Blades Teaser Tuesday

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Blades cover

(Devil’s Fury MC)

Motorcycle Club Romance, Age Gap, Suspense

Date Published: Dec 29 2023



China — I came to the US to further my education. I never counted on
falling for a gruff biker who was so much older than me. But Blades never
hesitated when I told him I was pregnant. He was the best man I’d ever
met… until he went to prison. All our lives unraveled after that. My
daughter was taken from me, and I was sold. I thought I’d never escape
the hell of being exploited and abused, until he walked through the doors
again, looking like a wrathful angel. He may have saved me, but do I really
deserve his love?

Blades — Being falsely accused of murder was bad enough. Finding out
someone stole my woman and daughter was another. Our precious little Meiling
found herself a good man, and she’s safe. Now I need to save her
mother. My China. I’m going to gut everyone who dared to touch her and
send them all straight to hell… then I’ll do whatever it takes
to prove to her she’s safe with me, and that I’ve never stopped
loving her. China and Meiling are my entire world, and I’m going to
protect them — this time.


WARNING: Guaranteed happily ever after, no cliffhanger, no cheating.
Recommended for readers 18+ due to adult situations, language, and



Blades tablet



Copyright ©2023 Harley Wylde


I eyed the man in front of me. It had been a long ass time since I’d
seen the Devil’s Fury cut. “So, one of you finally came to see
me. No one’s ever brought a pretty woman with them,

The name Dingo wasn’t one I was familiar with. Then again, he looked
young. Probably started prospecting after I’d been locked up. He put
his hand on the woman’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“You’re Robert Young?” she asked.

“Don’t go by that name anymore. I’m Blades. Who’s
looking for Young?”

She took a breath and seemed to be steeling herself. I should have been the
one preparing. Her next words would have knocked me on my ass if I’d
been standing.

“I’m Meiling Shan Young. Your daughter, if my birth certificate
is correct.”

I fell back against the metal chair. My daughter? “Fucking

“So you do know who I am?” she asked.

“Yeah. Told your mother not to bring you here. Why did she let you
come now?” In all this time, China had stayed away just as I’d
demanded. Had something happened to bring my daughter here after all these

“She didn’t. I don’t even remember her,” Meiling

My gaze shot to Dingo. Who the hell was he? Why had he brought her here?
“Are you responsible for her being here? How she’d get mixed up
with the club? I told Xi-wang to keep away from the Devil’s

“We don’t know yet what happened to Xi-wang. Shortly after you
were locked up, your daughter went into foster care and her mother vanished
without a trace,” Dingo said. “As to why she’s with
me… she’s my wife.”

I shot to my feet. “Like fuck she is!”

After everything I’d been through to keep them safe, this had to
happen? I didn’t know how she’d met this bastard, but I’d
see to it he was buried six feet under. How dare he touch my precious

“Sit down, old man,” Dingo said. “She’s been
accepted by the club as my ol’ lady, and we’re legally married.
Besides, she could be carrying your grandchild.”

I felt my blood pressure rising and wanted nothing more than to wring his
neck. Slowly, I took my seat. Going after him right now wouldn’t do me
any good. If my daughter liked him, then it would only hurt my relationship
with her — assuming I ever had the chance to have one.

“Why the fuck are you here?” I asked, focusing on Dingo.

“We need some answers. Mei doesn’t remember her mother, and
never knew about you. In fact, her birth certificate was buried and a false
one put in its place. You tried to keep her a secret, but it’s time to

I didn’t like it, but they weren’t the only ones who needed
answers. They said my daughter couldn’t remember her mother. Where the
hell was China? If I found out someone had hurt her, I was going to
slaughter everyone responsible. “Fine. I’ll tell you what I
know, then you explain what’s really going on.”

I told them how I met Meiling’s mother, about us falling in love, and
me keeping the two of them a secret from the club. Everything up until I
went to prison. After that, I lost track of China. I’d thought she was
only listening to me and keeping away as I’d told her to do. I should
have found a way to check up on her.

Meiling slumped in her seat. “So you don’t know what happened
to her, or how I ended up in foster care?”

“Nope. I never even heard she was missing. No one ever came to ask me
about you, but you were mine legally. If someone finds out what happened, I
sure the fuck want to know,” I said.

“Outlaw is working on it,” Dingo said. “He’s a
hacker for the club. Only thing we know for sure is the foster family who
had Meiling…” Dingo stopped mid-sentence.

I wanted to ask what the hell a hacker was, but more importantly, what was
it he didn’t want to tell me? If it had to do with my daughter, then I
deserved to know. He might be married to her, but she was my baby first and

Meiling met my gaze. I knew whatever they were hiding would gut me.
“He doesn’t want to tell you.”

“Did they hurt you?” I asked.

“They made her into a whore by the age of fourteen,” Dingo
said. Even I could hear the pain in his voice.

I slammed my fists into the table, and everything went red. I roared out my
rage, standing so fast the chair fell over. I ripped the chain free of the
table and continued to pound the metal surface, denting it. Guards rushed
in, and I knew they were going to put me in solitary if I didn’t calm
down, but I couldn’t. I wanted to make them all suffer. Every last
person who’d harmed my baby needed to die, and I wanted to be the one
to do it.

Dingo held up a hand, cautioning them to stay back. “Give him a
minute. We gave him bad news.”

Bad news? I nearly laughed. That was putting it mildly. Finding out my
favorite motorcycle had turned to rust would be bad news. Discovering my
China had moved on and found someone else would be bad news. Hearing someone
turned my daughter into a prostitute while she was still a kid made me want
to set the entire world ablaze.

“No. Fuck that shit.” I looked from my daughter to Dingo.
“I didn’t fucking kill those people. You find out who did, get
me out of here, and I’ll handle the men who hurt my

“I didn’t hear that,” one of the guards muttered.
“Did. Not. Fucking. Hear. It.” He walked out, dragging the other
one with him. At least they had some sense.

“Are you trying to say you’re innocent?” Meiling

I gave a bark of laughter. Innocent? Me? Not hardly. “No, daughter.
I’m far from innocent, but I didn’t commit the murders I was
accused of. If Outlaw can find out what happened with your situation, then
maybe he can help with mine. When I got locked up, there wasn’t anyone
capable of digging up that kind of dirt, not within the club, and certainly
no one who gave a shit about me. You get me out of here, and I’ll make
sure they all fucking pay.”

“On one condition,” Dingo said.

He had some nerve adding a stipulation. Was he trying to keep me away from
my daughter?

“What’s that, boy?” I asked.

“You give your blessing for me and Mei to be together.” He
cleared his throat. “I love her, and I will love and protect any
children we have together. If we’re ever blessed with

“You’re an idiot,” Mei told him, but I saw the affection
in her gaze. “But I love you too.”

The way he smiled at the words told me enough. The bastard was head over
heels for my little girl, and since they were already married, I might as
well learn to live with it.

“Fine. You have my blessing, as long as you make her happy. Fuck up,
and I’ll Goddamn bury you where they’ll never find your
body,” I said.

The look he gave me assured me we were on the same page. I hoped like fuck
the club was a better place than it had been when I got locked up. If it
wasn’t, I’d need to find a way to get Meiling away from there.
It didn’t matter if she was married to this little shit or not.
I’d do whatever it took to keep her safe. I’d failed her until
now. Never again.

“I know I’m a stranger to you, girl, but I’m your dad. I
get out of here, and I’ll make things right for you. I don’t
expect you to call me anything other than Blades, until I’ve earned
the right to be called anything else.”

“We’ll have to agree to disagree,” Meiling said.

I felt my throat grow tight and my eyes stung. I flashed her a smile,
hoping she knew how much it meant for me to hear her call me Daddy.
I’d missed out on everything. Her first steps. First words. And
because I hadn’t been there to keep them safe, someone had tried to
destroy my family. Once I was free of this place, I’d seek
retribution. I only hoped it didn’t take them too long.

My daughter came closer and put her arms around me. I knew we weren’t
supposed to touch but fuck all of them. I hugged her tight, wanting to
remember this moment forever.

“Love you, Meiling. Always have,” I said, my voice a littler
gruffer than usual. “Even if I can’t get out of here, remember
that. You were wanted, and you were loved. Never doubt it for a

“Thank you, Daddy.”

* * *

I hadn’t realized they would have me freed within twenty-four hours.
I’d spent eighteen years in prison for something I didn’t do.
All this time, I’d thought my woman was safe. Off living her life,
providing for our child. How could I have been so wrong? I knew about the
evil in the world. Faced it every fucking day, even before I’d gotten
locked up. It never once crossed my mind that darkness would touch my two
girls, especially since I’d made sure to keep them away from the

It had taken a month to handle all the people who’d hurt my daughter
and to find my precious China. She’d been dumped in a brothel not too
far over the state line. From what the hackers had found, it looked like she
was still there. If she wasn’t, I’d beat the hell out of
everyone until I got some answers. One way or another, I was bringing her

Pulling into the parking lot of the Silk Purse, my heart hammered in my
chest. It would be my first time seeing her in so damn long. Did she even
remember me? Had they completely broken her?

I got off the bike and headed inside. The moment I saw her my fucking heart
broke. My beautiful girl was just as stunning now as she’d been
before, even with the scars clearly visible on her face and arms, and a few
silver threads in her hair. She gave me a slight bow as I drew closer, but
her eyes never met mine.

“Welcome to the Silk Purse. What will be your pleasure
tonight?” she asked, her voice still holding the accent I’d so
loved all those years ago.

“My pleasure?” I asked. She still didn’t look up.
“I came to take my woman home. Our daughter needs her.”

She went still, completely frozen. Slowly, she lifted her head and her gaze
locked with mine. The Xi-wang I’d known was there, but just barely. I
could see her, but I could also see the road of pain she’d traveled
while we’d been apart.


“Robert?” she asked softly. “You went to prison for

“Didn’t do it.” I reached for her, tugging her against
me. “But I did kill a few people since then. They all deserved

I stroked her cheek and wished I could turn back the clock. She’d had
my heart the moment we locked eyes that first time.



About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC
Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde
immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible
women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still
managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new
plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book.
She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies.
Visit Wylde’s website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and
don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts
and other exciting perks.


Author on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok: @harleywylde


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The Shape of Heat 2: Nice and Naughty Teaser Tuesday

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The Shape of Heat 2: Nice and Naughty cover

Gay Romance / M/M Romance / Romantic Comedy

Date to be Published: December 23, 2024

Naughty Netherworld Press



Parsifal returns home to spend the Christmas holidays with his family. As
he arrives at the airport, he is greeted by his brother Hart and his
ex-boyfriend Bobby. Bobby is accompanied by his new boyfriend Seth. As they
spend the day together, Parsifal notices something peculiar. Bobby seeks
comfort from Hart rather than Seth after a minor accident at the park.

Meanwhile, Parsifal finds himself drawn to hot nerd Seth. The more time
they spend together, the more Parsifal believes the feeling is mutual.

However, Parsifal’s Christmas holiday is about to get even crazier. His
redneck relatives are coming over for Christmas Eve dinner, and Parsifal is
dreading the chaos that is sure to ensue. Between his family’s quirky
behavior and Seth’s enticing presence, Parsifal’s vacation is shaping
up to be anything but relaxing.

This is the second book in The Shape Of Heat series. It can be read as a
standalone, but the first book, Awakening, should be read first if you wish
to know more about the background of Parsifal and his girlfriends Candi and



The Shape of Heat 2: Nice and Naughty banner 2


Over the summer, things heated beyond the boiling point between me and my
longtime friends Candi and Luisa. We grew even closer as the fall that never
looks like fall rolled into the Caribbean island where we work and play. Our
boss had nothing but praise for us as resort workers, and we were popular
writers at Climax Productions. Everyone needs to rest sometime, though, so I
was glad to be heading home to Tennessee to reconnect with family and
friends over the winter holidays.

I was especially looking forward to seeing my big brother Hart and my
ex-boyfriend Bobby. Although Bobby and I broke up after I cheated on him, we
remained close friends. Plus, I was looking forward to meeting Bobby’s new
guy Seth.

Hart was waiting in the pickup zone in his beloved 1965 burgundy Mustang.
He was a dark-haired, lanky drink of water who resembled the late, great
Hank Williams. I’m a skinny beach bum with wavy, strawberry-blond
hair. I think I look like a young Dennis Wilson. My girl Candi says I look
like an elf. My little brothers say that Hart and I look like Beavis and
Butthead. Well, what can you expect from little brothers? At least they have
great taste in cartoons.

Hart gave me a great big bear hug and put my bags in the trunk. I settled
in the passenger seat. Bobby and Seth, who had flown into Nashville from Los
Angeles, were riding in the back.

Bobby reached around the seat to hug me. He was still the same
golden-haired, freckle-faced ray of California sunshine that I remembered.
Seth was quiet and had a brooding artist vibe about him. He had shaggy
coffee-brown hair with long wedge bangs and a pale complexion. He smiled
shyly when he shook my hand.

“Seth Dinapoli,” he said, his voice cool and whispery like the
winds outside a haunted castle.

“Parsifal Matveev. Pleased to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” Seth said, unaware of how he was
killing me with his seductive gray eyes peeking from behind his dark curtain
of hair.

“Don’t even think about it, Parsley,” I admonished myself
as I felt a stirring in my loins when I gripped Seth’s pale, slender
hand. “We’ll draft a nice Gothic story about a smolderingly
seductive vampire who has his way with the innocent young prodigal son who
just returned home to Ye Olde Manor after a year away. We will have naughty
video chats with our sexy girlfriends. We will not, and I repeat, will not
seduce our ex-boyfriend’s new man.”


About the Author

Lil DeVille

Lil DeVille is a former nurse who started writing erotica after becoming
disabled in 2019. She enjoys imagining quirky characters involved in lusty
encounters anywhere from a tropical paradise or a rustic mountain village in
the present day to an all-male mining colony on an asteroid in the distant

Lil likes to end her stories on a Happy for Now note with a promise of more
good things to come. Although her writing sometimes addresses difficult
subjects such as alcoholism or past abuse, she brings a note of love and
support to scenes involving these issues.

Lil lives in a remote prairie town in Northeastern Colorado with her adult
son and three cats. When she isn’t cooking up spicy stories, she
enjoys baking and crafts.


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They Call Me the Refund Man Virtual Book Tour

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They Call Me the Refund Man cover

How You Can Start a Successful Tax Business

Nonfiction, Small Business, Taxes

Date Published: September 12, 2023



Dive into the High-Stakes World of Tax Returns with Nathaniel McDaniel’s
Inspiring Journey


There are few certainties in life, but the inevitability of death and taxes
stands unchallenged. Given this universal truth, the tax return industry
emerges as a lucrative goldmine of opportunities, waiting to be seized by
those ready to embrace its potential.

“They Call Me the Refund Man: How To Start A Successful Tax
Business” chronicles Nathaniel McDaniel’s transformative journey from
long hours in the car industry to achieving financial liberation and a
harmonious work-life balance through tax preparation.

After witnessing his personal life stagnate amidst the grind of car sales,
Nathaniel took the bold step of charting a new course. Now, during the tax
season alone, he rakes in more than he once did from nearly 80 exhaustive
hours a week selling cars!

Nathaniel doesn’t just share his story; he paves a clear path for you to
navigate the complexities of the tax business. Discover actionable insights

    The art of effective market research.

    Gaining the right tax credentials.

    Assembling and nurturing a high-performing team.

    Crafting a magnetic marketing strategy.

    Forging enduring client bonds.

    Navigating legal intricacies.

And much more…

While the realm of tax preparation can appear labyrinthine and
overwhelming, with the right guidance and determination, it transforms into
a world of unmatched opportunity. “They Call Me the Refund Man”
serves as both an enlightening memoir and an invaluable guidebook, making it
an indispensable read for aspiring tax professionals and business
enthusiasts alike.

Take the leap into the prosperous domain of tax returns. Unearth the
secrets of this booming industry and redefine your future.

Grab your copy now and set forth on a journey towards unparalleled success!

They Call Me the Refund Man tablet




Taxes aren’t exactly fun for most people. In fact, to most, doing taxes and tax season are two of the things they fear when it rolls around each year! And yet, to someone who is good at doing taxes, this sector may be a great opportunity. In fact, in the world of finance and commerce, only a few sectors offer as rich and varied opportunities as the tax industry. You may be an aspiring tax consultant, or perhaps you have been working for a tax business and are now looking to launch your own. Regardless of where you are starting from, it is extremely important that you understand the fundamentals of tax law and consulting before you dive deeper. 

Taxes: They Are Here to Stay! 

See, taxes are an inherent part of any economy. They are the lifeblood of government revenue, and they are what facilitates public spending and societal development. They are something people often complain about, especially those who feel they are paying too much. This, in a way, can be a great selling point for your services — people like to get money back, and you can help them do so! As a tax professional, you get to help people who are trying to navigate the intricacies of tax regulations and obligations, and you are able to guide them through this process, making it simpler, easier, and more enjoyable for them. Rou are the one in charge of demystifying complex tax laws that only a few understand, and you can help your clients meet their legal obligations while reducing their tax burden. The greatest part of all this? Taxes will never disappear — you will always need to pay taxes, and so will others, meaning that your job is secure.


About the Author

Nathaniel R. McDaniel

 Nathaniel R. McDaniel studied accounting and business at Eastern Oklahoma
State College. He has owned Refund Man Taxes in Arlington, TX since 2008
which has been ranked the #1 tax service in the Dallas/Fort Worth

Married with four children and three grandchildren, McDaniels enjoys
spending time with his 4-year-old daughter-taking her to her karate and
gymnastics lessons. An avid traveler, he has been on 18 cruises and travels
to Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Oklahoma Sooner College football
games with his eldest son and brother.

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Sub Tales 4 Virtual Book Tour

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Poopie Suits Series, Book 4


History – US submarine Force

Date Published: 09-08-2023



Sub Tales 4 is the latest offering by brothers Charles and Frank Hood in
their prolific output of nonfiction books about the US Submarine Force. Like
the three volumes preceding it in the series, Sub Tales 4 offers a detailed
recounting of some of the most pivotal and poignant moments in the rich
history of the Silent Service. Arranged as an anthology of individual short
stories, the book covers many subjects with prose, photographs, maps,
schematics, and other illustrations to complement the narrative.

Sub Tales 4 tablet


Tragedy Mars the Operation SUB TALES 4 Operation Barney was a decisive strategic victory for the US, but it came at a cost. One of the nine submarines did not survive the mission. The original orders for the three wolfpacks called for a rendezvous at a specified location in the northern aspect of the Sea of Japan at sunset on 23 June in preparation for exodus via the La Perouse Strait. However, Bonefish failed to appear, and later evidence revealed that she had been depth-charged four days earlier off the western coast of Honshu. All 85 hands were lost. The eight subs that survived the mission exited the Sea of Japan at its northern perimeter at the La Perouse Strait at nighttime on 24 June. The sobering loss of Bonefish dampened any celebratory notions following Operation Barney. The war ended less than two months later after relentless aerial bombing campaigns—culminating with the dropping of atomic bombs at both Hiroshima and Nagasaki—that finally brought the Empire of the Sun to its knees. The details of Operation Barney remained obscure to the general public until Lockwood’s book hit the shelves in 1955. Columbia Pictures purchased the rights to the movie adaptation and began pre-production the following year on a fictionalized version of the story. The screenplay was written by David Lang and Raymond Marcus. Nathan Juran, a former Oscar-winning art director for his work in How Green Was My Valley (1942), was chosen as the film’s director. Today, Juran is best remembered as the director of such cult classics as Attack of the 50-Foot Woman and The Deadly Mantis. The Navy liaison overseeing produc tion as “technical advisor” was Lieutenant Commander William R. Boose. The title of the movie differed slightly from the book that inspired it: Hellcats of the Sea became Hellcats of the Navy. The Star of Hellcats of the Navy Ronald Reagan, the man who served as the 40th president of the United States, did not visit a submarine during his two terms in office (1981 1989). However, he had roles in two submarine movies. His first was as the sailor Paul in the 1937 release Submarine D-1; unfortunately for the aspiring actor from Tampico, Illinois, his brief scenes were omitted from the final cut. Twenty years later, however, Reagan received top billing as submarine commander Casey Abbott in the film Hellcats of the Navy. 278 Hellcats: Real-Life and Big-Screen Reagan’s career as a movie star began in the late 1930s when a studio agent noticed Reagan while he was in California covering baseball spring training as a radio broadcaster. Reagan passed a screen test and began appearing in motion pictures for the next twenty years. Some of his most famous roles included George Gipp in Knute Rockne: All American (1940) and Professor Peter Boyd in Bedtime for Bonzo (1951). All told, Reagan appeared in more than 60 motion pictures between 1937 and 1964. Although he suffered from poor vision, Reagan enlisted in the US Army Reserves in 1937 and attained the rank of second lieutenant attached to a cavalry unit in Des Moines, IA. After Hollywood came calling, he continued his reserve service in Los Angeles. During World War II, Reagan served as a public relations officer in the Army Air Forces from April 1942 to December 1945. He appeared in more than 400 training films for the military during this time and achieved the rank of captain. After the war, Reagan returned to Hollywood. In 1947, he was elect ed president of the Screen Actors Guild. He held this powerful post for five years during one of the most tumultuous periods in Hollywood history. Reagan’s term engendered no small amount of controversy for his handling of the Hollywood blacklist scandal during the Second Red Scare. It was during this period in the late 1940s and early 1950s that prominent political leaders, most notably Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, accused many actors, directors, and other artists in the entertainment industry of having un-American or Communist ties. The Reagans cut their wedding cake on 04 March 1952 at a private ceremony in Studio City, CA. The only two people in attendance were the actor William Holden and his wife. 279 SUB TALES 4 Such witch hunts turned Hollywood upside down and ended many promising careers. The affair took a toll on Reagan’s personal life as well. His first wife, Jane Wyman, filed for divorce in 1948, in part because of the couple’s differing views on blacklisting. Rebounding quickly, Reagan met an actress under contract to MGM named Nancy Davis. The two fell in love and were married in 1952. Reagan became a familiar household fixture in the 1950s as Ameri can households, by the tens of millions, embraced the burgeoning phenomenon of network television. He served as the host of the weekly program General Electric Theater, a popular show airing on Sunday evenings from 1954 to 1961. Although there was a radio version that preceded the television format, Ronald Reagan was the only host of the latter incarnation during its eight-year run. Ronald Reagan was nearing the end of his cinematic career when he accepted the starring role in the Columbia production of Hellcats; It would be his fifty-second movie role and his penultimate screen appearance ever as a leading star. By the time Hellcats went into production, Reagan had already pivoted from movie star to television host, and given his good looks, affability, and polished oratorical skills, even greater aspirations in the political arena were taking root. Part of his contract with General Electric (GE) also called for his giving motivational speeches and touring GE plants around the country; this arrangement allowed Reagan to plant the seeds of a nationwide network of future campaign financiers and supporters for his later (and successful) gubernatorial run in California in 1966. General Electric Theater was an hour-long anthology series that featured a range of programming from comedy to romance to drama. Ronald Reagan was its host. 280 Hellcats: Real-Life and Big-Screen Reagan’s agreement with GE allowed him to take the occasional movie role, and the chance to portray the romantic interest opposite his real wife Nancy, cast as the Navy nurse Lieutenant Helen Blair, was too much to pass up. (Side note: General Electric played an outsized role in the development of the modern nuclear reactor for use aboard subma rines! (For more information, consult the chapters about USS Seawolf (SSN-575) and the S5G reactor in our book Sub Tales 3.) Reagan looks serious while checking his watch as Commander Casey Abbott. A One-Week Shoot for Reagan Filming for the low-budget movie began in San Diego on 04 December 1956. Ronald Reagan reported for duty on 02 January 1957. The production occurred with the full cooperation of the Navy which lent the use of one of its submarines for some of the action. Some of the outdoor scenes were shot along Palos Verdes Peninsula and Long Beach, while many of the interior scenes were filmed on a Columbia Pictures set in Hollywood. Action footage at sea, as well as a portion of the soundtrack, were recycled from other movies to hasten completion. For example, a scene of men struggling to survive in water contaminated by flaming fuel was lifted directly from Crash Dive (1943), while an underwater scuba scene came from The Frogmen (1951). Much of the Max Steiner score for Hellcats appeared three years earlier in The Caine Mutiny. The screenplay loosely follows the exploits of Operation Barney but 281 SUB TALES 4 dilutes any serious effort to maintain historical integrity by the insertion of an awkwardly scripted love triangle among Captain Abbott, Nurse Blair, and Lieutenant Commander Don Landon, played by Arthur Franz. The operational details fade into the background for not only the romantic fiction but also an overblown conflict between Reagan and Franz (as CO and XO of Starfish) about whether the fate of a single sailor should jeopardize the entire crew. The controversy makes for interesting fodder but detracts from the larger context of the mission. Stars Ronald Reagan, Nancy Davis Reagan, and William Leslie The role of the fictional submarine USS Starfish was played by the USS Besugo (SS-321), a Balao-class submarine based out of San Diego that had completed five war patrols during World War II. Her com manding officer (CO) during the movie shoot was Lieutenant Commander Merrill E. Kelly. Kelly had come to Besugo only nine months earlier after a stint as the CO of USS Sea Dog (SS-401). Earlier, Kelly had served two war patrols aboard USS Hawkbill (SS-366) during World War II. In the 1960s, Kelly was promoted to captain and become a commander of US naval forces in Taiwan. He and Reagan remained lifelong friends. The executive officer aboard the Besugo at the time of the filming of Hellcats was Lieutenant Lloyd Bucher. He garnered worldwide attention a decade later as the CO of USS Pueblo (AGER-2) when the spy ship was attacked and captured by North Korea in January 1968. One crew member was killed, and the other 82 were taken prisoner and subjected 282 Hellcats: Real-Life and Big-Screen to harsh treatment and torture over the next eleven months until their release. (Pueblo, although still a commissioned ship in the US Navy, remains in the possession of North Korea today.) Before the cameras rolled, Reagan spent several hours with the crew of the Besugo familiarizing himself with the operation of the periscope and other instruments in the control room. He also toured the ward room, engine room, and torpedo rooms. However, Reagan suffered from bouts of claustrophobia and required frequent breaks from the cramped control room set. He found relief by climbing into the conning tower, ascending to the bridge, and gulping some fresh air. Whenever he was unable to vacate the control room while working during such disquieting moments, Reagan relieved his anxiety by peering through the periscope between takes. Film critic Kate Cameron described her conversation with Reagan in 1957 about the difficulties of filming aboard the submarine at San Diego: Reagan told me that the space they had to work with was so lim ited that they had to have special cameras to photograph the action in the interior of the sub. Even when they had to shoot a scene in the conning tower, the producer was unable to be on the set because the control room and conning tower could only ac commodate 16 people.

About the Author

Charles Hood

Charles Hood is a Physician in South Carolina. He is the principal author
of 7 of the 8 books in the Poopie Suits Series of True Stories, not fiction,
from the US Submarine Force. Covering decades and wars and the Cold War,
these stories offer insight into the severe world of the men (and now women)
living inside a steel tube designed to sink.  What were the pressures
they faced, the close calls, the unique encounters in ports, how did their
families cope?  These subjects, and a whole lot more are covered in the
Poopie Suits Series.

Frank Hood served on a nuclear submarine from 1968-1972 and his story
“Poopie Suits & Cowboy Boots – Tales from a Submarine Officer
During the Height of the Cold War”  was his story.  Surviving
an odd interview with VADM Hyman G. Rickover was the first test.  His
story interweaves with the culture of the time, the Vietnam War, campus
protests, the race with the Soviets to build deeper diving, quiter
submarines, and a lot more.


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A Pug’s Tale: The Pawfect Match Blitz

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A Pug's Tale: The Pawfect Match cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: December 2023


In the heartwarming tale, “A Pug’s Tale: The Pawfect Match,” meet
Roy, an 8-year-old boy with a fervent desire for a loyal companion. His
dream of having a pug named Chug becomes an enduring journey filled with
anticipation. Through the moments of hopeful waiting and the ticking of
time, Roy’s wish is granted, and the enchanting story unfolds as he
discovers the joy of finally having his pawfect match, a furry friend who
becomes his inseparable companion and confidant. Join Roy on this touching
adventure that celebrates the magic of friendship and the fulfillment of


About the Author

Dr. Adam Palladino

Dr. Adam Palladino is a second-time author who wanted to publish a book
that would bring humor to his students. As a K-12 educator and
administrator, he showed his passion for learning and laughing by creating a
pun-filled book. He currently resides in New York with his wife, LisaMarie.
When he is not writing, you can find him studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu,
watching movies, walking around Barnes and Noble or being adventurous with
his wife.

Dr. Palladino’s first book, Terror in GuacamoleVille was a huge success,
and the popularity of it continues to grow. If you have not received your
copy yet, please pick yours up now!

Dr. Palladino’s second book, A Pug’s Tale: The Pawfect Match is a
wonderfully adorable book for children from infancy to 8 years old. It has
not yet been released, but when it does, please get your copy soon! Dr.
Palladino will be traveling around the nation to promote both books, conduct
read aloud, meet fans, and sign copies of his books. Please do not hesitate,
get your copies today!

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