The Ocean Hugs Hard Blitz

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The Ocean Hugs Hard cover


Date Published: 06-24-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing



Surfside City, New Jersey. 1966. Cub reporter Harman Bass is cutting his
teeth in the fast world of local journalism and getting out-scooped by the
competition. Facetious, cocky, and always quoting Nietzsche, Harman
isn’t making any friends both in and out of the newsroom.

All that changes when the daughter of a prominent family is found dead on
the beach, handing Harman the juiciest news story of the year. But she
wasn’t any old beauty pageant queen; she was his high school
girlfriend. Harman’s dogged reporting into the young woman’s
death reveals pushback from the authorities and pulls the newshound into the
resort’s darkest corners.

After one of his sources is murdered, the routine story becomes dangerous
and personal. Something watches Harman from the shadows, something ancient
and hungry, worshipped by powerful men who kill to keep their secrets.
Harman’s job and life are soon threatened, and the once brash reporter
must battle his boss, rival journalists, and his own sanity before filing
what could be his last story.

THE OCEAN HUGS HARD is a mystery with the salty whiff of the ocean, a tinge
of nostalgia, and a dollop of mind-shattering eldritch horror.

The Ocean Hugs Hard tablet

About the Author


ERIC AVEDISSIAN is an adjunct professor and speculative fiction author. His
published work includes the novels Accursed Son, Mr. Penny-Farthing,
Midnight at Bat Hollow, and the role-playing game Ravaged Earth. His short
stories appear in various anthologies, including Across the Universe, Great
Wars, and Rituals & Grimoires. Avedissian received a 2024 Fellowship in
Prose from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He lives in New Jersey
with his wife and a ridiculous number of books. Find him online at if you dare.


Contact Links


Twitter: @angryreporter

Instagram: @ericavedissian


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BLUE Blitz

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BLUE cover

“Until the Lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the Hunt will
always glorify the Hunter.”


Pamela Edwards McClafferty (Editor)



Date Published: May 21, 2024

Publisher: Spellbound Pictures Ltd USA LLC.





BLUE: A Multigenerational Epic of Destiny, Secrets, and Freedom


Until the lion tells his side of the story, the tale of the hunt will
always glorify the hunter.


Spanning five generations, four families, two continents, and three
secrets, BLUE is a captivating saga that intertwines the lives of four
extraordinary individuals on an urgent mission for freedom.


Meet the Protagonists:


  • Nicole Johnson: A beautiful Howard University MBA graduate with a vision to
    build her international advertising/marketing company, Fresh, Inc., in her
    hometown of Chicago.
  • Regina Bovine: A stunning artistic marketer and graduate of life’s
    challenges, Regina becomes Nicole’s partner in Fresh, Inc., bringing her
    unique perspective and talent.
  • Segun Bada: A brilliant MIT graduate who establishes the headquarters of
    his international conglomerate, Quantum Protection Systems (Q.P.S.), in
    Gaborone, Botswana.
  • Sotonye Bada: Segun’s gifted brother and a graduate of the Mayo Medical
    School, Sotonye sets up his medical practice in Gaborone, Botswana,
    alongside his brother.


Together, their paths converge in an extraordinary saga that takes them
across the globe to Chicago, New Orleans, Botswana, Sudan, Ethiopia,
Huntsville, Nigeria, Kenya, Washington D.C., and Tanzania. As they unravel
the secrets of their ancestors, they discover the reason the ancient oracles
destined them to join forces.


A Race Against Time:

With BLUE, a formidable force of evil, threatening to unleash his deadliest
powers upon the world before the children born to either join or destroy him
reach their thirty-first birthday, Nicole and Regina are drawn back to the
African continent, the birthplace of BLUE.

In a final, epic battle, they join Sotonye and Segun to protect the Freedom
Code, a legacy for their ancestors, their present allies, and the future
generations of their people—and all people. For if one man or woman is
enslaved, so is the world.


BLUE: A Riveting Tale of:


  • Family: Exploring the intricate bonds and connections between generations
    and families across continents.
  • Love: Showcasing the power of love in its various forms, from familial love
    to romantic love.
  • Destiny: Unraveling the ancient prophecies that foretold the convergence of
    four lives on a mission.
  • Freedom: Fighting for the fundamental right of freedom for all individuals
    and the world at large.


Immerse yourself in this multigenerational epic that will keep you turning
pages as you journey alongside Nicole, Regina, Segun, and Sotonye in their
quest for freedom and the preservation of their legacy.



About the Author

Walter Jones

 Walter Jones, a native Chicagoan, (1952 -) has written his first novel.

“Dreams can come true, but it probably won’t happen as you
first imagined. No one could have told me a novel I started when I was in my
forties would come to fruition in my sixties. Or that I would go from golden
boy to ‘I‘m sorry. You are extremely qualified for the position,
but we are considering other candidates.’ Or that I would face years
of doubt and criticism from relatives and friends.”

The sixth child of Mary Louise Spillman and Russell Donald Jones Jr.,
Walter grew up in two predominately African American communities, Morgan
Park and Chatham. The Spillmans were one of the first African American
families to settle in Chicago; they owned homes and businesses and took care
of their neighborhoods.

By the mid-1960s, the civil rights movement was in full swing. Housing
projects had been built and crime was on the rise. By the time Walter
graduated from Chicago State University (psychology), the peace he had known
in his youth was a memory.

Walter had high hopes that he could make a difference when he began his
career at the Austin Chicago YMCA before becoming the first black executive
at Lawson YMCA Metro Chicago. He ended his YMCA career at the historical
Black Washington Park. Thereafter, he worked at Habitat Boulevard LLC and
then ventured out on his own to found his own construction company.

“Working in public service, I watched my people falling into
materialistic, superficial, and destructive traps. I was surprised and
humbled to find I was no exception. When my construction business failed, I
had to reassess myself and my life. For years I had focused on the image I
wanted my children and others to have of me, not on the man I truly was. I
began to reflect on the people who had profoundly influenced my life.”

BLUE began to take form as Walter wrote about the African American life of
his youth—the beauty, majesty, brilliance, and courage of his people.
He suddenly realized he was rebuilding that which he had lost, a love of
self and humanity. To support his family, he took odd jobs. Ultimately he
joined a security company, where he works to this day.

“As my greatest advocate, my mother read my first draft of BLUE
before her death in 1995 and made me promise to complete it. Little did I
know she was freeing me from BLUE and showing me how long the path can be to
freedom, but I learned, and I am grateful.”


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The 7th Dimension Reveal


The 7th Dimension cover

Book 2 in the 21 Tattoos series


Visionary/Metaphysical Fiction; Speculative Fiction; Christian

Date Published: forthcoming September 18

Publisher: Acorn Publishing


What do a comatose old woman, a dying gang member, and a brutal assault on
a teenage boy have in common?
Derek Hollinger isn’t sure, but he knows
they’re all connected to the mysterious tattoos that suddenly appeared
across his body.

Determined to untangle the web spun by the vicious thug known as
“Spider,” Derek embarks on a journey of redemption that leads
from his lavish L.A. penthouse to the seedy world of underground fighting
and human trafficking. But as he ventures deeper down the rabbit hole, the
self-exiled plastic surgeon realizes that the answer lies within his heart
and mind … and soul.

Faith is the key to reclaiming his life, but choosing God may be difficult
for Derek, who has spent his entire career valuing material success over
spiritual growth.

In this thrilling sequel to 21 Tattoos, Derek must face the hard truth
about where his tattoos came from and an even harder truth about what it
will take to be free of them once and for all.

About the Author

Monica Broussard

Writer, speaker, and certified life coach Monica Broussard is passionate
about writing fiction that contains elements of fantasy and keeps the reader
intrigued about the lead character’s motives. She also writes an
occasional article for her hometown’s magazine, SeaCliff Living. She
belongs to Toastmasters International and enjoys attending national writers’

Born in North Carolina on a Marine Corps base, Monica now lives in
“Surf City,” Huntington Beach, California, with her husband of
thirty-eight years. She has enjoyed various occupations over the years, but
her favorite job is the one she’s doing now—writing.

Her debut novel, 21 Tattoos, was published by Acorn Publishing in 2023. The
7th Dimension
is Book 2 in the 21 Tattoos Series.


Contact Links


Facebook:  MonicaBroussard

Twitter: @AuthorBroussard




Instagram: @monicabroussardauthor



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Permission for Self-Love Virtual Book Tour

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Permission for Self-Love cover

The optimal guide to getting back to your own Queendom after having a


Guidance & self help, child birth, parenting, motherhood, body image,
self love, self care

Date Published: May 16, 2024



Giving birth is a true miracle, our bodies are amazing and nothing compares
to holding your baby.

But often once we have given birth, we often forget to prioritize our own
well-being. Our bodies went through a tremendous journey and should have
time to recover and heal. This book will help you take charge of your own
postnatal recovery, to be the best version of yourself so you can look after
your baby in the best possible way. From candid prenatal advice, birth
advice to postnatal care of your body and mind including healing your vagina
to exercising your body, everything is covered.

Having gone through postpartum depression and the lack of available
information, Eva has created a tool that can help you navigate this delicate
path of becoming a mom, being a partner and above all being you in all your

“Let this exercise be your joyful daily practice.”

Eva is the creator of exercise programs tailored specifically for women
after giving birth. The goal of her work is to make exercise a joyful daily
practice. As a trainer and instructor, she found her passion in healthy
movement by encompassing full body acceptance and true expression of
self-love through the connection of body and mind. Eva connects exercise
with psychosomatics, which she considers to be the source of all physical
ailments. Eva believes in teaching wholehearted acceptance of each woman’s
unique body. To listen to our body, is to understand our body.


Permission for Self-Love tablet



Before opening the first chapter, let’s mention a couple of notes that can help you understand this book’s meaning. It all depends on what stage of life you are in right now. There are three possibilities. First, you are pregnant and getting ready for childbirth. Second, you have already delivered, so your baby is in your arms. Third, you are a man interested in what is going on within the female body. In that case, you are “Mr. Awesome.” congratulations to your significant other; she is so lucky.

In the prenatal stage, you should focus on physical and mental preparation for birthgiving. Overall, the mind and body condition during pregnancy will influence childbirth. I recommend having a birth attendant or a doula who will introduce you to all the aspects of giving birth.

Don’t underestimate the importance of consultation and communication with somebody experienced.

In the second case, you experienced the best thing: your baby was born. You can’t influence the delivery of your baby because it already happened, but you can still focus on your body’s after-birth recovery to ensure everything goes well.

A couple of words about the author – me:  I am not a physical therapist or a birth attendant. I am a Pilates Teacher-Trainer and a Movement Therapist. In practice, I started focusing on pregnant women and those who just delivered because there wasn’t enough information. I needed new knowledge when I was pregnant, which was hard to find. I gained fifty-one pounds and suffered from post-delivery depression, mainly because my body didn’t work as described in the books I read. I went through the same amount of uncertainty and worries you probably do now. Everything can be unpleasantly new, and you don’t recognize your body just because you moved to another level. You became a mother

The impulse to write this book is the need for more literature about post-delivery time. The bookstore shelves are full of books about how to get pregnant, pregnancy, or delivery, but there is a minimal amount of text on what to do AFTER giving birth. It feels like when the baby gets out of your body, everything gets back to normal. The opposite is true. When you deliver, it’s just the beginning of a giant rollercoaster.

A little disclaimer to this book, I use terms like “vagina, vaginal entrance, or pelvic floor” wherever necessary. 

This text’s advice and observations will help you understand and seize your body and mind. The body won’t function well if not connected to the mind. Everything is in your head. Therefore, we will focus on the somatic method and the actions of the body related to it. Somatics is a practice that utilizes the body-mind connection to learn how to find and work with any problem within the body.

All the advice and observations are from my head and practice. Of course, I was influenced by many books I have read and many bodies I have worked with.



About the Author

Eve Behenska
After many years of putting my body through suffering at a dance
conservatory and in theatres, I decided to approach my body in a new and
different way. My first impulse was practicing Pilates which grew into
compensatory methods. I became more and more interested in the mind-body
connection which led me to discover psychosomatics. Since I myself went
through a complicated postpartum period where I felt amazed but also
betrayed by my own body and my uncooperative mind, I started focusing on
working with women in the postpartum period. Out of this experience and the
desire to help as many women as possible, this book was born.


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The Super Organism Virtual Book Tour

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The Super Organism cover

Sentinel of Addiction


Date Published: January 8, 2021



Individual characters in a distant future, offer us a series of memoirs
emerging as an all-powerful extraterrestrial life form discovers that it has
been imprisoned by God in human form as part of a supernatural
rehabilitation program.



The Super Organism tablet

About the Author

 M. Makhijani

 M. Makhijani is a novelist; he specializes in the genres of science fiction
and cross-genre. He grew up in Lagos, Nigeria, and has a degree in
Psychology and Political Science, with a minor in Eastern and Western
philosophy. He also holds a Diploma in Graphic Design and Illustration from
the prestigious UHI Millennium Institute in the United Kingdom.

For Makhijani, his readers will always come first. A perfectionist by
nature, he obsesses over the tiniest of details, employing a style of
narration that combines a uniquely vivid imagination with intellect and
originality. He develops a narrative that immerses his readers in a very
absorbing and entertaining reading experience.

Makhijani’s hobbies include working out at the gym, Pilates, reading,
watching documentaries and popular science fiction shows on Netflix. He also
holds a First Dan Black Belt in Shotokan Karate, and for a time, trained as
a mixed martial arts fighter at the world renowned Griphouse gym in

He speaks nine languages, out of which Spanish and Italian are his
favorite. He never stops learning and aspires to become completely fluent in
them someday.


Contact Links

X @Makhijani_speak

Facebook: @m.makhijani.novels


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