The Landmark Achilles Virtual Book Tour

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The Landmark Achilles cover

In Search of His Palace, His Family, Homer, the War, and the Bronze Age



Date Published: October 30, 2024

Publisher: Mindstir Media



The Bronze Age Mediterranean, 3200 1200 BC, was a period of high movement,
intrigue, and warfare. In this book, the author, through extensive research
with “Boots on the Ground,” provides a new, cohesive, and
comprehensive view of that age, the evolution of the Greeks into the
Mediterranean, the kings and commander with their fortresses and palaces,
and capped in the final years with Homer’s war, “The Greatest War Story
Ever Told.” He describes not only how the Greek hero Achilles and
events of that war leave a lasting legacy but also weaves in five
generations of the family of Achilles, the truth about Homer and his war,
and solves the mystery of the palace site of Achilles and his father Peleus.
Excavations of Troy from 1871 to the present are revealed as are the
discovered clay tablets of the Hittites identifying numerous wars at Troy
and along the Aegean Sea in western Anatolia. The ultimate collapse of the
Bronze Age and its kingdoms brings this author’s epic saga to its final
conclusion, the devastation of that end period harboring ominous signs for
our own world today.



Early Reviews


A general reader, Jason Breyer, Palm Harbor, FL, working with the UPS, said
of the book, “I couldn’t put the book down. I was absorbed in fact
versus myth and I had to keep on reading.”


A Publishing Director, Danielle Allan, Boston, MA, with Mindstir Media,
stated, “Your manuscript is fascinating. The book captures powerful
storytelling while leading the reader through your adventures and combining
them with legendary stories.”


Another reader, Alexander Lardis, Annapolis, MD, a Senior Scientist
(retired) with the U. S. Government, said, “The research is phenomenal,
well-documented, and with a wealth of information. It was fascinating. I
left feeling I had read a great story.”


 The Landmark Achilles tablet


His tomb lies on the plains of Troy, a mound of earth some 30 feet (9 m.) in height

and crowned by large white stones. Today it is an isolated spot along the far northeastern

Aegean coast, far from his homeland on mainland Greece, visited by no one, some 7 miles

(11 km.) southwest of the citadel, the fortress of Troy, whose once massive walls repelled

the Greek armada of over 1000 ships and the thousands of battle-tested Greek warriors.

Yes, he was the fiercest and the most courageous amongst them—the great Achilles. No

tourist visits the tomb. It is now a desolate area surrounded by farmland and rolling terrain

with the Aegean Sea a stone’s throw to the west. It was here along the coast that the armada

landed and set up camp, a rather secluded coast protected from the winds streaming out of

Thrace to the north and the Hellespont, today’s modern Dardanelles strait. It was here that

the war began between the Greeks and the Trojans, Homer’s Trojan War, that 10-year long

struggle in which it was prophesized Achilles would die. But in his death, he rises above

all other Greek warriors. He is the hero. His immortality is secured and the legend begins.




About the Author

James George Brianas

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The Dream of Glory Virtual Book Tour

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The Dream of Glory cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: September 11, 2024



Discover an unforgettable journey of faith, adventure, and life lessons
with The Dream of Glory, a heartwarming Christian story that the whole
family will cherish. George, a devoted father, along with his wife, guides
their two lively children, Emily and Emmanuel, through the excitement and
challenges of life, teaching them about safety and instilling a strong
foundation of faith in Jesus.

Set against the backdrop of thrilling adventures and moments of suspense,
this story introduces readers to the family’s courageous encounters with
danger-including fierce wolves-and the power of unity and faith that sees
them through. As George shares essential lessons about being aware of their
surroundings, young readers will not only be entertained but also educated
on important safety principles.

Written by J.J. Luna, a nurse and loving father from Yucaipa, California,
The Dream of Glory is his first published book, inspired by personal
challenges and his passion for guiding children through both excitement and
learning. Perfect for children aged 3 to 12, this book is crafted to
captivate young minds, enrich their faith in Jesus, and teach them
invaluable lessons about awareness and resilience.

Give your child an inspiring tale filled with family values, the teachings
of Jesus, and adventures that will keep them turning the pages. The Dream of
Glory is a perfect addition to any Christian family’s library.

The Dream of Glory standing book

dream of glory excerpt


About the Author

J.J. Luna

J.J. Luna is an author, devoted father, and seasoned healthcare
professional living in the picturesque town of Yucaipa, California. With
over 12 years of experience as a licensed vocational nurse (LVN), J.J. has
dedicated his life to caring for others and spreading joy through laughter
and compassion. Beyond his career, he is actively involved in his community,
coaching his son’s coed U10 soccer team and fostering a spirit of
teamwork and fun.

Driven by his passion for family, faith, and storytelling, J.J. Luna
embarked on his first literary journey with The Dream of Glory, a Christian
children’s book that intertwines adventure, life lessons, and
spiritual teachings. Inspired by personal challenges and a deep desire to
guide young readers, J.J. created this tale to encourage safety awareness
and strengthen children’s faith in Jesus.

When he’s not writing or working, J.J. enjoys spending time with his
family, exploring the outdoors, and making meaningful connections with those
around him.


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The Box is Time Virtual Book Tour

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Mastering the Ultimate Limit to Productivity


Nonfiction / Self-Help / Business/ Leadership

Date Published: October 30, 2024

Mindstir Media



As we move through life, we have all known individuals who just seem to be
the most incredibly efficient and productive members of an organization.
Their projects are always completed on time, and they seem to leave work
early with everything accomplished. They are never late for the operating
room or with clinic visits. Even more rarely, we encounter leaders and
organizations that seem to be able to excel in the same manner.

Often, however, we seem to be caught up in an endless cycle of losing time
or not being able to find enough time to accomplish our mission in our
personal or work life. Perhaps these individuals, leaders, and
organizations, who seem to be superefficient, just understand time
differently. Perhaps they understand time as the ultimate limit to
productivity, a box that we are all forced to live and work in. They view
this box as being filled with essential sand and potentially superfluous
water. They know how to manage it and control the flow of water within their
box. Conventional organizational structures, such as meetings, committees,
surveys, and consultants, only waste time and limit productivity.

In his book, The Box is Time, Dr. Costabile presents an unorthodox and
sometimes irreverent approach to time management for individuals, leaders,
and organizations. By viewing time management in an entirely different
construct, we will become one of the “two-percenters” who are
actually able to always manage their Box of Time.


The Box is Time tablet

I am a time fascist. This might be an unusual thing to hear from a physician, but I guarantee if you ask my OR and clinic nurses, they will tell you that it is accurate.

Everyone in medicine knows that if you want the truth, ask the nurses. I am always in the operating room at least thirty minutes before a case starts, long before my resident or fellow comes into the room. This allows me to work with the nurses and get everything on track—instruments, positioning, anesthesia, etc.—before we begin.

My clinic always runs on time, and my day ends at the scheduled time after my last patient. If a patient shows up ten minutes late for their appointment, I give them a lecture explaining why being late for their fifteen minute follow- up appointment is bad for their health, the same lecture I would give a patient who did not quit smoking, manage their diabetes, or lose the recommended weight. 

My expectation is that I will be in the room, seeing the patient at 8:00 in the morning, for an 8 o’clock appointment.

About the Author

Raymond A Costabile MD

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The Big C² Virtual Book Tour

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Stories from the Chronic Side of Cancer


Nonfiction / Health / Cancer

Date Published: November 15, 2024



As medical advancements accelerate, more people are living long lives with
cancer. The Big C2 delves into how survivors can become thrivers, despite
the challenges of a chronic cancer fluctuating between the need for
immediate attention and the patience for watchful waiting. Through a
collection of essays and interviews, it aims to enlighten the conversation
around chronic cancer among patients, their loved ones and healthcare
professionals. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone feeling alone
or misunderstood while navigating this complex landscape. It offers
transformative personal insights, tools and experience-based hope,
emphasizing the importance of open, honest conversations to empower and
support those affected.


The Big C² tablet

Did you say “chronic” cancer?

You’re sitting on the other side of a desk from a white coat. You anxiously awaited this meeting, a culmination of tests and more tests, maybe months or years of misdiagnoses. Then you hear it – the Big C diagnosis. But what you may not have heard is the little c before it: “You have a chronic cancer.” That’s the Big C2.


Excuse me? What does that even mean?


Whatever new or revived diagnosis you heard, if you are feverishly Googling before you leave the patient parking lot, already barreling down the third loop of an emotional rollercoaster, now is the time to pull the handbrake. The word “chronic” could be the most powerful and misunderstood word in your now daily life with a cancer.


About the Author

Ruth Fein Revell

Ruth Fein Revell is a health and life science writer with a distinguished
40-year career of published work, including for The New York Times. She has
also lived with a rare chronic blood cancer for three decades. Today, she is
a patient advocate, hosts global patient webinars, interviews world-renowned
cancer specialists, and is the patient representative on a clinical
guidelines panel of the prestigious National Comprehensive Cancer Network
(NCCN). She lives with her husband and curly pup Ruby in a picturesque
“city in the country” in Upstate New York.


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Instagram: @ruthfeinr

X: @rfeinw


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Surviving Karma Blitz

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The Karma Series, Book 2


Literary Fiction, Mystery

Date Published: November 9, 2024



Officer Bella Streit’s abduction has yet to make headlines. Her captor once
again humiliates police by nabbing Captain Stark’s protective detail from
the precinct parking lot. Her predecessor, the third officer taken, adds to
the comedic nature of embarrassing the police. Taken from the scene of an
accident, Officer Tauron Sandoval’s handling reflects the lengths at which
Pin will go to feed his hunger. Now with Bella secured, Pin no longer
needing Tauron leaves her to a fast moving hourglass of life. Her minimal
sands flow as two other officers succumb.

Pin seeks revenge through torturing those he deems as old police.
Detectives Rix and Jain work the case. They find a roadmap offering clues to
the serial killer’s endgame. The roadmap given to them by informants.
However, unknown by the detectives is Pin also has informants feeding him
information. Double agent informants play their roles as if trained spies.
Both parties question the loyalties while traversing to the ultimate

Surviving Karma will require finding the common ingredient to their
sandwiches of life.


The Karma Series

 Available on Amazon

Surviving Karma series banner


Challenging Karma

The Karma Series, Book One


Surviving Karma

The Karma Series, Book 2 


About the Author

Mark Nistor

Well, Mark’s just a guy who made a life-changing promise.

Mark prides himself on being a family man, entrepreneur and now, author.
Trained to be a certified logistics professional, Mark got a certificate in
video and television production. Script writing class helped expand a love
for transforming ideas into stories. One of those first scripts would become
a first novel, Challenging Karma.

The published author experience has always placed high on a list of

Mark’s late mother would be the one to give the push needed to make
the dream a reality. After reading a first draft; she offered encouragement
toward finishing a yet to be named story. The self-published Karma series is
how he is keeping a promise to her.


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