The Missing Girl & Jessa is Back Blitz

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The Missing Girl & Jessa is Back cover

Historical Fiction

Date Published: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Publisher: Peanut Butter Publishing



In rural Radford, Tennessee, in the 1950s, a white family is killed in an
automobile accident.

Upon hearing the news of her parents’ and grandfather’s deaths,
Jessa runs away with her dog, creating problems for her town, especially for
the sheriff, her parents’ friends, and the Black community that falls
under suspicion. Racial distrust shapes the town’s response to
Jessa’s disappearance, and as the weeks stretch out, the weather poses
increasing challenges for Jessa as she shelters in a hollow tree while
attempting to provide for herself and her dog, Cassie. Help appears from an
unexpected source as a family mystery is revealed.

The Missing Girl and the second book, Jessa Is Back, are placed right in
the midst of “the good old days” and serve as a reminder of the
unabashed nature and danger of white supremacy in the 1950s. These provide
us an opportunity to examine the parallels in events unfolding today


Also in the Series


The Missing Girl & Jessa is Back cover 2

Historical Fiction

Date Published: Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Publisher: Peanut Butter Publishing


Jessa is a different person when she returns to her hometown.

The integrated schools in Oregon allowed her to form a friendship with a
Black girl, and now she sees the local Jim Crow practices in Tennessee with
new eyes. Supported by her Oregon relatives, she becomes an advocate not
only for the inclusion of music throughout the school system of Radford, but
also for friendships that cross racial lines. While she becomes a gadfly to
the school board, her interactions with other members of her town
precipitate crises that uncover support for her position as well as staunch

In the South, and also in the rest of the country, a long road stretches
from the 1950s to the present, and we must judge how well we have lived up
to the vision that Jessa’s discovery of interracial friendship
revealed to her.

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The Missing Girl on Amazon

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Celtic Betrayal Blitz

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Celtic Betrayal cover

Historical Fiction / Celtic

Date Published: September 9, 2024



This historical fiction novel follows the Kerrigan family from 1847 through
five generations as they migrate from Ireland to the United States.
Confronting nearly every obstacle imaginable, the Kerrigan family has risen
to power and accumulated unimaginable wealth, continuously growing the
company that was founded by James Kerrigan after he arrived in the U.S.
However, more than one hundred years later, the Kerrigan clan now finds
itself facing its greatest challenge yet, which threatens to tear apart both
the family and its financial empire. It is an unimaginable betrayal that
leaves a once-indestructible family suddenly more vulnerable than they have
ever been before.

About the Author

Eric Steven Griesel

I currently reside in the Houston, Texas, area with my wife, Judy Lynn, who
is also my greatest inspiration. We’re strong believers in God and Houston
Astros fans. After graduation from Law School. I joined the Judge Advocate
General’s Corps (JAG Corps) in the U.S. Navy. After leaving the Navy, I
worked as an Employment and Labor Law Attorney and a Human Resources
troubleshooter for multiple employers until eventually starting my own HR
and Legal Consulting practice for more than fifteen years. I have also been
blessed with three daughters – Jennifer, Kymberly, and Stephanie – who
remain my greatest fans.


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The Memory Chest Virtual Book Tour

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The Memory Chest cover


Date Published: May 23, 2024

Publisher: Mindstir Media



With an unmistakable voice and a depth of presence, Leventhal’s work zooms
out and back inward, taking stock of it all. His poems survey the
surrounding landscapes: be it historical, natural, political, or emotional.
They reflect on love and loss with vulnerability, and on the prospect of
aging with optimism and gratitude. They travel centuries back in time and
simultaneously ask the question of what it means to be alive in the world
today. Years of leadership in the Jewish community provides him access to
Biblical language and wisdom. The artwork that accompanies the poems creates
and elegant conversation between visual art and poetry. There is a deep
reverence within many of these works that is balanced out by Leventhal’s
refusal to take himself too seriously, his zest for life, beaming in words
and brushstrokes from these pages. (Dakota Read- Editor)

The Memory Chest tablet


About the Author

Robert Leventhal

Bob Leventhal served as sales and marketing executive for cleaning products
company O-Cedar Brands for 19 years. For more than 15 years Bob was a Jewish
communal lay leader in Dayton, Ohio. He was a day school president, a JCC
membership chair and federation campaign leader. He even taught seventh
graders in his temple’s religious school.

In 2001 he chose to combine his MBA and his Masters in Jewish Education to
create a unique synagogue consulting practice at the Alban Institute in
Washington, D.C. In January 2012 he became the Director of Leadership at
United Synagogue. He led the team which created the Sulam Leadership

As he approached 65 he began to develop his interests in writing and
painting. He took painting classes in NYC. He wrote a memoir Swept Away
(2022) about his transition from business to consulting. He wrote the Memory
Chest (2024), a conversation between painting and poetry. He has
intentionally sought out colleagues and mentors to support these new
learning journeys. Walk with Bob.


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Demon Lover Teaser

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Demon Lover cover

Paranormal Romance, Halloween, Age Gap

Date Published: October 11, 2024


When John Standcliff, Satan’s bounty hunter, is summoned to Earth to claim
the soul of a serial killer, he finds the worst of hell’s tortures can be no
worse than the pain of falling in love with a mortal woman.

Corinne Rogerio has come to Maine to research six murders that took place
back in 1656. She has no idea that the handsome stranger she meets in an old
cemetery is actually the murderer she’s been studying. Even worse, he’s been
sent to track down a serial killer who is closer to her than she ever

Demon Lover paperback



Sparks shot from John’s ax each time it struck the trunk of the steel tree.
Every blow jolted through his aching arms and rang in his ears, yet he
almost welcomed the racket. He’d lost track of how long he’d dwelled in the
steel forest, chopping tree after tree without pause for food, water, or
sleep. His demon’s body could survive for decades without rest or
sustenance. If he ceased chopping long enough, the bleeding sores on his
palms would heal and his muscles would almost magically stop aching.
Unfortunately he must continue the drudgery until given the order to

All around him, the smooth gray trees stretched for miles. As punishment
for his crimes, John labored alone, chopping steel trees in Satan’s forest,
only ceasing when sent to collect yet another evil soul to toil in

“Hello, John.”

The sneering voice echoed throughout the forest and made John’s skin
prickle with disgust. Pausing, he listened to his own panting breath in the
stillness. Sweat dripped into his eyes and trickled down his torso, soaking
into the wet waistband of his black trousers. He waited for the voice to
continue. Usually when Bee called, it was to send him on one of his gruesome

“Oh, John, your services are required. Won’t it be nice to go home

“Home, Bee?” John curled his lip. The little bastard loved
playing with people. Three-hundred-forty-eight years ago, John had been far
more gullible. The first few times Bee had promised him a meeting with his
sister or even a chance to escape from Hell, he had actually believed

At first he had looked forward to visiting the mortal world, but eventually
the illusion shattered. Without friends or family, the world was a lonely
place. People feared him and kept their distance. It was as if they sensed
the evil inside him and instinctively stayed away. Never again would he
experience the comfort and total relaxation of sleep, to close his eyes in
complete surrender. Perhaps worst of all was his inability to fully enjoy
lovemaking. He could pleasure women and feel intense sexual stimulation, yet
climax eluded him.

“Can’t you think of a better story than that?”

“It’s not a story. Your hometown reeks of evil. Our master has been
smelling it for quite some time now and he wants it. You go get it for him,
John, and this time there might be something in it for you.”

“Beelzebub, leave us,” said a soft, musical voice. It sent a
tingle down John’s spine and filled him with such warmth that he nearly
panicked. After so many years in Hell, nothing touched him anymore. What
sort of evil had Bee conjured that could stir his emotions again? The voice
continued. “Once a soul is condemned to Hell, it is rarely allowed a
chance for redemption. There are sometimes cases of a good soul doing evil,
and though it is not condoned, under special circumstances someone like you
may be given the opportunity to move on, providing certain specifications
are met.”

John closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. “It’s not going to work,
Bee. I no longer believe in fairy tales.”

“Bee is gone. His kind cannot abide me.”

“I suppose you’re from up there?”

“I’m from everywhere. I know no bounds. Listen carefully to what I
tell you, John Standcliff. Fulfill the task set for you and send the evil in
your hometown to Hell. Do it without harming an innocent soul, and you will
be freed from Satan’s realm and allowed your chance at

John laughed humorlessly. “You don’t give up, do you, Bee?”

“Believe what you will, but you have only this one

“Oh, just one?” John’s voice dripped sarcasm.

“At least in this millennium. You’re not the only demon in Hell who
deserves a second chance.”

“Then give one of them my turn. I don’t want it.”

“I understand why you don’t believe me, but keep my offer in mind
during your return to the world of the living. If I’m lying, then you’ll be
no worse off than you are now, but if I’m telling the

The voice faded. Moments later, Bee appeared beside John. He was nothing
more than a dark cloud, loosely resembling the shape of a man. Bee
shuddered. “Glad she’s gone. Now. Are you ready to get to

“Who am I after this time?”

“As usual, I can’t give you too many details. After all, I’m not
supposed to be catching the soul. That’s your job.”


“It’s a serial killer. Here’s his scent.” Bee’s cloudy black hand
swept beneath John’s nose. The faint aroma was all a demon required to track
his prey. “While you’re there, why don’t you break your own rules and
hack apart some humans? The master loves it when his demons terrorize the

“Just send me out of here so I can get this over with.”

Blackness enveloped John, and in those dark moments between Hell and Earth,
he absorbed the details of his new identity and a crash course on life in
the twenty-first century.


About the Author

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, I started writing over twenty
years ago. My first story was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then
I’ve written over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels. I
love to blend genres. I also love horror and a happily ever after, so if
you’re looking for romance with witches, aliens, vampires, angels,
demons, shapeshifters and more, there’s a good chance you’ll
find something to your taste here.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy reading, watching horror and action
movies, working out and spending time with my family and pets.


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Follow Kate on Amazon


Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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Suits to Stilettos Blitz


Suits to Stilettos cover



Step into Italia Tornabene’s world, where her life’s triumphs unfold, one
captivating page at a time. “Suits to Stilettos” isn’t just a
book; it’s a front-row seat to witness the incredible resilience of the
human spirit.

Join Italia’s journey from a challenging start to defying odds and creating
her own success story.

Born into adversity, Italia faced it all — from teenage motherhood to
homelessness. But this isn’t just about struggles; it’s about the gritty
determination that refuses to bow down. Her book is an immersive dive into
the unconventional, and the story is an inspiration for those who seek a
path beyond limitations.

“Suits to Stilettos” is a lifeline for those ready to transform
their lives. Ready to be inspired? Grab your copy and start the journey
today. Your circumstances don’t define you; your choices do.

About the Author

Italia Tornabene

Italia Tornabene, a self-made millionaire, author, serial entrepreneur, and
savvy investor, shares her extraordinary life experiences.

From rubbing shoulders with elite individuals to her unconventional career
as an exotic dancer and sex worker, Italia’s journey is as captivating as it
is inspiring.

Discover how she overcame hardships and built an empire through resilience
and determination. Her story is empowering and empowering testament to the
resilience inherent in us all, and she’s thrilled to share her wisdom with
everyone she encounters.


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