Maddog Teaser Tuesday

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Black Reign MC (#10)

Motorcycle Club Romance

Date Published: 1/17/25



Who knew we’d get ambushed by the cartel on our way to a village deep
in the Amazon jungle?


Holly: I was sick as a kid. Leukemia. Felt like someone always had to drop
everything to take care of me. Hate being dependent on people now, so I try
to do everything myself. When my best friend takes up with a creep and
won’t believe me when I tell her something’s not right with the
man, I decide it’s safer (for her) if I go with her on a trip to
Columbia he’s organizing. Bad news: I’m right. Fortunately the
most annoying man I’ve ever come to count on thinks it’s his job
to rescue me. This time, I might just let him. And that’s where the
trouble starts…

Jax: I’ve known Holly nearly all her life. I’ve been her
protector and the person she wants most when things go horribly wrong, which
they do, more often than not. To say we have a contentious relationship is
an understatement. I put a claim on Holly she never accepted, but it’s
time to force the issue. Not because she doesn’t love me. Because
she’s afraid history is doomed to repeat itself. She’s wrong.
I’ll always come for her when she needs me. Like it or not,
Holly’s more than my responsibility. No matter the cost, she’s


Copyright ©2025 Marteeka Karland



“Let me get this straight.” I pinched the bridge of my nose,
trying to stave off the headache threatening to split my skull open. Funny
how that worked when I talked to Holly. “You’re voluntarily
going to a country with a level four travel advisory. Unarmed. With a bunch
of college students. With no security to speak of. Have I got that
right?” I tried to keep my voice low and even, to fight my way through
the rage that she’d be so cavalier with her life.

“Sweet God, could you be a bigger buzzkill.” Holly, ever the
little ray of sarcastic sunshine, sounded like she was exasperated with me.
Or, quite possibly, like she thought I was being unreasonable.

“Answer the question, Holly.” If I let her distract me,
she’d talk her way around my directness and hang up before I could
forbid her from going. Not that it was going to help. Holly always did what
she wanted. Usually, only her mother was able to talk sense into her.

“You do realize you’re not the boss of me. Right?”

“I realize that, when you’re considering putting your life in
danger for no good fuckin’ reason, someone has to rein you in.
I’m surprised Wrath even considered letting you go, much less given
his blessing.” The silence on the other end was deafening. “You
didn’t tell him.” It wasn’t a question.

“Again, not your business, Jax. This is my life and I’m living
it. If I get into trouble, I’ll accept the consequences.”

“Even if it cost you your life?” I tried to go for a
matter-of-fact tone, but my words came out a low growl.

“Even if it cost me my life.”

Neither of us spoke for long moments, the silence so long I was afraid the
call had dropped. Then she sighed.

“Look, Jax. I’ve got a sat phone. Even if there’s no cell
coverage where we’re at, Shotgun will be able to see where I am. He
and Esther are great with that shit. If we get into trouble, I can call him.
They can either send someone to come get me, or let me work it out myself.
I’m only agreeing to any of this so my mom doesn’t

“Did you at least tell Celeste? Because I don’t see your mother
letting you do something like this at all.”

“No one lets me do anything, Jax.” Her tone was hard and firm.
She was barely out of her teens yet I’d never met anyone more firmly
in control of her life. Which was to say she lived in utter chaos most of
the time and that was exactly the way she liked it. “But yes. I told
her what I was doing. She’s not happy about it, but she knows she
can’t talk me out of it.”

“Did you ever stop to think how your mother and father would feel if
you got hurt or killed? I realize it could happen anywhere, but by going to
Columbia increases those chances exponentially over anywhere in the U.S. She
almost lost you once and gave everything she had to keep you alive.
Don’t you think you’re being incredibly selfish?” I
winced. Yeah, this wasn’t my finest moment. Had I been trying to push
her away I couldn’t have done a better job.

“Go fuck yourself, Jax.” She disconnected the call.

“Motherfuck!” I hissed the expletive under my breath. I knew
better. I fucking knew better. The best way to get Holly to do anything
other than what you wanted her to do, was to tell her she had to do it.
Pushing her into doing what you wanted was even worse. Trying to lay a guilt
trip on her? Yeah. I’d just guaranteed Holly was heading straight to
Columbia on a humanitarian aid expedition.

I pressed her contact and waited for her to answer the Facetime call. She
let it go to voicemail once so I tried again. She picked up this time
and… yeah. She hated me right now.

“Got nothin’ else to say to you, asshole.” I recognized
that mulish look on her face. She thought I was going to try to talk her out
of going again, but I knew better than that.

“Can you give me two days, Holly? Two days and I’ll go with
you. You can still do what you do with your college friends, but I can make
sure you’re safe.”

“We’ve got plenty of security. There’s no need for

“Holly. Two days.”

She shrugged one delicate shoulder, a look of indifference and disinterest
on her face. “Sorry, Jax. I don’t make the schedule. Plane
leaves tomorrow morning at six.”

I wanted to throttle the younger woman. She was constantly bucking me,
doing exactly the opposite of what I wanted her to do. To be fair, I was
twelve years older than she was and had decided she’d be mine long
before I should have. I’d been sixteen when she came to the compound
with Wrath and Celeste. She’d been a precocious but sickly child of
four. She’d survived leukemia like a champ, never letting anything get
to her. No matter how sick I’d seen her get from the chemo, the girl
had no quit in her. I knew because I’d been with her for the last few
treatments. Which she’d not appreciated. I’d insisted because
she’d been so mad at me she hadn’t focused on all the needles
and unpleasantness. I’d been happy to take her wrath then, even if
what remained of the kid in me had been slightly hurt that she hadn’t
accepted me as her protector.

Even when she was so young, I’d been drawn to her. She was this
little pixie who’d absolutely cut you if you displeased her but needed
someone looking after her. I’d taken that task on my own, growing into
a man protecting the girl until she’d started becoming a woman. The
plain truth was, it scared me the first time I caught sight of her in a
bikini at the pool. Freaked me the absolute fuck out. Once I’d come to
terms with my feelings for Holly, I’d inserted myself into her life
but kept playing the part of mean and annoying older brother. Why? Because I
knew if she learned to stand up to me, she always would. And if she could
stand up to me, she could stand up to anyone.

“Holly, I’m half the fuckin’ world away right now. All
I’m asking for is two fuckin’ days. It’s the right thing
to do and you know it. I may be a bastard, but I would never let anything
happen to you.”

Her expression didn’t change. “I don’t need your
protection, Jax. Shotgun and Esther have my back. I’ll be fine.
Besides, the father of one of the students going is a senator. They always
have security.”

“And their priority will be the senator’s kid. They won’t
give two shits about you or the others.”

“And if you were with me, you’d give a shit about the
others?” Oh, the sarcasm was strong with this one…

“Of course not. But I’d care about you. I’d be the one
protecting you and I’d do it with my life.”

She snorted, scowling at me over the video. “Dramatic

“Holly –”

“No. You listen to me! Nothing’s going to happen. And if it
does, I’ll deal. I don’t want or need your help,

“You’re wrong there, baby. You need all my help you can get.
But I’m telling you right now, if you don’t wait for me, when I
find you, I will turn you over my knee and blister your bare ass until you
don’t sit for a fuckin’ week.”

Oh, that got her attention.


About the Author

Marteeka Karland is an international bestselling author who leads a double
life as an erotic romance author by evening and a semi-domesticated
housewife by day. Known for her down and dirty MC romances, Marteeka takes
pleasure in spinning tales of tenacious, protective heroes and spirited,
vulnerable heroines. She staunchly advocates that every character deserves a
blissful ending, even, sometimes, the villains in her narratives. Her
writings are speckled with intense, raw elements resulting in page-turning
delight entwined with seductive escapades leading up to gratifying
conclusions that elicit a sigh from her readers.

Away from the pen, Marteeka finds joy in baking and supporting her husband
with their gardening activities. The late summer season is set aside for
preserving the delightful harvest that springs from their combined efforts
(which is mostly his efforts, but you can count it). To stay updated with
Marteeka’s latest adventures and forthcoming books, make sure to visit her
website. Don’t forget to register for her newsletter which will pepper you
with a potpourri of Teeka’s beloved recipes, book suggestions, autograph
events, and a plethora of interesting tidbits.


Contact Links

Author on Instagram & TikTok: @marteekakarland

Author on Facebook


Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok:


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The Vigilante Blitz

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Vigilante Justice / Thriller

Date Published: February 18, 2024

Publisher: Peifer House Publishing



James Greaney is an Irish American combat veteran who leads a force against

He must protect the innocent and suppress and punish criminals.

Government authorities and law enforcement agencies were inadequate and had
allowed a crime wave to plague communities across the Nation. James was
forced to act without due process or the rule of law.

He became the Vigilante.


About the Author

James Peifer

James Peifer is a retired business-owner from Silicon Valley.

He was an Army Captain and a combat veteran of the Vietnam War.

He lives in Napa, California.


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Broken Faces Blitz

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Historical Fiction

Date Published: 10-10-2024

Publisher: Books to Go Now



Amidst the devastation of World War I, a young American woman named Abigale
Belorman discovers a profound calling: to restore hope to the WWI wounded
soldiers. In France they were called ‘Gueules Cassees’, or
‘Broken Faces’. Using her sculpting skills, she begins crafting
intricate masks that conceal the scars of war, offering a semblance of
normalcy to those who have endured unimaginable suffering.

Colm Harp, a skilled metalsmith, is driven by his own wounds and a personal
tragedy to join Abigale’s mission. His younger brother, Danny, has returned
from the war with devastating facial injuries, and Colm is determined to
give him a chance at a life worth living. Together, Colm and Abigale embark
on a journey of compassion and resilience, their work becoming a beacon of
hope for countless wounded soldiers.

 As they navigate the challenges of war-torn Europe and the
limitations of early 20th-century medicine, Abigale and Colm discover the
transformative power of human will. Their story is a testament to the
resilience of the human spirit, the enduring power of love, and the
extraordinary lengths people will go to make a difference in the

 War changes all their lives, but if you can improve one
person’s life, is yours not for the better? What if you could help
hundreds? What would you give up?





About the Authors


Broken Faces is a collaborative new fiction from Chris Karlsen, the winner
of the NYC Big Book Award and Chanticeer’s Global First Prize for
historical suspense.

Jennifer Conner has over 80 books and has landed in the Amazon top twenty


Contact Links

Chris’s Site

Jennifer’s Site







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Twins With Love x2 Blitz

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Twins With Love x2 cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: March 13, 2023

Publisher: MindStir Media


This wonderful rhyming story about two little girls born as twins and the
magic of that special bond and their magnetic love that lasts forever.
Whether together or apart, they can see, sense, and feel each other’s
feelings hardwired to their hearts. The colorful illustrations bring a
unique feeling of love, care, and kindness.

Mr. B’s Books by Michael Barnes – Rhyming books that teach kindness and
compassion, making the world a happier place.

About the Author

Mr. B

Mr. B

Happy Makes Me Happy

Amazon Best Selling Children’s Book Author

Mike Barnes is a semi-retired new author whose passion for writing came to fruition upon his retirement from 38 years of authentic servant leadership.

As a father and grandfather, Mike was reading to his twin granddaughters and decided to unleash his passion for writing children’s books with rhyming stories about love, care, and kindness.

In addition to Happy Makes Me Happy, Mike has a second book Twins With Love x2 and a third book, YAY… It’s My First Day of School coming this year.

Mike also recently started Barnes Leadership and Strategy Coaching whereby he has been a keynote speaker on Authentic Servant Leadership Hardwired to the Heart.


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The Boy Who Could Smell Warming Blitz

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The Boy Who Could Smell Warming cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: July 22, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



There was always something exceptional and different about ten-year-old
Reuben Otis O’Brien, but no one, including Reuben Otis himself, can figure
out quite what it is. All that he knows is that he can smell something very
strange that no one else can, and sometimes it makes him sick.

The Boy Who Could Smell Warming is the story of Reuben Otis’s quest to
discover his special ability and its purpose. Since, as he describes
himself, Reuben Otis is a “nerd in a cool guy’s body,” he does his
own scientific investigation and finds out that he possesses a very unusual
superpower which is vital for the whole world and will make him a true
superhero. As he starts to use his superpower with the help of his family
and two neighborhood friends, he learns he can change things vital to his
hometown and to the entire planet. This gives Reuben Otis a newfound pride
and a whole new direction to his life.

About the Author

Patrick Fleming

Patrick Fleming, M.Div., L.C.S.W., C.S.A.T. is a psychotherapist and
spiritual coach in a private practice in St. Louis, MO, Double Rainbow
Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting, with his wife, Suzanne Lauber-Fleming.
He is the principal co-author, with his wife and other colleagues, of a
trilogy of books on psycho-spiritual trauma recovery. He has also authored a
number of articles on psychological, spiritual, recovery, and social issues
for a variety of national and international publications As a
psychotherapist, Patrick specializes in the treatment of abuse and trauma,
sexual addiction and compulsivity, couple counseling, and the integration of
spirituality and psychology. He has been a hospital chaplain, a hospice
counselor and a psychotherapist for over thirty years.

In addition, Patrick, with his wife, Sue Lauber-Fleming, RN, MA, LCSW, has
led numerous workshops and trainings nationally and internationally for
survivors and the professionals that work with them, focusing on both the
psychological and spiritual needs of those wounded by trauma and abuse. In
addition to his healing work with survivors, Pat has worked for 18 years
with Catholic priests and brothers, and other clergy who are perpetrators of
clerical sexual abuse. He has also worked as a consultant to a variety of
religious and mental health groups who work with survivors, addicts and

In addition, to the psychological training, education, and clinical
experience Patrick also has extensive training, education, and pastoral
experience in spirituality and the spiritual needs of those suffering
emotionally and physically. His mission throughout his career has been to
integrate the best of psychology with the depths of spirituality to
facilitate greater healing and change.





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