Mated to the Wolves Virtual Book Tour

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Mated to the Wolves cover

Pack Pledged series Book 1


Paranormal Romance, Romantasy

Date Published: July 24th



What do my childhood bully, an ex, a shunned pack healer, and my deceased
father’s best friend have in common?

They’re all part of the new clan I’m promised to. A prophecy
from the pack witch sees me ripped from my college graduation, drugged, and
brought home. Thrust into the spotlight of a pack that despised me for being
the sole survivor of a house fire that ended two powerful bloodlines,
I’m out of my element.

Forced to choose between the start of Ragnarök or my own desires, I
embark on a journey with men I don’t want or trust. As the corruption
and threats come from the shadows, the options become clear, find common
ground or become pawns in a game far bigger than ourselves.

 Why does the greater good have to be so freaking painful?

Mated to the Wolves tablet


“You can pretend for a night, can’t you Princess?” I want to wipe the smirk off Bo’s face.

“If you stop antagonizing me, yes.” I chomp my teeth at him and he grins.

“I have to keep myself entertained somehow. All of my other extracurricular activities have been

cut off.” Bo’s eyes smolder. The asshole gets off on our back and forth.

“Poor spoiled Bo has to make do with his hand.” I run a finger down my cheek miming a tear.


About the Author

Ophelia Black logo

Surviving off coffee and tea, Ophelia Black pens stories that never make
you choose. Combining her love for the paranormal, magic, and history, she
weaves immersive worlds with unforgettable characters and adventure. In her
worlds, love is eternal, even when the path to finding it is winding. When
she’s not busy exploring the shadowy places in her mind, Ophelia day
dreams, makes candles, bakes and researches.


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1 Comment

Filed under Book Tour, BOOKS

One Response to Mated to the Wolves Virtual Book Tour


    This looks really good. Thanks for sharing and hosting this tour.