Tyra of the Shadows Week Blast

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Child of Frankenstein’s Bride, Book 5


Paranormal / Historical

Date Published: 07-23-2024



Will Tyra ever get out of the shadows?

Growing up isn’t easy for Tyra Smythe. Especially when you grow up in a
house with shadows. She and her friend Evelyn conjure up the ghost of a girl
who lived there 100 years ago and the mystery of the funhouse begins. While
her parents are away in England, the ghost Abby, begins to haunt. When more
ghosts appear at Tyra’s fourteenth birthday party, word that the house is
haunted gets out and draws unwanted attention to it.

Shortly Margaret has decided it is a good idea to make her home an
attraction for some extra money. It is 1929 and more haunted houses are
needed, the house is named the Shadows and creepy renovations are started
all at the expense of Tim Terror and his haunted attractions company.

As Abby haunts the halls and stairs, her hunger grows. Her legend says she
died there and appears during a full moon, and she even has a museum room.
Abby’s heart is close to Tyra, but they must move on though they feel at
home again once the remodel of The Shadows is complete.

Will she ever be able to leave, or will it leave her?





“Don’t give him your address. I wonder if they can help you
find your father,” Evelyn said.

“They won’t. Jack isn’t any help. I’ll just look
myself. I’ll think about going to the police. We don’t have a
phone. I don’t like this.”

When they got home, it felt much cooler in the house. They grabbed drinks
and the telephone directory and went upstairs. Tyra did find a Nathaniel
Johnston—she actually found two of them. “Evelyn, another big
house to go look at later. I found Nathaniel.”

“Good.” Evelyn took everything out of her bag. They laid the
blue velvet table cover, the candles, and the Ouija board in front of them
on the floor.

“I’ll go get a couple candlesticks. We will try a séance
and use the board tonight,” Tyra said.

“Hattie, where are the candlesticks?” Tyra called.

“In the hallway by the kitchen!” Hattie answered.

She and Evelyn raced there and grabbed two.

Hattie appeared. “Be careful with those. Matches are in the

“Thanks,” Tyra responded. “Have you ever seen a ghost in

“No, never,” Hattie responded.

“Hopefully, we will,” Tyra said as she headed for the kitchen.
She grabbed the matches.

“We won’t light them now, not until tonight,” she told

“My mom is coming by in the morning to come and get me,” Evelyn

Tyra nodded. “We’re going to try a séance. I read about
them in the paper.”

“I don’t want you to do that. I told you I haven’t seen
any ghosts here. When the wind blows, you can hear it loud. This is an old
house. Your dad said it was built in the 1790s,” Hattie said.

“We’ll just try. It probably won’t work.” Tyra went
to her room as Evelyn followed.

“Is it even worth the time?” Evelyn asked.

“No, but this is.” Tyra pulled out a rolled-up Ouija board that
looked like a map. She took the planchette out of Evelyn’s purse.
“I didn’t tell Hattie we had this.” They sat on the floor
and felt the beautiful soft velvet.

About the Author

Martha Wickham

Martha has studied writing with Writer’s Digest and has an
associate’s degree in Social Services. She has also written poems and
songs and even studied screen writing and horror. She still writes and likes
getting writing prompts. Her favorite author is VC Andrews. If you purchase
and read Martha’s books a review on this web site will be greatly
appreciated. She can also be found at www.marthawickham.com.


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Sunken Leadership Virtual Book Tour

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Unlock the Secrets of Resilient Leadership


Just as the U.S.S. Constitution—”Old Ironsides”—has
withstood the test of time through exceptional construction and
adaptability, our written Constitution remains a pillar of strength in our
society. Dr. Joe Aniello’s “Sunken Leadership” draws powerful
parallels between these two enduring icons, offering profound insights into
how strong leadership can navigate and rise above challenges.


In “Sunken Leadership,” you’ll explore:

●       The remarkable resilience of
“Old Ironsides” and what it teaches us about leadership.

●       How the foundational principles of
our Constitution empower us to overcome modern obstacles.

●       The vital importance of viewing
historical achievements with respect and understanding, rather than through
a contemporary lens.


This book is not just a historical analysis; it’s a call to action for
current and future leaders to rise, adapt, and lead with strength and

Don’t miss your chance to be inspired by the lessons of the past and apply
them to today’s world. Purchase your copy of “Sunken Leadership”
by Dr. Joe Aniello today and embark on a journey to uncover the
indestructible power of leadership.

Sunken Leadership tablet




There are plenty of good books on Leadership. A few that have influenced me are: “Servant Leadership.” “Jesus Christ: CEO;” “Leadership Jazz;” “The Art of Leadership;” and “White Water Leadership.” These books are exceptionally good at informing and instructing about any and all aspects of the Discipline of Leadership. Therefore, my essays truly add little to that topic. Rather, I have focused on exploratory ideas that might explain some of the underlying causes in our Human Nature that may have inhibited the evolution of American Leadership that is necessary for the world of today and tomorrow. This, in an attempt to prompt some new and possibly different thoughts about those ‘causes’ that have produced a dearth of true Leadership amongst a plethora of ‘symptoms’ at this point in time. 

I do not pretend to know any of these answers but merely to offer a possible direction from which to take further and future discussions.


About the Author

"Dr. Joe” AnieHo

“Dr. Joe” AnieHo is a tenured, full-professor at Francis Marion
University in Florence, South Carolina.

He has taught in their Schooi of Business for the last 21 years primarily
in Organizational Leadership and Human Resource Behavior. He also has served
as Executive Director of the Francis Marion University Center for
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.

His holds an MBA in Marketing from Fordham University in New York City and
an Education Doctorate from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. His
dissertation is on ”Increasing Creativity in Adults.”

Prior to his Academic Career, ”Dr. Joe” spent over 20 years in
major American Corporations rising to the level of Officer/Vice

He lives in Florence with his wife, Tracy, and their three young children:
Elizabeth, Patrick, and Mary.

He has two great siblings, Anthony, his wife Sheila, and their children
Autumn and Christian. Anne Marie Guerrero, her husband Danny and their
children Jenna and Katie. Those families are all growing and

Joe also had two awesome parents, Anthony F., and Antoinette Marie who have
since gone on to their eternal rewards given for lives devoted to others.
They continue to become even more awesome to me with each passing year of my


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Ruthless Week Blast

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Nomad Outlaws Trilogy, Book One


Romantic Suspense

Date Published: 08-31-2018



Four years ago Rebel claimed Ginger to keep them both alive, and then she
disappeared. Bike Week at Daytona Beach brings them back together. He’s a
dangerous nomad. A ruthless killer. But he’s her addiction, and she’s his.
Can they keep the past where it belongs and move forward, or is it too



I grabbed Ginger by the hand and pulled her out of the room, down the hall
and to the bathroom. Her resistance was futile, her fear unimportant. I knew
what I had to do, and if she were smart, she’d realize it, too. If she
wanted to live. I opened the bathroom door and yanked her inside, thankful
that I found it empty. It was filthy, but better than nothing, and it had a
shower that everyone used when they felt the need to be clean, which wasn’t

Ginger spun around when I shut the door, the look of a trapped animal in
her pretty blues. I ignored her growing terror, steeling myself for what I
had to do. Even behind closed doors I had to make it real, had to be
convincing that I was an unfeeling bastard. I saw her swallow, could see her
tits rising and falling rapidly as the fear of the unknown overwhelmed her.
She was expecting the worst, preparing herself to do whatever she had to do
to survive.

“Take off your clothes.” I kept my tone harsh, indifferent to her
growing panic.


***No cheating. No cliffhangers. Dangerous and Furious completes the

About the Author

Tory Richards

Tory Richards is an author who writes smut with a plot. She’s an Amazon
bestselling author in erotic romance and romantic suspense categories. Born
in Maine, she’s lived most of her life in Florida where she went to school,
married, and raised her daughter. She’s retired from Disney and spends her
time with family and friends, traveling, and writing.


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Tamra Preorder Blitz

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Familiar Training Academy, Book 1


Urban Fantasy Romantic Comedy

Date Published: August 9, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press




Jonathan comes from a long line of sorcerers, and all his ancestors
attended the Familiar Training Academy, where they were paired with
shapeshifters. All seems fine for Jonathan until he discovers his familiar
is a woman who can shift into a snake. And he’s supposed to bond with

Tamra is excited she’s getting another chance to serve as a familiar,
especially because she’ll get to mate with her new master as part of
their bond. Unfortunately Tamra just can’t follow rules. Any rules.
When her rebellious nature conjures up evil from the school’s
past, she and Jonathan have to jump in to reverse the disaster her impetuous
nature’s caused this time.



Copyright ©2024 Alice Gene


Tamra smiled to herself as she slithered into the professor’s office.
No one ever expected a snake, and because she was small, on the floor, and
silent, her new charge — supposedly her master — hadn’t even noticed
she’d entered the room. The guy was in for a big surprise.

The professor was just finishing his spiel for rookie sorcerers.
“We’ve paired you with a familiar according to the
questionnaires you filled out. It may seem an unusual match but be assured,
you two are perfect for each other.”

“When can I meet her?”

“She’s here now,” the professor said.

Tamra took that as her cue to introduce herself. She wrapped her slender
body around the leg of the visitor’s chair, climbed onto the seat and
curled up in a perfect coil of brilliant scales.

The rookie jumped up and backed away about five feet. “It’s a

“She,” the professor corrected again. “This is

The guy obviously had a crappy attitude about snakes. This had happened
before, more than once. Her last potential master had screamed and run from
the room. The professor had been forced to assign a more placid animal to
the man. A guinea pig, for God’s sake. Word on the grapevine was both
of them were now miserable with each other. Served him right.

Anyway, this one wasn’t running, but he obviously wasn’t happy.
So, she flicked her forked tongue at him.

“I assure you, Tamra is ideal for you,” the professor said.
“We did a multivariate assessment of your personality and your

“And it said I needed a snake?” the man asked, his voice now a

The professor folded his hands together on top of his desk.

Of course, no one had asked Tamra what she needed. The fact was, if she
didn’t get a master soon, she might flunk out of this place, and
she’d have to find another one. Schools for sorcerers and their
familiars didn’t pop up everywhere.

The man started pacing. “There must be some mistake.”

The professor opened a computer file. “You are Jonathan Woodrow
Dillson, correct?”

“Well, yes.”

The professor squinted at the screen. “Your father, grandfather, and
uncles were all paired with familiars here, I believe.”

The man ran his fingers through short, dark hair. “Yes, yes,

“They were all excellent students and went on to contribute to the
field of arcane knowledge,” the professor said. “They all bonded
with their familiars here according to our methods.”

The man slowly approached the chair Tamra was coiled up on.
“It… she… can change into human form, can’t

Well, duh. They wouldn’t be physically compatible if she remained a
reptile. He’d never fit a huge, human cock inside her cloaca — the
one benefit of pairing with him rather than another snake. Forked penises
were cool, but doing it with a human was lit AF. Or at least, that was the
word around the familiars’ dorm.

“Of course she can change,” the professor answered. “All
our familiars are shifters.”

“Then why doesn’t she?”

They both stared at Tamra, expecting her to perform for them. The professor
had already warned her about her Bad Attitude. She was going to make nice
with the rookie eventually. She might as well start now. So, she
concentrated on her human form — size, arms and legs, hair, her face — and
in a moment, she was sitting, naked, in the chair next to the one the man
had jumped out of.

He jumped again, though not as far this time. “She’s

She wasn’t going to explain the obvious to him, so she gave the
professor an expression that said, “Really? This guy?”

The professor ignored her. “She has clothing waiting in your

“Of course.” The man sat back down and avoided looking at

“Introduce yourself, Tamra,” the professor said.

“I’m Tamra. I’ll be your familiar today,” she

The professor lifted an eyebrow in warning, so she extended a hand toward
the man. “I’m Tamra.”

The man shook her hand but avoided looking directly at her.
“I’m Jonathan. Good to meet you.”

“Splendid.” The professor clapped his hands together. “I
just knew you two would get along swimmingly.”



About the Author

Alice Gene likes her romance hot.  She writes in a number of different
genres, including paranormal, historical, and contemporary.  As Alice
Gaines, she’s a USA Today bestselling author.

Alice has a PhD from UC Berkeley and lives in an apartment the size of a
postage stamp in Oakland.  She loves knitting, singing in her church
choir, and funking out with Tower of Power. She also loves hearing from her


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The Spy Who Spanked Me Teaser


The Spy Who Spanked Me cover


A Regency BDSM Novella 

Date Published: August 9, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press



Pickpocket Tasha picked the wrong man to follow. After she witnesses an
assassination, the sexy killer ties her to his bed. Marcus wants answers —
who is she? Why was she following him? To his surprise, his pretty captive
enjoys all the sensual torment he metes out, and begs him for more. He’d
never dared to dream of finding a woman who matched his craving to inflict a
little pain on tender female flesh.

Tasha will do anything to save her skin. She’ll even let the masked man
holding her captive take her in ways she’s never imagined. She’s always
wanted a man to take command of her in bed. Tied up and helpless, she’ll
give Marcus everything he demands physically, but she can’t tell him all the
secrets of her sordid past.

Marcus demands more than answers — he wants her total submission. But can
Tasha trust the spy who spanked her?



Copyright ©2024 Gemma Woods


The gentleman did nothing in particular to distinguish himself, but Tasha
found her gaze arrested by him nonetheless. Certainly tall, brown-haired
gentlemen in somber evening clothes were a ha’penny a dozen at
King’s Theatre, but this man would draw her eye in any crowd. Not
exactly handsome, not with those arched black brows and slightly crooked
nose. Still, he looked as regal as a lord, standing proudly behind a buxom
lady with an elaborate coiffure. Purple feathers adorned her bonnet, the
frothy concoction all but obscuring his firm chin.

A military man? Probably not, although he did have the bearing of an
officer, with his shoulders back and his chest thrust proudly forward. In
the chattering, whirling crowd leaving the theatre, this man stood apart
like an obelisk. His stance was both proprietary and defiant, hawkish
features seeming to challenge anyone who dared encroach upon his property.
Property? Ah, he must be the woman’s protector.

The feathers fluttered away, and his stark blue eyes locked on Tasha.
Goodness, what a riveting look. She nearly put a hand to her chest in shock.
Did he know her for a thief? Those piercing eyes seemed to peer into the
deepest secrets of her soul.

Almost, she almost turned to run. But then his gaze slid away as though he
hadn’t noticed her at all. He inclined his head slightly to the right,
no doubt acknowledging a passing acquaintance in the crowd. The frothy ivory
cravat at his throat seemed incongruous, a touch of civility on a man more
predatory than polite. When he smiled, the flash of even white teeth
reminded her of the lion she’d seen at Astleys, restless animal energy
threatening from behind the bars of its iron cage. She could easily imagine
him snarling deep in his throat like that great jungle cat.

A sudden image of him growling against her bared breast made her knees go
weak. When he raised a long-fingered hand to lift the brim of his
hat… oh yes, she pictured those masculine fingers on her belly,
sliding teasingly lower…

Mouth suddenly dry, Tasha swallowed. The warm, stifling air could not be
blamed for the prickling flush of heat on the back of her neck. Bouncing
feather fronds obscured his face again, and Tasha leaned to the side to keep
his face in view. From this angle, only his mouth and jaw were

She glared at the giggling courtesan. Silly widgeon.

Ridiculous to envy a woman who earned her bread on her back, but sharing
her handsome protector’s bed could be no hardship. Watching his
expressive mouth quirk at some private joke, Tasha sighed. ’Twould be
a rare pleasure to lie with a man so confident and quixotic. It had been
long, far too long, since she’d bedded down with a man… and
longer still since one had cared to make the experience a pleasure for

Another gentleman approached, a thin-shouldered, thin-lipped dandy with a
purple waistcoat to match the harlot’s bonnet. As the dark gentleman
stepped back, the newcomer took the courtesan’s arm. Ah, this was the
feathered widgeon’s protector. The hawkish man melted away as though
he’d never been near, moving back until he stood next to a circle of
young bucks. As Tasha stared, he somehow transformed into a gentleman of the
sporting set. Despite the wings of gray hair marking his temples, he gave
himself a much more youthful air, his shoulders slanting in a casual pose,
one hip slightly higher than the other. An insouciant smile curved his full
lips, and his stormy blue eyes narrowed in sarcastic delight as though
he’d been privy to the jest that had set the others chortling.

Tasha didn’t know him, but she recognized a person trying to blend in
where he didn’t belong. A kindred spirit. But oh, this man was a
master of the art. She could learn much from observing a chameleon of his

She slowly worked her way in a circle around him, keeping her distance,
watching him transform time and again. Now a country squire, somehow
appearing portly despite his impeccably flat torso; now a weary veteran,
shoulders stooped, expression blank, eyes hollow. Never quite handsome, but
always fascinating. She could scarce look away. He moved through the crowd
until he’d scoured the entire throng, subtly altering his posture and
demeanor to blend in with different groups. And then, with an expression of
pure annoyance, he left through a narrow side door that led to the alley
behind the theatre.

Somehow, she knew that fierce scowl, that flash of anger, was the only
truth of the evening. The real man behind the mask of an actor.

Without conscious thought, Tasha followed him. She pushed through the crowd
with a single purpose until she reached the door, shoving it open with a
creak all but drowned by the chattering voices behind her. She glanced to
the left and squinted. Even though the sun hadn’t quite set, the
London air at dusk was gloomy from the smoke of thousands of cooking fires.
A horse whinnied, stamping one restless foot behind a cart blocking the
alleyway, but nothing moved. She looked right. Ah, there he was, turning the
corner at the end of the alley.

She rushed after him, her sturdy shoes clopping softly on the paving
stones, careful not to step in wet patches left from the afternoon’s
rain. By the time she reached the crossing street, her calves ached from
straining to keep her balance as she ran over the slippery pavement. She
slowed and eased her way around the corner. Would he see her? She could
pretend to be a doxy or go in the other direction to evade him

The thought of abandoning her pursuit gave her a pang of unease, and
she’d learned to never question her intuition. She had no intention of
letting him slip away into the dusk, never to be seen again.

His long strides had already taken him down the street to the outer corner
of the square. If she got too close, he’d hear her. Would he call the
watch? No matter. She hadn’t pocketed much from the nobs tonight, so
he would have no reason to suspect her. Perhaps he’d think her a
trollop and proposition her.

Perhaps she would accept.

Good heavens, that thought shouldn’t make her breath catch. More
likely he’d demand an explanation, and what could she say? “You
fascinate me?
” He’d think her fit for Bedlam.

No, she’d remain hidden tonight. Find his lodgings, then think of a
way to contrive a meeting tomorrow.


About the Author

Gemma Woods has no spouse, no children, and no pets. Her family is
imaginary — she writes them. Outside her imaginary world, she enjoys the
typical author hobbies of reading, traveling, and fretting over her dying


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