First Woman Blitz

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First Woman cover

John Christian (Illustrator)


Children’s Book

Published: March 18, 2024

Publisher: MindStir Media



“I am a daughter of the Great Mother Wolf and all the Earth is my

Aren Cappella was a writer and artist who lived in the town of Sonoma in
Northern California. She was an entrepreneur who owned and operated a small
bakery in Sonoma with her business partner. Aren died of breast cancer in
1998 at the age of 42. Before her death she wrote this story, “First
Woman.” It is the story of the first woman on Earth’s spiritual quest
to find her place among the other animals on Earth and to discover the
qualities that make her uniquely human.


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Cheshire Teaser

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Cheshire cover

(Underland MC)


Motorcycle Club Romance, Age Gap, Suspense

Date Published: August 16, 2024



Cheshire is perfect for fans of suspense and forbidden love stories.

Eliza — Being the daughter of the sheriff might sound nice to most people.
But they don’t know what my father is truly like. All they see is the
mask he wears. The congenial smile, the good deeds, and the way he puts
others before himself. It’s all an act. Behind closed doors,
he’s a monster. One I can’t seem to escape. Until I’ve
finally had enough… my daring attempt to leave home lands me in the
arms of the VP of the Underland MC… and something tells me
there’s no safer place to be.

Cheshire — As the VP of the Underland MC, and former military, I’m
no stranger to dangerous situations. When my club discovers the local
sheriff is corrupting the town of Warren, I know we need to step in. Human
trafficking and abuse are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the
sheriff and his henchmen. But the one thing I never expected to find was
love — especially with the sheriff’s innocent daughter. I’ll
make sure to take the bastard down, not only for the town of Warren, but for
Eliza. I never want to see fear in her eyes again.

Are you ready for this gripping tale of danger and desire?






The room swam in a haze of fear and broken glass. Sheriff Holmes’
face twisted into an ugly snarl, eyes burning with rage. He clenched his
fists, knuckles turning white. This wasn’t anything new for my father.
Just another day in my miserable life.

“Stand up,” he barked, voice like ice. I forced myself to my
feet, trembling like a leaf, tears streaming down my face.

“Please don’t,” I whispered, but my words fell on deaf

“Shut up!” His fist collided with my cheekbone, the force
sending me sprawling back to the floor. The air rushed from my lungs as if
I’d been sucker punched. Pain exploded through my skull.

This is it. This is how I die.

“Get up,” he spat again, reveling in the torment he inflicted.
The darkness in his eyes chilled me to the core. I scrambled to my feet,
legs shaking, praying for some kind of reprieve.

“Look at you,” he sneered, grabbing a fistful of my hair and
yanking me closer. “Pathetic.”

“Please, stop,” I whimpered, too weak to resist his iron grip.
In that moment, I knew I was nothing to him — just another thing to control
and bend to his will. He’d never think of me as a daughter, as family.
I wasn’t sure a monster like him was capable of such a thing.

“Did you think I’d let you get away with it? That I
wouldn’t find out?” He punctuated his words with a vicious blow
to my stomach, causing bile to rise in my throat.

Can’t breathe. Can’t fight back. Just need to survive. I curled
up to protect my already battered body.

“Learn your place,” he hissed as he landed one final punch,
then turned to leave, his heavy footsteps echoing in my ears.

I didn’t know what I’d done to make him so angry this time. It
could have been anything. Maybe I’d put something in the wrong place.
I didn’t think I’d ruined any of his clothes when I’d done
the laundry. No matter how hard I thought about it, I had no idea what
I’d done.

Blood dripped down my face, each droplet a painful reminder of the violent
flurry that had just unfolded. I stared at the cracked mirror on the wall,
catching glimpses of my battered reflection between the jagged lines. The
pain was unbearable, but what hurt more was the feeling of utter

“Is this it?” I whispered to myself, choking back tears.
“Is this all my life will ever be?”

My eyes scanned the room, taking in the shattered glass and twisted
remnants of what had once been my sanctuary. How could I ever feel safe
again, knowing that he’d violated every inch of this space?

I pressed my hand against my bruised ribs, wincing at the sharp stab of
pain. For a moment, I allowed myself to imagine a world where the torture
ceased, where I could finally be free from his sadistic grip.

“Maybe death would be better,” I admitted, my voice barely
audible. “At least then, I wouldn’t have to live in

The thought sent shivers down my spine, but also brought an odd sense of
comfort. In death, there would be peace. No more beatings, no more
humiliation, no more heart-pounding terror that gripped me every time he
approached. Even if there was nothing but a sea of darkness on the other
side, it would be preferable to this.

“Eliza,” my father’s voice cut through my thoughts, and I
realized he was standing in my doorway again. “Don’t think
I’m done with you. If you ever try to defy me again, I won’t
hesitate to end your miserable existence.”

Fear slithered its way into my throat, choking me as I struggled to find my
voice. “Yes, sir,” I managed to whisper, quivering under the
weight of his gaze. I couldn’t ask how I’d defied him. Doing so
would only spark his anger again.

“Remember that.” With one last chilling glare, he slammed the
door behind him, leaving me to wallow in my own despair.

Trembling, I realized that even the thought of death couldn’t save
me. The fear of my father, of Sheriff Holmes, held me captive in a prison
more terrifying than any physical cage.

“Death or life,” I whispered into the void. “Either way,
I’m trapped.”

My heart pounded, and my hands shook. I didn’t even remember my
mother anymore. She’d died so long ago. I thought we were happier
then, but I didn’t know for sure. Had my father always been a

“No escape.” If I tried… I dragged myself up, wincing.
Bruised, battered, weak. That’s what I saw when I looked in the
mirror. At times like this, I hated myself. If I were strong, would I be
able to stand up to him? Or if I were more cunning, could I escape?

“Damn him,” I muttered, the words barely escaping my swollen

The sound of motorcycles roared in the distance. I knew they’d belong
to the local motorcycle club. I’d seen them at a distance many

A light tap on my window drew me over to it. “Who’s

I kept my voice low, not wanting to draw my father’s attention again.
“It’s Maria from next door.”

“Maria,” I breathed, relief washing over me for a brief moment.
We weren’t exactly close, but she’d noticed my wounds before and
done her best to help. Although she too feared my father.

“Open the window,” she urged.

“Can’t be seen together,” I reminded her, my gaze darting
around the room in panic. “He’ll hurt us both. If he thinks
you’re helping me…”

“Eliza, listen,” she said urgently. “I’ve found
help. The Underland MC. I think if you can get to them, they’ll
protect you.”

“Protect me?” I scoffed, disbelief coloring my tone.
“From Sheriff Holmes? No one can do that. It would be different if my
father were anyone else.”

“They can,” Maria insisted. “Those men aren’t
scared of anyone. I don’t have proof, but I think they’re
responsible for something big that went down a few weeks ago.”

“Help from bikers?” I questioned, my mind racing. “How
can I trust them?”

“They look big and scary, but they do a lot of good around town. And
from what I’ve heard, they’re all ex-military,” she said.
“They’re your only shot, Eliza.”

“All right, but how?” I asked.

“Tonight. If you can get away, I can take you to them. I was behind
one of them at the grocery store earlier. Heard him on the phone talking
about meeting everyone at a diner in town.”

“I’ll try.” I didn’t want to think of the
consequences if my father caught me. He might actually kill me.



About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC
Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde
immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible
women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still
managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new
plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book.
She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies.
Visit Wylde’s website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and
don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts
and other exciting perks.


Author on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok: @harleywylde


Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok:


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Heart & Soul Virtual Book Tour

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Heart & Soul cover

Self Help, Spiritual Inspiration

Date Published: 06-12-2024


Truths beautifully expressed

Toby Negus, author and illustrator of The heart knows what the mind cannot
see, has created a collection of lyrical inspirational prose messages
coupled with colorful and mesmerizing symbolic illustrations that speak to
the soul.

The author has continued his exploration of the most transformational
psychospiritual concepts that lie deeply within all humans, bringing the
wisdom of heart and soul into the light for our minds to connect with and
grow from. He weaves his messages through a variety of topics, including
love, freedom, choice, truth, self-awareness, the now moment, healing,
peace, and most importantly, the role of the heart and soul in enlightening
humanity’s journey on Planet Earth. Connections are made among these
concepts to help readers make the same connections in order to find peace in
their own lives.

As an artist, the author takes his ethereal subject matter, fuses it with
the colors and shapes presented by his own spiritual muse, and gives the
reader a visceral inner transformation through symbol, intense color, and
cosmic shape.

Heart and Soul creates a deep and beautiful immersion for the reader into
their own heart’s beautiful depths.


Heart & Soul tablet


Whats love got to do with it? 



Without love, hope has no home, courage no direction, and fortitude no purpose. It is why we dance and why we give. It brings meaning to life; for without love there is no colour, no passion, and no joy. 

Its presence can sustain us through the darkest hours and the wildest storms. It calms the troubled mind and mends the broken heart. 

Our love gives us strength for a leap of faith, a trust in life, a wish for tomorrow, and a living of the day. It is why we will always try again, to lift ourselves up and be what we love. And when we do this, when we renew ourselves with some act of love, we are as Creation, and Creation lives because of it.

What’s love got to do with it? 

Love is why we live.


When we love

To love is in our very nature; we become a distraught apparition of life without its presence. 

But when we love the heavens open. And the deeper we love, the deeper the peace.

There is no end to the depths that can be sought. There is no limitation to what may be when we love.

Love has been the saving grace of humanity and is the source of so much of the world’s greatness, for all the beauty in the world has been born from the idea of love. Its presence has inspired great leaders, holy people, artists, and writers to create the lights that have guided our journey on Earth.

And we, in our own way, have a part in this great endeavour. 

In our effort to give expression to the love we carry, the power of light we create from our struggle and our joy is never lost, for no light is ever forgotten. It is cherished by Creation and becomes part of its eternal story.

What we love is no coincidence, those loves are urges from the soul that give guidance to our path in life. 

The wishes of love that are held in the heart are not fairy tales for the lonely. They are gifts from the soul, echoes of the soul’s longing for communion with life. 

Our loves guide us to moments of deep nourishment where we may rest in the comfort of our own sanctuary.

These great loves are not like the shallow love of convenience that puts to sleep our passion, but they are like the love that ignites our vision and unlocks our authentic power of action. 

They are bridges that take us beyond the mundane into the great unknown: adventures with our future self that will always bring happiness.

This call of love will not be satiated. We may try to quench its thirst with ‘things’ or put it to sleep with indulgence but, at the end of the day, when all is said and done, we will still hold a wish of love.

If we do not love we become a ghost in life, a life with no heart. So, the search for the love of our heart is our sacred purpose. It is a unique portion of Creation that is ours alone to make known, for there can be no comparison, no reference outside of us for its key. Our wish to love is the only key.

It is in the endeavour to bring love into the light of day, to give it space on earth, that has created so many of the heroic qualities of the human spirit, lights that although born from ourselves and intimately personal, are also profound. 

They augment the fabric of human consciousness and become part of the thousands of years that have created the story of humanitiy’s journey on Earth.


A timeless love

There exists within ourselves a beloved song that is hidden beneath our anxiety and beyond the scope of our fragile mind. 

It was born from a timeless world of love and carries the memories of the infinite and the dreams of forever.

Its presence is known by the heartfelt loves we have in life and the longing for the intimacy of beauty; moments of communion when we slip into the magic of life and re-join the company of our beloved self. 

This us of us that we love is simple, uncluttered by derision or doubt. It is the innocence of ourselves, a wise innocence that loves more than it fears. Its feeling of love and sense of beauty exist on the edge of our perception; the place of our lost dreams that calls us to a distant land that is held deep within the soul of ourselves.

This is the greater story we carry on Earth. 

Its truth can only be known by ourselves and it is only we who can give it the light of day, for we will always be the author of what will be. 


Conversation with the heart

The heart does not say hurt another, nor will it say take without giving. 

It cannot say you are alone for it knows this not to be true. 

It will never ask you to say ‘I am unworthy’ but may ask you to say ‘I am sorry’ and ‘I love you’.

It has no interest in who you think you are, only wishes for you to know who you love to be.

It does not care what you have or have not done, it is only interested in the moment you are in now.

It will never ask of you what you cannot be, only that you be what you love to be.

Its wish of love will never leave you and so will always call upon you to seek its gift and make some space for your love to be present. 

It will only ask you to cherish life, all life.


About the Author

Toby Negus

Toby Negus is an artist, both with paints and of the spirit. His work
reflects a deep commitment to meeting life on its terms and an equally deep
understanding of human nature.

Toby has studied and taught spiritual and personal development in the UK
and around the world for over two decades. He is qualified in advanced
counselling, as a life coach and as a Cognitive Behaviour therapist. He is
an Amazon best-selling author of a collaborative Conscious Creators book and
has illustrated and self published two books on the subject of
self-awareness and the spiritual journey. He has articles published in
national magazine and has given talks and run workshops in support of his
published work within the UK.

In the last few years, he has created many pieces of artwork that are a
reflection of his spiritual journey. These have appeared in magazines and
have been exhibited in the UK.


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Days With Dad Virtual Book Tour

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Days With Dad cover

A Shared Journal for Fathers and Their Children


FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Parent & Adult Child

RELIGION / Christian Living / Family & Relationships

SELF-HELP / Journaling

Date Published: June 11, 2024

Publisher: Lucid Books



Imagine signing for a FedEx package early tomorrow morning. As you open the
contents, you discover a journal from your father. In his handwriting, you
read entries that share with you stories from his life, moments of your
childhood, and written conversations between the two of you captured on
pages for you to cherish. You would be slow to put this book down as
memories flood back into your mind. Many will make you smile, and all will
draw your attention to the gift that your dad has been in your life. This
journal is the beginning of such a treasure that will bond a father and
child together and leave a forever cherished gift.

Days With Dad standing book

knight teaser


About the Author

Dennis Knight

Dennis Knight, a pastor, speaker, and business owner, is passionate about
men’s ministry. As a pastor, speaker, and father for the past 27
years, he is establishing a new ministry that celebrates and equips men to
become all God intended when He designed the masculine heart. Beyond writing
and speaking, Dennis enjoys training in Jujitsu and hiking with his wife as
they work to conquer all 48 of the 4000’ peaks in New Hampshire.
Contact information is available through


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Rooster and Squid Virtual Book Tour

Bowling Burglar

Juvenile Fiction / Pets / Humor / Mystery

Date Published: May 14, 2024

Publisher: Lucid Books



Rooster, a handsome Golden Retriever who loves belly rubs and bacon, and
Squid, a mangy grey cat who loves big naps and butt scratches, are an
unlikely duo. Even though their early days were spent scrounging for food
and seeking shelter, they knew they were meant for more. As luck would have
it, they were rescued by the town veterinarian and welcomed into the best
family ever.

Life with their new family is never boring. In Bowling Burglar, a family
picnic in the backyard is interrupted by breaking glass and a scream from
next door. As the mystery unfolds, Rooster and Squid are smack dab in the
middle of the chaos.



Rooster and Squid teaser


About the Author

Jen Cole

Jen Cole grew up in Kingwood, Texas, where she developed an early love for
sports and animals. She attended Texas A&M University where she received
a degree in Biomedical Science, competed for its Division I tennis team, and
continued her education at Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. She
and her husband, Wil, currently reside in The Woodlands, Texas, have three
children, and have practiced small animal medicine for over 25 years in
Spring, Texas. After retiring, Jen decided to tap into her creative side and
combine her love of writing with her love of caring for animals.

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