Category Archives: BOOKS

Shaken, Yet Here I Stand Virtual Book Tour

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Shaken, Yet Here I Stand cover

Teen and Young Adult Nonfiction / Memoir

Date Published: June 23, 2023


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Shattered but not broken, Shaneé Morgan, shares the raw and uncut
story of her journey through childhood trauma, tragedy, resilience, and
healing. This shocking yet powerful memoir recalls the author’s
childhood growing-up in 5th Ward Houston, Texas also known as “The
Nickel,” in the midst of the crack epidemic. From the crack house to
the school house, Shaneé recounts the tragic events that
could’ve claimed her life, or the lives of her family if not for the
grace and mercy of God. Later, realizing there was a greater purpose for her
life, she set out to change the trajectory of the family cycle, by breaking
generational curses and strongholds, in an effort to provide herself and her
family a better life. Having to confront her past through extensive therapy
allowed the author to share her tragic story to inspire and motivate other
survivors to believe in their ability to succeed through healing, growth,
hard work, dedication, and a desire to be their best selves, despite the
tragedies and adversity they may have faced.

Shaken, Yet Here I Stand tablet


ALL I REMEMBER THINKING WAS, “Finally, we are safe!”
WITH EVERYTHING THAT HAD BEEN going on at the house, all I wanted to do was
get away from there for as long as I could.
“I just wanna go to school!”
“I’m exactly who God called me to be—an example for others who may have
experienced, or who are currently experiencing similar situations and circumstances. I’m
a walking testimony that you can overcome anything you want if you are willing.”
A WISE PERSON ONCE SAID, “Once a person shows you who they are, believe them”
“GOD GIVES his toughest battles to his strongest people.”
“I am not a product of my past environment. I am the result of my decisions.”
“A little therapy never hurt nobody!”

About the Author

Shanee Denise-Morgan

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Marcus Romanzo’s Book of Life Long Short Stories Virtual Book Tour

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Marcus Romanzo's Book of Life Long Short Stories cover

Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction

Date Published: September 2022

Publisher: Authors Innovation


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I Marcus Romanzo , hope my mix of different  stories will be something
to be enjoyed. I would encourage those who read my stories to say.  You
know, I could write short stories too.  And I will, so please go ahead
and do it Marcus Romanzo.

Marcus Romanzo's Book of Life Long Short Stories tablet



“The Song, Where or When.” 


“Sure I remember my last life before this one.  No I do not, therefore past lives cannot be true.” 



“A young soldier’s worst experience in Vietnam, in the summer of 1967.”  


“Is not our minds incredibly fascinating that it would make us responsible for what we saw.  Even though we had no part in that slaughter and murder of our fellow human beings.”

About the Author

Marcus Romanzo


Adult male 74 years old, retired, gardener, short story writer


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Crucible Reveal


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Dark Romantic Suspense

Date Published: 10-11-2023


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Some burn in the fire, others are forged in it.


I’m justice.

I’m deliverance.

I’m punishment.

Ultimately, I’m a dealer of death.

It’s exactly what they need from me.

To push back the enemy.

To keep them all safe.

I’m always one step ahead.

Until her.

She wasn’t meant to be here.

She’s tempting a cruel twist of fate.

Now he’s got her in his crosshairs.

He’ll feed off her vulnerability.

He’ll make her a victim of his obsession.

If I can’t pull her out, she’ll drown in the dark.

She’ll become as twisted as the rest of us.


About the Author

Franca Storm logo

Franca writes emotional and gritty reads about alphas with a dark side and
the kickass women who turn their worlds upside down.

A Marvel and DC fan, you’ll often find her binging on superhero shows
and movies. Away from that heart-pumping action, she’ll relax with a
good book, or work on conquering her next 1,000-piece puzzle.

She writes to alternative and hard rock with her storyboard of inspiration
by her side and some tasty snacks along for the ride. A cross between a
pantser and a plotter, she’s happiest when she’s fully immersed
in crafting her fictional worlds.

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Parallel Secrets Teaser

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Parallel Secrets cover


Date Published: 9/25/23

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


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After a young girl goes missing, former TV crime reporter Vicky Robeson
joins the search with the help of her attractive new love interest. They
take his RV to a tiny town in rural Missouri that’s filled with odd
characters and darker secrets. But Vicky has secrets of her own. She
believes this kidnapped girl may be linked to a case she reported on nine
years ago, when a mystery child was found walking on levee, bloody and
unable to speak. Back then, Vicky failed to follow up clues only she knew.
Now, she has a chance to redeem herself. As she uncovers secrets, it becomes
clear someone will kill to keep them hidden.


CHAPTER  2 – November 2008


Her eyes burned and the campfire smoke now smelled dangerous. She lifted
her camp chair and moved away from the fire, away from the heat and light,
closer to the RV to have something solid behind her. She read and reread the
short article about the missing girl. Ten years old, disappeared from in
front of her house while playing with a friend. No witnesses.

Fear and terrible images of a child taken, tortured, possibly
killed—especially in Walkers Corner—swept away all thoughts
except for what she needed to do next. She might not be able to undo the
past, but this time she would do everything she could to help save the

It would definitely blow a hole in the camping trip, though, her first with
the delectable Pete Harris in his eight-year-old RV. Damn. She liked the way
he traveled, the way he thought, the way he looked, the way she felt with
him. His jeans and plaid shirt hugged him nicely, and he moved smoothly
while making sure everything was just so. And now, he wanted to get a place
together. Too bad things were more complicated than that.

When he came over and kissed her, the fire reflected in his smiling eyes,
color melting somewhere between chocolate and caramel.

Her return kiss was quick. “Sorry, something urgent’s come up.
Would you mind driving me back to town?” Her voice felt tight and
strained. “I need to go to Missouri for a few days.”

“What? Now?” He stepped back, looking concerned. “Is
everything okay?”

“Yes, fine. I hate to disrupt our trip, but I need to look into
something. A girl’s gone missing there, outside St.

Pete tilted his head. A lock of light brown hair threaded with gray fell
onto his forehead.

A bit more explanation might be called for. “There’s an Amber
Alert. Her name’s Rose Willwood. I want to help find her. And I might
write about it, and something else that happened there.”

Pete’s brow cleared. “Want me to go with you? I have free time.
We can take the RV. If we start early and both drive we can make St. Louis
by late tomorrow night.”

“Really?” Just like that, no more questions? What an amazing
guy. “That’d be great. It’s about an hour or two this side
of St. Louis.” Six months now, and he just gets better and better.
Would he be like that if they lived together?

“No problem.” Pete started folding the tarp he used as a
tablecloth. “I’d like to see more of Missouri.” He put the
tarp and a lantern in one of his crates, already packing for an early
departure. “How long do you think we’ll be there?”

About the Author

ML Barrs

ML Barrs ran TV newsrooms for years, guiding and managing the content and
production of more than eight hours of live newscasts a day.

In her debut novel, Parallel Secrets, protagonist Vicky Robeson shares that
kind of experience as well as the author’s passion for justice,
especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of children and other
vulnerable people.

ML Barrs grew up one of thirteen children—the first girl, with three
older brothers—a birth order she believes shaped her essence by the
time she was eight. A girl’s gotta be a bit pugnacious to get along in
that environment. Amid the chaos of fourteen people living in a mobile home
(not a double-wide), she turned fifteen, dropped out of school and ran away
from home.

Being homeless, then working minimum wage jobs quickly grew old. She earned
her GED and went to college, where she met and married the father of their
two grown children. After a successful career as a television news director
and general manager, she decided that what she really wanted to do is write
mysteries. Parallel Secrets will be published September 2023, and its sequel
is in the works.


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Just Jake Release Blitz

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Just Jake cover

Contemporary Romance

Date Published: 08-29-2023

Publisher: Vinspire Publishing


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An emerging country star returns to his hometown to overcome his serious
writer’s block and reunites with his high school sweetheart. Together they
rediscover love and learn that the best music is the music you make



Just Jake poster



About the Author

Jaimie Engle

Jaimie Engle writes stories with a magic touch for film, television, and
books. Her feature film JUST JAKE sold to TrueBrand Entertainment for
release on UpTV Faith & Family Network, with the novel adaptation sold
to Vinspire Publishing (2023). Besides writing, Jaimie enjoys kickboxing,
baking grain free treats, and supports her sons in professional theater and
varsity football with her husband in Florida. Fun fact? Jaimie was an alien
on Seaquest. Social @JaimieEngleWrites &


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