Doctor Misery’s City of Music Blitz

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Science Fiction/Fantasy



Can laughter save the mortal soul? Perhaps it can as a beauty-obsessed mad
scientist becomes the cultural and political leader of a nation. Deceived by
his pupil Doctor Praterius, Doctor and Mizzieri and Gelsomina are driven
again to creating new realities facilitated by transformative music. Great
innovations are on display; AI created propaganda such as the Mexican Robin
Hood La Carambada, musically induced blockchains and introducing Crotox, a
cryptocurrency based on the value of skin rejuvenators.

Musicians develop personal leitmotifs as they navigate between mundane and
extraordinary worlds, from the forested hills of New York to the Italian
mountaintop city of Ravello, to a neighborhood in Venice where the
feeble-minded are barred from technologies created after 1980, and finally
on a river journey through a South American rain forest, a world that
becomes entirely transformed into music. Will music enable higher
consciousness or bring about submission through mesmerization? Will it
strengthen the conscience or assist Praterius in fulfilling her corrupt
ambitions? Engaged in battles with dissonant harmonies and immoral regimes,
these musicians will attempt to reconcile the paradoxes of human nature,
proving music can indeed save the mortal soul.


About the Author

Nick Cascino

Nick Cascino is a media theorist, part-time musician and aspiring
astrophysicist attempting to integrate knowledge across the realms of
Quantum Physics, the creation myths of ancient cultures, the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle, and the superintelligence embedded in progressive
jazz, musicals and operas. He wrestles with the great paradoxes of human
nature, how the fundamental building blocks of the soul create infinite
blends of morality and depravity, and how we can reconcile these by
revealing the unconscious through music. While he pursues an elusive
apprenticeship with the great Neil deGrasse Tyson that would greatly improve
his prospects, it’s most likely that he will attain his astrophysicist
credentials no earlier than 2039, in time for the Centennials of the 1939
World’s Fair and the Wizard of Oz. He has however, developed a cutting edge
concept called QUANTUM AROUSAL THEORY, central to the work of his main
protagonist, Doctor Bruno Mizzieri. It’s an artistic concept based on
science, mythology, history and complex math equations. It’s long-term
objective is enabling the perception of simultaneous realities, but at a
minimum it will make you the life at parties.


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2 Responses to Doctor Misery’s City of Music Blitz

  1. Thanks for posting