Arrested Virtual Book Tour

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Arrested cover

 A Memoir of the American First Lady of Nice, France and the French


Date Published: March 17, 2024




Growing up in Beverly Hills with two famous uncles – a cosmetics magnate
and a well-connected mobster – eventually led Ilene Médecin to a
romantic and glamorous life as the American First Lady of Nice and the
French Riviera. “Arrested” follows Ilene through her marriage to
Jacques Médecin, a Medici Count fondly known as “King
Jacquou,” who was the last scion of a century old political dynasty.
Her unique experience is from the perspective of an American woman living in
France, married to a powerful French politician ruling the Côte d’Azur
as they shared their social circle with Princess Grace Kelly and Prince
Rainier. Life was extraordinary among royals, celebrities, and politicians.
From the enchanted pages of a storybook Camelot, being at the pinnacle of a
fantasy existence, only to fall from grace to the depths of a French prison
cell. While there were trysts and scandals, nothing prepared Ilene for the
demise of a prominent political family and her eventual arrest for her
husband’s alleged wrongdoings. As for Jacques, sadly, taking up residence in
Uruguay was a puzzling end to a stellar political career.

Neither political exile nor arrest had ever been on Ilene’s bucket list,
but she found herself checking them both off. Her late husband, Jacques
Médecin, had been Mayor of Nice, President of Alpes-Maritimes
(presiding over the Côte d’Azur), French Minister of Tourism, Member
of Parliament, and a Medici Count. Rest assured, “King Jacquou”
was no ordinary politician as he ruled the expanse of the French Riviera.
Curiously, he also gained notoriety being the official reference for proper
Salad Niçoise as the published author of a widely acclaimed cookbook,
“Cuisine Niçoise, Recipes From A Mediterranean

Arrested paperback

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Obedience Blitz

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Paranormal Women’s Fiction, Romantic Comedy

Date Published: May 10, 2024

A princess with a problem…

Meela must marry a prince from another planet in order to ensure the
security of her people. Trouble is Meela’s known to be a bit feisty, and
sometimes that gets her into trouble. It’s bad enough she has no say in who
she’ll marry. Worse still, the queen places an obedience curse on Meela to
thwart her errant ways.

As a result of the curse, Meela finds herself in plenty of predicaments not
exactly fit for a princess. But what’s a princess to do when two gorgeous
hunks come along and place sensual demands on her Meela’s not sure she can
— or even wants to — deny?




Obedience cellphone



Meela stared into the flowing red river before kneeling on the grassy bank
to sulk. The red colored water rushing by her looked like blood. There were
so many red rivers on the planet that they’d looked like veins on its
surface to Meela when the star cruiser she’d traveled in approached it

Now that she was here, she wished that someone had told her to throw
herself in the river. Her nurse had only told her to take a walk to calm her
mind. It was a rare freedom for Meela. Probably her last.

Today was the day Meela had been preparing for her whole life. Later today
she would be presented to the queen of this planet along with two other
princesses from neighboring planets. The queen would then allow her sons to
each choose the girl he wanted for his bride beginning with her oldest son,
her heir.

It wasn’t that Meela minded the arranged marriage. She was a princess after
all and her duty was to her people. Her marriage to a Prince of Nelot, the
strongest planet with the most powerful army in the system, would ensure the
protection of her people. She’d been promised in marriage since her birth
and all of her teachings were in preparation for fulfilling this

Meela accepted that.

But when she was sixteen, the Queen of Nelot, a sorceress she was to find
out, paid a visit to Meela and her family on their home planet, Bano. She
wanted to meet Meela, considering one day she would be the bride of one of
her sons.

The queen was pleased with Meela. A little too pleased in fact. She
explained to Meela’s parents that their daughter was indeed beautiful,
cultured and intelligent — befitting a Princess of Nelot. But she felt
those very virtues put Meela in danger from others and from herself until
the wedding, so she placed an enchantment upon Meela. From that day forward,
Meela would be obedient, would do whatever she was told, until her future
husband arranged her release from the spell.

Her life had been misery ever since.

At first, Meela and her family didn’t realize just what curse had been
bestowed upon her. A few nights later Meela became angry at her father for
not allowing her some privilege. She sat complaining in her rooms while her
nurse brushed her hair. Finally her frustrated nurse told her to hold her

It had taken several hours for the entire family to discover that someone
had to tell Meela to let go of her tongue before she could pry her fingers

It got worse. While her parents enjoyed their new power over Meela, the
power to make her work at her studies longer and attend royal functions in
their places, soon they learned there was a danger to the curse. Once, one
of Meela’s friends at court had dared her to kiss the handsome visiting
ambassador from the planet Dalu. Unable to stop herself, she’d walked right
up to the man and kissed him full on the mouth.

Her parents had been so alarmed by the turn of events that she was placed
under the strictest watch until the time of her wedding. No more fun outings
with her friends. No more boring royal functions even. Meela was only
allowed to attend the most important celebrations on her planet, and then
only for a short time with at least a dozen people watching her every
movement. They might as well have locked her away in a prison.

Perhaps that is what the Queen of Nelot had intended when she’d placed the
enchantment on her.

Years passed while the Princes of Nelot fought off one legion of intruders
to their system after another, the stories of their glorious victories
painting them as great warriors. By the time the Queen of Nelot sent for
Meela for the bridal selection and subsequent wedding, she was twenty-seven,
going out of her mind with boredom, and had taken to finding creative ways
of watching the private activities of guests to the palace. It was as close
as she had ever come to having sex after all.

And now that she was here on Nelot, ready to be selected by one of the
queen’s sons and do her duty for her parents and her people, she was pretty
damned unhappy. Wasn’t it enough of a sacrifice to have the person she’d
spend her life with, share a bed with and have children for, chosen for her?
Then to have the hateful curse of obedience placed on her, robbing her of
her last years of freedom?

Meela no longer wanted to marry any son of the woman who had done this to
her. Meela didn’t even want to meet the princes.

“It’s not fair,” Meela grumbled at her reflection far below in
the red water.

“What’s not fair?”

That deep male voice alerted her to the fact that she was no longer alone.
With as much composure as she could muster, Meela turned her head slowly.
She was unescorted, without any of her attendants who understood her
enchantment, for the first time since she had kissed the ambassador at
court. The pace of her heartbeat grew along with her anxiety.

“That I can’t stay and enjoy this beautiful view,” Meela said in
her best royal voice with her practiced princess smile.

Yet she forgot all about how she was to speak or smile as she gazed at the
two men standing before her, their dress indicating that they were common
soldiers of the planet. They looked very much alike, both tall men with
bodies of steel, the snug black uniforms they wore revealing that they were
all hard, firm muscles.


About the Author

Isabella Jordan is the alter ego of an otherwise stressed out web designer,
programmer, and internet junkie. When she’s not trying to perfect her own
personal caffeine IV drip, she enjoys spending time with her family, doing
volunteer work, and writing. She loves creating new stories of all kinds and
chatting with readers and friends.

Isabella would love to hear from her readers!


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Knox Teaser

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Knox cover

Motorcycle Club Romance, Suspense, Age Gap

Date Published: May 10, 2024



Evelyn: My life fell apart right before my eyes. The fire and losing
everything we had was bad enough, but when my boyfriend’s father
convinces me to go to the hospital, the one thing me and my kids had left
evaporates like a plume of smoke when I see their father with his…
pregnant wife. Not only do I feel like a complete fool, I’m left to
explain things to my children. Then there’s Knox. He’s my
boyfriend Danny’s older brother. The one everyone thought was dead.
The one who’s an older, bigger, scarier version of Danny. He is so
gentle with me and my children, so protective when he has no reason to be.
He’s also the man I have no hopes of resisting.

Knox: I let my family think I was dead for fifteen years. There were
multiple reasons. Not the least of which was securing a steady income for my
father after Danny blew through everything he had. I tried to keep tabs on
them, especially after Mom died, but I didn’t dig deep enough. As a
result, Danny’s girlfriend, Evelyn, is in the crosshairs of something
very sinister. Once I find out who’s responsible, there will be hell
to pay. No matter who brought death to those I love, I will make them pay.
When I do, I’ll be putting the loyalty of my club to the test. When
it’s all over, I hope Evelyn will be able to forgive me. Because
I’ve fallen in love with my brother’s woman and no one will come
between us. No one.


WARNING: Knox includes scenes of graphic violence and adult situations
including those that may be triggers for some readers. There’s also a
protective hero, a determined heroine, and an eventual happy ending. No
cheating, as always.



Knox tablet






I clung to Luke and Aneshya, trying my best to shield them from the chaos
around us. We coughed as we tried to make our way down the hall, but the
smoke was so thick, it was pitch-black inside the cramped space.

“We’ve gotta get out of here!” Mr. Knoxville from across
the hall was the children’s grandfather. The man always looked out for
us, even when his son couldn’t. “Evelyn!”

“We’re over here!” I clutched my children close. We had a
damp bed sheet over the three of us, but it wouldn’t do much for long.
The smoke was getting thicker and there was no way a bed sheet was going to
protect us from fire. “I can’t find Danny! He was just
here!” I coughed and coughed as I sucked in a lungful of smoke with
every breath. Luke tried to push me down, but I resisted. I needed to get my
family to safety and that included Danny.

“Mommy, we need to go!” Aneshya sounded frantic, a round of
coughing taking her as well. Luke stopped shoving at me and blanketed his
sister, taking her to the floor.

“Crawl, Aneshya! Mom! Come on! Now!” Luke was only twelve, but
he was protective of both me and his sister. “Grandpa! Make Mom follow
us!” He tried to take charge and I knew he was right. But my long-term
boyfriend and the kids’ father, Danny, had been beside me only a
moment before. I couldn’t just leave him.

Mr. Knoxville suddenly appeared in front of me. He was in his late
seventies, but the man was fit and strong as an ox. And protective as they
came. I thought it might be where Luke learned it from. If Danny had
inherited the trait from his father, he never showed it to me. Or the kids,
really. As evidenced by the fact that it was his father and son trying to
take care of me and Aneshya instead of Danny.

“Don’t worry about him, Evelyn.” Mr. Knoxville looked
hard and almost dangerous. When he looked like this, it made me want to do
anything he said without question. “He’s a grown man.
You’ve got to get the children out. Now!”

“But Danny –”

“Will be fine. Or he won’t. Your first priority — my first
priority — is you and the children.” I’d never heard Mr.
Knoxville speak so harshly to me. He was always the one to help me when
Danny didn’t come home. Or when Danny got mean. The kids were older,
but I didn’t like leaving them alone. Mr. Knoxville was always so
sweet and kind. But then, this situation didn’t call for sweet and
kind. “Now get them and yourself out of here, Evelyn!

Luke and Aneshya were crawling on the floor down the hallway of our
apartment building. Mr. Knoxville pushed me to my belly and urged me to
crawl after the kids. The smoke was more tolerable low to the ground but
still surrounding us. I choked with every breath. The fire was mostly behind
us, but it was spreading. I thought I could hear sirens off in the

“Keep movin’, girl! Don’t stop!”

“Luke!” I called out to my son, the smoke so thick and dark
I’d lost sight of him and Aneshya as I lagged behind.

“We’re at the stairs!” Luke coughed again, his voice
faint in the distance separating us. I could hear Aneshya coughing too. I
hated that they had trouble breathing but was also grateful they were on the
move. “Hurry, Mom!”

“I’m coming, Luke!” I crawled faster. Mr. Knoxville
touched my ankle, urging me forward each time I hesitated. “Keep
going! Get your sister out!”

“You keep goin’ too, girl. We’re gonna get outta
here!” Mr. Knoxville’s voice was tight, and he coughed several
times as he continually shoved me along.

The roar of the flames was growing louder. Heat billowed in a great rush
from the flames I was certain were ready to bear down on us.

I heard the children cry out. Pain? Were they hurt?

“LUKE! ANESHYA!” When I sucked in another breath to scream
again, I breathed in smoke which started a coughing fit. My lungs burned and
spasmed, making it nearly impossible to take in another breath. I tried to
keep moving, but it was all I could do to breathe. Panic tightened around my
neck. With the smoke suffocating me, it really felt as if someone were
actually strangling me.

I stumbled to my feet, needing to get to my kids as fast as I could and
crawling wasn’t getting it done. I called out to them with every
breath I could suck in. Then strong hands grabbed my shoulders. In the
blackness of the smoke all around me, those hands were the first indication
I had there was someone in front of me.

“Get down.” The gruff voice was muffled, and I realized he had
on a mask. Firefighter? Then he shoved me back to the floor and pushed me to
give me direction. “Keep crawling that way. The stairs are a few yards
in front of you.”

“My children! Did you see –”

“They’re on the way out.”

“Mr. Knoxville’s behind me –”

“I’ll get him.”

“Danny –”

“I said go, woman! We’ll be right behind you.” He urged
me onward, and all I could do was crawl in the direction he said. I hoped,
since he’d sent me in that direction, he knew the way was clear. I
trusted that my children were in that direction.

The farther I went, the heavier the smoke. Right up until I descended half
the flight of stairs on my hands and knees. Coughing, I stood and hurried as
fast as I could. With the receding smoke, it was easier to breathe. To


“Luke?” I sobbed in relief as I recognized my son’s

“There she is, Luke!” Aneshya sounded strong. Not like
she’d been hurt or couldn’t breathe.

Then I was in the arms of my son, my daughter clinging tightly to me as
they moved me out of the apartment building. I barely made it out into the
grass before I collapsed, my legs finally giving out. I clutched Aneshya to
me as tightly as I could. Luke had his arms around me but was still trying
to get me to move farther away from the building.

“It’s not safe here, Mom. We need to get farther

“Mr. Knoxville.” Panic filled me. Did the older man get out?
“He was right behind me. Where is he?”

“The fireman said he’d make sure you both got out.”
Aneshya tugged at me, following her brother’s lead as usual.
“Come on, Mom. Let’s go.”

I sucked in breath after breath of clean air. Each breath seemed to bring
on more coughing, but I managed to get it mostly under control. “Where
are the other firemen?” I looked around, not seeing anyone other than
a few bystanders. I could hear sirens off in the distance getting closer,
but no one was here yet.

“Not sure,” Luke said with a frown. “First responder,
maybe? But he said he would get you and Mr. Knoxville out and for us to go

“We were waiting for you.” Aneshya’s voice broke and
tears made tracks through the streaks of soot on her face. “I thought
you’d gotten lost.”

It was then Mr. Knoxville stumbled through the same exit we’d managed
to escape through. The fireman was right behind him.

“Mr. Knoxville! Oh, my God! Are you all right?” I hurried in
his direction, trying to put the man’s arm around my shoulders so he
could lean on me if necessary. I should have known better. My knees were
weak already. There was no way I could hold the older man’s weight.
Instead, I found him holding me up with an arm around my waist as he urged
us farther away from the building which was more and more engulfed in

The guy coming up behind Mr. Knoxville was huge. He towered over all of us
and was solidly built. He still had on a full-face mask with SCBA gear but I
could see his face through the clear plate. The man looked familiar, but I
couldn’t quite place him.

“Please! My boyfriend, Danny! He’s still in there

Instead of going back inside immediately, he turned to Mr. Knoxville.

“Up to you.” Mr. Knoxville had leaned over with his hands
braced on his knees while he coughed, same as the rest of us.
“Fuckin’ prick left his children in a burnin’
fuckin’ buildin’.”

“What?” I gasped in surprise, looking up at Mr. Knoxville. Not
only had I never heard the other man swear like that, but he was accusing
Danny — his own son — of deserting us in a crisis. “No! Danny and I
have had our problems, but he’d never leave his kids. We got
separated. He’s still in there. Probably looking for us! You have to
find him!”

The firefighter took off the mask, and it was like I was looking at a
slightly older, bigger, much scarier version of Danny. I sucked in a

… then immediately started coughing. Luke was at my side when I
collapsed on the ground on my knees. I fell forward onto my hands in the
grass, coughing uncontrollably.

“We need to get Mom to the hospital.” Luke handed me a bottle
of water. I had no idea where that came from, but I took a gulp before
promptly coughing again. I glanced over at Aneshya. She had a worried
expression on her face but wasn’t coughing anymore. Luke looked like
he wasn’t hurt either, but I had to be sure. Both of them were
streaked with soot.

“Are… you…” I gasped. “Are you…

“No, Mom.” Luke was quick to reassure me.
“Aneshya’s fine too. Drink some more.”

The next thing I knew an oxygen mask was placed over my face and the Danny
look-alike was in front of me, holding my gaze with a steady one of his

“Take deep breaths, honey.” He put what looked like an inhaler
in the hole at the side of the mask and squeezed it. I felt the mist from
the spray enter my lungs as I inhaled. I still coughed, but after a few
seconds, the pressure in my chest relaxed a little. After another lungful of
air and more coughing, he did it again. After that, it wasn’t long
until the pressure in my chest eased almost entirely. I still coughed, but
it felt different. Like the coughing was actually helping to clear my lungs
instead of being a futile effort.

“Mom?” Aneshya looked up at me with worry in her expression.
She’d wiped her face with something, washing some of the soot off, but
smearing it over her face.

“I’m okay, sweetie.”

“Fire and EMS are on the way.” The man kneeling in front of me
moved the mask long enough to urge me to drink some more water before
replacing the mask. “Just take some slow, deep breaths. I gave you an
inhaler. Got something to help with the spasms in your lungs. Might make
your heart race a bit, but nothing too bad.”

“Who are you?”

He glanced over at Mr. Knoxville who was looking at him with a combination
of pride and relief. If there were tears in the gruff old man’s eyes,
I was sure it was from the smoke. “Denver. Boy…”

“It’s Knox.” He stood before his face split into a grin.
“It’s good to see you, Pop.”



About the Author

Marteeka Karland is an international bestselling author who leads a double
life as an erotic romance author by evening and a semi-domesticated
housewife by day. Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes
pleasure in spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited,
vulnerable heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a
blissful ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her
writings are speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning
delight entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying
conclusions that elicit a sigh from her readers.

Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband
with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for
preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts
(which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with
Marteeka’s latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her
website. Don’t forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you
with a potpourri of Teeka’s beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph
events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.


Author Contact Links

Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland

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Red Kingdom Tour

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Fairy Tale Retellings, Book Two (standalone)

Historical Romance (Medieval)

Date Published: 04-10-2024



Little Red Riding Hood reimagined with a dark and realistic twist.

Princess Blanchette’s world shatters when the Black Wolf tears apart
her castle and everything she holds dear. All she clings to is the vow she
made to her grandmother on her deathbed.

Hailed as the people’s champion, Sir Rowan Dietrich liberates the
capital in a quest for vengeance. He takes Winslowe Castle with an army at
his back and his wolf, Smoke, at his side.

United by a shared cause and powerful attraction, Rowan and Blanchette
embark on a journey of self-discovery and redemption—a path filled
with loss, transformation, and ultimately, the healing power of love.

Can Norland’s resplendent princess, with her captivating beauty and
spirit, tame the fabled Black Wolf?

Inspired by the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, Red Kingdom is a
passionate historical romance about the enduring quest for love and the
longing for a world at harmony.

*Red Kingdom is a standalone installment in a series of reimagined classic
fairy tales. Due to adult content and themes, it is not intended for readers
under the age of 18. 


What you can expect from Red Kingdom… 

Dark, Medieval Setting

Enemies to Lovers

Slow Burn

Broken Alpha Hero

Strong Heroine

Wolf Companion

He Falls First


Warring Kingdoms

Red Kingdom tablet


Blanchette spots the Black Wolf during the siege


Death at her feet. Death in her home. Death in the air. 

Death screamed in every corner of her mind. 

Then she saw him. 

Rowan Dietrich, the fabled Black Wolf of Norland, strode through her castle like a waking nightmare. His armor was crudely made, black as the surrounding night, the helm’s dark metal twisted into the shape of a wolf’s snarling head. But the most striking thing about him was his height. He towered above the other fighters and battled with a chilling methodicalness. How he moved and fought frightened Blanchette the greatest. 

He looked collected. Even mildly amused. As if this were nothing more than a game. Blood soaked his sword as the blade whirled, whipped, slashed, and claimed lives in a macabre dance of death. And that wolf clung to his heels, its muzzle wet with blood, snarling and leaping at any man who dared come close to its master. 

Monster. Demons.

The Black Wolf of Norland had always had a mist of legend around him. She remembered the stories her mother and governess had often whispered after the feasts and in the dark of the night. 

“To me,” the Black Wolf called to a soldier a few yards away, his deep voice effortlessly carrying above the tumult. He didn’t need to yell, not even over the mayhem. The force of his tone was enough. 

One of her father’s guards raised his blade, but too slowly. Rowan Dietrich’s longsword cut his head off, then came flashing back in a terrible two-handed slash that took another soldier in the leg. 

With quivering anger, she realized that this man—this wolf, this beast—was the reason the sky was falling on her family. She clutched the dagger, wishing she could stand a chance against him. How good and right it would feel to plunge the blade deep into his heart and avenge what would likely be the end of her family’s dynasty. 

Of course, she’d never survive him or his demon wolf. And if she was ever to avenge her family, if she was to keep her promise, survival meant everything.

About the Author

Rachel L Demeter

I live in Sunny California with my dashing husband, who inspires my romance
novels every day!

Writing has always been an integral part of my identity. Before I
physically learned how to write, I’d narrate stories to my mom, and she’d
record them for me.

I graduated from Chapman’s film school, where I often received the
feedback on my scripts, “Your stories and characters are great, but
this reads like a novel!” That’s when I realized my true

In my free time, I frequent reptile expos, lift double my body’s
weight, and indulge in dinosaur trivia.

I’m passionate about writing stories that explore what it means to be human
and to be loved. My books focus on hope, courage, and redemption in the face
of adversity.


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Bound Across Time Blitz

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Bound Across Time cover

Bound Series, Book One

Paranormal Romance

Date Published: 05/07/2024

Publisher: Harbor Lane Books, LLC


Perfect for fans of paranormal ghost romances!


CeCe Gowdie. Historian, rational, scorns the paranormal. When her boss
orders her to convert her Welsh castle tours to ghost walks, she thinks
that’s the worst that can happen. It is, until one midnight in the
castle tower she meets Patrick—handsome, passionate, dead since

Patrick O’Loinsigh. Bastard son of an earl, brought from Ireland only
to be murdered by his half-brother. The moment Patrick sees CeCe he claims
her as his own, a claim neither of them understands but can’t

CeCe’s body won’t survive loving a ghost, but losing him will
tear her heart to pieces. Patrick can’t bear watching CeCe die by
inches, but releasing her will hurl him back to a hellish half-life without
her. Is there hope in the prophecy of an ancient Irish seer? The spells of
Welsh witches? Or is the alchemy of love enough to bridge time and defeat


About the Author

Annie R McEwen has lived in six countries and under every roof from a
canvas tent to a Georgian Era manor house. A career historian, she’s
driven herself to work in everything from a donkey cart to a vintage
Peugeot. For her, it feels perfectly natural to create stories of desperate
love and powerful secrets in faraway times and places.


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