Blood Family Virtual Book Tour

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Blood Family cover

Book 3 of The Martyr’s Vow series



Date Published: 12-15-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing


A bloodline curse haunts monster hunter Armand Tarkanian, granting him the
ability to summon the dead. But the more spirits he channels, the more
supernatural energy threatens to tear him apart.

An unexpected invitation from distant relatives gives him a chance to learn
more about his curse. What Armand finds in their moldering mansion is an odd
assortment of Armenian traditions, dark secrets, and personal grudges.

Besides a history of genocide and tragedy plaguing his kindred, things
aren’t what they seem: paintings shift and change, bones hang from
trees, and the family’s elusive patriarch is a dakhanavar – a
vampire from Armenian folklore.

When his undead host hungers for vengeance, Armand finds himself trapped
between worlds.

He must choose: either take the Martyr’s Vow and pledge to sacrifice
himself, or succumb to the dark impulses that claimed his ancestors.


Blood Family is a harrowing tale of generational trauma, folk magic, and
ripping free from the past.

Blood Family tablet


The biker in the corner has murder in his eyes, and he’s staring right at me.

He’s a Neanderthal—a brute with a wild mane of unkempt hair and a

beard down to his nipples, like some kind of hog-riding Gandalf. He

occasionally glances at Vonnie, his mouth curled downward.

Breath reeking and leather jacket caked in what I hope isn’t blood, the

beast grunts loudly to himself. At one point, he pauses and scratches his

sideburns, like a dog with fleas.

Honky-tonk music from the jukebox fills the air and twanging guitars

assault my ears.


Not that Vonnie and I aren’t strangers to places like this. We’re both

wearing our denim vests—biker club patches prominently displayed.

Legion of the Lamb. Fresno Chapter.

The clientele in that dive bar on a lonely stretch of Highway 99 outside

Fowler is the kind of “grizzled” that would punch you in the mouth for

looking at them the wrong way.

And now I’m staring at the barbarian who is still glaring at me.

He’s thrown down beer after beer, and, after number four, homeboy gets

really nosey and encroaches on my personal space.

“What’s his problem?” Vonnie mutters to me.

“Maybe they’ve never seen a beautiful woman in here,” I say.

Vonnie cracks a smile. “Yeah, I don’t think that’s it.”

I sip my beer, a cold pilsner we paid way too much for. “My, Miss

Hudgens, what could it be then?”

“I think it’s that they don’t want a beautiful Black woman in here,”

Vonnie says, gesturing at the nearby wall with her head. Her hands slip into

her pockets, where I know she’s got her brass knuckles.

My eyes wander over the bar’s decor; shadowboxes filled with medals,

a framed proclamation from the Daughters of the Confederacy, more biker

paraphernalia than you can shake a stick at, and a framed photo of Adolf

Hitler hanging near a Nazi SS flag.

“Oh, great. It’s a racist bar,” I mumble.

Vonnie also scans the room.

How had we missed it? I guess once you’ve been on the road for hours

and you’re tired and thirsty, you don’t immediately notice the decor.

The creep in the corner pushes himself away from his table and starts to

stagger over. He has an awkward and stilted gait—like he’s shit his pants.

He smells like that’s possible.

“Let’s see what the caveman wants,” I mutter to Vonnie.

The biker stares at Vonnie like he’s going to spit on her.

“We don’t get many darkies in here,” he says.

My eyes stray from the hairy beast to do a head count of all of the other

bikers who are also staring at me and Vonnie. I realize that, while the music

is playing, no one is talking. If shit’s going down, it’s going down soon.

Instead of getting angry, Vonnie leans back against the bar, her hands

still in her pockets, and replies, “What? You say something?”

Now, the biker can do one of two things: Pretend that he didn’t hear her

and repeat what he said or throw down.

Since I don’t really want the latter, I clear my throat and intervene.

“Excuse me, my dude…” I immediately pause when the Confederate

flag hanging on the wall catches my attention. “I see you’re no stranger to

lost causes.”

“What?” He’s in my face now. His hot breath smells like ass and he

looms over me like a mountain.

“What I meant was, we don’t want trouble.” I get to my feet and stare

him down. Me and Vonnie kill things that go bump in the night, so I’ll be

damned if I let some knuckle-dragger intimidate her.

“Too late for that, you race-mixing piece of shit. Go on, before I kick

your ass.” It feels like he’s a foot and a half taller than me, and massive.

The name “Gary” is embroidered on his dirty denim vest.

When you’ve had as many near-death brushes as I have, you always

wonder the same thing. So, is this how it ends? Beaten to death by a biker

named Gary in a white supremacist bar?

I glance away from Gary and notice that everyone else in the bar is

wearing the same denim jacket. Large patches identify them as “Fenrir’s

Minions,” a one-percenter biker gang with a less-than-stellar reputation. I

imagine these guys participate in drug running, armed robbery, and the odd


And me and Vonnie are right in the middle of their turf.

“Look, Gary. I don’t want any trouble…” I begin, but Gary interrupts


“Well, you got trouble, motherfucker.” He growls, like a feral dog.

“Let’s start over. I’m Tark. Me and my girlfriend have been riding for

hours and…”

“That… thing is your girlfriend, huh?” Gary smiles. A bunch of his teeth

are missing. I wouldn’t mind making sure he loses a few more.

Excuse me? I’m not a thing. I’m a person,” Vonnie says.

You could hear a pin drop. Not even the bartender, a bald man with

sleeve tattoos up to his shoulders, makes a peep.

All is silent except for Gary’s low rasping growl.

“You fucking race mixer!” Gary gets up in my face. Ignorant pissants

like him are always overconfident when they shouldn’t be. “You don’t even

look white. I’ll bet you’re some kind of foreign piece of shit. What are you?

Arab? You a terrorist, boy?”

“I’m Armenian.”

“What the fuck is that?” Gary grunts.

Second by second, I realize that this is not going to end well.

“Come on, Tark. Let’s get out of here,” Vonnie nudges my elbow.

Vonnie has always had better instincts than me. We’ve spent years

hunting monsters—from vampires to demons to ghostly serial killers—so a

brutish racist in a dive bar isn’t worrying me. But protecting humanity sort

of meant all humanity, including ignorant turds like Gary.

“You letting your bitch do the talking for you?” Gary chuckles. Some

skinheads nearby laugh.

So far in my life, I’ve been abused by a domineering uncle, pushed

around by my bigoted father, tortured by a cult leader, marked by the

Armenian goddess of death, and attacked by everything from a possessed

serial killer, ghosts, and zombies. If it’s from this world or beyond, it’s

made my life a living hell. The last thing I’m going to do is take shit from a

nonentity like Gary the Racist Biker.

“Listen, you worthless motherfu –”

I don’t get the rest out.

Gary pulls his fist back to punch me. Vonnie moves a few steps to the

side and I grab the biker’s arm, throwing him off balance. With a quick

lunge forward, I put my other hand on the back of Gary’s head and drive

him face first against the notched wood of the bar. I catch a glint of metal in

Vonnie’s hand as she brings her fist down against Gary the Racist Biker’s

jaw. He slumps over, out like a light.



About the Author


ERIC AVEDISSIAN is an adjunct professor and speculative fiction author. His
published work includes the novels Accursed Son, Mr. Penny-Farthing,
Midnight at Bat Hollow, and the role-playing game Ravaged Earth. His short
stories appear in various anthologies, including Across the Universe, Great
Wars, and Rituals & Grimoires. Avedissian received a 2024 Fellowship in
Prose from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. He lives in New Jersey
with his wife and a ridiculous number of books. Find him online at if you dare.


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Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides Reveal


Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides cover

The Merblood Saga, Book 2


YA Fantasy

Date Published: 02-25-2025

Publisher: Spider Web Press



Just when thirteen-year-old Selena Flowers thought she was safe, strange
events plunge her seaside town into peril once more. She must dive back into
the dangerous underwater world she narrowly escaped last year to find
answers about the chaotic happenings in town.

Beneath the waves, the undead mermaid queen Faustina desperately searches
for a powerful ruby necklace while corrupting sea creatures into her zombie
army. A sinister dark force is unleashed, spreading its dark magic and
corrupting the merkingdom.

To have any hope of stopping this evil and restoring balance above and
below the waves, Selena must join forces with unlikely allies, including
Faustina herself, and embrace her connection to the underwater world.

With the fate of two realms at stake, Selena must defeat the darkness
before it consumes everything and everyone she loves.

About the Author

Ella English

Ella English grew up in the heart of London, where the hustle and bustle of
city life met summer adventures at her grandma’s house on the Kent
coast. Exploring tide pools and collecting seashells, she developed a love
for the ocean and a knack for creating imaginative worlds that she now
brings to life through her writing.

Now living in Baltimore, Maryland, Ella is the author of The Merblood Saga,
a dark fantasy YA series that plunges readers into a haunting underwater
realm filled with cursed mermaids, ancient magic, and buried secrets. The
first book, Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby, has been a hit with young
readers, drawing them into its mysterious and dangerous world.

Ella also writes and illustrates Kitty in the City, a whimsical series
about a singing cat named Katy who takes New York City by storm. The latest
installment, Katy in Central Park, will be released in June 2025.

When she’s not weaving dark magic or drawing cats, Ella is kept busy
by her two mischievous felines who make sure she stays entertained and
grounded. Follow her adventures (and plenty of cat cameos) on Instagram
@EllaEnglishAuthor or visit for more.


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A Just Revenge Blitz

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A Just Revenge cover


Date Published: August 26, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



Sean Roberts loved farming and his girlfriend. After they broke up she
disappeared into San Francisco’s drug filled hippie environment of the
1960s. Her parents were frantic and no one in their small-town seemed able
to help them find their daughter. They reached out to Sean and he agreed to
search for their lost daughter.

His search forced Sean to assume his nom de plume, George Wescot and enter
a world of extreme wealth and of people who only cared about their own
pleasures and not the pain it caused other people. George uses his skills
learned from hunting, fighting and evasion to penetrate this sadistic
society. Subsequently, he pursued across the United States, India, and
Europe. Finally, Sean stopped running from the Brothers, and started hunting
those people who caused his ex-girlfriend’s and her family’s pain from
injuries she sustained.

About the Author

Patrick L Scott Esq

I have been a writer all my life. I wasn’t very good partly because I’m
dyslexic and partly because of my dyslexia I was a terrible reader. But I
love to write and therefore wrote often. I wrote many stories. One was
published in a magazine. Before the pandemic I started writing my first
novel,”Farm Tough”, and self published it. The book got good
reviews from readers but wasn’t promoted. Shortly thereafter, I started to
write “A Just Revenge” partly about my time at Yuba College, Chico
State College, Los Angeles and finally Europe. I found that I write best
when I write about something I know, about something I’ve done or about
something I feel.


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Conquist Blitz

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Conquist cover

Historical Fantasy

Date Published: September 1, 2024

Publisher: Roundfire Books



Capitán Cristóbal de Varga’s drive for glory and gold in 1538
Peru leads him and his army of conquistadors into a New World that refuses
to be conquered. He is a man torn by life-long obsessions and knows this is
his last campaign. What he doesn’t know is that his Incan allies led by the
princess Sarpay have their own furtive plans to make sure he never finds the
golden city of Vilcabamba. He also doesn’t know that Héctor Valiente,
the freed African slave he appointed as his lieutenant, has found a portal
that will lead them all into a world that will challenge his deepest
beliefs. And what he can’t possibly know is that this world will trap him in
a war between two eternal enemies, leading him to question everything he has
devoted his life to – his command, his Incan princess, his honor, his God.
In the end, he faces the ultimate dilemma: how is it possible to battle your
own obsessions . . . to conquer yourself?

About the Author

Dirk Strasser

Dirk Strasser’s epic fantasy trilogy The Books of
Ascension—Zenith, Equinox and Eclipse
—was published in German
and English, and his short stories have been translated into several
languages. “The Doppelgänger Effect” appeared in the World
Fantasy Award-winning anthology Dreaming Down Under. His historical fantasy
novel Conquist was published in 2024. The serialized version of Conquist was
a finalist in the Aurealis Awards Best Fantasy Novel category. Dirk’s
screenplay version of Conquist won the Wildsound Fantasy/Sci-Fi Festival
Best Scene Reading Award and was a featured finalist in the Cinequest Film
& Creativity Festival and the Creative World Awards. He is the co-editor
of Australia’s premier science fiction and fantasy magazine, Aurealis,
and was a judge on the 2024 Sydney Science Fiction Film Festival Screenplay
Awards. Dirk has been a high school teacher, a writer of best-selling
textbooks, an educational software developer, a publishing manager, and a
soccer club president.


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Icarus Rising Blitz

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Icarus Rising cover

Motherboards & Magic (#2)


Cyberpunk / Gay Romance / Sci-Fi

Date Published: 1/3/25

Publisher: Changeling Press



Dark clouds are gathering. Icarus is the light at the end of the tunnel.
And in his wake: Chaos.


Even though dark clouds gather in the distance, Asher, Vers, and Korya
start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That “Light” is
named Icarus, and with him comes chaos. Even as the trio’s immediate
problem is solved, more people are out to get them.

With danger at every turn, they can only depend on each other. Who is this
mysterious alien called Icarus? Is he there to help protect them from the
DPL or are they about to become victims of an insidious plot to end the
planet? Either way, the friction is burning as they take one step closer to
unraveling the mysteries of Asher’s parents’ death, and what the
DPL is hiding.



Copyright ©2024 Stephanie Burke & Areana Senoj









Even on second reading, the message made no sense to Korya. “Okay,
what the fuck?”

Vers immediately pulled up Korya’s keyboard and began a trace.
“You might want to get the boss,” Vers snapped, eyes intent as
zis four-fingered hands flew over the keyboard. “I can’t find
any trace, or even how they broke through your firewall.”

Korya, not needing to be told twice, spun on her pink fuzzy slippers and
raced to the bathroom. “Asher!” she called out as she swung the
door open and… froze.

Asher stood before her, absently toweling his waist-length hair, completely
and utterly naked as the day he was born. His long hair flowed in inky waves
down his back, the ends, dyed a lighter blue, drawing her attention for a
moment before her gaze returned to his… other attributes. Oh, every
creator god that ever existed, was that dick real?

But then her focus shifted back to his face and questioning look. His head
tilted to the side, his cybernetic eye flared wide blue before a silver line
overtook the red bar that had been there since he received news about his

Her gaze wandered again, trailing over his golden skin, noting how soft and
supple it looked, then back to his heart-shaped face — and down his neck.
Even though he was breathing and swallowing normally, she didn’t
notice his neck muscles constrict.

“Korya?” His voice box looked off, like it didn’t move

Her attention then traveled to his right arm, muscular and powerful looking
as he rubbed at his scalp. His other hand let go of his fall of hair to rest
on his hips as he adjusted his stance, then shifted his weight on his legs.
And that was where the jaw-dropping confusion reasserted itself in
Korya’s brain.

His left arm and hand were a strange, steel gray with what looked like
swirls of silver. It covered his left arm from the shoulder down to his
fingertips and both legs. The water flowed along the metal muscles that
looked and moved as natural as flesh but strangely was not. Fuck.
She’d forgotten that he had lost both of his legs and one

But… how? If not for the color and the too graceful and smooth
movements of his body, she would have totally forgotten the greater portion
of his physiology was cybernetic.

But what beautiful technology, she decided as she tracked the shifting
movements under the metallic skin of his thick thighs, down to his toes
flexing on her shower mat, and then back up to his calves.

Her new boss was metal… well, mostly. Her gaze darted back up to his
left shoulder where she would be damned if she could even see how the flesh
attached to the metal. It was a smooth, seamless transition. Only the fact
that the golden flesh tones of his skin faded into the stark steel-gray
metal gave away his android leanings.

But damn, each muscle was defined and sculpted beautifully. Her gaze
dropped to his hips where his perfect Adonis belt melded into metal in a
beautiful flow that only the world’s best artists or poets could do it
the most justice.

“There are veins!” she all but shouted as she moved closer,
dropping to her knees and reaching out a tentative hand for the closest

She didn’t even notice his flinch, only that he stepped back a bit
and stared down at her, his confused look turning incredulous as she got a
closer look at what so fascinated her.

Truly, Asher would be flattered but he knew her fascination had nothing to
do with him and everything to do with the hardware he sported.

“Can I help you?” he asked as she looked up at him, flushed
bright red, and pulled her hand back.

“Uh… I mean… did this hurt?” Then she winced,
thinking her previous question the most stupid that had ever fallen out of
her mouth. “That was a dumb question. Of course, it hurt. How in the
galaxy did they manage… I mean the seams are nonexistent. And you
look so real…”

“Yeah, just like a real boy.” His tone was pissy at best, but
he really didn’t care. There was a woman kneeling at his feet and
reaching for parts of his body that only he and his many varied
doctors… okay. He really didn’t care who was staring at him,
any parts of him. His shame had died a hard death when they had to lift his
dick for him to take a piss. The legs came first, after all, and over time
they’d built the graphene skeleton for his left arm and replace the
pulverized bones in his right. The legs were an easy build and began to look
more and more human as the augmentation therapy advanced, but the
arms… He remembered standing under the water of a hot shower for the
first time in months when they finally got his legs attached and
healed… and the complete humiliation of someone having to scrub
between his butt cheeks after every time he took a shit when they finally
allowed him solid foods. They were kind enough to do scar removal from the
colostomy bag but by that time, he had been poked, prodded, scanned,
examined, and touched on every part of his body, intimate or not. A female
on her knees before him while he was naked was something he’d
experienced several times before. Someone who was neither a medical nor
scientific doctor touching him and without his consent,

“Did you need something, really, or is this just a thing you do? If
it is, I’m sure Vers will be more amenable –”

“I’m sorry.” Korya moaned, slapping both hands over her
eyes and lowering her head, giggling nervously.

No, not nervously — more like she was shocked by her actions. But not too
shocked, because yes, that was her, parting some fingers to get another look
at his junk… or… what was she staring at?

About the Authors

Areana Senoj is a multi-genre writer of erotic romance, paranormal, and
sci-fi fantasy fiction. She’s been an actress, singer, dancer,
educator, and, briefly, a stay-at-home “tennis, soccer, and band
mom,” as well as a small business entrepreneur. Now she’s
enjoying a new career living life as a full-time writer. She’s
thrilled to join Changeling Press, where she’s teamed up with USA Today Best
Selling Author Stephanie Burke, co-authoring Motherboards and Magic.


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Stephanie Burke is a USA Today Best Selling, multi published, multi
award-winning author, Master Costumer, handicapped, wife and mother of

From sex-shifting, shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, sexually
confused elemental Fey and homo-erotic mysteries, all the way to
pastel-challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all, and hopes to do

Stephanie is an orator on her favorite subjects of writing and
world-building, a sometime teacher when you feed her enough tea and donuts,
an anime nut, a costumer, and a frequent guest of various sci-fi and writing
cons where she can be found leading panel discussions or researching varied
legends and theories to improve her writing skills.

Stephanie is known for her love of the outrageous, strong female
characters, believable worlds, male characters filled with depth, and
multi-cultural stories that make the reader sit up and take notice.


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