Shaloha Gems Virtual Book Tour

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Shaloha Gems cover

Humorous Fiction/Romantic Comedy/Historical Fiction/Jewish Fiction

Date Published: July 9th, 2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing



Abe Goldstein’s life is speeding downhill faster than a Coney Island
roller coaster. 

His Manhattan diamond company is on life support. Crime is so bad that
muggers are mugging other muggers. And his overbearing mother has gone
behind his back and posted his profile on a Jewish dating site. Now,
Abe’s phone is blowing up with messages from women who want to marry

At the advice of his accountant, Abe flees to Honolulu and cuts a deal with
an Okinawan family to buy their diamond ring business. The owner’s
beautiful daughter Kiyoko stays on as a consultant, and Abe finds himself
falling hard for her.

But there’s trouble in paradise. Abe’s meddlesome mother hires
an unscrupulous matchmaker to break the pair up and find a nice Jewish girl
for him instead. To make matters worse, a rival diamond firm connected to
Japanese organized crime is bent on destroying Abe’s fledgling
business, Shaloha Gems.

As Abe navigates the twists and turns of his unconventional island life,
everything he values is in jeopardy. He may be willing to damage his
relationship with his mother to preserve his romantic relationship. But will
he crumble under the pressure if he loses his reputation and his budding
diamond empire too? Or will a discovery that leads back to the darkest days
of World War II open an unexpected door to a brighter future?


Shaloha Gems tablet


Abe Goldstein stared out of the barred back-office window of his company, Goldy’s Diamonds & Gems, which overlooked the rainy and grey 47th Street Diamond District. The grimy man-trap door, the hallway entrance, and the lone off-duty NYPD officer outside told the story of a city that had seen its best days and was going downhill faster than a Coney Island roller coaster. 

Abe thought even a roller coaster goes back up again, but there was no way in hell that New York would make a comeback. Since the Covid lockdowns, the huge spike in crime, and the exit of most of his retail client base out of New York City to South Florida, his retail business had dropped off a cliff, and his wholesale business was barely keeping him afloat.

Today, Abe was meeting with his longtime friend and accountant Adam Bushkin, whom Abe jokingly referred to as “Bombastic Buskin,” like Johnny Carson’s accountant who had once recommended that Carson invest in X-rated bookstores in Iran.

Like Abe, Adam was an Orthodox Jew who kept kosher, observed Shabbat, and wore the yarmulke to show reverence for Hashem. He looked and acted like a pudgy version of the old-time comedian Red Buttons, wearing the mischievous look of a man always on the verge of laughter. This was their quarterly meeting before tax filing, and Abe looked forward to it like he did a root canal.

“So, Bombastic,” he said, “give me the good news first, so I can smile for five seconds at least.”

Adam reported that, “The good news is that Katz’s Deli on Houston Street downtown has a new lunch special: all-you-can-eat kosher pickles with your fifty-dollar pastrami sandwich. The bad news is that revenues have sunk into the toilet by over 50 percent. I hate to tell you, Abe, but your business is on life support. You can’t hold on much longer. I suggest you consider selling and moving out-of-state. My other clients in the diamond business have moved to Florida — Miami, Boca Raton, and Palm Beach. The business district in those cities looks like Tel Aviv.”

Abe chewed his lower lip unhappily. “My diamond clients who moved there tell me the competition is so fierce that they’re all undercutting each other, and their margins are slimmer than the Jewish book of business ethics. They are making bupkis down there.”

Abe’s father, Moishe, had founded the business in New York City after the war. Moishe was a Holocaust survivor of the Dachau concentration camp and still had the tattoo on his left forearm. Now he had a scraggly white beard and hunched back from old age, and the demeanor of a man who had seen much suffering in his life.

Before the war, Moishe’s family had established diamond businesses in Amsterdam and Antwerp. They’d lost everything after the Germans conquered the Netherlands. Moishe’s parents, brothers, and sisters all perished in the camps. Moishe was the youngest and survived to be liberated by the United States Army. Later, he was sent to a displaced persons’ camp and was adopted by the Goldstein’s, distant relatives who were also in the diamond business in New York.

Abe resembled his father as a young man, but even more so the movie star Adam Sandler, with curly brown hair and a well-trimmed beard that accentuated his cleft chin and square jawline. 

“Bombastic,” he exclaimed, “what am I going to do? We still have a great supply line of diamond cutters in Tel Aviv and connections with De Beers in Johannesburg. Come up with something!”

A week later, Adam called Abe and set up a lunch meeting at Katz’s. The men slid into their usual booth, gripping pastrami sandwiches thick enough to choke a horse. They munched on the endless pickle barrel gracing each table.

“There’s enough salt in these pickles to kill the entire cardiology wing at Bellevue Hospital,” Abe joked.

“Abe, you are a young man, only forty. It will take at least fifty years for Katz’s pickles to kill you — unless you marry a Jewish yenta. Then I give you about twenty years or less.”

Abe wiped his mouth on a napkin and shot Adam a dour look. “Don’t mention marriage. My mother is driving me crazy. She even bought me an online subscription to JDate, that Jewish singles dating app. She put my photo and cell phone numbers on the site. I got meshuga women contacting me day and night. They only show headshots and describe themselves as voluptuous, so I am guessing that some of these women are big enough to put license plates on them.”

His accountant smiled. “Abe, don’t choke on your pastrami sandwich when I tell you this, but I think I found a gem of a wedding/engagement ring company where the markups on diamond rings are double what they are in New York.” 

Abe arched a brow. “Oh, yes? Pray tell me where this gem is located.”

“It’s in Honolulu, Hawaii.” Adam leaned across the table, eyes twinkling. . .



About the Author

Terry Chodosh

Born and raised in New Jersey, Terry Chodosh earned his MS in criminology
from Florida State University. Terry began his twenty-eight-year career with
the United States Secret Service (USSS) in NYC and fulfilled assignments in
the San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Honolulu field offices as well as in the
Gerald Ford protective detail.

While assigned to the Honolulu office, Terry traveled extensively in Asia,
conducting complex financial crime investigations and providing executive
protection for US government officials, including the president and vice
president of the United States. After retirement, Terry wanted to tap into
his humorous and creative side, which was often restrained throughout his
career, so he began writing his novel Shaloha Gems.

Terry lives with his wife and son in Honolulu, Hawaii. He enjoys distance
swimming in the ocean and outrigger canoe paddling, and he strives to stay
one step ahead of skin cancer and tiger sharks.

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The Maker of Worlds Teaser

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The Maker of Worlds cover


Date Published: 05-22-2024

Publisher: Evolved Publishing



If you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you

When tragedy strikes Lucas Mack’s young life, he desperately yearns to
escape its sorrow, and takes an improbable leap through the mythical
maelstrom. Rather than splashing down on the far side like his neighbors,
he’s transported to a magical realm where he has the power to redefine not
only who he is, but the world in which he resides.

As he stumbles about trying to find his way, he meets Mia, an equally
troubled fellow pilgrim. With the help of a mystical guide and an aging
wizard, they navigate the enchanted land while learning to control their
newfound powers. Yet this realm is more complex than they expected, with
seasoned sorcerers who’ve been corrupted by the sinister side of

Limited by natural law and seduced by magic’s power, they are tested as
never before. Will the gift of magic bring renewed hope or drive them to the
edge of the void? 



Chapter 1 – The Departure

All stories begin with a question, and this is mine: if you had the chance to remake the world, what kind of world would you choose?
Let me start from the beginning. 

 The day before my leap, spring had peeked above the horizon. A bolder sun had inspired buds to sprout on the branches, so tiny they stood out only when moistened by the morning dew. A smattering of flowers had bloomed as well, daffodils and the tips of tulips that showed more as promise. Forsythias bulged yellow, lilacs blossomed and spread their fragrance, and the air tasted fresher too, as if purified by the increased sunlight. A time for hope. 

But not for me. The arrival of spring did nothing to remove the cloud that had shadowed my days and darkened my dreams these past six months. 

Addy had always chided me for living only part time in the real world, the rest of my time filled with flights of fantasy. 

I disagreed. My approach had always been a conscious choice, a matter of perspective. After all, what was so wonderful about reality? 

Her answer: only in the real world would I find her. 

I discovered too late how harsh my life would be without her. 

I’d slept poorly that night, my sleep disturbed by dreams, but when I awoke well before dawn, my resolve remained. Though I’d sleepwalked through my coming of age five years earlier, my circumstance had now changed, replaced by a lingering sadness, a malaise that would not heal. I’d become inclined to imagine another life elsewhere, desperate to try out an alternate path. On this day, I intended to test the maelstrom. 

The maelstrom appeared as a swirling circle of water for only three days each year, starting at the equinox—an unusual anomaly that behaved in a manner different from a proper whirlpool. This vortex hovered a foot above the lake’s surface and, more bizarrely, stood vertical. 

Townsfolk debated its purpose. The more rational claimed a perturbation of light, like a prism, caused by sprays of seasonal runoff and the angle of the sun. Others believed it to be magic, though none existed in our world. 

Of course, what we called magic might be nothing more than a label for things beyond the boundaries of reason. Natural phenomenon might still be magic. The sun’s rays lifted our spirits, and the advent of spring lightened our hearts. 

Each year, as the equinox approached, young boys who’d reached their eighteenth year would boast about their intent to challenge the maelstrom. In practice, few did. By eighteen, most had narrowed their path through life, following the example of their elders, or rebelled and chosen a contrarian course. With age, the lust for adventure diminished to bluster, tall tales told to impress their younger peers. 

Those who took the leap landed with a splash on the far side to the derision of their mates, but rumors alleged one had vanished years ago as villagers gaped, never to return. Philosophers speculated the swirling water might be a gateway to the gods, but only for those with sufficient faith. 

At eighteen, I would never have abandoned Addy, but once she was gone, my desire for change stirred. While I lacked the required faith, this was caused by the cruelty of the world, and did not reflect my belief in magic. My desperation grew until, in the spring of my twenty-third year, I determined to go. 

I’d leave before sunup, guaranteeing solitude on the shore. Should I stumble through the maelstrom to no effect, no one would witness my folly. Still in a daze, I stowed provisions in my backpack: a day’s worth of salted mutton, a loaf of hard bread, two dried apples, a full waterskin, a knife, a flint, and a rain slicker to ward off the morning chill. 

At the doorway of my Queen’s Hill cottage, I hesitated. This morning’s excursion would likely be a fool’s errand, but what if it turned out to be something more, a journey to who-knows-where? As I gazed down to the lake, a sense of foreboding crept over me. No matter. Foolhardy or not, I was committed.

 I slipped across the threshold and navigated the switchbacks in the dark. 

 The maelstrom hovered over the shallows a dozen paces offshore, in the dim light showing as nothing more than a disturbance in the air. I yanked off my boots, knotted the laces and slung them around my neck. As I rolled my trousers above the knee, I cast a lingering glance up the hill to catch a last glimpse of my cottage. 

I waited until the eastern horizon reddened and waded into the lake. 

An arm’s length from the gateway, I reached out, keeping as far away as possible while my fingertips brushed its surface. It felt like… nothing, likely no more than an illusion. In half an hour, I’d be back in my bed, no closer to comprehending the universe. Yet I’d yearned for a portal to another world, one that might allow me to deviate from accepted norms. I longed to float off to a fresher fate. 

Once, I too would have followed the safe path, with no risk of surprise, but then life did surprise me with a cosmic slap across the face that left me shattered—the taking of Addy. At twenty-two, misfortune had cleared the slate, leaving me alone and adrift. 

I drew in a breath and plunged through. 

In the light of pre-dawn, and in my half-awake state, no difference struck me at first, other than the chill waters deeper than expected, soaking the rolls of my trousers. Out of the mist on either side, giant evergreens loomed graceful as usual, rising until their tops blurred. The view so distracted me that several heartbeats passed before I realized the change. 

Perhaps I was still sleeping in my bed, for where the channel to the west lake should have been, a broad flood plain spread. The water had washed over the banks and crept inland for a hundred paces, leaving the trees the only witness to what once had been dry land. 

Beyond the trees, nothing. 

Nowhere a dock or a mooring, not so much as a hint of early morning smoke rising from a chimney. Nowhere the cottages of Queen’s Hill. Nowhere houses at all. As I gaped, the edges of branches shimmered as if undecided whether to remain intangible or become real. In a panic, I realized the folly of this quest. Better to return to a safer, albeit gloomier life, to go back through the portal at once. 

Behind me, the maelstrom still swirled, a fleeting comfort as it had started to recede. While I stared at the last link to my old world, the orb diminished, shrunk to a size I could cover with my hand, and then to that of the tip of my thumb. Before I sloshed more than two steps closer, it winked out. 

Now, to the north and the south, nothing showed but water. I stumbled to shore, my movements causing the slightest wake in the surface, which lay so still I could make out my astonished features in the reflection. 

I’d spent much of my young life with Addy, like a mate sailing across a forever lake. She’d been with me through calm and storm. I’d yearned to find renewed hope on this side of the gateway and return home to a new life, yet now the gateway, like Addy, had vanished.


About the Author

David Litwack

The urge to write first struck at age sixteen when working on a newsletter
at a youth encampment in the woods of northern Maine. It may have been the
wild night when lightning flashed at sunset followed by the northern lights
rippling after dark. Or maybe it was the newsletter’s editor, a girl with
eyes the color of the ocean. But he was inspired to write about the blurry
line between reality and the fantastic.

Using two fingers and lots of white-out, he religiously typed five pages a
day throughout college and well into his twenties. Then life intervened. He
paused to raise two sons and pursue a career, in the process — and without
prior plan — becoming a well-known entrepreneur in the software industry,
founding several successful companies. When he found time again to daydream,
the urge to write returned.

David now lives in the Great Northwest. He no longer limits himself to five
pages a day and is thankful every keystroke for the invention of the word


Contact Links


Facebook: David Litwack – Author

Twitter: @DavidLitwack




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Doll Face Virtual Book Tour

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Doll Face cover

Romance / Mafia Romance

Date Published:  May 10, 2024

Publisher: Evernight Publishing



The moment Macy met Matteo Romanelli she knew he’d change her life.
After a whirlwind romance, however, he betrays her in the worst way
possible. Macy Moore dies. She is reborn as Gianna, with a desire for
vengeance and a plan to bring down the house of Romanelli. With a new face
and a new name, the love she once felt for Matteo has turned into

Matteo knew he was going to marry Macy the first time he saw her working in
a coffee shop. Beautiful, sweet, and caring, she is oblivious to who he was
really is. When he discovers she’s been killed by a rival family, his
broken heart vows revenge.

Can Gianna learn to trust Matteo again? What does it mean for her plan of
vengeance when she learns they were victims from the same lie? And can hate
turn back into love?

Doll Face tablet

About the Author

I began reading my mom’s Harlequin Presents in the fifth grade, and
to this day it still boggles my mind that my mother allowed me to read them
at age 11! My love for romance was born and from that first book, I knew I
wanted to write romance novels. Love is the most powerful emotion we can
experience, and I adore happy ever afters.

I write about the very ordinary woman thrust into an extraordinary
circumstance, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or
corporate high rollers.  I try to write characters who aren’t cookie
cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea
how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box. I strive to create
characters who are complex and full of flaws. Heroes and heroines who find
redemption through love.


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Shaloha Gems Blitz

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Shaloha cover

Humorous Fiction/Romantic Comedy/Historical Fiction/Jewish Fiction

Date Published: July 9th, 2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing



Abe Goldstein’s life is speeding downhill faster than a Coney Island
roller coaster. 

His Manhattan diamond company is on life support. Crime is so bad that
muggers are mugging other muggers. And his overbearing mother has gone
behind his back and posted his profile on a Jewish dating site. Now,
Abe’s phone is blowing up with messages from women who want to marry

At the advice of his accountant, Abe flees to Honolulu and cuts a deal with
an Okinawan family to buy their diamond ring business. The owner’s
beautiful daughter Kiyoko stays on as a consultant, and Abe finds himself
falling hard for her.

But there’s trouble in paradise. Abe’s meddlesome mother hires
an unscrupulous matchmaker to break the pair up and find a nice Jewish girl
for him instead. To make matters worse, a rival diamond firm connected to
Japanese organized crime is bent on destroying Abe’s fledgling
business, Shaloha Gems.

As Abe navigates the twists and turns of his unconventional island life,
everything he values is in jeopardy. He may be willing to damage his
relationship with his mother to preserve his romantic relationship. But will
he crumble under the pressure if he loses his reputation and his budding
diamond empire too? Or will a discovery that leads back to the darkest days
of World War II open an unexpected door to a brighter future?


Shaloha tablet


About the Author

Terry Chodosh

Born and raised in New Jersey, Terry Chodosh earned his MS in criminology
from Florida State University. Terry began his twenty-eight-year career with
the United States Secret Service (USSS) in NYC and fulfilled assignments in
the San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Honolulu field offices as well as in the
Gerald Ford protective detail.

While assigned to the Honolulu office, Terry traveled extensively in Asia,
conducting complex financial crime investigations and providing executive
protection for US government officials, including the president and vice
president of the United States. After retirement, Terry wanted to tap into
his humorous and creative side, which was often restrained throughout his
career, so he began writing his novel Shaloha Gems.

Terry lives with his wife and son in Honolulu, Hawaii. He enjoys distance
swimming in the ocean and outrigger canoe paddling, and he strives to stay
one step ahead of skin cancer and tiger sharks.

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Filed under BOOK BLITZ

Bear Preorder Blitz

Bear cover

A Bones MC Romance

Grim Road MC, Book 5


Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: July 12, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press



Olivia: I’ve been sent to infiltrate Grim Road — specifically
looking for any information to do with the man they call Bear. I
didn’t expect to jump into the man’s arms on the first try. I
also didn’t expect to feel an illogical sense of belonging and safety
when he whispered in my ear, “You’re safe.” My deception
will probably get me killed. I’m not a damsel in distress, at least
not how they think. But I think Bear knows I’m lying. He just
doesn’t seem to care.

Bear: Yeah, I know the girl’s lyin’. I also happen to believe
she has a good reason. If I can get her to trust me, then I can make her
demons disappear. But trust is hard-earned. Even if I earn hers, can I trust
her after she started out with lies? Do I really care if she’s lying
as long as she’s mine? Trouble’s following this girl. And
it’s headed straight to Grim Road.


WARNING: Bear includes scenes of graphic violence and adult situations
including those that may be triggers for some readers. There’s also a
protective hero, a determined heroine, and an eventual happy ending. No
cheating, as always.


Bear teaser



All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2024 Marteeka Karland



I hated venturing out into the city. Always made me feel like there was a
target on my fucking back. My true identity was buried so deep even facial
recognition software couldn’t find me, but since I’d been in my
twenties, I’d spent my life running. The government saw to that.

What I thought was a service to help my country turned into a killing spree
on the order of genocide. I’d disobeyed my orders but ended up on a
Terminate with Extreme Prejudice list. Rocket, the closest person I had to a
friend, had brought me to Riviera Beach, Florida, where I’d taken up
with the motorcycle club, Grim Road. The club’s history was long and
distinguished in hiding men like me. I’d been here ever since.

It was nearly midnight on a Saturday. The streets weren’t exactly
teaming, but several bars were open, which was where most people were this
time of night. Some headed home. Others milled about enjoying the evening
air. It wasn’t cool by any means, but the night brought in a breeze
from the ocean that wasn’t stifled by the heat of the sun during the
day. This was my favorite part of the night.

“You lookin’ for somethin’ in particular or just
wishin’ you could go back and change your life choices?” Ringo,
our enforcer, sidled up next to me, handing me a beer.

“Thanks,” I said as I popped the top and took a long swig.
“Just thinkin’. Ain’t much for bein’ out of the

“Oh, I know. Which is why I followed.” The other man gave me a
half smirk, half smile.

“Right. That, and Lemon probably told you to have my

He chuckled. “Little witch is certainly big on that kinda shit. But
no. You’ll be happy to know I did this all on my own.”

I gave him a side eye. “Really. You tryin’ to keep me honest?
Afraid I’m out to betray the club?”

Instantly, Ringo’s whole demeanor changed. “Hey, now. Jumping
to conclusions there, Bear?” Ringo raised an eyebrow. “Of all
the men in this club, you’d be the last one I’d accuse of
betraying the club or anyone in it. Fully expected Rocket to make you his
VP. I’d have supported that.”

I snorted. “No way in fuckin’ hell I want that job. Besides,
Lemon is much better suited.”

“Ain’t sayin’ she’s not. Just sayin’ I was
surprised when Rocket didn’t put your name in the hat for the job long
before Lemon came on the scene.”

The two of us headed down the sidewalk. Kind of felt like we were
patrolling the area. There were several bars and clubs here, and some of
them weren’t altogether safe. A couple times a week, I’d taken
to walking up and down the strip. I wouldn’t say I was looking for
trouble, but I wasn’t opposed to stopping trouble if it found me. The
self-imposed job got me out of the compound as well as extended some measure
of protection to the community which pleased the VP to no end. I
wouldn’t exactly call the city our community, but I got the impression
that’s what Lemon wanted it to be. Crush and Byte worked continually
to strengthen all our identity covers. Rocket wasn’t opposed, so I
took this as my due diligence. I was doing my part, however quietly, to set
an example to the other members. It’s how I did things.

“He offered.” I shrugged. “Not my thing.”

“Oh, really.” The bastard smirked and I wanted to beat the shit
outta him, but restrained myself. Barely. “Was that before or after
you corralled us all and put the idea of voting Lemon in as VP, or

“Well, I wasn’t gonna do it. Someone had to, and she was the
best choice. You look me in the eye and tell me who else in Grim would be
doing a better job than Lemon, and I’ll volunteer that

Ringo chuckled. “Right. I’ll get on that. But you have to
promise you’ll be the one to break the news to Lemon.”

I snorted. “Not on your fuckin’ life. Girl might be small and
young, but she’s vicious like no man I’ve ever met. You tell her
your own Goddamn self.”

We stared at each other a moment before Ringo’s lips twitched. Once
that happened, we both broke down into chuckles. Neither of us would be
suggesting a replacement for Lemon.

The conversation eased something inside me. Like I knew Ringo had my back
or something where always before I’d kind of felt like I was on my own
in the middle of a crowd. Yeah, I knew if I were really in trouble, outside
of a mission, I could count on my brothers. Always had. But it was different

“Thanks, man. I think I needed that.”

“For what? The reminder that a little five-foot-nothing girl is
making a better vice president than you?”

I snorted. “No, dumbass. The laugh.”

Ringo grinned. “Wait till I tell Lemon you were wanting to replace

“Whoa. Not cool, bro. Besides, it was you who brought it up. And I
will totally throw you under the bus if you start that

God, it felt good to banter with Ringo. I’d had that kind of
atmosphere a couple of times on jobs for the CIA, but it was never as
relaxed as it was now.

I took a deep breath and rolled my head on my shoulders, easing some of the
tension that always seemed to be there when I ventured too far from the
compound. It wasn’t that I was scared. It was more like I felt like
someone was watching. Just waiting to make a move.

I could handle myself in an ambush. Fuck knew I’d been in that
situation before and had come out on the other side. Worse for wear maybe,
but the other guys fared far, far worse. Always.

Ringo snorted. “Glad to be of service, brother.”

We continued down the street. The sound of people partying or generally
having a good time filled the night. Each time we passed a bar, the scent of
alcohol hit us. Occasionally someone would be smoking a joint or a cigarette
and those scents would blend in as well. Passing a strip joint brought the
cheap perfume into the mix.

I was about to suggest we go inside one of the strip clubs, just to pass
the time with something different when I spotted a woman making her way down
the sidewalk. Something about the way she moved was just that little bit
off. She glanced behind her, then straight ahead. She hesitated, then
continued moving.

“What’s goin’ on there?” I asked the question more
to myself than to Ringo, but the other man zeroed in on the woman

“Not sure. Could be she’s just lost.”

“Right,” I agreed, though I wasn’t so sure. Something
about her posture wasn’t right. “Could be.”


We both continued forward but at a slower pace. Grim Road MC wasn’t a
secret club, per se. The club was known to the locals, just not where the
clubhouse was or who any of us were beyond our road names. To everyone
around us, we were simply another motorcycle club in the area around Palm
Beach. As such, we wore our colors proudly. So, when the girl got closer to
us, and we slowed down, we wanted her to know what we were.

I stopped while Ringo turned slowly around in a circle with his hands out,
letting her see the emblem on the back of his vest proclaiming him a member
of Grim Road.

She let loose a little sob and ran the rest of the way to us. To my
complete and utter shock, instead of stopping when she reached us, the girl
threw herself into my arms, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck.

And I’ll be Goddamned if my whole body didn’t come alive. Lust
I’d never even dreamed about punched me in the dick before sucking me
into its mouth and making me hard as a fucking pole. The scent of her was
like something out of a dream. Fresh spring flowers and a dash of cinnamon.
She was slender, but I could feel every single one of her slight curves
against my big body. She was so small I could easily wrap my arms all the
way around her with room to spare. Unfortunately, instead of moaning and
finding my mouth with hers, she trembled in my arms. I didn’t think it
was from desire. Her mouth at my ear was a sinful promise. Until she

“Angela,” she whimpered. “I need Angela.”

“Hey, sweetheart,” I said loudly. “Missed you,
too.” I chuckled, swinging her around happily. What I was really doing
was putting my body between her and the two men I now saw following

I didn’t acknowledge the men. Instead, I strode down the sidewalk
with her still in my arms. Ringo had my back. If he couldn’t
discourage the guys, I could get her far enough away she could get inside to
the relative safety of a bar or club. Then, I’d help Ringo help these
motherfuckers have themselves an accident.

When I rounded the corner with her, I set her on her feet, but kept hold of
her hand. Everything inside me rebelled at the separation. I wanted to pull
her solidly against me again but needed to make sure I had one hand free if
Ringo needed me. Stepping from behind the wall, I eyed Ringo. He stood where
I’d left him, but the men were already gone. Ringo took slow looks
around the area as he backed toward me. I gave a low whistle, and Ringo
turned and hurried in my direction.

“Get to the bikes.” Ringo’s order was delivered in a
crisp voice. “They didn’t keep following after you picked her
up. You spoke and they backed off. Still don’t want to take a

“To Knox’s place?” I knew we couldn’t take her to
the compound. Not without precautions. If the guys had truly backed off, she
wasn’t in immediate danger. If they hadn’t, we’d
reevaluate when we spotted them.

Ringo nodded. “I’ll be on your six. Just gonna let Rocket know
what’s goin’ on and that we’ll call him when we know

I grunted, but tugged her with me and hurried to my bike.


About the Author

Marteeka Karland is an international bestselling author who leads a double
life as an erotic romance author by evening and a semi-domesticated
housewife by day. Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes
pleasure in spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited,
vulnerable heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a
blissful ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her
writings are speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning
delight entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying
conclusions that elicit a sigh from her readers.

Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband
with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for
preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts
(which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with
Marteeka’s latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her
website. Don’t forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you
with a potpourri of Teeka’s beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph
events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.


Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland

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