Taken by the Satyr Blitz

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Taken by the Satyr cover

(Taken 5): A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novella

Paranormal Women’s Fiction / Urban Fantasy

Date to be Published: February 16, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press, LLC



Preston, son of Hermes, has a secret. He’s been cursed to live as a
satyr — a monster with a dubious job he hates. He knows love is not in his
future. Can’t be.

Then he meets Lulu — the daughter of a witch and Elf. A woman unsure of
her place in the world. Luna has come back to Eerie to hide and heal, but a
chance meeting with sorcerers and being thrown together with Preston changes
everything. Love may be possible if only Luna can open her heart and change
Preston’s mind.




Copyright ©2024 Megan Slayer


Back to the old homestead. Lulu snorted and pulled onto the dirt road
leading to the witch enclave. She wasn’t a witch herself. Hell, she
wasn’t even sure what she was — the daughter of a witch and an elf.
Did that make her a Wilf? An Elch? She had magic, but she wasn’t good
with spells. She couldn’t bake for shit and refused to live in a

She drove the mucky path passing for a street to the house she’d
grown up in. When she’d left for college, she’d been so
wide-eyed and excited. So ready to embrace the world.

Then Tom happened. He’d consumed her life. He made her feel things.
Showed her there was more to life, but most of it wasn’t good. He
needed control.

Of course, he did.

Being a sorcerer, he lived for control.

Every time she looked back on her last few years, she winced. She’d
been so naive. She’d let him do all the things he’d done because
she thought she loved him.

He’d never loved her.

But that didn’t matter now. She’d broken free from his control,
and he’d moved on to his next victim.

She stopped in her parents’ driveway, but her thoughts clogged her
mind. She’d considered his next girlfriend a victim. God. What a piece
of work Tom was!

That didn’t matter. She’d come home. She’d gone back to
what she knew so she could heal her heart.

She left the car and strode over to the barn. Poofs of colored smoke shot
from the chimney. Her mother must be creating.

She spied the plants in the field. Her father had finally got the crops out
on time. Good for him. A smile pulled at her lips. At least someone had
their life going in the right direction.

She’d figure hers out soon enough.

She diverted from the barn and made her way over to the field. She breathed
in the clean scent of the crops. Eerie was a hot mess at times, but it was
also the place for paranormals to be themselves. It was a safe place.

She’d thought she needed a place to run away to, but not when home
called. It wasn’t like she had a lost love back home. She’d
never had a boyfriend when she’d been in Eerie. She hadn’t been
enough of a paranormal — not looking like an elf or witch. She’d been
too normal and teased for her appearance. Being different hadn’t
bothered her, though. She shook her head. She’d pulled herself up and
grown. She wasn’t the same girl who’d left town.

“You made it.” Daff, her father, bounded up to her. “Got
a lot to move in?”

“I’m not moving in, Daddy.” She’d found an
apartment on March Avenue, above a bakery. Sue her for liking the

“I didn’t think you would be, but I cleaned up the second floor
just in case.” He wiped his hands on a towel hanging from his pocket.
“What are you planning to do?”

“I’m living in the Towers. Fourth floor. I’ll get the
keys this evening. It’s furnished so I don’t have to move
anything but my clothes.” She’d worked out a deal with Marina,
her second cousin, to get the last furnished unit.

“Good. I’m glad.” Her father hesitated. “Are you
having a roommate?”


“Are you sure? A witch alone?” Her father shook his head.
“We have room.”

“You do, but I need to do this on my own.” She hugged him.
“But I appreciate the concern. I’m only a call

“I know,” her father said. “Got a job yet?”

“At Linc’s.” She wasn’t sure working at a bar was
smart, but it was a job.

“The bar?”

“In the restaurant. I head there next.” She stepped back.
“Just wanted to see you and Mom. I can use all the anchors I can
get.” She needed them.

“You’re always welcome here.”

“I know. Is Mom around?” She hadn’t seen her and her
mother tended to be the center of attention.

“She’s mixing spells with Grinella.”

She should’ve guessed. “She spends a lot of time there with

“She does.”

Sadness tinged his voice and she hesitated. “To the exclusion of

“A bit.”

“Daddy.” She wasn’t sure what to do to help him.

“She needs to find herself, so I’m letting her.”

“But you’re unhappy.” She would be, too.

“I am, but I’ll be here for her.”

“What do you want? For you? Not for Mom?”

He stared at her. “I never thought about it.”

“I know.” She sat beside him on the fence. “What do you

“To farm. To have my animals and work the land. To feel the earth in
my hands. To be loved,” he said. “All those things.”

“Then that’s what you should do. All of those things. Have you
told Mom you don’t feel loved?”

“She’s never home and when she is, she’s drifting.
It’s like I can’t reach her.”

“You need to try and tell her.” She hugged him. “I
didn’t tell Reuben how I felt and it made life miserable. It
would’ve changed so much and might have kept me from dating
Tom.” Might have made her life better.

“I will.”

“You need to.” She sighed. “I’ll check on you, but
I need to get to work.”

“Go ahead. I’ll be okay.” He nodded. “It’ll
always be okay.”

“You’re sure?”

“I am.” He offered a sad smile. “Go. Get your life

“I will.” She hesitated before heading to her car. She wanted
to be there for her dad. To help him have the best. For both him and her
mother. She loved them and they did love each other, but they weren’t
good at communicating. Right now, they seemed pulled apart. Sort of like her
situation with Reuben. He’d felt abandoned and used that feeling to
walk away. He claimed he had to find his happiness. He hadn’t cared
that she was confused by her own feelings and overwhelmed. He didn’t
care that she wasn’t sure how to deal with stress, but he wanted what
he wanted when he wanted it, and if someone argued, they were wrong. Not

She’d been wrong often. But she hadn’t told him how she’d

She slid behind the wheel, then left the farm. Dust swirled in her wake.
Gravel crunched under her tires. A sense of freedom washed over her. She was
her own woman. No Tom or Reuben to stand in her way. A single lady. And it
was time she found her own happy.

Not at a bar, but that was a job. She drove across Eerie, passing the
woods, the lake with light sparkling on the water and so peaceful.
She’d never been much of a nature lover, but she appreciated the
solitude and ability to get lost in the woods to center herself.

She continued to the east end of town. Most residents hated the east end
because of the rough crowd that tended to frequent the area. The bars and
dance halls were there. So was the bail bondsman’s office.

She parked in the lot behind the bar in the staff area. The hotel stood
behind the bar and seemed to groan in the late afternoon sun. She
didn’t know many of the vehicles, but she hadn’t worked there
yet. She hadn’t met the gang. Being hired the day before made knowing
people difficult. She left her car and locked it, then ventured into the

“Hi.” A blond man with a dirty T-shirt stood by the kitchen
sink. “First day?”

“It is.” She recognized the man. The satyr. She thought his
name was Stav. Or something like that. “You’re here
today?” She’d been warned against him.

“Always.” He grinned and dried his hands. “My brother
owns the bar. I’m sure Lance hired you.”

“He did.” The easy conversation reassured her. “He
mentioned his baby brother.”

“Good or bad?” A wicked glimmer filled his eyes.

“A little bit of both.”

About the Author

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author
of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing
since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary
and paranormal to LGBTQ and white hot themes. No matter what the length, her
works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her
characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s
been nominated at the LRC for Best Author, Best Contemporary, Best
Ménage, Best BDSM and Best Anthology. Her books have made it to the
bestseller lists on various e-tailer sites.

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as
well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but
football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends
of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library.


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Storm’s Convergence Blitz

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 Demon Storm, Book 5


Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: 02-13-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing




The calm can only last so long.

Now a member of Freehaven’s Council, Kari tries to put her past behind her
and settle down in her new home with her ever-present Lord and love,

Cracks in her mind, parting gifts from the heart eater, make planning the
upcoming Spring Festival a struggle, but Kari is determined to do her best,
even after Guine departs the town.

When a mysterious child appears at the festival and marks Kari, all
semblance of normalcy is banished.

A triple threat from her past awaits beyond the walls of Freehaven and
options are thin. Not willing to spill any more blood, Kari takes it upon
herself to stop them—with Ari by her side.


About the Author

Valerie Storm

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love
with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was
writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape
reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the
path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a
place to call home.


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Realtionsh*t Virtual Book Tour

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A Practical Guide to Stepping Out of Fear, Navigating Big Relationship
Change, and Living Your Best Life

Relationships, Self-Help

Date Published: September 2023



All the sh*t you need to know about getting a divorce, packed into one
little book.


BONUS: There’s no screaming, fighting, spending days or weeks in a
courtroom, or blowing thousands of dollars on attorneys. And spoiler alert:
this one has a happy ending.


* The tools you need to get you through the divorce process and

* How to tell your partner (and your kids), “I want a

* How to find an attorney that’s right for you.

* An alternative path to making a divorce happen—without burning down
the house!

* How to keep respecting and supporting each other, up to the very

* And so much more sh*t . . .

RELATIONSH*T is your guide to the divorce you’ve never heard of. Big
change doesn’t have to be so hard. Your courage is the only path to
your dreams. So set aside the fear, pick up this book, and walk toward your
dream life.

Through years of therapy, a loving support group of girlfriends, and her
own intuition, Brooke Box blazed a new trail through the divorce process.
After 20 years of marriage, Brooke found the courage to end it. Instead of
going the traditional route of divorce, she and her spouse forged a new
path. This book is your guide to getting through the divorce process with
love and respect—and, if you’re lucky, just one attorney.

This is Brooke’s story of finally releasing the fear and walking
toward her best life. Let her story be your own guide to a more exciting,
fulfilling life!

Divorce doesn’t have to mean war.

Two people can break up AND divide up their lives amicably.

And YOU have the courage within you to make this major relationship

Realtionsh*t tablet


Christopher Robin: “If ever there’s a tomorrow when we’re not together, there’s something you must remember.” Winnie the Pooh: “And what might that be, Christopher Robin?” Christopher Robin: “You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” 

— Pooh’s Grand Adventure 


Who you marry is the most important personal decision you’ll make in your life. 

That’s a pretty bold statement, and I stand by it. 

Here’s an even bolder statement: when choosing your spouse, imagine divorcing him. 

Seriously, imagine it. What kind of man is he? Is he kind? Is he generous? Does he see you as an equal? Will he honor and respect you even though the marriage is ending? How does he behave in a fight? 

I could go on and on with the questions, but you get the point. And I realize this is the opposite of romantic. This isn’t likely a consideration you make as you’re dating, or even once you decide to get married. But it should be. 

My story is what I refer to as fairytale-ish. I met John when I was twenty-two, in our final year of college. He was handsome, smart, funny, and unique, and he had a little bit of bad boy in him. We fell in love quickly. In fact, he blew off a graduation trip to Europe to surprise me in Mexico. I was in school in Cuernavaca, and he showed up on a random Monday afternoon. I dropped out of the school I was attending, and we traveled through Mexico together. No one knew where we were or what we were doing. Looking back, it was pretty stupid of us. But at the time, as young people in love, it was wildly romantic.

About the Author

Brooke Box

Brooke Box is a proud survivor of an amicable divorce. Based on her divorce
experience and the advice of many friends, colleagues, and even strangers,
she’s written Relationsh*t to assist people going through one of the
most difficult life changes. She attributes her divorce success in part to a
decades-long love affair with personal growth and development. She is a huge
fan of therapy.

Brooke’s approach to life is honest, direct, and straightforward, and
this book is no different. Brooke takes her experience and outlines an
alternative approach to divorce that will empower and motivate her readers.
Brooke believes we all deserve a life of our dreams and that we have the
potential to create that life ourselves. That’s why she wrote this
book and is dedicated to creating a community where people know
they’re not alone, where they can get unstuck, release the fear, and
start building the lives they’ve always dreamed of.

Before writing this book, Brooke enjoyed a successful sales career in a
variety of industries such as tech, music, fashion, and sports. She loves to
travel, is a french fry connoisseur, and will stop anywhere for a margarita.
You can find Brooke in Texas, typically surrounded by family and

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Silver Helix Virtual Book Tour

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Science Fantasy / Aetherpunk

Date Published: 12-19-2023

Publisher: Android Press



On the surface, the city of HelsInc appears to have recovered from the war
waged between humans and Ethereals, but beneath the scars, the city seethes.
The remains of magic festers, causing mutations in human DNA which could
give humans Ethereal power-not that the HelsInc government would ever let
that happen. The Legion resists, ripping out their neurochips and protesting
the mandatory gene therapy for humans with cryptomine in their DNA.

At only 19 years old, Omyn Talvinen isn’t ready to play parent to her kid
brother, but with her mom in prison on trumped up charges and her deadbeat
dad AWOL, she’s left with little choice. Forced to risk her freedom to pay
the rent, Omyn finds herself at the mercy of a pair of cyborg soldiers when
they catch her red-handed stealing nanites from a cyberware Salon. But the
synths’ powers don’t work on Omyn, and they discover they all share a common
memory that they must get to the root of.

Wanted dead by the government, Omyn and the renegade soldiers turn to a
rebel Legion group with dreams of resuscitating dead magic for help. With
the clock-ticking for the synths, Zee-Five and Omyn are forced to confront
the secrets of their past and a dark conspiracy that’ll shake the
blood-soaked foundations of the city.


“Van Rooyen spices up a familiar cyberpunk world with appealing,
voicey narration and an added layer of mutagenic magic.” 


Silver Helix tablet


The quickrail hurtled along the streets, past massive, cloud-scraping malls, their flanks advertising everything from exotic cuisine to the latest chip protocols promising near immortality.

People ebbed and flowed through the quickrail doors, a swell of sweat and perfume, fried street food, and the cloying, pervasive stink of the sea. The train’s ventilation system did its best to maintain a decent atmosphere in the confined cars, but the burned treacle scent of decaying magic had long ago infused the upholstery.

The crowds gradually diminished as our route took us farther north. Two songs later and the landscape morphed into pristine bands of orange, red, and gold. It was so beautiful it made me want to puke.

After the war against Ethereals, HelsInc had replanted the forests in designer patterns of birch and oak, maple, and spruce. All the delineated patterns were crafted by machines. A wild forest might have stirred residual magic from the soil, and HelsInc wasn’t going to take that chance. The apartments and homes here were all new too, all shiny replacements for those razed decades earlier.

Eventually, the landscape faded to gray as if we were reaching the limits of an in-game map, only no message flashed the warning ‘Death Imminent.’

Out of the no man’s land rose a giant zit: VankilaNorth, a lopsided pentagon metastasizing in concrete and steel, ribboned in layers of razor wire and electric fencing. The architect who designed it must have had a fetish for Brutalism. A few layers of spray paint might’ve improved it, but I doubted the people in charge would appreciate décor advice from someone like me. Guess I should be grateful for all the gross architecture begging for a face-lift. It’s not like I’d tag an Aalto or Engel creation.

I pocketed my ear pods before we hurried from the quickrail, following behind the mournful band of fellow convict families all headed for visiting hours. The protesters gathered at the prison gates were a bedraggled, motley bunch held back by barricades and bots. Several placards bore the “PEOPLE≫PROFITS!” slogan, while others read:



Others bore the face of our former health minister with JUSTICE FOR TERHI scrawled below it.

And then there was my personal favorite: IF THE FUTURE IS HUMAN, HOW COME A DROID IS PRESIDENT?

I scanned the crowd for friends but didn’t recognize anyone. Their faces were wrapped in scarves and balaclavas. If any of the protesters had scars instead of chips, they were wise enough to keep them hidden.

Bracken tugged my hand. We’d fallen behind the others already being ushered through the first round of security checks.

“Do I look okay?” I whispered to Brack before it was our turn. I’d tried to soften my usual aesthetic by leaving the points of my hair hanging loose and my eyes devoid of shadow and liner.

“A little less like you want to punch someone than usual,” he said.

“That’ll do.” I even attempted a smile as they scanned and x-rayed every bit of us before waving us through. I tried not to panic as the visitors’ gate swung shut.

About the Author

Xan van Rooyen

Author Photo Credit: Ekaterina Trayt


Climber, tattoo collector, and peanut-butter connoisseur, Xan van Rooyen is
an autistic, non-binary storyteller from South Africa, currently living in
Finland where the heavy metal is soothing and the cold, dark forests
inspiring. Xan has a Master’s degree in music, and–when not
teaching–enjoys conjuring strange worlds and creating quirky
characters. You can find Xan’s stories in the likes of Three-Lobed
Burning Eye, Daily Science Fiction, and Galaxy’s Edge among others.
They have also written several novels including YA fantasy My Name is Magic,
and adult arcanopunk novel Silver Helix. Xan is also part of the
Sauutiverse, an African writer’s collective with their first anthology
due out this November from Android Press. Feel free to say hi on socials


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Everybody Loves Polar Bears Blitz

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Everybody Loves Polar Bears cover

 Book 1 of the Polar Paired Series


Romance Enemies to Lovers

Date Published: December 19, 2023

Publisher: Avoca Press



Expect the unexpected when it comes to love under the Aurora skies.


In the frosty mayhem of the Alaskan film set for Everybody Loves Polar
, accident-prone Macy Applegate catapults herself into a hilarious
array of mishaps better suited for a blooper reel. As Macy dreams of
stardom, she reluctantly works with Nick Westwood, the grumpiest and most
arrogant assistant director this side of the Arctic Circle—a man who
irritates her more than a stuck zipper in a sub-zero wind chill.

Beneath Nick’s stoic exterior lies a mysterious secret, and the only thing
more challenging than Alaska’s winter is these two trying to get along for
longer than a commercial break. Macy is a walking disaster in matters of the
heart, and Nick is fed up with shallow relationships. But fate has a
penchant for mischief when Nick transforms from Macy’s nemesis to her
off-screen hero, chipping away at the permafrost around her heart. Should
she give this guy a chance or continue wishing on the magical aurora
borealis for perfect love?

In this hilarious romantic comedy, where polar bears play supporting roles
and love takes center stage
, Macy and Nick navigate a situation as
unpredictable as Macy’s on-set blunders. If you swooned through The Proposal
and chuckled at The Hating Game…and if you have a soft spot for polar
bears…get ready for laughter in this heartwarming tale of unexpected

Enemies to lovers

Celebrity romance

Grumpy sunshine

Strong woman, alpha male

Forced proximity

Polar bear love

Snowbound Alaskan cabin

Northern lights

Polar plunges


About the Author

LoLo Paige

LoLo Paige is an award-winning author in both romantic comedy and romantic
suspense. She’s been honored with several awards, including an RWA
chapter award for her romantic comedy, Hello Spain, Goodbye Heart. Irish
Thunder and Everybody Loves Polar Bears are her recent rom-coms published in
2024. Her romantic suspense books have topped Amazon bestseller lists in the
U.S., Canada, and Australia, and Publishers Weekly has featured her books in
their Booklife section. Her second book, Alaska Inferno, was a finalist for
best indie romance in the 2022 Kindle Book Review Awards.

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