The Modern Teen’s Etiquette Playbook Blitz

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The Modern Teen's Etiquette Playbook cover

Confidence, Communication, and Online Presence for the 21st Century

Young Adult

Date Published: December 3, 2023





Are you a parent searching for a one-of-a-kind social skills guide that
helps your teen thrive in both offline and online worlds? Look no


This groundbreaking book on etiquette for teens is specifically designed
for today’s digital age, covering not only traditional etiquette but also
the essential art of netiquette.

Discover how mastering etiquette and netiquette can boost your teen’s
self-confidence in unfamiliar social settings and bring numerous benefits,
such as impressing future bosses, avoiding conflicts, and steering clear of
unintentional faux pas.

This unique book covers essential topics such as:

  • Self-care and personal presentation: hygiene, nutrition, exercise, and
  • Posture and body language: tips and exercises to improve stance, walking,
    and non-verbal communication.
  • Navigating various social situations: car etiquette, building entry and
    exit, stairway safety, and dining decorum.
  • Dressing for success: understanding body types, choosing the right colors,
    and sending the right message with clothing.
  • Mastering introductions: making a great first impression and handling
    awkward moments with poise.
  • Conversation starters: breaking the ice, using humor, and engaging in
    meaningful discussions.
  • Dining etiquette: what to expect from waiters, how to eat different types
    of food, and managing formal and casual meals.
  • Netiquette: navigating social media, texting, and other digital
    interactions responsibly, maintaining a positive online presence, and
    understanding online privacy.
  • Dating manners: cultivating a respectful and attractive presence in both
    offline and online dating scenarios.
  • Planning for the future: preparing for job interviews, internships, and
    professional opportunities in an increasingly digital world.


Give your teen the tools they need to flourish in today’s interconnected
world by teaching them the art of etiquette and netiquette. This book will
help them build a strong foundation for personal and professional success,
ensuring they stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression both
offline and online.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your teen’s life –
grab your copy today and invest in their bright future!

About the Author

Alla Kesser Gross

 At the tender age of three, Alla had already begun a tutelage in social
mores and manners at an educational daycare in the Ukraine run by etiquette
professionals where she learned the importance of making eye contact, polite
greetings, and the basics of dining and table manners. She continued formal
etiquette training throughout her childhood and teen years, making several
pit stops at esteemed manners and boarding schools throughout Europe,
receiving a merit/honors diploma as an etiquette teacher at a prestigious
British school where she graduated as an etiquette coach, then mastered the
skills of flag etiquette, international relations, high-level delegation
visits and conferences in Haag. Alla completed her formal global training on
the finer points of American decorum and the cultural differences from
continental protocols in New York City. To Alla, founder of the Lluxxall
School of Etiquette and Manners in San Diego, geared for children and teens,
enriching students on the basics of decorum from the dining room, classroom,
and dorm room to the computer room and eventually boardroom is a natural and
organic passion and her life’s mission. Coupled with an online advice
column for teens, numerous magazine articles, live talks, podcasts, and now
this compelling and comprehensive handbook, Alla will be repairing the world
by molding a future generation of refined, self-confident, and well-mannered
students well-equipped to achieve happiness and success both personally and
professionally. Alla has earned two Master’s Degrees, one in Education and
another in Music and Literature.


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Cressida’s Moon Teaser

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A Steam and Spells Steampunk Christmas Adventure


Empire of the Sky, Book 1


Steampunk Murder Mystery Romance

Date Published: December 22, 2023

Publisher: Changeling Press



History got it wrong. The first live human made it to the moon just before
Christmas, 1865. Her name was Cressida Troy.

An assignation in a moonlit graveyard begins a perilous and sensual journey
for plucky Cressida as she and her lovers track down an alien plot to
conquer Earth.

Rocket ships to the moon, body snatchers, ghosts, aliens, romance, and
illicit erotic congress — Cressida’s Moon has it all.

Cressida's Moon black tablet


Copyright ©2023 Mikala Ash


I was a bluestocking, eight and twenty years of age, and teaching at Mrs.
Nolan’s School for the Poor in a small village in Shropshire when I
met Jacob. I had been orphaned before ever knowing my parents. A typhoid
outbreak in the year of our Queen’s ascension to the throne took them
both away. I was raised by my childless uncle and aunt, he an infirm veteran
of the Peninsular Wars, and she a charwoman. We lived in a small cottage
just five minutes away from Mrs. Nolan. Though poor, I couldn’t have
wished for a better upbringing. Aunt Jenny cleaned for the school, and it
was through this stroke of luck that I had a place to learn, and then
somewhere to work.

My aunt took in lodgers to augment her meagre wages. There was a succession
of spinsters and widows, before Jacob McLeary, a fellow teacher at the
school, came to stay. Jacob was a tall handsome man, sandy-haired, with
bright azure eyes, and a fine blond moustache over his sensuous lips. When
he smiled, which was often, the hint of dimples appeared in his cheeks at
the ends of that moustache, and when he laughed, rarer but more affecting to
the observer, the intimations were confirmed, and magnetically caught and
held the gaze. He was eight years my senior, but his easy manner, quick
sense of the ridiculous, and high intelligence captured my lonely heart the
moment he was introduced. Though I had all but given up on the thought of
love, I was besotted, and my innocent, but strangely feverish dreams were
all of him.

Alas, he was a recent widower, and in deep mourning. His wife had been
consumptive and had lingered in a nursing home on the south coast to where
the majority of Jacob’s money had gone to maintain her in some
comfort. I would occasionally catch him gazing at her image in the gold
locket he kept in his waistcoat pocket, his eyes glistening with incipient
tears. Once a month, if his finances allowed, he would leave us for a
weekend to visit her grave and was always very quiet and reflective upon his
return. My heart broke for him.

When my uncle followed his dear wife to the grave, I inherited the tiny
cottage, and despite the misgivings of Mrs. Nolan, that two of her unmarried
staff shared the same roof with no chaperone, Jacob continued to rent the
upstairs room next to mine. While we shared a bed at night, we maintained
separate bedrooms so as not to arouse the suspicions of the charwoman. Every
morning he’d swap the pillows and disarrange the blankets and sheets
of his narrow cot.

What Mrs. Nolan didn’t know was that by then Jacob and I were secret
lovers. I won’t go over the hesitant and protracted beginnings of our
affair, except to say it was I who initiated and progressed it. Jacob was
the reluctant party. Betraying his wife’s memory did not come

That I had no similar scruples should bother me, I suppose. My moral
judgement was impaired, obviously. I was raw, selfish, and madly in love.
Now I am ashamed, I must admit, of the strategies I employed to lead him
into his sometimes-crippling self-imposed dishonour. Subtle flirting in the
beginning, followed by overt sweet-talking, then the staging of intimate
scenarios that I blush to recall.

Our first kiss was everything I dreamed of. The soft warmth of his lips,
the hesitant pressure, his surge of passion surprising me when his tongue
forced my lips apart to explore my mouth in a most urgent fashion that
hinted at long suppressed desire. His soft caresses set my flesh aflame, and
inside I felt a sultry heat that echoed my feverish dreams, and his first
touch of that sensitive little nub between my secret lips committed me to
the roiling flames of passion. I can still remember in exquisite detail the
explosion of stars in my head, and wave after wave of prickly heat that
flowed through my entire body, leaving me shaking at the knees, and
clutching him so tightly lest I fall.

Jacob taught me some of the crude names given to male and female genitalia,
and I must admit to becoming somewhat flagrant in using those slang terms
instead of the boring old vagina and penis of the medical publications. My
private place, as my aunt had referred to my cunny, had a variety of
bemusing names: tulip, quimmy, quimbo, horse-collar, poke-hole, nursery,
love-trap and cock-trap, pleasure pit, flaps, clam, buttonhole, and
Cupid’s furrow, as well as the more familiar curses: cunt, and twat.
We had many a laugh over these, as well as those for the male member: dick,
doodle, ploughshare, trouser serpent, poker, broomstick, sword, Adam’s
dagger, and the buttonhole worker, among countless others. Jacob had
garnered these from certain salacious publications he’d purchased to
assist him in his loneliness.

Aunt and Uncle were still alive then, and we took to making long walks in
the twilight. Those twisted amblings would eventually take us to the old
cemetery where privacy was assured beneath the yews. We’d kiss, and
he’d lay his coat on the ground between the ancient headstones, and
there we would make love.

Oh, how glorious those times were. I learned so much about the breadth of
sensations my body could experience. He played my body as if it were a
musical instrument, extracting so many types of sighs, building into a
spectrum of moans, groans, and high-pitched cries of release, culminating in
whimpers of breathless dissolution.

Jacob taught me how responsive my nipples were to the gentlest touch, and
how they ached for the next stroke, lick, and suck. How his breath on my
neck and throat made my innermost walls throb and moisten. Soft kisses from
my breasts to my pelvis sent quivers of expectation along every nerve and

He was always considerate of my comfort and pleasure, and ensured I would
experience a breathtaking release before he asserted his own desire with
careful penetration. He never spent his lust inside me, fearing to worsen my
dishonour with a child. Instead, after I had reached the pinnacle of
pleasure and found release, he would withdraw, and his marvellous rod of
steel would pulse and jump, firing pearly drops across my quaking

Habits are difficult to break. While we were free to make love at home, we
also enjoyed our walks in the parkland surrounding the church, and it was on
one such tryst that under a full moon we sat on a crumbling stone burial
vault sacred to the memory of Ebenezer Boyse and his devoted wife Maryanne,
who had both departed this life in 1722:

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

Jacob’s head was hidden beneath my skirts, his face between my spread
thighs, his agile tongue alternating between licking the labial flaps,
spearing deep inside my quim, or teasing my clitoris. I was leaning back on
my hands, lost in sensation, staring blankly at the silver orb hanging in
the sky. My rising excitement inevitably led to a hysterical paroxysm, as
the medical books termed it, and I moaned like a madwoman, and shuddered in
convulsions of ecstasy.

Cressida's Moon tablet

About the Author

Aussie Mikala Ash used to be a mild-mannered training & development
consultant by day, and a wild sci-fi and paranormal adventure writer by
night. Now she is a brazen full-time writer and nature photographer who is
concentrating on having among other things, “… bags, and bags
of fun!” Mikala can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.


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Coasters Rule Virtual Book Tour

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Fantastical Realism 

Date Published: September 26, 2023

An adventure of fantastical realism told through the eyes of
twenty-year-old college sophomore Sofia Sommers. Traveling to Grand Cayman
for spring break, Sofia and her childhood friend are looking forward to a
peaceful, relaxing week soaking up the sun and decompressing after mid-term
exams. Tragedy strikes and Sofia is rescued by the Coasters, a reclusive
tribe of merfolk led by the ethereal, mohawk-haired Empress Sundrea, who is
not only a benevolent leader, but a fierce warrior in her own right.

Sofia discovers her misfortune was the work of the Dwellers, a murderous
gang of mermen human traffickers hell-bent on creating their own deviant
gene pool and ultimately a bloodline of immortal disciples.

Come along with Sofia as she must decide whether or not to put her life on
the line and assist the Coasters in their endeavor to reclaim a
life-altering piece of their ancient history from the hands of Overlord
Mercaro and his barbaric band of Dwellers.

Coasters Rule tablet


I sit at the edge of a slow, shimmering body of water, the approximate size of the plastic swimming pool I played in as a child. The liquid swirls in shades of mint and laurel green. The colors become watered down and transparent in the center. A bottomless spring sparingly feeds its growth. Patches of moss creep over the rocks along the pool’s circular border. 

The cave is eerily silent now. No motion, except for the subtle breaths upon my chest. I wipe sweat from a brow. My entire body throbs with pain. I am out of tears. My left foot is suspended above the ripples. They call to me. I know the future hangs, like my dangling digits, on my very next movement. 

The pool continues to whirl. I stare at its center. The water is hypnotizing as it coils along the rounded, weathered stone. Small swells roll over the edge and disappear into earth. I force my body to shift position. The weight on my heart is both comfort and agony. I realize I am now in shock as the pain subsides and is replaced by tingling and numbness. I pull my right leg out from under me. I lie flat with my feet suspended above the eye of the pool. It invites me in. All ten toes begin their descent . . .


About the Author

Dana Burkard

I am originally from Western New York and have lived my adult life in
northern New Jersey. For the last twenty years, I have been a stay-at-home
dad raising two independent and compassionate daughters. I self-published a
collection of prose entitled AFTERTHOUGHTS and am also a songwriter who
enjoys playing the bass guitar. When not writing, I love spending time with
my two rescue dogs and traveling to Comic Cons with my wife Lori.


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From Manger to Majesty Blitz

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From Manger to Majesty cover

Children, Religious

Date Published: November 19, 2023


Unwrap the magic of Christmas with ‘From Manger to Majesty,’ the
captivating story of Jesus that bridges generations, uniting adults and
children in the wonder of the season.


Here’s what makes this book an essential addition to your holiday

Timeless Storytelling: Journey from the humble manger to His heavenly
majesty, reliving the miraculous story of Jesus’ birth in a captivating
narrative for all ages.

Family Bonding: Engage in heartfelt discussions about faith, love, and the
true spirit of Christmas as you read together, creating cherished

Illustrative Wonder: Enchanting illustrations bring the story to life,
captivating young minds and resonating with adults, fostering a deeper
connection to the miraculous events.

Perfect Gift: Share the joy and meaning of Christmas by gifting this book,
spreading the message of hope and redemption.

Experience the true essence of the season. Order ‘From Manger to Majesty’
today and embark on a Christmas journey that inspires, uplifts, and unites
hearts across generations.

About the Author

Latoya Shea

Being on her own after being homeless at the age of 13, Latoya has
experienced and triumphed over many obstacles.

Inspired by the many that has influenced her life, she has lived a life
dedicated to service and education. This has led her on a deep spiritual
journey and intimacy with God.

She has been known by many titles such as health inspector, veteran, nurse
Anesthetist, prophet, teacher, until she finally accepted her calling as
God’s vessel to do good and guide many back to Him as a Spiritual Life


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Crime Paradise Virtual Book Tour


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Crime Paradise cover

Boise Montague, Book 3

Noir Crime/Murder Mystery

Date Published: December 12, 2023

Publisher: Acorn Publishing



Three bodies. One suspect. Zero time.


Crime Paradise

All of whom are dead. 

With the dead women’s blood all over his
clothes, no memory of what happened, and no way for Boise to explain it, the
cops and the prosecutors think it’s a slam dunk. Boise knows he
didn’t do it, but no one’s willing to listen—so
he’ll have to find the killer himself. 

But whoever said the truth will
set you free never saw anything like this. The people behind it are
powerful, careful…and they want Boise out of the picture for good. 

 Soon, Boise will face not only present danger, but past pain, because the
deeper he digs, the more skeletons he finds. And some of those skeletons are
his own. But will he finally bury them—and the past—or will
those skeletons bury him instead?


Perfect for lovers of Agatha Christi, Michael Connelly, and Richard Stark,
bestselling author Gene Desrochers’ third book in the hardboiled Boise
Montague mystery noir series will take you on an adventure into the dark
side of crime, the darker side of memory, and the danger that comes to
anyone who ventures into a Crime Paradise. Get your copy now!


Crime Paradise tablet


All I really wanted was to listen to the ocean, so I drank. The Jamaican girl with the nose ring offered me an already popped can of Old Milwaukee. Who could resist the good stuff.

Up to that moment, I could have argued that I was still a sober alcoholic. In fact, I was prepared to argue it to the death with Yarey once I located her. Then I thought, screw it, if I’m gonna be guilty, might as well do the deed.

The last thing I remembered her saying was, “You oughta grow your hair out. You’d look more manly.” She took my hat and propped it atop her head.

I’ve often wondered in the days and months that followed what might have happened if I’d resisted the urge to drink that beer. I swear, I only drank one. No one believed me.

I wouldn’t have believed me either.

The last time I passed out, I got kidnapped. This time, the consequences would be more dire.




A buzzing torched me out of a drunken sleep. My ear lobe erupted in pain. I smacked at the sting. Head ringing. On the shimmering sand, next to a shell, a dead horsefly. Nasty bastard, painful as a bee. The smell of charred wood and something else. Copper and hibiscus. Mouth tasted like I’d chewed on a Goodyear.

Water lapped. The temperature soared. The sun beat on me like a frat-boy with a paddle. My shoulder ached. Had Yarey really hit me that hard?

I crawled to the water’s edge, dunked my face, swallowed a mouthful of salty water and swished. The rubbery taste persisted.

When I touched the top of my head for my straw fedora, I only found damp hair. My unkempt, greasy, loathsome hair was more chic under a hat. I attempted to push-up myself out of the two-inch deep water. No dice. Aching shoulder, bad taste, exhaustion.

The ground trembled. A wave? I heaved my head a couple inches. Sand suctioned to my fledgling beard—really a sloppy growth borne of sloth. No wave. The subtle pounding continued, followed by shouts. A strong set of hands yanked me to my feet. I hovered on the edge of consciousness.

“Wha?” came my articulate interrogatory.

“Detective! Dis one ova here still kickin’!”

Splashing. Shoes smacking on the wet sand. Detective Leber’s bulbous head blocked the sun. The smell of his aftershave washed over me. I tried to speak, and wound up hacking.

I rasped, “Hey, Leber. You come to dance around the bonfire, too?”

“Jesus, Boise?” Leber fanned his face. “When was the last time you used mouthwash?”

“What day is it?” I managed.  

“The day after.” As he said this, the person holding me swung me around. A massacre. Some kind of staged thing. Couldn’t be real. So much congealed blood on mouths and throats and heads. Had to be corn syrup. Something … In the distance, through my black echo tunnel, I faintly heard Leber recite Miranda warnings.

“Do you understand these rights as I have read them to you?” Leber looked up from a yellow index card reflecting on his Aviators. “Boise, I need you to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’.”

“Me? No?”


“I’m not …” I fumbled for words. My nether regions felt drafty. Then a release. The officer squawked, dropping me like a sack of ripe mangos. Leber swore. My cheek hit the edge of a broken seashell.

“Boise, where are your pants?” Leber sounded like an annoyed school principal.

“It’s so hairy,” the guy behind me bellowed.

I tried to look up, but couldn’t move my neck much. Warm urine bathed my thigh, then washed away with the next lapping wave. There wasn’t much in this world more satisfying than a hot piss after a hard night.

“I get hot at night. I probably just, you know, kicked ‘em off in my sleep. They by the fire?”

One of the officers said, “But you kept your shirt on?”

Leber muttered something to the officer, who grumbled and trudged off.

“Hey, Leber?”

“Boise, don’t talk. He’s getting your shorts.”

A shout from behind me. I sensed a lot of activity around the bonfire area. I tried to push up, but the downward slope into the bay foiled my plans.

“Hey, Leber. You’re pulling my third leg, right?”

“Boise, shut up. Don’t talk, man. You remember those rights? That one about remaining silent. That’s the kingfish. Just shut up. I don’t think you did this, but man, there’s a lot of physical evidence.” He leaned down and whispered in my ear. “A lot. We can’t even give you your shorts and we’re gonna need your shirt, it’s probably covered too, only darker, harder to tell.”

I stared at him, the question plain on my face.

“Evidence. They’re covered in blood.” He paused for a swallow. “We’re bagging and tagging them along with the three dead people here with you.”

That’s when my ass started to ache, and not in a good way. For the first time since being diagnosed, I prayed that my chronic colitis was to blame for the blood on my clothes.



About the Author

Gene Desrochers

Growing up in an 18-room guesthouse/wartime hospital in the Caribbean
isn’t for everyone, but it proved just the right atmosphere for
bestselling author Gene Desrochers to hone a sense of story, mystery, and
scene that would prove critical in his writing career. Born on a tiny dot
called “St. Thomas” (somewhere in the Caribbean), Desrochers
migrated steadily west over the years until he found a home – with a
wife who loves him, kids who are young enough to still think he’s
pretty cool, and a cat who tolerates him – in the continental United
States. He also found the time to earn a JD and become a practicing lawyer,
run a tennis club, and publish award-winning short fiction in publications
across the US and beyond. Now settled in the mysterious and exotic land
known as Los Angeles, Desrochers splits his time between the loves of his
life: his family, his writing, his tennis, and his ability to impress
strangers with his St. Thomian accent. Find out more about him – and
the worlds he creates – at his website,

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