Life Lessons from Mom Reveal

Life Lessons from Mom cover



For The Man You’ll Become


Inspirational Self-Help / Parenting

Date Published: 01-31-2025

Publisher: Books to Hook Publishing, LLC.




A Mother’s Enduring Wisdom for Her Son.

Inspiration, Guidance, and Lessons for a Meaningful Life.


This heartfelt collection offers powerful truths, invaluable insights, and
practical lessons through anecdotes, personal reflections, and uplifting
stories. It’s a must-read for anyone seeking clarity, purpose, and
direction in life.


Discover how to:

– Grow Personally and Spiritually: Build self-awareness, make ethical
choices, and draw strength from faith.

– Strengthen Relationships: Foster lasting connections rooted in trust,
respect, and heartfelt communication.

– Overcome Challenges with Resilience: Turn adversity into opportunities
for growth.

– Navigate Life’s Transitions with Confidence: Thrive in every stage,
from career changes and leadership roles to family and

– Live a Meaningful Life: Pursue passions, prioritize well-being, and
create a lasting legacy.

-Achieve Balance: Embrace the 4-Quadrants of Personal
Growth—spiritual, social, intellectual, and financial.


Whether you’re a son seeking guidance or a parent sharing wisdom,
this book is a powerful companion for navigating life’s uncertainties
and achieving greatness.

The perfect gift for sons, partners, friends, or anyone searching for
inspiration and guidance to live a meaningful life.

While no book has all the answers, this one provides a wellspring of hope,
support, and actionable inspiration.

From mother to son, these are life lessons every man needs.

A loving reminder: You are never alone, and you are capable of
extraordinary things.


About the Author

Amy Tan

Amy Tan is an accomplished business executive and award-winning author with
over twenty years of experience in corporate leadership and market expansion
across Southeast Asia. She holds a Business Administration degree from the
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and a Postgraduate Certificate from
the University of Nottingham.

Beyond her corporate role, Amy is a passionate storyteller, weaving her
diverse experiences into narratives that explore personal growth,
resilience, and transformation. Her recent book, Revisiting the Depths –
Overcoming Fear and Finding Peace, which won the Literary Titan Gold Book
Award, recounts her emotional and spiritual journey as she overcomes a
long-held fear of the ocean through diving.

Amy’s latest book, Life Lessons from Mom: For the Man You’ll
Become, is a thoughtfully crafted guide that offers practical wisdom on
navigating life’s challenges, cultivating meaningful relationships,
and building a legacy of love. She is also the author of Doing Business in
ASEAN and China: An Ultimate Guide to Doing Business, which showcases her
expertise in regional economic integration.

Having lived in Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia, Amy
brings a rich, cross-cultural perspective to her writing, inspiring readers
to overcome challenges and make positive changes. Her work highlights the
powerful impact of storytelling on personal and professional


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ACE Teaser Tuesday

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ACE cover

Riptide MC (#1)


Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: 1/3/25

Publisher: Changeling Press



Someone took a shot at my Emma – and signed his own death warrant. No
one hurts my woman and lives.



After witnessing a cold-blooded killing, I run to the only person I can
think of who can protect me. Ace is my high school fantasy turned big bad
biker. Did I mention sizzling, sexy, and hot? He’s everything I know I
should stay away from, but his touch makes me melt and when his lips devour
mine, I forget why I shouldn’t let him near me. But he’s more
than just a one-night stand. He makes me feel safe. Loved. Wanted. All the
things I’ve never had — and that’s addictive as hell. Ace makes
it clear he wants to claim me, make me part of his biker family, and keep me
by his side. And I want him. Forever.



I’ve always had a thing for Emma, but back in high school, she dated
my little brother. So I moved on. Joined the Navy SEALs. Re-upped a few
times, but when that last mission went south, I knew it was time to bail.
Feeling lost and adrift, I came home. And patched into the Riptide MC.
Finally felt like I had a home and a family. I didn’t think life could
get any better. A knock on my door in the middle of the night changed
everything. Emma fell into my arms, terrified and wounded. Some asshole shot
my Emma. He may not know it yet, but he just signed his own death warrant.
Once I’ve taken care of her, I’m going to convince Emma to stay
with me. Forever.




Copyright ©2024 Anne Kane



It was midnight by the time I left work. My shitty excuse for a car had
crapped out on me yesterday and transit didn’t run this late, so I had
to walk home. Short enough walk, but this wasn’t the safest part of
town for a woman alone to traverse after dark. I knew better than to take
the shortcut through the park, especially at night. The bad guys came out
when the sun went down, clinging to the shadows in the park as they went
about their illegal activities. Drug deals, illicit arms sales and who knew
what else. Still, that route would cut the length of my walk in half, and
after slinging drinks at the bar all night, the temptation was too much to

My aching feet won the argument with my common sense, and I risked

It was dark under the towering trees. The heavy branches blocked out the
majority of the moonlight, making it feel eerily like the setting of a
horror movie. More than half of the lights on the concrete path had been
knocked out by kids throwing rocks. I stepped up my pace.

I was halfway through the park when the sound of a gunshot rang out loud in
the still night air. I jumped, automatically turning toward the

In the clearing off to my left side stood a big guy holding a gun. He had
it pointed at another guy who had a splash of red spreading from a hole in
his chest. The shooter took two more shots, hitting the other guy right
between the eyes. The victim crumpled to the ground as blood and brains
splattered from the back of his head. His mouth opened, but no sound came
out. A thin trickle of blood trailed from the corner of his lips and
splashed the ground. In the light of the full moon, I could see the life
fading from his eyes as he stared at the man holding the smoking gun.

I slapped my hand over my mouth, desperately trying to stifle a scream. I
wasn’t successful. I stood rooted to the spot, my mind trying to
process the horror of what I’d just witnessed.

The murderer swiveled and looked straight at me. He was a huge monster of a
man, with tattoos covering every available inch of skin on his heavily
muscled arms. His chest was wide, and no doubt just as muscled beneath a
skintight shirt.

His eyes were cold and hard as he brought the gun around and pointed the
deadly weapon straight at me.

Survival instinct kicked in. I turned and ran.

Shots rang out behind me. One. Two. The bullets went wide, the
shooter’s aim hindered by the moving target.


I was the moving target. He was trying to kill me. The third shot scorched
a fiery path across my side. When I brought my hand down to my ribs, I could
feel sticky dampness oozing from a ragged hole in my jacket. A coppery smell
filled the air. Blood.

No time to stop and assess the damage. That wasn’t a warning shot —
it was meant to kill. Hopefully, that was a regulation gun, with a six-shot
magazine like you see in the movies. Three shots to commit murder, and three
fired at me. The asshole was going to have to reload before he could finish
me off.

Enough time for me to escape? I had to hope so. One hand pressed to the
throbbing wound on my side, I plunged into the heavy shrubs lining the
pathways. I’d be an easier target if I stayed on the paths. Better to
get a few scratches. At least it was too dark away from the path to follow
the trail of blood I was undoubtedly leaving behind.

The murderer didn’t waste any time coming after me. His progress was
marked by heavy thumps of his boot as he charged down the path. Hopefully he
hadn’t seen me dart into the bushes. “You can’t escape,
you little bitch,” he snarled. “You’re pissing me off, and
that’s going to make it worse when I catch up. Give up now and
I’ll take it easy on you.”

I doubted that. Considering I’d just watched him kill someone in cold
blood, he wasn’t likely to pat me on the head and send me on my way. I
paused and crouched down beside a flowering shrub. My heart beat so loud it
was a miracle he couldn’t hear it. Looking around, I tried to figure
out the shortest way out of the park.

“Did you see which way she went?”

“No, but she didn’t pass us, so she must be heading for the

Shit! There were two of them. I hadn’t seen a second man, but then
again, I hadn’t stuck around long enough to take in details.

“Makes sense. We need to stop her.” The sound of branches
snapping filled the air.

“These damn bushes are thick.” Even muttering to himself, the
murderer sounded closer. And cold-blooded. As if he were discussing an
annoying insect, not a human being. “You recognize the

There was a long pause. “She did look familiar. Maybe works one of
the bars in the brewery district? I think she might be a bartender. That
shock of red hair should make her easy to find.”

“Pity we didn’t get a pic.”

That remark was met with a derisive snort. “If we had time to get a
picture, we would have had time to end her and solve the

“Do you think she can ID us?”

“I doubt it. It’s dark enough out, even with the damn moon
shining and she only saw us for a few seconds. I’m not even sure she
saw both of us.”

“Doesn’t matter. The boss ain’t going to be happy with a
witness running loose. We need to find her and wrap up the loose

I had no illusions about how they intended to wrap up the loose end,
meaning me. I needed to get out of here and call the cops.

I took a deep breath and forced myself to move. I veered to my left, away
from the two thugs. Weaving my way as quietly as I could between the
ornamental shrubbery, I stayed low to the ground. I didn’t dare stand
up and make myself an easy target. That damn full moon was not helping me
now. The thought of being outlined against the sky terrified me, and the
bullet wound on my side hurt like hell.

The distance between me and the assassination squad widened. They were
following the path, but headed in the other direction, presumably directly
out of the park. Which meant I needed to circle around and exit by a
different route.

Thug number two raised his voice. “Come on out and discuss this,
girl. It’s not what you think. We can explain.”

That would be interesting. How did he think he could explain shooting
someone at point blank range? And the fact that he’d taken a few
potshots at me didn’t inspire much trust on my part. Not to mention
their talk of ending the problem, with me being said problem.

I worked my way in the opposite direction, lengthening the distance between
me and them. It felt like forever before I reached the edge of the park, not
too far from where I’d originally entered. Seems I’d been
walking in a circle.

I took a careful look around to make sure it was safe to emerge before
scurrying across the road and into the sheltering darkness of an alley. I
reached into my pocket for my cell phone to call for help. Not that I had a
whole pile of friends who could come to my rescue, but the cops needed to
know there was a dead body in the park. Maybe, if they were quick enough,
they could catch the murderous twosome before they escaped the area.

Crap! The phone wasn’t in my pocket. I knew I’d tucked it in
there when I left work, which meant it had fallen out somewhere in the

An icy river of fear trickled its way down my spine. If the murderers found
it, they’d know who I was. Sure, there was a password, but I
wasn’t naïve enough to think it couldn’t be hacked, and
guys who committed murder wouldn’t balk at illegally hacking a phone.
Even if they didn’t manage to bypass the password, my home screen
picture showed me grinning like an idiot while standing in front of the bar
where I worked, the name of the bar clearly visible above my head. I thought
it was cute when I tagged it as the home screen picture. It might as well
say, come and get me!

Dumb. Dumb and Dumber.

Now what? I couldn’t very well go home and wait for the bad guys to
figure out where to find me, and I definitely couldn’t go back to the

The rustling of bushes in the distance made me jump. Sitting here stewing
wasn’t helping any. Sooner or later, those guys would double back to
find me.

Where to go presented an issue. It wasn’t like I had a loving family
waiting to protect me. I only knew one person who might be able to help me.
Then again, I’d dated his little brother in high school. I may have
burnt that bridge behind me.

Justin Maclean and I had been close once upon a time. Friends close, not
lovers close, although we had dated. It kept the other guys away. It was a
tough neighborhood, and we’d had each other’s backs. I’d
had a crush on his older brother James though. Tall, dark and brooding. Just
what every teenaged girl longs for.

Turned out the younger Maclean and I had very different dreams.


About the Author

Anne Kane lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley with a bouncy little
rescue dog whose breed defies description, a cantankerous Himalayan cat, and
too many fish to count. She spent many years trying to fit in and act
normal, but finally gave up the effort. She started writing romance in 2008,
and her fate was sealed when she won a publishing contract with Red Sage
Publishing and just a month later Changeling Press accepted her first
submission. Since then she has published more than thirty stories in a
variety of sub-genres, all with a happily ever after.

She has two handsome sons and six adorable grandchildren and enjoys
spending time with them whenever she can. Her hobbies, when she’s not
playing with the characters in her head, include kayaking, hiking, swimming,
playing guitar, singing and of course, reading.


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The Others Blitz

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The Others cover

Sci-Fi / Action Adventure

Date Published: 12-25-2024

Publisher: Freedom Thorn Press



When a corpse with webbed feet and other aquatic adaptations washes ashore
during a hurricane, the county medical examiner calls in marine biologist
Will Myers for assistance. The deceased’s mysterious sister, Andreia,
claims the body and asks Will to help figure out how her brother died. Will
and Andreia bond over shared tragedies and a yearning to heal a dying ocean
as they seek to learn how her brother spent his final days.

Andreia brings Will to her undersea home, part of a hidden civilization
inhabited by smugglers, hackers, treasure hunters, and traders—all
members of a different species, driven to the edge of extinction by human
diseases and climate change. As feelings between the two grow, the
investigation into her brother’s death leads to a sinister plot by a
fanatical cabal. Together, Will and Andreia must find a way to save both
humanity and the ocean without imperiling the existence of her

About the Author

T. C. Weber

As an ecologist who grew up diving and fishing in the Florida Keys, Mr.
Weber drew on his knowledge of the setting and relevant science to bring it
to life. His cyberpunk novel Sleep State Interrupt (See Sharp Press) was a
finalist for the 2017 Compton Crook award for best first speculative fiction
novel. Two sequels, The Wrath of Leviathan and Zero-Day Rising, followed, as
well as an alternate history novel, Born in Salt; a post-apocalyptic horror
novella, The Survivors; and a satire of local government, The Council. He
has also had numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers and book chapters
published. Mr. Weber is a member of Poets & Writers, the Science Fiction
& Fantasy Writers Association, the Horror Writers Association, and the
Maryland Writers Association.

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The Quiet Joy of Simply Being Blitz

Discovering the Peace, Joy, and Happiness You Already Are

Self-Help / Spiritual

Date Published: November 7, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



The Quiet Joy of Simply Being takes us on a journey of discovering we are
already the peace, contentment, joy, happiness, and love we seek. These
attributes of our True Nature are not found in what we do, things we
acquire, status we attain, or even our state of mind. Rather, they are the
ever-present essence of who we are.

About the Author

I go by the name Aiy’m, which is pronounced I-Yim. I live in Boulder,
Colorado with my wife Donna and cat Te’a. I am retired. I’m fairly active
physically mostly hiking in the Boulder foothills and Rocky Mountains,
gravel biking, skiing, and doing yard work – actually, since I enjoy it I
consider it yard play. Though I enjoy all those activities, what is of most
importance to me is spiritual awakening as such I love being out in nature,
sitting by a creek sipping tea, meditating and journaling. I also built a
tiny rustic space in my backyard for that purpose. I call it a tea-mitage.
Kind of like a hermitage. I call the journaling I do Writing Passing Clouds
as what I write about is more about the inward journey and not what I did
during the day.

I have been regularly journaling for over 40 years. As I mentioned above,
my journaling is about the inward journey of spiritual awakening. In fact, I
would say that journaling has been my main ally in this spiritual pursuit,
even more so than meditation and retreats. About 10 years ago I asked myself
what is it about journaling that I get so much from. Certainly, I learned a
lot about myself. I have come to know the way my mind works, my perceived
limitations, my behavioral and emotional patterns and conditionings, and so
on and on and on. But, what I came to realize what was most important about
my journalings was not what I learned about myself, rather, through
journaling I shifted my perspective to that of an observer and from that
perspective I was able to dis-entangle and dis-identify from my conditioned
thinking mind and emotions. This is very liberating. I call it the First
Great Freedom. In this freedom from the conditioned thinking mind and
emotions, there is a deep sense of peace, fulfillment, and happiness. I also
see this shift of perspective as the first step or phase of the spiritual
journey to self-realization.

My book, The Quiet Joy of Simply Being, began as being about my journaling
process but morphed into being about discovering the peace, happiness,
fulfillment and love we already are.


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Head Over Heels Blitz

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Head Over Heels cover

Contemporary Romance, Second Chances

Date Published: December 27, 2024



One blind date and I fall head over heels. Then he ghosts me, leaving me
brokenhearted and pregnant.


Aaron: When I meet Genesis on a blind date I fall head over heels.
She’s younger than me and I know I don’t deserve her, but I want
to see her again. But before that can happen, I’m arrested,
handcuffed, and imprisoned for something I didn’t do. Thinking about
Genesis is the only thing that keeps me from going crazy—until I find
out she might be the one who framed me.

Genesis: I hate blind dates, but I change my mind when Aaron shows up at my
door. He’s perfect in every way and I’m smitten at first sight.
I can’t wait to see him again, but then he ghosts me, and disappears
off the face of the Earth. Everyone tells me to forget him, but it’s
not that easy. I’m head over heels for him –- and pregnant with
his baby.

Head Over Heels tablet




The shop clerk raved over my figure. “You can wear

While I called myself skinny, she called me svelte. “You could
model,” she added over her shoulder as she pulled dresses off the rack
for me to try on. She deposited them in the dressing room and told me to
call her if I needed help.

Sighing, I undressed down to my cotton panties and bra, and inspected
myself in the full-length mirror. Not much up top. I hope he won’t be

Fuck him. It was just a blind date.

For the hundredth time I cursed myself for accepting this date. Going
through all this hassle and expense for some loser was beyond ridiculous.
I’d rather get a root canal. The only reason I hadn’t bowed out
was because my mechanic had arranged it. The last time I brought my car in,
he jokingly said that I should date a grease monkey like him. It was how
he’d met his wife. He followed that with, “Hey, I know just the
guy.” And I’d let him talk me into it.

Still, experience had taught me that blind dates never turned out well. Of
course, most of my experience was thanks to my father, the District
Attorney, trying to control my life like he controlled everything in the

I couldn’t even count the times he’d had his secretary fix me
up with political hacks that would further his career. When I started
ghosting them, he orchestrated chance meetings at the endless cocktail
parties he threw for his political cronies. He planned to run for office
someday and having a daughter married to a politico and campaigning for him
would be a major boon to his career. The whole thing felt really creepy and
manipulative. Nothing was more personal than who you fell in love with.
Besides, my father and I were politically diverse. I would never vote for
his bootlickers, let alone marry one. His attempts to play puppet master
were doomed to failure from the beginning and a major reason why I moved out
of his house and into the Dollhouse.

That’s what I named my micro apartment in the Signature Suites
building. That sounded a lot swankier than it really was. My little piece of
heaven was only four hundred square feet; one-room with a sitting slash
sleeping area, kitchenette, and bathroom, but it was all mine.

I turned my attention back to the dresses. The good thing about having
small breasts was that I could wear just about anything. The bad thing was
that most men love big tits. I was enlightened when I turned sixteen. My
father had given me a check and told me to get breast implants. Hurt and
disgusted, I spent the money on a creative writing class and started a blog.
I learned early on to do the opposite of whatever he wanted. If only my
mother hadn’t gotten cancer and died when I was three. I hardly
remembered her. Wiping away the tears, I vowed not to think about that

After slipping a dress over my head, I made a face in the mirror.
“Ugh.” The hem hit the floor and the slinky material made me
look flatter. It went back on the hanger, and I tried on number two. Too
short, too black, too dressy. It was something my father’s secretary
would wear to one of his political functions. I glanced at my watch and
started to panic. I had no time to hit another store.

The green floral print with a halter top seemed promising. I tied it behind
my neck, and twirled. Feminine and flowy, the hem landed between my knees
and ankles. The bare back and built-in bra treaded a thin line between
classy and slutty, but the dress flattered my figure and I had white strappy
sandals that would work with it. The more I checked it out in the mirror,
the more I liked it.

I looked at the tag. The price blew my mind. I hated spending money I
didn’t have. My closet was full of jeans, leggings, and business
casual for the photo ops I used to take with my father. If I cooperated with
Bruce, I’d have a bigger apartment and lots of clothes, everything I
could want, but I’d be selling my soul. Since moving out of the big
brownstone, I’d been happier than I’ve ever been.

I stared at my reflection. I’d have to put it on a charge card. Is it
worth it?
It had been a long time since I bought myself something new and I
looked good in it. That settled it. Fuck the price. It was indeed worth it.
I changed quickly, and looked for the saleslady.

My car was still down the street where I left it. I’d heard that car
thieves preferred old Toyotas for parts, but even they weren’t
interested in my 2009 Corolla. Maybe the leaking fluid puddling under it
warned them off. Shit. I wondered if I should continue to fix it or if it
was time to ditch it. I just hated to cut the cord. The car was paid for and
I couldn’t afford a new one.

I started it up and headed for home. I was a panicker, so when the car
started shaking and vibrating, I freaked out. At least it didn’t die
until I pulled in front of my apartment building.

Shit, shit, shit. I should have said no to the dress and canceled my date.
All that money could have paid for car repairs. Those times when I doubted
my decisions I would go to Kate for a second opinion.

Kate was my bf, my confidant, and my partner in crime. She was a voice of
reason in my chaotic life. She was older than me and whip smart. Oddly
enough I’d met her because of my father. Well, indirectly. Kate was a
secretary in the mayor’s office. Two years ago, we met at a boring
political function. All night we laughed at the pompous civil servants and
public employees walking around with sticks up their asses. Including my
father. Turned out that, despite our age gap, we had a lot in common,
starting with the same sense of humor. We both liked good books and Sex in
the City
, and we could talk about anything and everything. Even when we
haven’t spoken in a while, we could just pick up right where we left

Best of all, Kate didn’t judge me. Being older, she’d already
been through the same things I was going through now. If two people were
compatible then why not be friends, because age is just a number. At
twenty-one I’ve already met so many assholes that I was super picky
about friends and lovers. I didn’t have many of either because I
believed in quality over quantity.

Kate picked up after several rings. “Hi, girlfriend. Getting ready
for your big night?”

“I don’t know. My car died. I’m thinking I should

“Do you want to cancel?”

“I’m torn. I already bought a dress, but I could return

“Go for it, girl. Do you want to end up like me? Thirty-fucking-five
on my next birthday and still single. Fear of forty is a real thing. Call
him back and ask him to pick you up.”

“I can’t do that. He might be a serial killer. The whole idea
was to meet in a public place.”

“But weren’t you fixed up by someone you know?”

“Yeah, my mechanic. He said he might be shooting himself in the foot
because his friend is a mechanic, too, but he’s willing to lose my
business if I like his buddy.”

There was a long silence.

“Kate? You still there?”

“Yeah. Just thinking. And I think you should keep the date. You might
miss out on something good. Just keep me on speed dial, in case your plans
change again, or you need me to rescue you. I’ll be home all

“Kate, you’re the best.”

I felt so much better. Kate was right as usual. I really needed a night out
and knowing she was a phone call away made me feel safer. I called Aaron and
he immediately offered to pick me up. So far, so good. Please God,
don’t let him be an asshole.


About the Author

Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her
nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and

Some things never change.

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