Horses of Healing Virtual Book Tour

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Horses of Healing cover

How the Gentle Persuasion of Equine Therapy can bring Restoration and Peace
to the Wounded and Hurting




Self-Help / Abuse

Date Published:
August 1, 2023




Unleash the remedying potential of horses: How equine-assisted services can
improve your mental health and emotional well-being.

Do you or a loved one suffer from trauma or developmental challenges, and
are you looking for therapy options to help overcome these complex

Do you know that animals have emotions too, which can positively impact
one’s mental health?

Read this comprehensive book to discover some of the amazing aspects of
these noble animals and how they can help us find relief in our trials,
positively impacting everyone around us.


Inside, you’ll discover:

  • How one woman’s love of horses changed the way military horses are
    treated – discover how her legacy lives on today
  • Why some horses need relief, too – including ways to communicate with
    and understand horses on a deeper level
  • A look at the art of horse whispering, including its history, snapshots of
    noteworthy modern-day horse whisperers, and the “join up” method
    developed by the “Man Who Listens to Horses”
  • What Natural Horsemanship truly is, and many several profiles of the most
    notable horse experts – with the first dating back to 420 BCE!
  • The ways in which equine-assisted therapy can help with PTSD, lessen the
    effects of stressful careers, and reduce anxiety
  • Tips on finding the best equine therapy center, including a list of centers
    that do fantastic work
  • The many benefits of equine therapy for those with developmental
    challenges, including how it helps people with ADHD, Down Syndrome, and a
    myriad of other challenges


And so much more!


Horses of Healing tablet

About the Author

 Anna B. Joachim

 Anna B. Joachim is a lifelong lover of horses and the author of Horses of
Europe, Horses of War, and her latest title, Horses of Hope, which is due
for publication this fall.

Anna’s profound respect for horses is evident in her writing, which
explores horses through the lens of history in order to bring the modern
reader to a deeper understanding of our relationship with these majestic

As a Natural Horsemanship and Parelli student, Anna has a sound
understanding of equine behavior and the bond between humans and horses, and
she has been caring for her own mare for the past sevaral years, having
raised her from a yearling. She is passionate about riding and exploring the
world on horseback, having ridden in some of the most beautiful regions of
Australia, Canada, and the USA.

Anna’s love for horses has been passed down to her family, and each
of her daughters are as dedicated to preserving the human-horse connection
as she is.

Along with her dedication to horses, Anna has space in her life for a
number of other passions, including her work in the field of Fertility
Health. And when she’s not engaged in her work or spending time with
her horse, you might find her enjoying the world and the people around her
in the ways she loves the most: through hiking, golfing, and ballroom
dancing with her husband.

Underpinning all of her work and passions is a gratitude to God for
granting her the opportunity to enjoy each of these blessings and share her
knowledge with others.


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Twitter: @AnnaBJoachim




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The Body Blitz

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Poems and Stories

Poetry, Women

Date Published: Jan 31, 2024

Publisher: Bookbaby



How do you stitch yourself back together after trauma, loss, grief,
heartbreak? By inviting what is broken to become what is breathtaking. THE
BODY is a collection of poems and short stories written in lyrical prose
during the hardest moments of the author’s life. This collection explores
themes of love, loss, grief, seduction, creativity, consciousness, female
empowerment, post- traumatic expansion, and the collective human experience.
Because when words are not enough, art is the container that holds what the
body cannot. And as the heart breaks open, the soul can be set free.

About the Author

Holly Anne Mitchell

Artist. Two-time TEDx talker. Singer-Songwriter. Entrepreneur.
Novelist-Playwright. Ghostwriter. Mental Health Advocate. A no-holds barred
journey of transformation and recovery from PTSD, Holly’s story is a raw and
honest testament to the power of creative resilience. Forged from the
heartache of personal trauma, she’s spun her pain into a wealth of creative
prowess, shattering societal norms, and challenging the idea of ‘spiritual

Holly’s lyrical prose combines self-hypnosis with carefully crafted
wordsmithing to ignite the senses and the soul through their musical
cadence. Holly wrote, produced, and starred in her debut musical BLOOD
SUPPLY: A ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE LOVE STORY premiering in Los Angeles January
2023 to stellar reviews. She releases music under the artist name HOLLY
HOLLOWS and resides in Los Angeles, CA.

Contact Links


Instagram: @hollyanne_mitchell

Youtube: @hollyannemitchell

Tiktok @hollyanne.mitchell


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But Now I See Virtual Book Tour

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But Now I See cover

Religion / History

Date Published: April 12, 2023

Publisher: Clay Bridges Press



Following the tumultuous course of American history in the mid-nineteenth
century, here is the story of Nathan Butterfield-a preacher’s son whose
faith in God is all but destroyed as he experiences the loss of loved ones
and friends and witnesses his country being torn apart by the brutal
realities of slavery. As the nation descends into a bloody civil war, Nathan
is drawn into the conflict and further embittered and traumatized by the
savagery that surrounds him, though several people try to help him see that
a gracious and loving God is still to be found. Only through a life-changing
battlefield experience does Nathan finally see the staggering depth and
beauty of God’s amazing grace.


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But Now I See banner 2


About the

Ross Phillips is a practicing behavioral health therapist with a
significant interest in trauma recovery. He is a history lover and was a
Civil War reenacted for nearly fifteen years. He sees his relationship with
God as by far the most important part of who he is, and he is constantly
amazed by God’s grace. Phillips lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with his cat
Jasper, whom he loves, and a small statue of a friendly beaver named Bob,
that he kind of likes.

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Love Songs of the Zombie Virtual Book Tour

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Love Songs of the Zombie cover



Is there a God? Can religion be compatible with science? Do miracles
happen? Why do bad terrible things happen to good people? You are on a
lifetime journey seeking answers to these questions.

You want to base your beliefs on science, reason, and logic, while still
affirming purpose and meaning for human existence. You seek to value
religious traditions and scriptures but want to avoid accepting obsolete
dogmas and superstitions.

The author, a scientist and business leader, shares insights carefully
collected and collated during his 70-year quest, and provides surprising,
illuminating, and stimulating ideas to help point you in the right

Is it still possible to experience and participate in spirituality like the
ancients did? Yes, and it can be done with poetic flair and joy.


Love Songs of the Zombie tablet



It is fashionable these days to describe the world deductively, starting with a big theory of secular materialism; hypothesizing a multiverse with an infinite number of universes and an infinite amount of time, in which everything that can exist does exist; and deducing that the universe is purposeless, godless, meaningless, and indifferent to human life. Everything is an accident.

But this theory of everything is a theory of nothing, especially if the starting assumptions, hypotheses, and theories are incorrect.

I prefer to begin by being grounded in actual human experience, and using inductive reasoning to look for ideas and meanings.

So, this book is not a mere collection of short pieces, but rather a unified whole made up of short vignettes, each of which is based on real human experience. Distilled over a period of more than fifty years (from the late 1960s to 2022), it is the first and only book published by the author.

The book reflects a life-long concern with, and contemplation of, the mysteries and paradoxes of human existence. Because it explores the boundary between the knowable and the unknowable, it uses a variety of forms and styles of expression including both versification and prose. Some may be offended in that large portions of the book use versification, which may be viewed as obsolete and obtuse. This is not done for ordinary, stylistic, or artistic reasons, but rather in order to compress the information into the most compact, efficient and effective work of communication possible.

Some major influences on the work come from three sources: the King James Bible, translations of classical Chinese poetry into English, and the vast and fabulous treasury of poetry written in the English language. Other influences include the Greek and Latin classics, the books of Teilhard de Chardin, Frank J. Tipler, Cervantes, and Dostoevsky, as well as twentieth century popular song, especially that of Bob Dylan.

While the order of presentation has been carefully chosen, with a coherent thread running from beginning to end, it does not have to be read in that order. After all, it was written in that manner. You are encouraged to read and experience it in any way in which the spirit moves you, and in fact it is hoped that you will come back again and again to parts of it.

The book is made up of four parts. “New Psalms” are lyrical poems that explore the existential questions of human life and are similar to and somewhat inspired by the Book of Psalms in the Bible. They are concerned with the core philosophical questions that are at the heart of human life.

“Analects” are short poems and aphorisms in the tradition of such poems from classical Chinese literature, as read in translation into English. These poems delve into the more personal and intimate aspects of ordinary life, often leading to thoughts and emotions that are anything but ordinary. If you are short on time or attention, read these first. Not just bits and pieces, each verse focuses intently on an essential quintessence of reality.

“Manifesto” is similar to “New Psalms,” but the poems are more assertive and aggressive, looking into the same themes but with a sharper edge to them.

“Meditations” are prose pieces including prose poems, prayers, parables, and essays. These explore similar issues to those explored in “New Psalms”, but with the kind of added depth, clarity, and straightforwardness facilitated using prose. To those who abhor poetry, try this section first!

Again, this is not a mere collection of articles; rather, in order to respect the reader’s time, it is a highly curated, collated, edited, and condensed work of communication.


Ronald Stephens

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Animal Etiquette for Kids Virtual Book Tour

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Animal Etiquette for Kids cover

the lost art of mannerisms


Children’s Book

Date Published: June 8, 2023

Publisher: MindStir Media

Cori Elba (Illustrator)



As you know, you will be responsible for caring for your new pet. However,
there are a few good ways to introduce the responsibility of taking care of
your pet with your kids. One way is to have them help you split the pet
chores. Have them feed the animal in the morning or evening, or have them
fill the water bowl. If they are older, kids have them share in cleaning up
after or playing with the pet. With everyone sharing the work, the pet
enjoys being part of the family even more.

Politeness is spoken worldwide and in every language, whether in public or
private. The simplicity of kindness teaches that everyone matters in this
world. These three children’s books (“Please, Thank You and Excuse
Me,” “Listen, Share, and Be Nice,” and “Animal
Etiquette for Kids”)
are lighthearted and geared for all ages.
Mannerisms must start somewhere, so why not parents, grandparents, teachers,
friends, and caregivers show our children mutual respect for all people,
places, and things?

This series of children’s books is a fun way to re-introduce manners into
your children’s lives. It’s cool to be polite and kind to everyone.


Animal Etiquette for Kids tablet

Animal Etiquette for Kids excerpt


About the Author

Ashley has been a professional nanny for over fifteen years and the owner
of a nanny service. She incorporates nature with mild education and
mannerisms in children’s lives. When Ashley is not a nanny, she is a world
traveler, nature enthusiast, and loves mountain biking, yoga, and spending
time with her nephew, Walker.


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