Uncertain Foundations Teaser Tuesday

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LGBTQ, Paranormal Women’s Fiction

Date Published: May 17, 2024



They’ve been there for each other through death and life, through
pain and joy. Their love life has held them together through all external
dangers. But what happens when the threat seems to come from within?

Charlie, half werewolf, has never felt so uncertain. Everything he’s
trusted in — his eyesight, his psychic ability, his confidence in making
decisions — is under attack. Even his mate, his Life dancer, Luis, seems

Luis, a psychic vampire, is consumed by terror and paranoia. Unable to tell
fact from fiction, and feeling Charlie pulling away, he lashes out.

These two lovers who have stood the test of time find themselves on
unsteady ground. Can their love prevail despite the terror working its way
through the pack?


Uncertain Foundations phone


Luis stood his back to a wall. He gazed across the crowded room to his Life
Dancer, who was shaking hands with Princess Angelina Oakland. Scanning the
princess’s living room quickly, Luis noted the approaching dawn
lightening the sky in the east and the Pakistani land dragon speaking
quietly with Claudette, the water dragon from Western New York. He felt like
a stalker, watching all these people in their final moments of conversation
and leave-taking, but he wouldn’t let Charlie, his Life Dancer, be
alone. Too much had happened during this last delegate gathering.

“Go downstairs,” Charlie said, turning his head away from the
princess to meet Miguel’s gaze. The blood-dependent vampire, slave to
the darkness of night, was swaying on his feet.

“You are leaving,” Miguel said.

“This morning,” Charlie agreed.

“I wanted to say thank you.” He nodded to Princess Angelina.
“To you as well, Your Highness. I have lived without hope for many
years. To have it again is a marvelous blessing. And it wouldn’t have
been possible, Tilthos Charles, without your assistance.”

“You’re welcome, but if you thank me again, I’m going to
have to demand payment.” Charlie sounded more concerned than flippant
despite his words. “Go. Down. Stairs. We’ll meet

Miguel shook hands with both of them and headed from the room.

He passed close to Luis and said softly, “Your lover is a beacon of
hope.” Then he was gone.

Luis watched Charlie making the rounds of the other magical creatures in
the room. All of these others were ignoring Luis, as if he was just a
bodyguard. That suited Luis just fine. Charlie didn’t really need his
protection, not in this room, and not usually in the world at large. The
leader of all the werewolves on this and the southern continent was only
half werewolf, and visually impaired also, but he’d held his position
without others defending him for over half a decade. He was confident. He
was strong.

And sexy as hell.

Luis firmly turned his thoughts from that particular channel because some
of the magical creatures gathered here had great senses of smell.
They’d know he was aroused if he allowed himself the luxury of
thinking of his Life Dancer without clothes on.

Charlie’s thoughts drifted through Luis’s mind, his psychic
tone lightly teasing. I think it’s too late for you to hide

Luis smirked and thought back, Good.

Gradually, the heads of this or that species left, taking their chauffeured
rides to private airplanes. Agent Jack Sowerby would be meeting some of them
at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, but some wouldn’t allow
the new head of SearchLight to see them off. Claudette, the water dragon,
was one of these, preferring to keep her exact departure a secret.

Luis knew she was flying out of Dulles, the airport south of here in
Virginia, but he was a tracker. It was his job to know the comings and
goings of those who might be a threat to SearchLight. Or to his Life

As the room emptied, he wondered if the princess would let him and Charlie
have one last fling in the bedroom she’d set aside for them. Although,
even if she did, Charlie might not want to hang around. He was anxious to
get back to their displaced pack.

“Tilthos Charles, do you need to rest before starting on your drive
home?” Princess Angelina asked as if she’d read Luis’s
mind. He didn’t think she had telepathy, and his shields were mostly
up anyway.

“That would be a better question for Luis, since I can’t
drive,” Charlie said, sounding amused. He tapped the end of his white
cane on the parquet floor. “Thank you, but I think we should get

Luis thought, keeping it hidden from his Life Dancer, Damn. And I was
hoping to be driving without blue balls.

Still, he had to admit he wanted to get home. And not just so that the
Tilthos Pack could return from where they’d been scattered to when all
the dominant protectors were occupied here in DC and Maryland. Luis had
concerns about those pack members here: Jeremy, Ethan, and Charlie.

Jeremy and Ethan would be driving back at some point soon, but first, Ethan
needed to regain his human shape. He’d taken to sticking close to
Jeremy and their son, Will, but in his werewolf guise. It was as if he
thought being in four-footed would somehow protect him from further

Luis had absolutely no doubt Jeremy would take care of his mate. The Night
Wanderer was protective anyway, and since Ethan had been forced to —


He blinked, startled out of his thoughts by his Life Dancer calling his
name. Charlie stood about ten feet away, his gaze unfocused, as it always
was when he wasn’t trying to read some large print or looking at a
picture eight-year-old Will had drawn.

Luis crossed to him and touched his shoulder. “What is it?” he
asked gently.

“I guess you missed the change in plans.”

Luis smiled guiltily. “I was lost in my own world.”

“I realized –” Charlie said, lowering his voice and bending so
he could put his mouth next to Luis’s ear. “I need you before we
head out.”

Luis’s cock raised its head and he felt his asshole constrict in
anticipation. “Not here,” he ventured.

“Well, in this house, but, no, not in the living room. If we stained
any of her pillows or cushions, I’m sure Angelina would throw us out
and bill us through the nose.” He took Luis’s hand, pressing the
shaft of the white cane between their palms. “Will you guide

Luis knew Charlie didn’t mean that literally. He was independent to a
fault, was Tilthos Charles McLaughlin, alpha above all alphas. But having
Charlie make the request made Luis harder still. He kissed Charlie’s
palm and then encouraged him to take his arm.

Swinging his cane out before his feet, Charlie “followed” Luis
up the stairs and down the hall. The warmth of his hand, firm on the back of
Luis’s arm, was ambrosia to the anxiety Luis had been feeling for the
last week or so. Charlie trusted him. He glanced back and saw
Charlie’s eyes were closed and his cane no longer touched the floor.
He was letting Luis guide him completely.

Luis’s heart rose and he swallowed against sudden, stupid tears.
Te amo, Charlie,” he whispered.

A mischievous smile lit Charlie’s dark and handsome features.
“Of course, you do.”

Luis snorted. But before he could retort, Charlie stopped walking and
pulled Luis into a tight embrace. Luis inhaled, loving the scent of his
lover’s aftershave.

“I love you too. Now, come on. I need you.”


About the Author

Emily Carrington is a multipublished author of male/male and transgender
women’s speculative fiction. Seeking a world made of equality, she
created SearchLight to live out her dreams. But even SearchLight has its
problems, and Emily is looking forward to working all of these out with a
host of characters from dragons and genies to psychic vampires. And in the
contemporary world she’s named “Sticks & Stones,”
Emily has vowed to create small towns where prejudice is challenged by a
passionate quest for equality. Find her on Facebook at Shapeshifter Central
or on her website.

Contact Links

Author’s Website

Emily on Facebook

Emily on Twitter

Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok:


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The Sower of Black Field Virtual Book Tour

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Inspired by the True Story of an American in Nazi Germany

Historical Fiction

Date Published: April 15, 2024



Throughout the Third Reich, millions of Germans pledged allegiance to Adolf
Hitler. In the Bavarian village of Schwarzenfeld, they followed an American

As he struggles to rekindle the faith of a guilt-ridden Wehrmacht veteran,
a morose widow, and her grieving teenage son, Fr. Viktor Koch, C.P. is
haunted by self-doubt. What is driving him to stay in the Third Reich? Is he
following a higher plan, or the mystic compulsion of his German heritage?
Exposed to American ideals, his parishioners grow restless under Nazi rule.
Relying upon his ingenuity to keep them out of prison, Fr. Viktor solicits
aid from an unlikely intercessor—the Nazi charity worker who
confiscated his monastery for state purposes.

In April 1945, American liberators make a gruesome discovery: the SS have
left a mass grave of concentration camp victims on Schwarzenfeld’s
borders. Enraged by the sight, the infantry commander orders the townspeople
to disinter 140 corpses, construct coffins despite material shortages, dig a
grave trench, and hold a funeral ceremony—all in 24 hours. If they
fail to fulfill this ultimatum, he vows to execute all German men in

Fr. Viktor has to pull off a miracle: he must convince his countrymen that
his followers are not the enemy. Their humanity is intact. And most of all,
they are innocent.


The Sower of Black Field tablet



Schwarzenfeld is a backwater village nestled in the rambling, pinecovered

hills of southeast Germany. To an observer in the 1940s,

it is a typical Bavarian farm town. The houses are austere plaster,

topped by red-tiled roofs. A stately, white-walled castle broods

overhead like a relic from a bygone age, its presence whispering of a

history that stretches back to the medieval era. Only a far-flung train

station hints at a connection to modern times. For centuries, two

sharp gray steeples have dominated the skyline—one belonging to a

rococo parish church, the other to a hilltop shrine—and both stand

as a testament to the Catholic fervor that burns deep in Bavarian

culture. Months have passed since a car rolled along the dirt-paved

roads, for automobiles are a rarity here. A pedestrian ambling along

Schwarzenfeld’s main thoroughfare, the Hauptstrasse, is far more

likely to encounter a cattle herd lazing about the street, or farmers

hauling their wares by wagon. However, one fact makes this nondescript

village the most remarkable place in the Third Reich: in this

town, Germans have given their loyalty to an American.

This U.S. citizen is Fr. Viktor Koch, C.P., a missionary and

Pennsylvania native who left America to found a new province for

his religious order, the Passionists. All members of this monastic

community have vowed to sow a novel doctrine—they declare

suffering the great and terrible equalizer of humanity, uniting every

soul on earth regardless of nation, race, or creed. Intuition tells Fr.

Viktor that Germany, the vanquished aggressor of World War I,

needs this far-reaching message more than any other country. He

is a foreigner by birth, but not by culture or language. A son of

German immigrants, he speaks fluent Hochdeutsch with a round,

downy American accent.

Appointed to lead the new European province, he departs for

Bavaria in 1922, at age fifty. From the start he proves his mettle.

Accompanied by Fr. Valentin Lenherd, C.P., his closest friend

and fellow Passionist, he bears witness to the turmoil that wracks

his ancestral homeland. Inflation and unemployment ravage the

country like twin plagues. Not even a bucketful of German marks

can buy a loaf of bread. The Weimar government forbids new

religious orders from opening institutions in Germany, condemning

the Passionist mission to failure, but Fr. Viktor is undeterred. At

times like this, he is apt to quote his favorite adage: “God provides.”

Instead of conceding defeat, he wheels and deals with Bavarian

cardinals, holds whirlwind fundraisers in America, and opens two

monasteries—one in Munich, Germany, and a second in Maria

Schutz, Austria. He relishes each victory over the German government,

celebrating every triumph with a fine cigar.

In 1933, when he visits Schwarzenfeld and decides to build

a new monastery beside the Miesbergkirche, the hilltop shrine

overlooking their town, the population hails him as a hero. He has

$200,000 in U.S. funds at his disposal—enough to hire every ablebodied

laborer in the impoverished village, plus tradesmen scouring

the countryside for work. Thus, as Adolf Hitler beguiles a desperate

nation with economic miracles, the devout Catholics of Schwarzenfeld

find an American priest ushering them from poverty into plenty.

They reverently call Fr. Viktor “our Provinsche,” a moniker derived

from his official title, provincial.

When the winds of oppression and war sweep through Europe

once again, Fr. Viktor struggles to ignore grim predictions made by

Fr. Stanislaus Grennan, his superior in America: the German province

will prove to be a total failure. In 1937, the Nazis close his monastery

in Munich. Gestapo agents begin hunting down foreign missionaries

and drive them from European shores, including American Passionists

who joined the German mission. Through sheer coincidence,

Fr. Viktor finds a legal loophole that prevents his own deportation.

After the first panzers rage across Poland’s border, German priests of

military age receive call-up notices from the Wehrmacht. A province

forty-one members strong drops to thirteen overnight. The most

devastating event occurs in February 1941: Fr. Valentin Lenherd, his

comrade through tribulation, dies of cancer. Fr. Viktor barely has

time to grieve before the next threat unfolds.

By April 1941, Hitler’s persecution of the German Catholic

Church is entering a new phase. Nazi authorities have confiscated

monasteries throughout Bavaria, evicting their inhabitants and

reallocating the facilities for secular purposes. One organization

that benefits from these mass appropriations is the Nationalsozialistische

Volkswohlfahrt (NSV), the public welfare department

charged with the task of opening rest houses, military hospitals,

and shelters for German citizens fleeing cities plagued by air raids.

In Schwandorf, a town six miles south of Schwarzenfeld, NSV

office director Wilhelm Seiz receives orders from the State to house

one hundred children evacuated from Hamburg. Searching the

Oberpfalz, his attention falls upon a spacious residence that suits

his needs perfectly. Confiscating this building is not a straightforward

matter: a foreigner owns the mortgage, and an international

scandal might erupt if the occupants refuse to leave peacefully, but

the fires of Seiz’s determination are stoked. Though he is only a

minor official, he has cultivated connections in the party. He will

stop at nothing until the property falls into NSV hands.

The building he wants to acquire is Fr. Viktor’s monastery in

Schwarzenfeld, the Miesbergkloster.

About the Author

Katherine Koch

Katherine Koch is a renaissance woman from San Antonio, Texas. By day she
is a professional web administrator, digital marketing specialist, and
graphic designer. By night she is an independent scholar, historian, and
writer. She is captivated by stories of the Passionist missionaries in her
family, all of whom have a peculiar knack for tumbling into harm’s way
during history’s most fascinating time periods.


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Lincoln’s Return Blitz

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Speculative Historical Fiction

Date Published: March 2024



Imagine if one of the most revered American Presidents returned in time to
run again for the presidency. Julian T. Morrow’s
“Lincoln’s Return” is not just a book. It’s a
riveting tale of hope, redemption, and the power of leadership, with a
unique premise that will intrigue you.

Amidst a nation on the brink of discord and disillusionment, a figure of
remarkable significance emerges, embodying the very essence of
America’s greatest president, Abraham Lincoln. However, a captivating
twist sets this narrative apart from others. Lincoln is reborn as a woman,
Sharmila Stone, offering a fresh and intriguing perspective on a historical

As Sharmila navigates the complexities of modern America, she draws upon
the wisdom of Lincoln’s past life and the strength of her newfound
identity. With Lincoln’s memories as her guide, she embarks on a
mission to unite a fractured nation and confront contemporary challenges.
This narrative offers a captivating blend of metaphysical possibilities and
historical and psychological fiction, engaging you in a unique reading

Through Sharmila’s eyes, readers are immersed in the resurgence of
Lincoln’s timeless values—empathy, integrity, and an unwavering
commitment to justice. But can this president’s spirit, intertwined
with the experiences of a contemporary woman, pave the way for a brighter

“Lincoln’s Return” is not just a captivating novel.
It’s an engaging voyage that challenges conventional wisdom and offers
a fresh perspective on the past to illuminate the path forward.


About the Author

typwriter authors name

Julian T. Morrow is an emerging voice in contemporary literature, known for
his thought-provoking style of possible scenarios. With a background that
intersects the realms of metaphysical, philosophy, and creative writing,
Morrow crafts narratives that challenge the conventional boundaries of genre
and expectation.


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A Coat of Many Colors Blitz

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Putting Jewish Characters on Stage



Date Published: February 1, 2024



Showing diversity is the best way to undermine the negative stereotyping of
Jewish people. The five plays in this book illustrate why stereotypes of any
description don’t work.

In Shylock Revisited, the main character won’t give up his efforts to make
the merchant of Venice, Antonio, pay what he owes. In “Good Deeds”
a screen writer, Salka Viertel, pays the price for helping Nazi era Jewish
artists escape from Europe.

Harry Houdini takes on a reluctant con woman in Margery Meets Harry.
Educating Henry Adams has the queen of Tahiti convince the U.S. historian,
Henry Adams, to help her write a family history that leaves out her Jewish
heritage. And finally, in The Optimist, a Jewish college professor discovers
that the world goes beyond the logical solutions he thinks will solve all


About the Author

Roy Schreiber

Roy Schreiber started out as a history professor and switched to play
writing. At one time he was a member of both the American Historical Society
and the British Royal Historical Society. Currently he belongs to the
Dramatists Guild and is a Network Playwright with Chicago Dramatists. For
several years he has been a reader/evaluator for the Jewish Plays


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Writers of the Future Volume 40 Virtual Book Tour

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Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Short Stories

Date Published:  May 7, 2024






Experience these powerful new voices—vivid, visceral, and
visionary—as they explore uncharted worlds and reveal unlimited

Open the Writers of the Future and be carried away by stories—and
illustrations—that will make you think, make you laugh, and make you
see the world in ways you never imagined.

Twelve captivating tales from the best new writers of the year as selected
by Writers of the Future Contest judges accompanied by three more from L.
Ron Hubbard, Nancy Kress, S.M. Stirling. Each is accompanied by a full-color

Plus Bonus Art and Writing Tips  from Gregory Benford, Bob Eggleton,
L. Ron Hubbard, Dean Wesley Smith

“When her owner goes missing, a digital housecat must become more
than simulation to find her dearest companion through the virtual
world.—“The Edge of Where My Light Is Cast” by Sky
McKinnon, art by Carina Zhang

No one came to his brother’s funeral. Not even the spirits.
Étienne knew it was his fault.—“Son, Spirit, Snake”
by Jack Nash, art by Pedro N.

Man overboard is a nightmare scenario for any sailor, but Lieutenant Susan
Guidry is also running out of air—and the nearest help is light years
away.—“Nonzero” by Tom Vandermolen, art by Jennifer

Mac wanted to invent a cocktail to burn itself upon the pages of
history—but this one had some unexpected side
effects.—“The Last Drop” by L. Ron Hubbard and L. Sprague
de Camp, art by Chris Arias

Dementia has landed Dan Kennedy in Graydon Manor, and what’s left of
his life ahead seems dismal, but a pair of impossible visitors bring
unexpected hope.—“The Imagalisk” by Galen Westlake, art by
Arthur Haywood

When a teenage swamp witch fears her mama will be killed, she utilizes her
wits and the magic of the bayou—no matter the cost to her own
soul.—“Life and Death and Love in the Bayou” by Stephannie
Tallent, art by Ashley Cassaday

Our exodus family awoke on the new world—a paradise inexplicably
teeming with Earth life, the Promise fulfilled. But 154 of us are
missing.…—“Five Days Until Sunset” by Lance
Robinson, art by Steve Bentley

Spirits were supposed to lurk beneath the Lake of Death, hungry and patient
and hostile to all life.—“Shaman Dreams” by S.M. Stirling,
art by Dan dos Santos

A new app lets users see through the eyes of any human in history, but
it’s not long before the secrets of the past catch up with the
present.—“The Wall Isn’t a Circle” by Rosalyn
Robilliard, art by Guelly Rivera

In the shadows of Teddy Roosevelt’s wendigo hunt, a Native American
boy resolves to turn the tables on his captors, setting his sights on the
ultimate prey—America’s Great
Chief.—“Da-ko-ta” by Amir Agoora, art by Connor

When squids from outer space take over, a punk-rock P.I. must crawl out of
her own miserable existence to find her client’s daughter—and
maybe a way out.—“Squiddy” by John Eric Schleicher, art by
Tyler Vail

Another outbreak? This time it’s a virus with an eighty percent
infection rate that affects personality changes …
permanently.—“Halo” by Nancy Kress, art by Lucas

Planet K2-18b is almost dead, humanity is enslaved, and it’s
Rickard’s fault. Now in his twilight years, he’d give an arm and
a leg for redemption. Literally.—“Ashes to Ashes, Blood to
Carbonfiber” by James Davies, art by May Zheng

What if magic could undo the unthinkable, and undo Death itself? Would you
use it no matter the cost? What would you sacrifice for
love?—“Summer of Thirty Years” by Lisa Silverthorne, art
by Gigi Hooper

Joe is a prospector tasked with exploring the cosmos on behalf of an
all-powerful government. Breadna is a toaster. There have been weirder love
stories, but that’s unlikely.—“Butter Side Down” by
Kal M, art by Selena Meraki


Writers of the Future Volume 40 tablet




Once again, I am proud to present to you twelve brand-new stories that will delight you, expose you to new ideas, drag you through harrowing trials, make you think, cry, and laugh. The variety of stories, from time travel to dystopia to the memory of a child’s imagination, is like a library between two covers. You have a treat waiting for you. 

Every year that I have been involved in the Writers of the Future Contest, I have been impressed by the talent of up-and-coming writers. They have a vision, they explore it through the eyes of well drawn characters in a world made vivid by their words, and they bring the plot to a conclusion that satisfies the reader’s desire for adventure. It’s hard to choose the finalists because there are always more than the eight per quarter that I am allowed to select from the myriad we receive, and just as hard to pick the three winners from that group. These are the best of the best. 

Another important facet is their perseverance. In some cases, the success of these twelve writers is the result of years of submitting to the Contest. When one story didn’t make the cut, they tried a fresh idea. In this year, each of them succeeded. I enjoyed each of these stories, and I am proud to have been a part of bringing the world’s attention to these new writers. 

I know there are many hopeful writers who want to join the ranks of Contest winners, and I encourage you to keep trying. One thing that I have noticed over the last couple of years is that some writers keep sending me the same stories over and over again. Once in a very great while, a story will move up in rank, achieving notice as an honorable mention, to silver honorable mention, to semifinalist, or even finalist. If a story that you send me has received the same ranking for three or more quarters, it is unlikely ever to be considered for a higher prize. I beseech you to put that story aside, sell it elsewhere, and send me something else. The Writers of the Future Contest wants to help you achieve a writing career, and a career is not made on a single story. It’s like trying keys in a lock. If one key doesn’t work, try others until one of them opens the door. 

What am I looking for? I want a story with a beginning, middle, and end. I want your protagonist to grow in some fashion, whether or not s/he succeeds at the goal. Speculative fiction is about extrapolating on things that already exist. Show me new ideas. Don’t retread ground that has been trampled by thousands of others. Let me hear your voice. Tickle my imagination. Introduce me to new people, new cultures. I want excellent storytelling with great characters and imaginative world-building. You can enter once a quarter, with no entrance fee, with a story that can range in length from flash fiction (yes! we accept flash fiction) up to seventeen thousand words, in any subgenre of science fiction or fantasy, even light horror. Please read the guidelines carefully, and send me your stories! 

The rewards for becoming a winner of the Contest are worthwhile. The twelve writer winners are flown into Hollywood, California, from wherever they are in the world, for a grand black-tie, red-carpet gala, given beautiful trophies and checks for winning. Winners from each quarter receive US$500 for third place, US$750 for second place, and US$1,000 for first. Each of their stories has also been handed off to the winners of the Illustrators of the Future Contest to create a unique and original piece of art to accompany it in the anthology. Thousands of longtime professional writers have never had a published story of theirs illustrated in full color, so this is a great honor and a pleasure. The anthologies themselves often become national bestsellers, a terrific thing to have on your bibliography. 

The next year’s Contest is already under way. Join us, and let us see your vision.



L. Ron Hubbard, Nancy Kress, S. M. Stirling, Gregory Benford, Bob Eggleton,
Dean Amir Agoora, James Davies, Kal M, Sky McKinnon, Jack Nash, Rosalyn
Robilliard, Lance Robinson, John Eric Schleicher, Lisa Silverthorne,
Stephannie Tallent, Tom Vandermolen, and Galen Westlake.

Illustrators: Dan dos Santos, Ashley Cassaday, Gigi Hooper, Jennifer
Mellen, Pedro Nascimento, Steve Bentley, Connor Chamberlain, Selena Meraki,
Guelly Rivera, Tyler Vail, Carina Zhang, May Zheng, Lucas Durham, and Chris


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