Men in Books Aren’t Better Blitz

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Men in Books Aren't Better cover

Contemporary Romance

Date Published: November 25, 2024

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press



Pressured by her looming deadline and an unfinished romance manuscript,
author Molly Covington applies her immersive research skills and goes all
in. She hires a male companion for inspiration during three days of research
in Las Vegas.

Enter sexy, confident Jared Washington—an extreme sports enthusiast
and relationship skeptic who moonlights as a Plus One male companion.
Molly’s contract puts him within arm’s reach of buying his own
business and making his dreams come true.

The chemistry between her and Jared is surprisingly easy. Before their
Vegas rendezvous comes to an end, one of them will need to lay all their
cards on the table to discover if they’ll be lucky in love.

About the Author

Amanda Nelson, Lisa Marie Potter

Amanda and Lisa-Marie are a co-writing team of best friends who share
imaginary worlds, including a short story, Shivers, published in Moments
Between. Lisa Marie Potter (BIPOC) is a mom of four who grew up in
Nottingham, England, and now resides in Alaska with her husband and golden
retriever. Amanda Nelson grew up in Maryland and moved to Arizona, where she
attended college and currently lives with her husband and four kids. Both
women are members of the Author’s Guild and were part of a Manuscript
Academy Podcast featuring their writing and critique group. They also review
books on their socials, hike the Olympic National Park, and fight over the
same fictional crushes.

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The Pawn against the King Blitz

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The Pawn against the King cover

Historical fiction

Date Published: October 10, 2024



The King announces a contest open to everyone, regardless of their
financial status. The contest is simple: “Present me with a game that
is a true simulation of battle. Whoever succeeds will be richly rewarded.
However, anyone who fails and wastes the King’s time will lose their
life.” A humble carpenter, confident in what he holds, requests a
hearing with the great ruler. Now, he must present his idea at the risk of
his life and convince the King that it is exactly what he sought.

Thus begins a mental battle between the powerful and the powerless, the
strong and the weak. Genius versus authority.


Praise for The Pawn against the King


“A true gem that took my breath away with its claustrophobic
atmosphere.” – Panos Tourlis, book critic.


“The pawn against the king, an ingenious concept by Giorgos Katsoulas
to represent the eternal struggle between the strong and the weak.”
– Yannis Chronopoulos, historical author and publisher.


“Katsoulas’ ability to convey complex ideas and emotions in such a
condensed format left me pondering the story’s implications long after I
finished reading.” – K.C. Finn for Readers’ Favorite


“The Pawn Against the King: Genius vs Authority by Giorgos Katsoulas
is an absolutely brilliantly written book.” – Joe Wisinski for
Readers’ Favorite


“All in all, it’s a fantastic short story for readers of all
ages.” – Pikasho Deka for Readers’ Favorite


“The Pawn Against the King: Genius vs Authority by Giorgos Katsoulas
will appeal to strategists, especially those who enjoy mentally tasking
games like chess.” – Gabriella Harrison for Readers’


“What surprised me was the writing style, which can be described as an
economy of force, not at a tactical or strategic level, but a literary one
instead. Overall, this is a great little tale.” – Gaius Konstantine for
Readers’ Favorite

About the Author

Giorgos Katsoulas

Giorgos Katsoulas was born on February 16, 1981, in Athens. He is an
honours graduate of the screenwriting school at ANT1, but he is self-taught
in literature. He has been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and has
received numerous literary awards. He has written 15 books of all genres,
including poetry, plays, novellas, historical novels, and psychological
thrillers. His greatest passion is film music, and he is also a collector of
soundtracks and films.


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Unexpected Detour Virtual Book Tour

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Unexpected Detour cover

Courage and Intrigue in Wartime San Francisco


Historical Fiction

Date Published: December 10, 2024

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

When bombs fall on Pearl Harbor, the trajectory of Faye Baxter’s
midwestern life takes an unexpected detour. Her fiancé Steve Connor
enlists in the Army, and Faye follows him to California for a
spur-of-the-moment wedding just days before he ships out. 

Eager to contribute to the war effort, Faye joins the workforce in San
Francisco, a city awash with jobs, handsome soldiers, cheap cocktails, and
nefarious secrets. When she is recruited to serve as a courier for a
government intelligence agency, the assignment leads her into a web of
misogyny, deception, and espionage. 

Will she learn to trust her instincts, value her own opinions, and raise
her voice against injustice? Or are the risks too great?

Unexpected Detour tablet





Courage and Intrigue in Wartime San Francisco


Thirty-nine hours and 45 minutes later, Faye and Midge stepped onto the platform at Oakland’s 16th Street Station. Suitcases in hand, they caught the connector streetcar to the ferry for the final leg of their trip into San Francisco. The train journey was already a blur of packed cars, lines for the rest rooms, bad food, raucous laughter, and endless cigarettes. Civilians and soldiers alike sat on luggage in the aisles. The girls gave up their sleeping berth to a pregnant woman and her two young children, and they spent the 1,850 miles from Chicago surrounded by sweaty young men in various stages of inebriation..  

Now the fresh breeze off the bay hit Faye’s groggy face. She gulped in the crisp, briny air until her head was scrubbed clean of the dull ache caused by too little sleep and too many sips of whiskey from flasks of unknown origin. She was here, albeit rumpled and a bit rank. And, if all went well, she would be with Steve this weekend. 

Despite the day being chilly by Bay Area standards, it was downright balmy compared to Chicago. The sunshine prompted the girls to purchase cups-a-joe at the ferry’s snack bar and head to the upper deck. 

“We did it,” said Midge as they cast off.

“Yes, we did, sister.” Faye smiled as she sipped her coffee. “And I may never go back. Look at this. The folks back home would be pea green with envy if they could see what I’m seeing.” 

The clear sky was reflected by the water, making the entire estuary a perfect shade of aquamarine. As they passed under the Bay Bridge, the San Francisco skyline spread out before them. The Ferry Building and Embarcadero bustled with people, trucks and streetcars. Faye recognized Coit Tower and Nob Hill (so often appearing in movies), studded with elegant hotel buildings. To the west, the Golden Gate Bridge spanned the entrance to the bay like a lazy smile, as if to delude the entire nation that everything beyond would be just fine. Faye knew full well that these bright orange towers were the last glimpse of America for thousands of boys headed for war. 

As they entered the shipping channel, a gust of wind lifted Faye’s beret. In the split second she grabbed for it, her coffee went over the railing. Horrified, she peered down at a man sporting a splotch down the shoulder and sleeve of his well-tailored trench coat. He stared up at them, bewildered at first, then broke into a gradual smile.

“Sorry!” Faye yelled, then bolted down the stairs to the lower deck, Midge close behind.

“I am so sorry,” Faye gushed to the victim as they emerged on the main deck. Midge, in the meantime, found her hankie in her purse. “Allow me,” she said. Not

      waiting for a response, she started to daub the man’s shoulder.

“It was really a comedy of errors up there,” said Faye as Midge continued to daub. “My hat blew off, and before I knew it, my coffee just went flying.” 

“No worries. With a little more focus, you’d be excellent in the gun turret.”

Well, at least he isn’t angry. 

It was only then she noticed how nice looking he was—and was surprised by a twinge of guilt. 

Stop it. I’m NOT being disloyal to Steve just because I think this total stranger is nice looking. It’s not like I’ll ever see him again. What is that lilt in his voice? Does he have an accent? Never mind. Don’t think about his voice. Or his dimples. 


EXCERPT FROM PAGE 160 (745 words)


Faye emerged from Della’s Market, her net tote bag heavy with canned milk, peanut butter, margarine and some apples, and headed home on Bush Street. She was about to turn up Kearney when she heard some breaking glass and a muffled cry for help from Belden Alley. She made her way quickly and silently to the intersection and carefully peered into the alley, assaulted by the aggressive stench of garbage and urine. It took a second for what she was witnessing to register. 

One sailor lounged against the wall, holding a bottle of whiskey, smoking a cigar and rubbing his crotch. Another had a young girl pinned against the wall, his hand covering her mouth. The girl was dressed in expensive silk, her lip split and bruised, her fine Chinese features contorted with fear. As she looked over the sailor’s shoulder, her eyes made contact with Faye in a silent plea for help.  

“Hey!” Faye shouted, not considering for a split second that she might also be in danger. “Leave her alone!” 

Startled, both sailors jerked around and looked at Faye, then traded glances and sniggered. 

“Well, lookie here, Howie,” said Sailor Cigar. “This party is one girl short and here’s a babe just when we needed one. You’re an answer to our wishes, Blondie.” 

As the sailor circled around Faye and backed her into the alley, her memory flashed back to something her mother told her when she started working at the law firm—and knew instantly what she would do.  She slowly backed further into the alley as she gave Sailor Cigar her most alluring smile. 

“Well, this could be your lucky night, sailor,” she said in a voice as low and sexy as she could manage. “How do you like it? Nice and rough? Slow and deep?” 

Mesmerized, Sailor Cigar took a deep swig of whiskey and leered at Faye’s breasts.

Wham, bam!! 

In a flash, Faye jammed her knee as hard as she could into Sailor Cigar’s groin. As he crumpled at her feet, she swung her tote bag with all her might, thankful for Della’s two-for-the-price-of-one sale on canned milk as it made contact with the side of Sailor Howie’s face, knocking him out cold on the pavement. 

With that, she grabbed the girl’s hand, ran with her out onto Bush Street and didn’t stop until they were plumb out of breath. 

“Dang, you should take up martial arts, sister.” the Chinese girl said, her voice pure California without a trace of an accent. 

“Are you all right?” Faye asked through her panting.

“Yeah, I think so. A little bruised.”

“Would you recognize those guys again? Do you want to make a police report?”

“No way,” she said with certainty. “The cops would just say I was asking for it. I know how white cops treat my community.”

“Listen, I live really close by. Let’s get you some coffee and some ice for that lip.” 

“Yeah, that would be great. I’m Madeline Chu, by the way.” 

“Faye Connor,” Faye responded.

“Well, if you don’t mind. I’m going to call you Fearless Faye, Warrior-Goddess!”



Madeline Chu sat at the kitchen table, a tea towel of ice against her lip. Hannah and Evie set out some coffee, eager to get the scoop. 

“How did you get hooked up with those sailors?” asked Faye. 

“Yeah, that was really stupid.  I know better, believe me. I was out with my friend, Christie, and things got out of hand. We were all dancing and had way too much to drink. I’m not sure when Christie decided to vamoose, but I wasn’t thinking straight, and I remember the sailors saying they would show me their ship.”

“Ship, indeed!” said Hannah as her cup clattered in its saucer. “They really wanted to show you their ‘torpedoes,’ if you get my drift.”

“Yeah, I’m such a lamebrain. I’m just lucky Fearless Faye here happened to walk by and had the guts to give it to ‘em good.”

“Look, you’re young, but you learned a valuable lesson for the price of a split lip,

     said Faye. “Just remember that some men are creeps, and it’s not your fault.”

Evie immediately picked up on that train of thought. “There are lots of lessons here,” she said. “Don’t get drunk. Don’t go with someone you don’t know. Always have a friend with you… ” 

“And if all else fails, kick them in the nuts,” Madeline added. “I got it, ladies.”



About the Author

Lynn Marie Jackson

Lynn Marie Jackson has spent many years engaged in the creative process
working as a marketing strategist, copywriter, podcast producer, blogger,
and novelist. Raised in California and Washington, DC, she is a long-time
San Francisco Bay Area resident. When not writing, she’s on the hunt
for inspiration; she can be found visiting museums, hiking new trails, or
exploring any place well outside her comfort zone.


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Maggie the Cat Loves Pip’s Thanksgiving Surprise Virtual Book Tour

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Maggie the Cat Loves Pip's Thanksgiving Surprise cover

Maggie the Cat Book 2

Children’s Book

Date Published: October 15th

Publisher: Jan-Carol Publishing, Inc.



Wonderful illustrations bring us back up to Grandpa’s mountain farmhouse
for a Thanksgiving homecoming. Pip will soon have a Thanksgiving surprise,
but what exactly will it be? Will it have to do with the treats in the oven?
Pecan pie with oatmeal? Cornbread? Dutch apple pie? Mmmmm, they all smell so

Will it have to do with a new park for all of the children to play in,
being built at a neighbor’s farm? Wow! A brand new park where everyone, and
I mean everyone, is working very hard. Will it have to do with little Barney
who is the littlest goat ever and who is really working hard and chomp chomp
chomping away to make the park soft and free of brush?

Or finally, will it have to do with Pip’s best friend ever, Maggie? Read
along, and let’s find out together. We don’t have that long. Thanksgiving is
coming very soon!


Maggie the Cat Loves Pip's Thanksgiving Surprise tablet


Happy Birthday to the
New Park!

One More Day Until Thanksgiving

 (Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I just can’t wait!) 


Grandpa told me to bring my harmonica because we are going to play our harmonicas along with other children who brought their kazoos. We exit the school bus. Pip has a collar with a small rope attached so that Grandpa can help keep him safe. 

Mr. Cecil is here from the restaurant. He has made a birthday cake for us. Oh my! Mr. Cecil placed the pretty birthday cake in the middle of the table. On top of the cake was one candle, because today the park was one day old. Mr. Cecil explained how the cake was made with bananas and pineapple. It had a sorta spicy taste of nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves. On top of the cake was a creamy, creamy cream cheese frosting and some of our very own pecans from Grandpa. Oh my! 

Mr. Cecil said the name of the cake was a Hummingbird Cake. Then, he pointed to a large metal sign at the entrance to the park. The sign was covered up with a big pink sheet hanging over the sign. He said, “Under the sheet, there is the name of the new park. What do you children believe the name of the new park will be?” 

I thought and I thought and I thought. Then, I yelled, “Wait! I know! I know! I know! It’s named for the tiny, tiny bird I saw here. It’s called Hummingbird Park!” 

Mr. Cecil said, “Yes, you are right! Look!” 

With that, he removed the sheet, and all of us read the sign out loud. We read together, “Welcome, everyone, to Hummingbird Park.” We clapped and jumped and clapped and clapped and jumped. 

So, there! 

We all began to play our harmonicas and our kazoos. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Then, Mr. Cecil says, “Okay, everyone, put your instruments away. Now, let’s get in a loooooooong line, and we are going to parade around the park on the sidewalks and sing and clap. All the very small children will get in their wagons and be pulled along at the end of the parade.” Oh my! 

“But first …We have a special grand marshal who is going to lead the parade. The special marshal is  …Pip!” 

Oh my! Pip (with Grandpa’s help) is going to lead the parade. All the children say, “Look at Pip! Look at Pip!” Pip’s eyes get really, really big, and he smiles. Grandpa places a black and white, polka dot bow tie on Pip. Pip is so proud! Then, Pip says, “EWWWWWWEEEEE!” 

And he jumps and jumps and starts the parade. He trots all around and around and around the sidewalks, and all the children follow. They clap, they skip, they jump, and they sing, “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Hummingbird Park. Happy birthday to you!”

Fun Learning Games


About that time, Daddy enters the room and says, “Why don’t we go sit in front of the fireplace on the sofa and play our learning games?” I say, “Yes! Yes! Yes! I am good at our learning games.”

Daddy said, “First, remember when we played the fives game?” 

I jumped up out of my seat. I said, “I know, I know. We both do it and see who can do it faster.” 

“Okay, let me go first,” said Daddy. He stood up tall. He looked straight at me and proceeded to say in a very loud voice, “5, 10, 15, 20.” Then, he paused, and he said, “25, 30, 35, 40.” Again, he paused and finished with 45 to 55 to 65 …all the way to 100.

Then, I stood up. I looked at Daddy and said, “Here I go.” I took a really, really big breath in, and really, really fast went, “5, 10, 15 …100.” I went even faster than Daddy, so I won. So, there! 

Next, Daddy said, “Let’s work with the calendar.” He explained to me that Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. We went over to the wall calendar that we had hung near the back door, and Daddy showed me the month of November. He found the first Thursday and put his finger on it, then he went to the second Thursday, then the third Thursday, and finally he put his finger on the fourth Thursday. I learned that Thanksgiving would be Thursday. The calendar also showed all the other months of the year, and I could proudly name them all. I closed my eyes, didn’t look, and I said them all really, really fast. 

Here we go!





There you go! 

Finally, we decided to go to the kitchen and inspect my latest learning project. I am growing rock candy! We run and look at the corner in the kitchen below the cabinet, and we see it. There is a jar and a string. Growing on the string is my rock candy! Yes, it has a boatload of crystals. That means it is growing. Soon, it will be ready to eat! Oh my! 

I look out the kitchen window. I see the little golden leaves continuing to fall. There, by the window, Grandpa has placed a peck of Mutsu and a bushel of Golden Delicious apples. He also has placed a five-pound bag of pecans that he will bring to Mr. Cecil for his Thanksgiving pies later that afternoon. Then, all of a sudden, I hear something very interesting and run to the back door to see what it is. I think I know …

Could it be? Would it be? 



It’s Barney, it’s Barney, at the back door 

It’s Barney, it’s Barney, at the back door 

Pip loves you so 

Please, please don’t go 

It’s Barney, it’s Barney, back again at the back door 

Can you please stay with us, Barney, forevermore? 


Yes, Little Barney was at the back door, again. Grandpa Charlie Green said to me, “Wilhelmina Olive Blessing, you know I’ve got to give a call to Farmer Ted and let him know that Little Barney is here. I feel bad, because it appears that Little Barney seems to really like it here. But we don’t want Farmer Ted to worry.” 

Maggie the Cat Loves Pip's Thanksgiving Surprise image

So, Grandpa Charlie Green picked up the phone and gave him a call. Very soon after, Farmer Ted arrived in his orange truck, and he hugged little Barney. He then very gently and kindly picked Little Barney up and put him in the truck and took him back to his barn. 

After Barney left, Pip came to the back screen door and gently sat down. He just looked out. Pip was sad. I was sad for Pip. So was Grandpa. Pip just continued to look out the back door, and he was very sad. 




About the Author

Julia Russo

Julia Russo spent many winters in the mountains along with her little dog,
Chloe, and her sweet husband, Kent. She continues to live in Atlanta but her
heart is really in those woods. 

One of her favorite things ever was hearing her first graders read aloud.
She sometimes wrote for the government and companies, and later wrote
descriptions of homes. She even spent time as what is called a

After her debut book, Maggie the Cat Who Came Home for Christmas, released
in 2023, Julia is excited to continue the series. She visits her
mountainside cabin often. One of these days, she’s hoping to get a
little goat.


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Deathly Colors Blitz

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Deathly Colors cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: April 10, 2023



Explore the dark side of colors you never knew existed – with death
as your trusty guide!


Colors are more than just a beautiful bouquet of lilies and roses. They are
also the gorgeous black attires we wear or even the green goo from a smashed
worm. But you know what else lurks behind colors? Death. And it’s
everywhere, watching and waiting.

Don’t believe it? Well, read these dark, amusing haikus and open your eyes
to deathly colors and deathly possibilities!

From ominous yellow signs to vicious creatures in the deep blue sea, this
epic book will show you a bizarre world through the eyes of death.

Let the journey begin!

About the Author

Gabrielle Ferrara

Gabrielle Ferrara is an artist and entrepreneur who creates
Victorian-inspired art and jewelry with ethically sourced animal remains.
She has a master’s degree in Museum Studies and undergraduate degrees in
Anthropology and Art History. Gabrielle enjoys spending her free time with
family, venturing down the rabbit hole of obscurity, and talking about


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