Love Under the Stars Blitz

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Love Under the Stars cover

The Lilac Lake Inn Series, Book 3


Romantic Women’s Fiction

Date Published: June 17, 2024



Keeping a family promise can be the beginning of a whole new life for
everyone in town.

Whitney Gilford is delighted to be called away from Hollywood where her
co-star and former lover, Zane Blanchard, is addicted to drugs and blaming
her for his unhappiness. News of her beloved grandmother, GG, giving her and
her sisters a cottage on the land of The Lilac Lake Inn is a tremendous
relief from the negative publicity about her on social media. In Lilac Lake,
helping with the renovation of the cottage, Whitney starts to rethink her
entire career. Lilac Lake is full of interesting people, including the man
she’d once had a crush on. As she struggles to rediscover the woman
she wants to be, Whitney and her two sisters become closer. And when danger
arises, threatening the life of the man she’s come to love, Whitney
realizes what’s she wants out of a new life.

Another of Judith Keim’s series books celebrating love and families,
strong women meeting challenges, and clean women’s fiction with a
touch of romance—beach reads for all ages with a touch of humor,
satisfying twists, and happy endings



Love Under the Stars tablet

Love by Design

The Lilac Lake Inn Series Book 1

Love Between the Lines

The Lilac Lake Inn Series Book 2

Love Under The Stars

The Lilac Lake Inn Series Book 3


About the Author

Judith Keim

Judith Keim, A USA Today Best Selling Author, is a hybrid author who both
has a publisher and self-publishes. Ms. Keim writes heart-warming novels
about women who face unexpected challenges, meet them with strength, and
find love and happiness along the way, stories with heart. Her best-selling
books are based, in part, on many of the places she’s lived or visited and
on the interesting people she’s met, creating believable characters and
realistic settings her many loyal readers love.

She enjoyed her childhood and young-adult years in Elmira, New York, and
now makes her home in Boise, Idaho, with her husband and their adorable
dachshund, Wally, and other members of her family.

While growing up, she was drawn to the idea of writing stories from a young
age. Books were always present, being read, ready to go back to the library,
or about to be discovered. All in her family shared information from the
books in general conversation, giving them a wealth of knowledge and vivid

Ms. Keim loves to hear from her readers and appreciates their enthusiasm
for her stories.


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Runaway Home Blitz

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Runaway Home cover

Dark Fantasy, Interracial Romance

Date Published: June 21, 2025



Fleeing the shame of being rejected in favor of an Omega, Jackson
Southerly, alpha wolf, has run away to one of his family’s ski

Fleeing the shame of being left at the altar, Sioux Brown has traded in her
tickets to the Bahamas and run away to the snowy slopes of Colorado, where
she plans to lick her wounds in solitude.

The snow in their hearts melts as they share the deserted lobby in the dark
of night, but will their growing attraction survive the light of day?


Runaway Home tablet




“Mmmm…” Sioux Brown awoke cocooned in a nest of warm
blankets. She arched her back, bare skin sliding smoothly on silken sheets,
stretching pleasantly flaccid muscles in a languid morning ritual.

“Good morning, doll.”

“Aarrghhhhhh!” The slow, gravel and silk voice acted like a
bucket of ice water on her drowsing mind. With a scream shrill enough to
shatter glass, she ripped her way out of sheets, blankets and quilts. Heart
pounding, pulse skittering out of sync, she leaped free of the bed and
promptly tripped on a trailing corner of the top comforter. She landed on
her butt, still yelling.

“Holy ambulance sirens, Sioux. You’re going to bring security down on
us! Please! Stop while I still have eardrums.” A sleepy white man sat
up in the disarray of blankets, hands clapped over his ears.

Sioux gulped, stopping only long enough to gather more breath. She screamed
again, but couldn’t decide if it was from fear or excitement. Because
really, if the man was going to hurt her, it seemed he’d had all night to do
it. Even frightened half out of her chocolate skin, Sioux couldn’t help
noticing juicy details.

There was a hunky, hairy, naked white man in her bed. His dense swirls of
chest hair almost hid flat brown nipples and he sported a six-pack she could
quench her thirst with all day long. His thick mop of tangled black hair
fell over a broad brow that narrowed into a striking craggy face. Not
handsome per se, yet not butt-ugly, either… interesting. Nice mouth

He sat up, knees apart, the edge of the sheet covering his assets from the
hips down. It was thin enough she could see the shadow of his muscular legs,
as well as the outline — the huge outline of what promised to be a monster
cock jutting between his thighs.

Sioux stopped screaming long enough to demand, “Who are you and what
are you doing in my bed?”

The man sighed. “See, I was afraid of this. Something told me you
didn’t drink often, and couldn’t be held responsible for your

She narrowed her eyes at him. “You know nothing about my drinking

“I know you got plastered on two baby drinks.” He smiled at her,
displaying a cute dimple in his left cheek. “‘Course, I might be wrong.
Maybe it wasn’t the drink that had you acting the way you did last night.
Maybe it was me. One can live in hope…”



About the Author

A funny thing happened on the way to the grave… In 2006, Cammy was
diagnosed with Pulmonary Sarcoidosis and given two weeks to live. She
promptly discharged herself AMA — Against Medical Advice — since, as she
stubbornly informed her doctors, she could die at home far more comfortably
than at the hospital. But then… she got an idea for a new story. Then
another, and another…

Fifteen years and dozens of fantastic tales later, Cammy passed quietly in
her sleep, at home, as was her wish. We miss her. Her work lives on, and we
hold her in our hearts. Cammy decided many years ago that upon her passing,
she wished to donate her royalties to The Quiet Kitty fund, which helps
authors with emergency medical expenses. We do, to keep her in our hearts
and minds.


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Filed under BOOK BLITZ

The Storm Breaks Reveal


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Demon Storm, Book 6

Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: 07-13-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing



Wolf and demon born…

…under storm the land is torn.

Tendrils of darkness reach from the depths of her mind and shadows flicker
around every corner. Still reeling from Raven’s horrific display of
power, Kari suffers in silence.

When Guine finally returns with stories of a mirror that could help him
with his problems, Kari finds herself hoping that maybe, just maybe, it
could help with hers as well.

With the promise of a relatively straightforward outing, Kari, Ari, and
Guine set forth to find the mirror.

But what they find beyond the looking-glass threatens not only Kari and her
sanity, but also the world she loves.

About the Author

Valerie Storm

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love
with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was
writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape
reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the
path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a
place to call home.


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Crusader’s Way Blitz

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The St. Edmundsbury Mysteries, Book 1

YA Mystery

Date Published: December 1, 2021



“The relic is gone!”

On her first day working in the Abbey of St. Edmundsbury, Aileen finds
herself in the center of it all when a Crusader returning from the Holy Land
brings a priceless gift, a piece of the True Cross upon which Jesus died.
But when the gift is stolen and the family of Aileen’s friend Ruth is
accused of the theft, Aileen and her friends are put to tests of bravery,
loyalty, and wit as they work to exonerate Ruth’s family and restore
the spirit of the town.

Crusader’s Way is the first installment of a debut YA historical
mystery series. The books can be read as standalones, although it is
recommended to read them in order.


About the Author

Anne-Marie Amiel

Anne-Marie Amiel knows the area around St. Edmundsbury, modern-day Bury St.
Edmunds, very well. She lived in a village near there for several years
after graduating high school in New Zealand and returning to her native

Anne-Marie is a history nut and wanted to study archaeology in university
after serving in the Women’s Royal Naval Service. She ended up
studying law but never gave up her love of historical research.
Crusader’s Way was the first in her St. Edmundsbury Mysteries series.
The second book, Penitent’s Sword, was released in May, 2022 to be
followed in the spring of 2023 by the third installment.

Anne-Marie currently lives in Columbus, Georgia. She is a proud doggie mum,
loves to participate in musical theater, and follows the great English
tradition of drinking hot tea and knitting. She is no Miss Marple, but she
does love a good mystery!

For more information on upcoming books, what she is reading and doggie
updates, check out Anne-Marie’s website at


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The Mark of the Salamander Virtual Book Tour

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The Mark of the Salamander cover

The Island of Angels Series, Book 1

Historical Fiction

Date Published: 09-28-2024

Publisher: The Book Guild





Nelan Michaels is a young Flemish man fleeing religious persecution in the
Spanish Netherlands. Settling in Mortlake outside London, he studies under
Queen Elizabeth’s court astrologer, conjuring a bright future –
until he’s wrongly accused of murder.

Forced into the life of a fugitive, Nelan hides in London, before he is
dramatically pressed into the crew of the Golden Hind.

Thrust into a strange new world on board Francis Drake’s vessel,
Nelan sails the seas on a voyage to discover discovery itself. Encountering
mutiny, ancient tribes and hordes of treasure, Nelan must explore and master
his own mystical powers – including the Mark of the Salamander, the
mysterious spirit of fire.

THE MARK OF THE SALAMANDER is the first in The Island of Angels series: a
two-book saga that tells the epic story and secret history of
England’s coming of age during the Elizabethan era.

The Mark of the Salamander tablet



Home at Last

26th September 1580


It was midway through the afternoon watch. On a Monday. It wasn’t any old Monday. It was a special Monday. Not because of an extra beer ration; nor because of the smell of fish emanating from the galley. No – it was because, on that autumn day, nearly all fifty-eight surviving crew members hung over the gunwale, their eyes dripping with expectation and glued to the horizon. On occasion, they glanced up at the topmast and the barrel man as if waiting for a message from the heavens. None came, even after they’d passed the Isles of Scilly. Nor did it come after they passed Wolf Rock. It surely wouldn’t be long in coming.

As the creaking of the sails ceased, the Golden Hind glided serenely through the waters as if drawn forward by a divine wind. Even the gulls stopped squawking. A light rain shower washed the decks. The men gazed at the white flecks on the waves.

Amidst the quiet, a cry went out, and travelled down the mizzenmast, across the poop deck and into the soul of each crew member. “Land ho!”

Nelan stood next to Fletcher, who raised his hands like an Old Testament prophet and cried out, “Oh, my God!” Then he knelt on the deck, hands clasped in a prayer of thanksgiving.

The other hands – all long-haired, heavily bearded, and stinking of piss, ale and perspiration – planted their knees on the deck. To Nelan, that moment felt portentous. It was one of collective bliss in which men of all ranks, natures and ages shared a sublime experience and encountered, perhaps for a few seconds only, the most concentrated religious feeling in the world: that of belonging to each other and to a land. Perhaps they didn’t know it fully, then. Maybe they had an inkling of it, as Nelan did. But at that moment, each of them knew that, through their voyage, their endeavours and their courage, they had unchained the shackles of the past, cut most of the remaining threads of the Gordian Knot of papal suppression, summoned the fresh, clean winds of the future, and set the people of England on a course towards the discovery of themselves and towards an exploration of the world and its peoples.

As the familiar jagged promontory of the Lizard hove into view, the hardy souls who’d survived unimaginable hardships together were stunned to silence. For once, their tongues stopped wagging. Where before they had been vocal in their japes and musical in their jaunts, now they were mute, stilled by the awe and wonder of seeing the distant contours of their land, their England, appear on the horizon. Their journey neared its end. They knew that another would begin as surely as God gave them the grace of another breath. They had not seen this land’s green pastures and gentle slopes for over a thousand days; 1,018, the pilot told them. England. Home at last. They would greet friends they had not seen for two years and ten months. See children who’d grown from suckling babe to infant. Meet mothers who’d given birth in the interim. Comfort wives grown old from the worry, and embrace daughters who’d married during their long absence. They’d clasp hands with their brothers, fathers and sons, and hold them close. Such were the anticipated joys of homecoming. Since they’d set out twice from old Plymouth – once when storms had forced them to return to safe harbour, and later when they’d finally embarked on that fateful day in December 1577 – this was a second coming.

Nelan swallowed hard. He licked his parched lips. While he didn’t expect anyone to meet him on the quay, he remained as excited as the native-born mariners to see old England. She was his home now. She had been a haven for Protestants from all over Europe fleeing the cruel persecution of the Inquisition. He couldn’t go back to Sangatte or Leiden. The angels of the island coursed through his blood and enriched his soul. He belonged to them, and they belonged in him.

From within him there arose a poem of persuasion, a song of softness, a dance of deliberation.

One question hovered on the lips of the crew. But none dared speak it aloud. Not Nelan, and, for once, not even Tom. But it demanded to be asked. The answer would decide their fate; particularly that of the officers and gentlemen and, most of all, of the admiral. He had to be the one to ask it.


About the Author


JUSTIN NEWLAND’s novels represent an innovative blend of genres from
historical adventure to supernatural thriller and magical realism.

Undeterred by the award of a Doctorate in Mathematics from Imperial
College, London, he conceived his debut novel, The Genes of Isis (ISBN
9781789014860, Matador, 2018), an epic fantasy set under Ancient Egyptian

His second book is a historical thriller, The Old Dragon’s Head (ISBN
9781789015829, Matador, 2018), and is set in Ming Dynasty China in the
shadows of the Great Wall.

His third, The Coronation (ISBN 9781838591885, Matador, 2019), is another
historical adventure and speculates on the genesis of the most important
event in the modern world – the Industrial Revolution.

The Abdication (ISBN 9781800463950, Matador, 2021) is a mystery thriller in
which a young woman confronts her faith in a higher purpose and what it
means to abdicate that faith.

His latest is The Mark of the Salamander (ISBN 9781915853271, Book Guild,
2023) and is the first in a two-book series, The Island of Angels. Set in
the Elizabethan era, it tells the epic tale of England’s coming of

The second in the series, The Midnight of Eights, charts of the uncanny
coincidences that culminated in the repulse of the Spanish Armada and is due
to be published later this year.

Author, speaker and broadcaster, Justin appears on LitFest panels, gives
talks to historical associations and libraries and enjoys giving radio

He lives with his partner in plain sight of the Mendip Hills in Somerset,

Contact Links



Twitter: @JustinNewland53


Pinterest: @jnewland0711



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