Cotton Blitz

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(Hades Abyss MC)


Motorcycle Club Romance, Age Gap, Suspense

Date Published: October 18, 2024



Sometimes love is the only weapon against unspeakable evil.

Lavinia — I thought love was my salvation, until my Prince Charming turned
out to be not so princely. Then my pregnancy only made my relationship with
Tyler spiral into an even worse nightmare. Trapped in a cycle of pain and
fear, I worry there’s no escape. Until Cotton rides into my life. He
sees through my pain and vows to keep me safe. But Tyler isn’t
finished with me, and this time there’s more at stake. Escaping may
cost me everything. Maybe even my life.

Cotton — I’ve seen my share of darkness, but the cruelty Lavinia has
endured is heartbreaking. I know I’m too old for her, but I’m
all she’s got. Whatever it takes, I have to keep her from Tyler. Even
if it means making her mine. I promised her protection, gave her nights full
of passion… but when danger strikes, my promise is broken. I’ll
get her back, even if it means sending Tyler straight to hell. Because
Lavinia is mine, and I won’t stop until she’s back in my

Embark on this thrilling, emotional ride and see if love can conquer


WARNING: intended for readers 18+ due to bad language, violence, and adult
situations. Cotton contains scenes that may trigger sensitive readers.


Cotton banner2




I sat on the edge of the bed, my hands clasped together so tightly my
knuckles turned white. The pressure helped ground me, keeping me tethered to
the present. The past threatened to suck me under, drag me back down to the
dark place where sleep was nearly impossible. I’d come a long way in
the last year, but the guilt still ate at me, gnawing at my insides until I
thought I might explode from the pain. My head bowed, so I closed my eyes,
resting my elbows on my knees.

No matter how much time passed, I didn’t think I’d ever be able
to forgive myself. Roe had told me more than once what happened wasn’t
my fault. The demons in my head didn’t seem to care. Roe had been a
victim. So had I. Knowing that hadn’t stopped me from thinking I could
have done more, something to prevent what happened.

My brow furrowed, and my jaw clenched. The tension in my body made my
muscles ache. Would I ever be able to let it go? Hell, would I ever want to?
As the memories played in a continuous loop, I shifted on the bed, trying to
find a comfortable position. When that didn’t help, I dragged my hand
through my hair. The knots in my stomach made me nauseous. I hadn’t
eaten much in the last few days. Seemed like the demon in my head had
decided to visit.

Those memories could go fuck themselves. I knew I should get up, eat
something, maybe hang out in the clubhouse. Except I couldn’t seem to
make myself move. As I sat there, the edge of the bed digging into my ass, I
stared at the room. Never needed a lot, but even this felt like it was
closing in on me.

A few personal items dotted the room. Nothing too girly. I had a framed
photo of Roe, something I probably should have put away. The book on my
nightstand had been read so many times it was about to fall apart. Next
chance I got, I’d order another one.

I peered down at my arm, my gaze snagging on the US Navy-themed ink.
Remembering my time back then wasn’t always easy. The weight of what
I’d done sometimes kept me awake, but those memories? They were easier
to live with than what happened a year ago.

When I turned my head, I caught a glimpse of the photo. My chest tightened,
and I forced myself to look away. Once I’d found out where Roe was
living, I’d tried to let it all go… the guilt mostly. Thinking
about her didn’t help. Roe had moved on, gotten married. She
didn’t need me to protect her, but that didn’t stop me from
wanting to make sure she was always safe. Not like I could help her if shit
ever hit the fan. I’d been fucking useless that night.

I pushed to my feet and paced the room. As I made my third or fourth round,
I sat on the edge of the bed again with a sigh. The tension in my shoulders
was back, and I knew no matter how tired I was, sleep would evade me. I
rubbed at my chest, wishing the ache sitting right behind my sternum would

The silence didn’t help. If anything, it made things worse. I could
hear every creak of the floorboards as I moved. Even my sighs sounded loud
in the otherwise empty space. Maybe I needed to get back to work. Sitting on
my ass around the house hadn’t done me any favors. I still
hadn’t worked up the nerve to hunt down a woman to scratch my itch.
Did I even have an itch anymore? It should have been impossible for me to go
this long without pussy. I hadn’t had sex since…

I buried my face in my hands and inhaled deeply, then slowly blew it out.
Despite how much I didn’t want to admit it, guilt pressed in on me.
The same guilt that kept me from wanting to find someone. The same guilt
that ate at me every day.

I straightened and lifted my head. I’d been the victim of a crime. So
had Roe. The club hadn’t blamed me, and they’d let me stay
without any questions. Don’t know what I’d have done without

Would there ever come a time I could think of Roe without pain piercing my
chest? If I’d known the drinks were drugged, that she wasn’t
willing, I’d have never touched her. But I couldn’t change the

My phone rang, and I jumped, startled out of my thoughts. I reached for it,
my hand hesitating. My jaw tightened when I spied Bear’s name on the
screen. “Yeah?”

“Think you can join us for a drink at the clubhouse?”
Bear’s gruff voice came through the speaker. “We’re going
to shoot some pool, maybe play some cards.”

I didn’t say anything. Hell, I didn’t know what to say. On the
one hand, I could use a drink. On the other, what good was a beer if I
couldn’t stop thinking about Roe?

“We’re worried about you. Don’t want to push, but
you’ve been cooped up in that house for a long damn time. Might do you
some good to hang out for a little while.” Bear’s tone softened,
enough I knew he meant the words.

I ran a hand through my hair and rested it on the back of my neck.
“You’re offering to babysit me?”

Bear snorted. “The fuck we are. I’m saying we need one more guy
for a proper poker game and you’re it. If you want to drink a beer or
shoot a game of pool while you’re at it, so be it.” He huffed
out a breath. “It’s not babysitting. It’s called spending
time with your brothers.”

“I don’t think I –”

“Don’t give me that. If you didn’t want company, you
wouldn’t still be with us. You could have moved on. Instead, you
stayed. That means you’re still one of us, and you need to get your
ass over here. Don’t make me come find you.”

A smile tugged at my lips, but it felt rusty. How long since I’d
genuinely smiled? “Fine. I’ll be there in a couple

“Good. I’m going to set the table up. Don’t keep us
waiting long,” he warned as he hung up.

I stared at Roe’s photo one more time. I kissed the tips of my
fingers and pressed them to the glass. “Maybe someday you’ll be
out of my head. Until then, I guess I’m just going through the
motions.” I nodded to myself and headed to the clubhouse.

As I stepped through the doors, the sounds of my brothers’ laughter,
clinking beer bottles, the scent of leather pulled me in. I paused just
inside the entrance and took a deep breath. Biker life. My life. Why was I
having a hard time reminding myself of that? I let my breath out slowly as I
surveyed the room.

Some of the guys were shooting pool. The old, worn-down pool table had seen
better days. Fox had found it at a garage sale and brought it here a few
months ago. Now that we didn’t have women at the clubhouse, it was a
nice addition. With all the families around here, things seemed to
constantly change. For the better in all honesty.

Bear came toward me and lifted a beer in my direction. I hesitated and then
reached out and took it. He didn’t say anything, just gave me a nod.
Fangs walked over and slapped me on the back.

“Good to see you out and about, brother. You clean up all
right.” He gave me a crooked grin. “Glad you joined

I handled the beer, my fingers curling around the bottle. I took a few
steps into the room before I froze. I forced a smile that felt more like a

It didn’t take long before everyone made it a point to come over and
say something to me. My brothers didn’t blame me for what had
happened, and they did their best to make sure I knew that every day. Even
after Roe left. While that support should have made me feel better, it
hadn’t. Because I blamed myself.



About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC
Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde
immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible
women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still
managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new
plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book.
She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies.
Visit Wylde’s website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and
don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts
and other exciting perks.


Author on Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok: @harleywylde


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