The Moldavian Gambit Virtual Book Tour

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The Moldavian Gambit cover

Spies & Politics, Espionage, Terrorism


A taut, fast-paced, geopolitical techno-thriller set in the dying days of
the Soviet Union.  The Moldavia Gambit will appeal to lovers of complex
espionage, terrorism and political thrillers by authors like Tom Clancy,
Daniel Silva and Mark Greaney.

Inspired by actual events and filled with authentic technical detail, the
gripping tale races between Moscow, Moldavia, Paris, Washington, the skies
over Eastern Europe, and geostationary orbit 22,000 miles above the Earth.



The Moldavian Gambit tablet




With the impending implosion of the Soviet Union in 1991, more than thirty-three thousand nuclear weapons remained stored on Soviet soil, aboard warships of the Red Fleet, or in the armories of the republics around Russia’s western and southern perimeter. Nearly 10,000 were strategic arms: warheads deployed on land-based and submarine-launched ballistic missiles, or nuclear bombs and air-launched cruise missiles carried by the Bears, Backfires, and Blackjacks of the strategic bomber forces. Most of the remainder were tactical nuclear weapons, generally employed on intermediate and short-range ballistic missiles or aboard dual-capable fighter-bomber aircraft.

The Soviet stockpile also included several hundred small, short-range nuclear devices ranging from nuclear mines and artillery rounds with yields of less than one kiloton to suitcase-size portable charges with yields of ten kilotons or more, comparable to the weapon that had devastated Hiroshima 46 years earlier.

In the summer of 1991, the Soviet Union faced widespread political and ethnic unrest. In the Baltic republics of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, cries for greater autonomy were mainly peaceful. But in the Muslim republics to the south and elsewhere across the fragmenting empire, calls for secession were often complicated by the violent demands of fractious ethnic minorities.

The Russian majority of the Soviet population viewed the rapid decline of their extended motherland with a combination of fear and resentment. Dispersed throughout the calcified Soviet political and military leadership were fervent nationalists who shared this sentiment – and believed they had the means to do something about it. On August 19th 1991, the world awoke to news of a short-lived coup against the Soviet leadership, an attempted putsch that ended quickly when its leaders apparently failed to win the support of key apparatchiks in the military and security services.

In Washington, D.C., and throughout NATO Europe, the reaction to events in the Soviet Union was one of wary skepticism. While Soviet military and political leaders pointed to the abortive coup as evidence that the Soviet nuclear arsenal remained fully secure, NATO military observers remained concerned that local insurgents might somehow gain access to the nuclear genie – and with good reason.

Less than a year before, Western intelligence sources reported that the Kremlin no longer had faith in its ability to maintain control over the nuclear arms stored in its unstable republics and had begun a gradual withdrawal of the weapons to safer areas of the Rodina. On June 22nd 1990, The Wall Street Journal carried a front-page story highlighting the emerging threat. Under the sub-caption “Fear of Theft or Civil War Prompts Military Action on Short-Range Arsenal,” the article noted that:

“Rising levels of crime, thefts of conventional weapons from military bases, attacks on military units, and personnel problems within the military have accelerated the effort [to secure Soviet nuclear stockpiles]. It appears to focus, at least in part, on bringing tactical nuclear weapons such as short-range missiles, nuclear artillery, and bombs into the [politically stable] Russian Republic [and out of the more volatile western and southern republics]…

“[A major] concern involves the theft of one or more nuclear weapons that could occur if an isolated Soviet storage site were overrun by rebel forces. This became more than a speculative possibility in late January [1990] when the Kremlin suddenly dispatched elite Russian airborne units to stop fighting between armed Azerbaijani and Armenian groups around the Caspian Sea city of Baku…”


The highly publicized withdrawal of nuclear weapons had, in fact, begun two years before at the direction of the General Secretary, both to reassure the West that the Soviet Union intended a safe and orderly transition to a new political order and to forestall any real security risks among the unstable republics around its perimeter.

Within a year, however, a rift had developed within the Kremlin as some argued that by limiting its range of nuclear options, the Soviet Union risked encouraging aggression from Chinese and Western opportunists. Knowing that further reforms would be impossible without the continued support of the KGB and the military, the General Secretary acquiesced. Through the winter of 1990, some of the inventory was quietly returned to more secure bases along the Soviet perimeter, including one in the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic…



About the Author

Brad Meslin

Brad Meslin has spent more than 35 years working at the intersection of the
aerospace and defense industry, private equity and national security.

Meslin founded and manages a leading advisory firm that performs diligence
on aerospace, defense and government services contractors active in the
defense, space, aviation and intelligence sectors in the United States,
Europe, the Middle East and elsewhere.  Advising on hundreds of
transactions over more than three decades, Meslin has gained a deep
understanding of the national security programs and missions these companies
support, and the capabilities and systems they help to develop and

Dr. Meslin earned a Master’s degree in law and diplomacy and a Ph.D.
from The Fletcher School at Tufts University, with a focus on international


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A Ten-Year Overnight Success Virtual Book Tour

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The Inspiring Story of a Business You’ve Never Heard of


Business Memoir

Date Published: September 10, 2024




This is a story for the rest of us. Those who want to grow their companies
but can’t find relatable inspiration, or guidance, in current business
literature. It’s a story about a company that you’ve never heard of, but one
that used computer algorithms to save the American taxpayer over $60 Billion
in government pandemic relief fraud. And it’s about an unlikely founder who
takes the risks and inspires his team to go from an idea to a nine-figure
exit in less than 9 years.

In A Ten-Year Overnight Success, Pondera Solutions founder, Jon Coss, takes
you with him on his journey through what he describes as the four stages of
a typical startup. You’ll share his raw emotions through the “rise and
fall of enthusiasm”, his months of desperation in the “desert of
despair”, his tempered confidence through “wiggles of hope”,
and his immense relief and sense of accomplishment marching toward the
“Promised Land”.

Jon’s story-telling narrative combines soul-searching truths with
self-deprecating humor to provide you with an inside look at what it takes
to achieve the success that less than 1% of businesses ever will. Along the
way, he offers practical, nuanced lessons that you won’t find in the typical
business book. Lessons learned in the trenches. Lessons that may not make
you the next Tesla but are sure to grow your business. Lessons that apply to
the rest of us.

A Ten-Year Overnight Success tablet




98.7% of American companies make less than $1 million a year.

In search of inspiration, fledgling business owners read stories

about multibillion-dollar companies like Nike, Amazon,

and Tesla. In reality though, the majority of us have no chance

of achieving this level of success because only .002 percent of

companies generate even $100 million in annual sales.

This is a story for the rest of us. Those who want to grow

their companies but can’t find relatable inspiration, or guidance,

in current business literature. It’s a story about a company that

you’ve never heard of, but one that used computer algorithms

to save the American taxpayer over $60 Billion in government

pandemic relief fraud. And it’s about an unlikely founder who

takes the risks and inspires his team to go from an idea to a

nine-figure exit in less than 9 years.

In A Ten-Year Overnight Success, Pondera Solutions

founder, Jon Coss, takes you with him on his journey through

what he describes as the four stages of a typical startup.

You’ll share his raw emotions through the “rise and fall of

enthusiasm”, his months of desperation in the “desert of

despair”, his tempered confidence through “wiggles of hope”,


and his immense relief and sense of accomplishment marching

toward the “Promised Land”.

Jon’s story-telling narrative combines soul-searching truths

with self-deprecating humor to provide you with an inside look

at what it takes to achieve the success that less than 1% of

businesses ever will. Along the way, he offers practical, nuanced

lessons that you won’t find in the typical business book. Lessons

learned in the trenches. Lessons that may not make you the

next Tesla but are sure to grow your business. Lessons that

apply to the rest of us.


About the Author

Jon Coss

Jon has provided strategic consulting to many of the world’s largest
technology companies, a nationally recognized expert in government fraud,
and an active mentor for aspiring entrepreneurs


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Hunger Blitz

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Hunger cover

(Winter’s Call 2)


Dark Fantasy Romance

Date Published: November 29, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press



One witch, one cop, and an insane vampire hell bent on destroying them all
— if the demons don’t get them first.

Dr. Adriana Hill’s life is thrown into a frightening whirlwind when
she meets the twin sister she never knew she had. Swept into a fight ages in
the making, she joins forces with her sister’s friends to stand
against a vampire hell bent on destroying the one who made them all.

Detective Logan Greer is hunting down a killer who seems to be targeting
anyone associated with the beautiful and enigmatic Dr. Hill. Things are not
what they seem, though. He’s determined to protect the woman
who’s stolen his heart, no matter the cost.



Copyright ©2024 Carys Seraphine


“Did you hear?”

Logan Greer looked up from the mountain of paperwork on his long-suffering
desk. “Hear what?”

His friend and fellow detective, Jan Summers, leaned on the side of his
desk, arms crossed while she peered at him like he’d missed something.
Had he?

“They found another body.”


“Believed to be connected to your case.”

Now she had his attention. “What? Not that friend of the doc’s,
was it?”

“No, but close enough to her to make the higher-ups

Logan stood and grabbed his coat. “Where?”

Jan handed him a slip of paper with an address on it. “Apparently,
it’s a block or so away from Dr. Hill’s office.”

He grabbed his keys and headed out, his mind going in half a million
directions at once. Whatever was going on, he didn’t doubt it had
something to do with Dr. Adriana Hill.

The drive to her office didn’t take long, even without a siren. He
parked in front of the building and noted the metal detector just inside the
door. Not many health providers stuck their necks out for vampires, and
those who did put themselves at the wrong end of others who would rather the
vamps die final deaths. Logan had no qualms with vamps as long as they left
him alone.

He spotted a few department vehicles along the busy street and started down
the sidewalk in that direction, needing answers before he went inside to
break yet more bad news to the doc.

“Ah, there you are,” one of the techs said as Logan

“What’ve you got?”

The tech finished removing his gloves and tossed them into a biowaste bin.
“Well, believe it or not, a vamp.” At Logan’s raised
eyebrow, the tech just nodded. “Young one, in vamp terms. I’d
say about twenty-five, maybe thirty? Female.” He led Logan to a black
body bag and unzipped it.

The resemblance to Dr. Hill unnerved Logan more than he cared to admit.
“Cause of death?”

“That’s just it,” the tech said, zipping the bag up.
“We don’t know. We’re gonna have Tox run some tests,
though. She wasn’t drained or burned or decapped.”

Logan sighed. “Keep me updated, especially with whatever Tox finds. I
need to go have a chat with Dr. Hill.”

“Dr. Adriana Hill? The vamp doc? Think she’s

“I think she may be a target,” Logan said. “Gut feeling.
I’ll be in touch.”

Logan went back toward Dr. Hill’s office and stepped inside. He
placed everything on the scanner table and nodded at the guard. The detector
beeped, but given his profession, the guard just waved him by. Logan
gathered his things and walked up to the receptionist’s desk.

“Hello, can I help you?”

He handed a business card to the young woman. “I need to speak with
Dr. Hill, please.”

“Oh, yes, Detective. Please have a seat, and I’ll let her

Logan sat in a nearby chair before giving the decent-sized waiting room a
cursory glance. A few patients sat scattered around the room, most of them
on their phones.

“Detective Greer?”

Logan looked up and couldn’t help but be taken aback by those
mesmerizing dark emerald eyes. He stood and offered his hand, which she
shook. “I apologize for this unannounced visit, Dr. Hill. Do you have
a moment?”

Though she seemed a bit apprehensive, Dr. Hill gestured toward the hallway.
“Of course, follow me.” Once inside her office, she shut the
door and sat behind her desk. “There’s been another

Logan blinked. “How –”

“Rumors spread like wildfire in the vampire community, Detective.
Several of my patients have mentioned it this evening.”

Logan sat down and tugged out a battered notepad and pen. “That makes
sense. I imagine losing one of their own would get them talking about it
amongst themselves. Did you know her?”

“Not personally. She was one of Edith’s patients, so I never
saw her in that capacity. What happened?”

“Her body was found about a block from here, stuffed behind a
dumpster like a ragdoll. No blood loss, no burns, no evidence of even
attempted decapitation.” He glanced up at her. “Dr. Hill, the
fact that she resembled you a great deal is of particular

Dr. Hill leaned back, her expression pensive. “You think someone
mistook her for me?”

“It’s not a guarantee, but the thought crossed my mind. Despite
being a patient of Edith Tanner’s, the victim bears an uncanny
resemblance to you, and the murder took place within a block of your office.
I asked you before if Dr. Tanner had any enemies.”

Dr. Hill nodded.

“Now I’m asking that of you. Is there anyone who would want to
harm you?”

She sighed and stood. “What I am about to show you is confidential,
you understand. Patient-doctor privilege, HIPAA, you know the drill.”
She retrieved a folder from a filing cabinet and set it on the desk in front
of him. “The majority of our files are digital now, in an EHR program.
Only the oldest are still in paper format.”

He opened the folder. “A patient file?”

“Yes.” She sat down again and leaned back in her chair.
“About ten years ago, I had a patient come in who had been bitten. He
was angry and quite combative. He seemed to think I could fix

“Fix him?” Logan asked as he studied the black-and-white photo
in the top right corner, affixed to the patient information form with a

“Stop him from becoming a vampire,” Dr. Hill said.


About the Author

Carys Seraphine is an alter ego of gay romance author Mychael Black and
fantasy author Katherine Cook. Carys adores paranormal anything, be it
ghosts, ghouls, or goblins. Okay… maybe not goblins. Not even Carys
can make THEM sexy.


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Lead Like a Bodyguard Virtual Book Tour

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Lead Like a Bodyguard cover

Fifty Two Timeless Leadership Lessons


Business Nonfiction / Christian

Date Published: September 11, 2024



Discover important lessons on leadership and life from one of the Bible’s
most inspiring figures, Nehemiah.

Does this sound familiar? A leadership opportunity is presenting itself,
but you feel it’s unlikely that you’re the best fit. Perhaps you are new to
leadership, have plateaued in your position, or have doubts about your role
or line of work.

Whether in your family, church, coaching, volunteer organization, or
business, leading is never easy, but there is guidance that can make a world
of difference.

There was once an ancient bodyguard serving the most powerful man in the
world who unexpectedly found himself called to spearhead a massive project
nine hundred miles from his home. His otherwise stable existence was
shattered by news that changed his life and the destinies of thousands. This
humble bodyguard servant was Nehemiah.

Nehemiah’s story will fascinate, energize, and inspire you to decipher the
leadership puzzle with vigor. Lead Like a Bodyguard will become your wise
and indispensable companion for the journey ahead, combining dramatized
depictions of his story with deep and insightful analysis in the form of 52
Bodyguard Leadership Tactics.

Let Nehemiah show you how to take the lead!

Lead Like a Bodyguard tablet

About the Author

Dr. Don Mark Hamilton

Dr. Don Mark Hamilton is an ordinary person called by God to do uncommon things. Don served thirty-eight years at a church he re-planted, watching it grow and thrive throughout his tenure. Vibrant church highly impacted the entire central Pennsylvania region through deep community involvement and creating a large campus and programs designed to bless the community, especially those with special needs. The congregation partnered to start over twenty new churches both domestically and internationally. Don serves on numerous boards of directors and in leadership positions for conferences and various non-profit organizations. As a dedicated blogger, Don’s weekly anecdotes are read by thousands of readers. He is now a speaker, blogger, author, and consultant for churches and non-profits. Don lives in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.


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The Happiness Cocktail Virtual Book Tour

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The Right Ingredients for a Life of Happiness and Hope


Self-Help, Women, Psychology

Date Published: September 24th

Publisher: Gifts Of Legacy LLC



Discover the secrets to living a life brimming with joy and fulfillment
with Nathalie Botros, the renowned Happiness Ambassador. Known for her rich
multicultural background and infectious positivity, Nathalie has dedicated
her life to empowering women around the world. As a psychotherapist, author,
speaker, and mindset/happiness coach, she brings a unique perspective to the
art of happiness.

The Happiness Cocktail: The Right Ingredients for a Life of Happiness and
is not just another self-help book – it’s a life-changing journey
towards lasting happiness and fulfillment. Experience the incredible results
of unlocking your happiness potential with Nathalie Botros’ expert guidance
and personal experiences.


Why You Need This Book:


    • Proven Strategies: Incorporate actionable steps and practical exercises
      into your daily life to boost your happiness and well-being.
    • Inspiring Stories: Motivate yourself with personal anecdotes and success
      stories from Nathalie’s own journey.
    • Expert Insights: Benefit from the latest research and insights from
      happiness and mental well-being experts.
    • Holistic Approach: Overcome negative thoughts and emotions and cultivate a
      mindset of positivity and resilience.
    • Empowerment: Take control of your happiness with a step-by-step guide to
      creating your own personalized Happiness Cocktail.


In this book, you will discover:

    • How to create a lasting state of joy and fulfillment in your life.
    • The power of gratitude and positive thinking in cultivating
    • Techniques for overcoming negative thoughts and emotions.
    • The ingredients for your personalized Happiness Cocktail.
    • Strategies for maintaining a happy and fulfilling life long-term.


Don’t wait any longer – unlock your full happiness potential today and
start living the joyful life you deserve! Buy now before the price changes.


  The Happiness Cocktail paperback



Fifty percent of our happiness comes from what they call “Set Point,” which is biology or genetics. In other words, we are born with the disposition to see whether the glass is half empty or half full. Another forty percent comes from what the researchers called “Intentional Activity,” which are the things you choose to do every day. They’re the activities you choose to do that make you happy.

The last ten percent comes from what they call “Circumstances,” which are external factors. Yes, you read it right, just ten percent. And yet we spend so much time looking for happiness in nice houses, cars and clothes, romantic relationships, and how we look in the mirror.

When I look at my genetics, my set point of happiness wasn’t that high, and I’ve wasted years chasing that ten percent, thinking it was the answer to my happiness. I traveled the world, changed jobs, changed partners, and followed all the diets to be happy with my body until I learned that none of those could bring me happiness unless I were happy within. Don’t get me wrong, those “Circumstances” brought me joy, but they were also ephemeral. Once the novelty was gone, I was back to my next chase.

As the research stipulates, we cannot modify the first fifty percent of our happiness as it is our disposition. Ten percent is the cherry on the cake of happiness. My objective in this book is to give you the tools to work on those forty percent. The researchers call it “Intentional Activity,” I call it “The Happiness Cocktail.”

Over the years, I researched and crafted this elixir and shared it with my clients so they could have a smile daily. I want to save you from wasting your time chasing happiness. Sorry, no alcohol, but follow the steps, and you’ll mix an elixir with a guaranteed side effect of Happiness and Hope.

Each chapter is an ingredient. I’ll share my favorite tips and how to stir them into your daily routine. Trust me, this is going to be fun!

By the final page, whether you are predisposed to be happy or not, you’ll find long-lasting happiness. As you are a magnet, your happiness will attract the remaining ten percent. I’ve witnessed my ingredients transforming myself and my clients’ lives, and I want you to find your smile… unconditionally!


About the Author

Nathalie Botros
 Nathalie Botros, the Bon-Vivant girl is known as the  Happiness Activator
around the world. With her rich multicultural background, she brings a
unique perspective to her mission of spreading joy. Nathalie wears different
hats – she’s a Psychotherapist, Author, Speaker, and
Mindset/Happiness Coach with a special focus on empowering women.

Her mission hasn’t gone unnoticed. In 2023 alone, she’s been crowned
Top Happiness Coach of the Year by IAOTP and recognized as The Top Women to
Watch in New York  by Soeleish Magazine. Featured in major media
outlets such as NBC TV, Authority Magazine, and Thrive Global, Nathalie
graced the covers of Passion Vista, Soeleish, Best Holistic Life, and
Healthy Life Magazines.

Author of If You Are What You Eat, Should I Eat A Skinny Girl? and creator
of Happiness Cards, her happiness tips resonate with millions globally,
shared through social media, podcasts, and articles.

Nathalie spreads happiness one smile at a time.

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