Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them Virtual Book Tour

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 Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them cover



Date Published: May 23, 2024

Publisher: BookBaby



“Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them”…lovingly
written and illustrated by Justin Moroyan, is a darkly-whimsical and
addictively-humorous picture book that tells the stories of fantastically
weird people and their equally strange and adoring pets

These stories revolve around characters who are gloriously abnormal. They
embrace that attribute, and don’t shy away from being their unique,
spectacular selves. Like Madam Rosette and her poodle, Josette, who only
enjoy “bad” smells…or Samurai Megasaki, who is addicted to
water but also allergic to it. Each spread welcomes you into wondrous,
stunningly detailed, vibrant illustrations, and stories that are guaranteed
to capture your imagination and tickle your grey matter. Each time you
explore it, you’ll discover new secrets and symbolism that delve you deeper
into captivating worlds you will inexorably fall in love with.

 Peculiar People and the Pets Who Love Them picture book


About the Author

Justin Moroyan

I’m an illustrator and writer, and I’ve always loved expressing myself on
paper…the ability to work within a space where I can make anything happen
has always been a form of therapy for me. It’s one of the reasons I love the
Fantasy and Sci-Fi genres so much.

“That’s the wonderful thing about crayons. They can take you to more
places than a starship.” (Guinan, Star Trek: The Next Generation)

I share an affinity for dark humor with some of my atypical real-life
superheroes, like Tim Burton, Charles Addams, Edward Gorey, and Wes
Anderson. Of course, I can’t leave out the wondrously enchanting worlds
created by Dr. Seuss and Disney, which fertilized my drive to invent worlds
of my very own growing up, and still, to this day.

I tend to gravitate towards humorous stories about social ineptitude, mad
science, the supernatural, and wonderfully addictive, perfectly imperfect,
B-movie-like humor and exaggerated characters. I love diving down the rabbit
hole of my mind and exploring strange new worlds.

“All we can do, Scully, is pull the thread and see what it
unravels.” (Fox Mulder, The X-Files) –This text refers to the
paperback edition.


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Symmetry Blitz

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Symmetry cover

Science Fiction



Survival knows no bounds in the depths of space. Are you ready to uncover
the chilling truth?

Spaceship Seven Ocean is sent to investigate a mysterious object near
Pluto. As they approach it, they receive a distress call from Auria, the
radar operator. She claims that everyone aboard is killed in fire after
oxygen leak. The engineers soon find out that the oxygen tanks indeed have
been damaged. They fix the tanks and avoid a deadly accident. But it
doesn’t change the fate of the ship. The crew is erased one by one,
while charred corpses appear on the floor as a haunting reminder of their
inevitable fate. Only Salin, the co-pilot, is left alive. She is trapped in
a tomb-like vessel with an unknown force. As she fights for survival and
uncovers the truth, she realizes she is not alone in the darkness.

A gripping tale of survival and mystery, Symmetry will keep readers on the
edge of their seats until the very end. Fans of The Martian and Gravity will
also love this heart-pounding adventure.


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The Year of Return Virtual Book Tour

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Horror / Fantasy

Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Android Press



In December 2019, as Ghana’s vibrant streets buzz with the climax of the
“Year of Return,” an initiative marking 400 years since the first
enslaved Africans were forcibly taken to Virginia, Adwapa, a Ghanaian
journalist living in the U.S., decides to journey back to her homeland.
Accompanied by friends, she seeks to reconnect with his roots during this
historic commemoration, unaware that the trip will lead them into the heart
of a mystery that transcends time and reality.

As the celebrations reach their zenith, the Atlantic Ocean, witness to
untold horrors of the past, begins to stir with an ancient and restless
energy. From its depths emerge the spirits of the enslaved, those who
perished in the harrowing Middle Passage, returning not in peace but in
turmoil. Their emergence sends shockwaves around the globe, transforming the
“Year of Return” into a haunting spectacle of reawakened histories
and unresolved grievances.

As the line between the living and the dead blurs, Adwapa finds herself
caught in a whirlwind of supernatural events and historical reckonings. With
each passing day, the ghosts grow more powerful, their centuries-old sorrows
manifesting in a series of chilling, vengeful acts that threaten to unravel
the very fabric of the present.


Praise for The Year of Return

“Ivana Akotowaa Ofori’s THE YEAR OF RETURN is a haunting, darkly
evocative tale of the ghosts of the past, delivering a harrowing vision of
history’s undeniable grasp on the present and the future

Wabaunsee, assistant editor at Escape Pod, former managing editor of the


“A moving and timely perspective on one of the greatest horrors in
human history. Ofori presents ancient and recent events in a startlingly
original take about our responsibilities to our past, our present, and our

Garcia, Locus, Sturgeon, Nebula and IGNYTE Award finalist


The Year of Return tablet


“Six more Coasters joined the first rising out of the sea, their ghostly bodies appearing to form out of darkening ocean mist… But as frightening as their physical presence was, the real terror came from the way they troubled the atmosphere itself, permeating everything with a darkness that clawed its way into one’s soul.”​


About the Author

Ivana Akotowaa Ofori

Ivana Akotowaa Ofori is a Ghanaian storyteller. Known also by the alias of
“The Spider Kid,” she is a weaver of words in many forms,
including fiction, non-fiction and spoken-word poetry. Akotowaa has been
nominated for various awards for her prose writing. Her work is included in
the Flash Fiction Ghana anthology, Kenkey for Ewes and Other Very Short
Stories, and the Writivism anthology, And Morning Will Come. Writing aside,
Akotowaa spends much of her time looking for excuses to make everything
purple. She has been included in the Africa Risen Anthology 2022 (
with her short story, “Exiles of Witchery.”


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Morgue Teaser Tuesday

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A Bones MC Romance

Iron Tzars MC, Book 11


Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: June 14, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press



Dorothy: Spring Break turned into my worst nightmare. Drugged and held
against my will, the brutality I witness seems too horrible to be real.
Unable to escape, unable to do anything other than await my fate, I nearly
gave up hope. Then he burst through the door like an avenging angel. My very
own angel of death.

Morgue: I’m a straight-up killer. It’s what I’ve trained
for my entire adult life. I got my road name because I’ve put more men
in the morgue than all my brothers combined. So when we rescue a group of
women being held by human traffickers, I did what I do best. I killed. But
not for all the women we rescued. For her. Dorothy. My very own angel of
mercy. Now that I have her, I’ll do anything to keep her. I just hope
she can accept what I am and not condemn my soul to hell.


WARNING: Morgue includes scenes of graphic violence and adult situations
including those that may be triggers for some readers. There’s also a
protective hero, a determined heroine, and an eventual happy ending. No
cheating, as always.



 Morgue tablet




Moans of the other women in the shitty little shack filled the air. I knew
the feeling. My head throbbed and every muscle in my body ached. The rooms
were paper thin so we all could hear the screams of the others around us.
The cruel laughter of men. The frightened whimpers of the women. And girls.
I had absolutely no idea where I was or how long I’d been there, but I
knew it wasn’t Kansas.

“Levántate, perra. Afuera.”

“I don’t understand.” It wasn’t a new thing. And
I’d paid for not knowing Spanish more than once since I’d been

“¡Ahora!” The guy knew I didn’t understand. It felt
like he took pleasure in the fact I didn’t understand so he could
single me out. I shrank back, trying to make myself smaller in the face of
the brutality I knew was about to happen. He lunged forward and backhanded
me before grabbing my arm and shoving me out of the tiny room I shared with
five other girls.

I hit the floor, my knees slamming onto the hard dirt. Pain shot from my
knees up my thighs, and I cried out. When I tried to get up, the guy kicked
me in the side. My head spun with all the sudden movements. I thought it was
also some kind of lingering effect of the drugs they kept shooting me full
of. They did it to everyone who fought. Unless they wanted us to fight. I
got dosed often.

“Perra estúpida,” he muttered. I got the
“stupid” part, and I could only assume the other was
“bitch,” but it could have been anything. The kick knocked the
breath out of me and sent pain exploding through my ribs. I groaned but knew
better than to make too much of a fuss. Noise drew attention I didn’t
want. Attention meant someone was about to hurt me worse than I already

“¡Escuchen!” The big brute swept his hand through the
air, obviously wanting everyone’s attention. He spoke in a string of
rapid-fire Spanish I didn’t understand. I was pretty sure something
horrible was about to happen and I sincerely hoped it didn’t have
anything to do with me. I’d been here maybe a week. Seemed like
longer. I was surprised this guy or the men and women with him hadn’t
done more than terrorize me or the other women. Though I was sure the
qualifier “yet” needed to be added. There was no way
they’d brought us here for tantalizing conversation. Though I’d
been smacked around a lot and was covered in bruises, they hadn’t
seriously harmed me. Again, there was that fucking qualifier hanging over my

I crawled very slowly to the wall where the other women were, trying not to
make sudden moves so he didn’t bring his focus back to me. The one
thing I knew for sure — in spite of the language barrier — was that I
absolutely did not want any of these men to focus on me for too long.

All the women around me were whimpering and trembling, looking as terrified
as I felt. A few looked like they might have checked out and I didn’t
blame them. If I knew how, I probably would too. Fighting back didn’t
seem like the smart thing to do if I wanted to live. While I knew there were
fates worse than death, I wasn’t ready to contemplate them just yet. I
was sure, at some point, I’d have to face that decision, and I
wasn’t looking forward to it.

More rapid-fire Spanish followed as one of the other men dragged a young
woman down the hall and tossed her to the ground so she skidded several feet
before rolling to her knees with a whimper. She’d been beaten, one
side of her face swollen. I hadn’t seen her before, but, given the
track marks on her arms and how badly she’d been beaten, I was certain
she’d attempted to escape. They’d likely dosed her as much as
they’d dosed the rest of us when we got out of line. Only, this time,
I got the impression this guy was done taking shit.

“Esto es lo que les pasa a las perras que no me obedecen. Si no me
obedeces, esto te pasará.”

I didn’t understand. But I didn’t have to. The next thing I
knew, he’d drawn out a machete. The girl screamed and tried to
scramble back only to be held in place by two more men. A third helped them
wrestle her to the ground onto her back. Once they had her down, the third
guy held her legs at the ankles. There was a whoosh as the blade cut through
the air and came down on her right thigh.

Blood arced when he raised the machete and brought it down again on the
same leg. It took three more tries before he hacked her leg off and started
on the other one. Everyone screamed, myself included. When anyone turned
away, there were men to force them to turn back. And watch.

Before he got her second leg hacked off, the woman was unconscious. There
was blood splatter everywhere, but once a limb was completely severed, the
bleeding slowed dramatically. Still, the men tied tourniquets above the

I’m sure I was one of the women screaming. If I was, though, I had no
memory of it. All I could process was a young woman getting her legs chopped

“Esto es lo que sucede cuando intentas escapar.” He spat on
her. “Una puta sin piernas es más fácil de follar.

I stared at the unconscious woman. Though he hadn’t killed her
outright, I was sure she wouldn’t last long. One of the men grabbed
her wrist and dragged her out of the room, leaving a trail of blood as he

As I watched, one of the men approached me with an evil smirk on his face.
“In case you’re wondering,” he said in thickly accented
Spanish, “He said this is what happens when you try to escape,
Americana.” He grinned. “And a whore without legs is easier to
fuck.” He snorted a laugh. “I happen to agree. So, I’m
really hoping you try to escape too.”

I barely held back a sob of despair. I knew he was trying to elicit a
response from me, likely to give him a reason to hit me. There were some of
us who tried to fight back when they came for us, but we were always
overpowered. So far, all they’d done was beat me, but most of the
others had been brutally raped and I knew that’s what they were
building up to. This was a whorehouse of sorts. Only, the women didn’t
get paid. The men who “owned” us did. A place where we were all
used and trafficked.

The guy backhanded me when I didn’t respond to him. I fell back with
a cry, covering my head with my arms and whimpering.

“Don’t worry, bitch. You won’t suffer long. I doubt you
make it a month once we start breaking you in.” He gave a bark of
laughter before kicking me.

My head swam from both the blow to my face and the remaining drugs in my
system. More men crowded us in the tiny corridor only to shove us into
various rooms. There were five more women in the room I landed in. Three
filthy mattresses lay on the floor and a bucket sat in one corner for us to
relieve ourselves. That’s the way it had been since I’d been

The next thing was the men coming to shoot us full of whatever drug they
were using. I suspected it was heroin. A couple of the girls screamed while
the other three complied easily. Probably because they were addicted or
figured it was better to endure whatever happened next while blissfully numb
than stone-cold sober. I understood. While I couldn’t put up much of a
fight this time, I wanted to. Desperately. I hadn’t given up hope of
getting out of here alive. Not really. Not yet. But I wasn’t too
ashamed to admit I was fucking close.

A man held my arm while another jabbed a needle into my arm at the bend of
my elbow and pressed the plunger. The pain of the dull needle sinking into
my arm was soon replaced by a sickening euphoria. My eyes glazed over and my
body went limp. I was still conscious, but… detached.

That was when one of the men shoved me onto a mattress and pulled at my
clothes. He was breathing heavily and talking in Spanish, but I got the gist
of what he was saying. He was going to fuck me. I caught the word
“Americana” and figured he was taking bragging rights by fucking
the American woman. They all looked at my blonde hair and blue eyes, going
so far as to pry my eyes open and touch my eyeball, like a child testing if
something was real. Maybe they thought I had contacts or something. Many of
them felt my hair, fisting it and mimicked wrapping it around their cocks. I
imagined far worse was going to happen shortly.

I whimpered but couldn’t even form words to tell the guy to stop. Not
that it would have done any good. I batted at him weakly, but he
didn’t seem to notice much less even acknowledge I was trying to fight
him off.

Once he had me naked from the waist down, the guy crawled on top of me,
pressing me into the filthy mattress. He reached between us and freed his
cock. I could feel the head of it touching me. I shuddered, gagging as I
pushed at him weakly.

“No!” I tried to shout the word at him, but it was a whisper at
best. Just as he was about to penetrate me, there was a huge bang and the
door splintered, throwing pieces of wood all around the room. I was sure
some were embedded in my skin, but I still couldn’t do more than try
to roll away from the man on top of me.

He shouted, pushing himself to his feet. Once his weight was off me, I
crawled as best I could to the corner of the room and tucked myself into a
ball. It was all I was capable of. I couldn’t even cry. Oh, tears
poured freely from my eyes, but I didn’t have the strength to sob out
my fear and frustration.

I thought there were screams all around me, not only in this room but in
others nearby, but it was hard to tell. The more I tried to move, the more
the room spun. Somewhere in the background of all that, and the ringing in
my ears, I knew a fight raged. Was it more men coming to chop off the legs
of someone else? Oh, God!

Then someone grabbed at my arms. I was helpless to stop them. I thought I
was even more groggy than I had been when I was about to be raped. Whatever
drug they’d given me had started to take hold. It was only the
adrenaline coursing through my veins that kept me conscious.

“Hold on, honey. We’re gettin’ you outta



About the Author

Marteeka Karland is an international bestselling author who leads a double
life as an erotic romance author by evening and a semi-domesticated
housewife by day. Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes
pleasure in spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited,
vulnerable heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a
blissful ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her
writings are speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning
delight entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying
conclusions that elicit a sigh from her readers.

Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband
with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for
preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts
(which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with
Marteeka’s latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her
website. Don’t forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you
with a potpourri of Teeka’s beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph
events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.


Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland

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Red Kingdom Virtual Book Tour


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Red Kingdom cover

Fairy Tale Retellings, Book Two (standalone)

Historical Romance (Medieval)

Date Published: 04-10-2024



Little Red Riding Hood reimagined with a dark and realistic twist.

Princess Blanchette’s world shatters when the Black Wolf tears apart
her castle and everything she holds dear. All she clings to is the vow she
made to her grandmother on her deathbed.

Hailed as the people’s champion, Sir Rowan Dietrich liberates the
capital in a quest for vengeance. He takes Winslowe Castle with an army at
his back and his wolf, Smoke, at his side.

United by a shared cause and powerful attraction, Rowan and Blanchette
embark on a journey of self-discovery and redemption—a path filled
with loss, transformation, and ultimately, the healing power of love.

Can Norland’s resplendent princess, with her captivating beauty and
spirit, tame the fabled Black Wolf?

Inspired by the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, Red Kingdom is a
passionate historical romance about the enduring quest for love and the
longing for a world at harmony.

*Red Kingdom is a standalone installment in a series of reimagined classic
fairy tales. Due to adult content and themes, it is not intended for readers
under the age of 18. 


What you can expect from Red Kingdom… 

Dark, Medieval Setting

Enemies to Lovers

Slow Burn

Broken Alpha Hero

Strong Heroine

Wolf Companion

He Falls First


Warring Kingdoms

Red Kingdom tablet


Blanchette spots the Black Wolf during the siege

Death at her feet. Death in her home. Death in the air. 

Death screamed in every corner of her mind. 

Then she saw him. 

Rowan Dietrich, the fabled Black Wolf of Norland, strode through her castle like a waking nightmare. His armor was crudely made, black as the surrounding night, the helm’s dark metal twisted into the shape of a wolf’s snarling head. But the most striking thing about him was his height. He towered above the other fighters and battled with a chilling methodicalness. How he moved and fought frightened Blanchette the greatest. 

He looked collected. Even mildly amused. As if this were nothing more than a game. Blood soaked his sword as the blade whirled, whipped, slashed, and claimed lives in a macabre dance of death. And that wolf clung to his heels, its muzzle wet with blood, snarling and leaping at any man who dared come close to its master. 

Monster. Demons.

The Black Wolf of Norland had always had a mist of legend around him. She remembered the stories her mother and governess had often whispered after the feasts and in the dark of the night. 

“To me,” the Black Wolf called to a soldier a few yards away, his deep voice effortlessly carrying above the tumult. He didn’t need to yell, not even over the mayhem. The force of his tone was enough. 

One of her father’s guards raised his blade, but too slowly. Rowan Dietrich’s longsword cut his head off, then came flashing back in a terrible two-handed slash that took another soldier in the leg. 

With quivering anger, she realized that this man—this wolf, this beast—was the reason the sky was falling on her family. She clutched the dagger, wishing she could stand a chance against him. How good and right it would feel to plunge the blade deep into his heart and avenge what would likely be the end of her family’s dynasty. 

Of course, she’d never survive him or his demon wolf. And if she was ever to avenge her family, if she was to keep her promise, survival meant everything. 

About the Author

Rachel L. Demeter

I live in Sunny California with my dashing husband, who inspires my romance
novels every day!

Writing has always been an integral part of my identity. Before I
physically learned how to write, I’d narrate stories to my mom, and she’d
record them for me.

I graduated from Chapman’s film school, where I often received the
feedback on my scripts, “Your stories and characters are great, but
this reads like a novel!” That’s when I realized my true

In my free time, I frequent reptile expos, lift double my body’s
weight, and indulge in dinosaur trivia.

I’m passionate about writing stories that explore what it means to be human
and to be loved. My books focus on hope, courage, and redemption in the face
of adversity.


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