of dragons from the distant east, and from whom all other dragon lines had come. This large gathering of dragons had taken over these lands many decades past, when the area had been a thriving trading outpost for the wild men of this part of the world. The combination of flat, fertile plains and valley floor coupled with the mighty river that flowed from north to south had made this a flourishing town once upon a time, until the dragons learned of the plentiful food to be had along with the welcoming collection of caves and nesting sites scattered throughout the mountain range just above the town’s edges. 

When the great beasts had started arriving in the area, there had been many great battles, and many legions of soldiers from far-away lands were sent in to dispatch the monstrous invaders in the hopes the trading outpost could be saved. All the brave souls that were sent here eventually met their end, either defending the last remnants of the town and the surrounding farmlands or while helplessly trying to escape back to the woods of the north or along the river heading south. Over time the farmlands were laid to waste, the livestock were scattered far and wide across the plains, the animals all eventually made their way into the caves of the dragons as food, and the building sites and homes of the men smoldered and decayed into a mere shadow of what once was. 

Over time the dragons were bothered less and less, as the great caravans of men trying to move their trade up and down the old roads along the mountain range stopped coming. Even when protected by large garrisons of heavily armored soldiers, these trade caravans were no match for the now densely populated dragon colony, and word soon spread that only fools and death seekers would be foolish enough to venture into these parts. Along the old road that passed through the valley there could be found bent iron wagon wheels, blackened suits of armor, and weapons of every shape, size and style left lying on the earth where their keepers had fallen in battle. Anything of value had long been collected and taken back to the various caves and tunnels of the dragons in the mountains, as they were fond of anything shiny and colorful such as the decorated swords and sheaths of the soldiers and the chests of gold and silver coin, along with other precious items like jeweled cups and plates, bronze-plated armor pieces, and brightly decorated shields painted with depictions of the lands they were carried in from. 

With no one left to fight, the dragons soon settled into a peaceful, lethargic lifestyle, largely made up of sleeping for long lengths of time disturbed only occasionally by hunting raids into the surrounding lands in search of livestock and other prey to feed the colony as needed. The eldest of the dragons gathered on occasion to discuss matters while the young were left to play, hunt, and develop their own skills to become proper dragon warriors. This is how the years passed for a very long spell, and this part of the land became a quiet and somewhat peaceful area once again. The individual families of dragons became more and more suspicious of each other over time, since they had no outside matters of consequence to deal with. Each pair of adult dragons watched over their broods and encouraged them to be aggressive and competitive in nature, so that they could establish themselves within the colony. Apart from size and genealogy, the most important traits for these youngsters now became their ability to fly, hunt, scorch and provide food to the colony, and there were fierce competitions held each year so that the youngsters had an opportunity to show their worth. These competitions and skills helped to determine a family’s rank within the colony’s hierarchy, and every set of adults wished to be considered as one of the reigning families.

About the Author

Vince Robinson

Vince Robinson grew up in a small sugar cane plantation village called
Makaweli (Pakala to the locals) on the island of Kauai. When he wasn’t
surfing or hiking in the great outdoors, he spent his time reading and
re-reading The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and other
fantasy classics. This love of fantasy stayed with him as he grew up, and it
is what inspired him to write high fantasy novels like Amansun the Dragon
Prince today. Vince has since moved to Arizona with his wife, Ji, and small
dog, Tipsy, where they can be closer to all their children and
grandchildren. He receives inspiration for his stories from going outdoors,
traveling, and spending time with family and friends. –This text refers to
the hardcover edition.


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For the Love of Winter Anthology Teaser

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For the Love of Winter Anthology cover

Holiday Romance

Date Published: December 6, 2023


Bake your cookies, light some candles, trim your trees, and be enchanted
with thirteen sweet-to-spicy Chanukah, Christmas, and New Year’s novellas
that will sweep you from colonial days to contemporary times—each
bearing a gift of happily-ever-after grand finales. This joyous collection


A Winter Mating by Lia Davis. He returns to Willow Glen with one goal, to
claim his mate. Convincing her that she belongs to him will be his toughest
challenge, but he’s not above using seduction to get what he wants.

One Night at Christmas by Danica Winters. As the busy owner of a veterinary
clinic, Emily Avery always has her hands full of puppies but empty of the
one thing she really isn’t sure she wants anyway—a man. When the
kind-hearted Derek Night makes an emergency call to help his mom’s naughty
pup, they both must step outside of their shells and let the magic of
Christmas and one mischievous pup bring them together.

The Christmas Crash by Tessa Lyons. Sparks fly when a relentless optimist
and a grieving veterinarian are snowed in together at Christmas. Can they
rediscover the magic of the season and find love in the most unexpected

His Christmas Date by Sara J. Walker. In this heartwarming story of
seasoned romance, Dino Dudley and Hilde McQuire must navigate family drama
and their own emotional baggage to find true love.

Jordyn’s Christmas Gift by Marie Morton. Jordyn Billings, a busy marketing
executive, is gifted a holiday getaway to Chateau D’Or by her family, where
she discovers an unforgettable and life-changing Christmas gift.

Four Chanukahs and a Wedding by Merrie Angel. Widowed and alone in 1973,
Millie explores a professional photographer’s life, and stumbles upon
Adam–an insatiable adventure seeker related to Jackie Kennedy. Will they
find a way to ignite a flame that burns far beyond Millie’s expectations and
set ablaze their own festival of lights?

Recipe for Romance by Gloria Ferguson. Ashley McClain wants to win the
Holiday Bake-Off with her late mom’s cupcake recipe. Can she join forces
with her friend and neighbor to claim the prize and a bit of romance just in
time for Christmas?

Before the Rising Sun by V.L. Czerny. Their romance blighted at a colonial
ball, Gertrude and Nicholas, forgetting their past acquaintance, are
maneuvered by the Christmas spirit to set love loose and so refashion time’s
expected plans.

Unexpected Angels by C.L. Hart. Sometimes the best things come together
when everything is falling apart.

Christmas Market Magic by Tessie Benton. Sydney Hawthorne hires an escort
for a business date, but he’s not what he appears to be, and their mutual
deception sparks desire while careers hang in the balance.

A Merry White Christmas by Sally Murphy. Merry London, tasked with
organizing an opulent Christmas ball for the McPhersons, faces an unexpected
challenge in the form of Joel McPherson, whose fiery charm threatens to melt
her icy exterior and unravel her meticulously laid plans.

Lavender and Love Restored by M.J. Gates. Chief architect Jess Carlson is
restoring a haunted historic hotel and helping a friendly spirit while
reclaiming her life and love before the hotel’s grand reopening on New
Year’s Eve.

Marry Me by Midnight by Leah Miles. Navy SEAL Kendall Nelson can’t manage a
successful proposal, and single mom Luisa Sanchez has no time for


Proceeds benefit the First Coast Romance Writers, an independent non-profit
organization helping writers hone their craft and expand their knowledge of
the publishing industry.

Unexpected Angels cover

Excerpt from Unexpected Angels by C.L. Hart


“What sort of business do you have in Phoenix, if you don’t
mind saying?” Pika asked.

“I’m an FBI agent,” Macario explained. “I’ve
been pursuing a very clever con artist for many years. She disappeared off
the radar for a while but several cases matching her M.O. have cropped up in
Phoenix recently. I was on the way to their field office for a

“I get the feeling this case is personal.”

“It is,” Macario admitted. “This woman destroyed my
family. The worst part is, I reintroduced my dad to her because I didn’t
recognize her at first. She was posing as an organizer at the Salvation
Mission. My relationship with my father was pretty fractured at that point,
and I fell for her feigned friendliness, hook, line, and sinker. It wasn’t
long before I realized it was my dad, she was interested in. More
specifically, she was interested in his money.”

“I’m sensing that you’re estranged from your

“Are you psychic or something?” Macario asked. There was a
mixture of surprise and suspicion in his voice and expression.

“Like you, I’m good at reading people. I can see the hurt on
your face and hear it in your voice.”

“If you ever get tired of renting cars to harried passengers, you
should consider joining the FBI,” Macario said. “You’re
better at sussing people than half the agents I’ve worked

“I’d love to hear more of your story, but Dom’s
here,” Pika said, gesturing towards a sprightly aqua-colored hybrid
vehicle pulling up to the curb. A plump little silver-haired man got out of
the vehicle, smiling and waving. Macario couldn’t help but be charmed
by his formal-looking chauffeur’s uniform combined with a jolly
Christmas cap.


About the Author

C. L. Hart, the owner and sole employee of Naughty Netherworld Press, is
spoken of in hushed tones. She is described as The Mad Scribe of the
Northeastern Colorado Plains, The Terrible Old Woman, and The Author That
Should Not Be.

When not penning sanity-destroying works of dystopian fiction, Lovecraftian
fantasy, or old-school horror with the occasional sweet romance thrown in to
upset the cosmic apple cart, Ms. Hart enjoys creating baked goods she hopes
will be considered palatable.

Ms. Hart shares a home in a remote rural town of 134 souls with her adult
son and three cats. Her sense of fashion is best described as Early
Twenty-First Century Unmade Bed. This disabled former nurse can usually be
found arguing with herself about subplots or rehabilitating eldritch

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