Clara and Her Potty Blitz

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Clara and Her Potty cover


Children’s Book

Date Published: June 2023


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Learning how to use the potty and getting rid of diapers once and for all
is a major step for a child.

As they don’t even know what’s waiting for them on the other side, children
need role models to help them grasp the idea and build the excitement and
confidence to conquer the new world and skills.

Clara, the hero of our story, will support your child on the way and be the
role model it needs. She will show your child that it is okay to be a little
scared. Practice and the support of their parents/guardians will carry them

Clara is happy and proud of being a big girl in the end, just like your
child will be too.


This kids book matches the parenting guide “The Toilet Training
Book”. Loving and child-oriented it will lead you from preparation,
through training, to implementation.

About the Author

Angela Zigann

I’m a mum of two gorgeous monsters, a wife, a pedagog.

As my kids required one story after the other, I send them out into the
world now, hoping your kids will like them as well. Alongside that I try to
help you (the parents) with a bit of guidance too.


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