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Spirit Guides Divine Through A Sign Blitz

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Spirit Guides Divine Through A Sign cover

Children’s Book

Date Published: 05-01-2023


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Spirit Guides Divine Through A Sign Is written from my personal experiences
when I was child. My upbringing was worldly and colorful with taking risks
and enjoying life’s seasonal Memories. The memories are what we hold
on to. I thank both to both my mom and my dad that provided me with an
adventurous life by believing in me and showing me the ropes. Divine travels
to location destinations that have been a big part of my life and with my
family. It’s as if they are still with me. Ladybugs mean living life
to the fullest, this represents my father. When he passed I always saw
ladybugs. I believe he is a spirit that is always with me, showing me signs
of protection, guidance and it’s pretty powerful when he wants to be.
My mom who is the 111 sign and Divine, the baby elephant. She loved baby
elephants and the meaning of everything that’s beautiful with
elephants. I educate the symbolisms of each character throughout
Divine‘s journey in a rhyme in my next book, “Believe To
Receive, Calling All Angels” I also educate their life purpose.

In this story, Divine meets her best friend name Chappy in the magic
forest. Growing up in a small town in New Jersey we have this forest.
It’s meaningful to me and I believe there is familiar energy and
smells of the forest trees there which is quite magical. I include this in
my book as a memory in my childhood. Chappy is always on the move and he
loves to travel. He’s also very wise chatty and also snappy when he
wants to be. Chappy happily joins Divine’s journey. Later they both
meet a friendly soulmate friend named, Wing. The three of them traveling
notice the many signs and messages from Ladybug Spirit. They love traveling
to Divine’s lovely destinations and go with the flow with following
the 111 signs.

Divine is compelled not only following the signs for living out her
purpose. she has an intuition feeling that someday she might need a louder
voice to be heard about something so important for everyone must learn and
hear. Intuitively she listens to her inner spirit and believes in herself
and the guided path Without knowing what will be but believing without
questioning the journey. Divine ends up in Hollywood with a greater purpose
in my next book series, “Believe To Receive, Calling All Angels”
and The Secret Place, Child Of The Earth”.


About the Author

Lindsay Staloff author

Lindsay Staloff is the C.E.O. & co-founder of HERO Locations Co., a
location scouting and media production company, and the President of
non-profit PPCM Fund, Inc., both based out of Calabasas, CA. She earned her
M.S.W. from the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy &
Practice after receiving her undergrad degree from Lynn University in South
Florida. Lindsay relocated to California in 2002 to pursue her career in the
entertainment industry, quickly becoming one of Hollywood’s most
sought-after location scouts.

In 2016, the respected industry executive gave birth to her son Liam at
Cedar Sinai Medical center in Beverly Hills. Her OBGYN led her to believe
she had a seemingly normal pregnancy, despite Lindsay visiting her
OBGYN’s office forty-odd times before giving birth. Just months after
becoming a first-time mother, Ms. Staloff suffered complications from PPCM
(Peripartum Cardiomyopathy), a preventable pregnancy-induced cardiac
disease, resulting in multiple cardiac arrests, a hypothermia coma, &
continued complications.

Ms. Staloff has become the leading voice for women and the families of
women who have survived or lost a family member to Peripartum
Cardiomyopathy. Today, Ms. Lindsay Staloff’s purpose in life is to

others through her non-profit organization, PPCM Fund, Inc by spreading
education and awareness of this deadly disease to the medical community and
expectant parents. She seeks to expand her work on behalf of women and
parents through a term in public office by focusing on her local community
and small and women-owned businesses. Lindsay has worked with PPCM Fund to
put women and families first and will continue to do so as a city council
member via an emphasis on policy, not politics.

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Her Irresistible Guardian Virtual Book Tour

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Men in Uniforms: Marines, Book 2 (can be read standalone)


Military Romance

Date Published 07-27-2023


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Four years.

It’s been four years since Olivia ghosted Dax as he departed for Marine
Boot Camp.

Now a Lance Corporal, easy-going Dax “D” Cameron is shocked when
the woman who left him with a shattered heart is standing before him.


The mix of fury and desire that bubble inside him rocks him to his core.
Yet he’s stationed stateside for the meantime, and if Olivia can explain
herself well enough, it might help him finally get over her.

Which would be good, because his new training can’t allow for any
distractions. Let alone the buxom, golden, chestnut haired woman from his
past. Any mess up or mistake can bring disaster for his entire squad.

When Olivia Hastings turns around to find Dax standing in front of her, she
can’t believe her eyes. It’s the same Dax, only more muscular and his
laid-back smile is wiped from his face. He seems larger somehow, and his
presence after so long tears her words from her lips.

While she does owe him an explanation, he owes her one as well, because he
bailed on her to join the Marines without even asking her what she thought
about the idea or how it might affect their relationship. And now that she
has a possessive ex dogging her heels, the last thing she needs is to have
her emotions riled up by Dax’s reappearance.

Because he’s more irresistible now than he had been before he left.

Four years, however, wasn’t enough time to extinguish the heat between
them. And when they make their apologies, sparks fly even hotter than they
had in the past.

But it turns out Olivia’s ex is more than just an irritation — he’s
dangerous. And when his jealously gets out of control, both Olivia and Dax
are in his sights.

Can Dax and Olivia overcome their haunting past and her dangerous ex? Or
will the challenges be too much for them to bear?


Her Irresistible Guardian tablet


Dax finally broke free from his trance, but his eyes remained fixed on the woman at the booth. 

“Remember me telling you about the girl I dated for over a year who suddenly ghosted me when I joined the Marines? That’s her.”

“No shit,” Sergeant Drake’s tone was more tempered since there was no threat, but still surprised. This was nothing short of a shock to Dax, but they were all familiar Dax’s strange story about the girl who ghosted him. Most believed the story to be a half-truth at best – what kind of person ghosted a guy right before he joined the Marines? 

Yet here she was, the girl who ghosted him, at a carnival booth.

“Go talk to her,” Drake told him.

Dax tore his gaze off Olivia and her luscious body (stop it!) to glare at his sergeant.

“Are you fuckin’ sick in the head? Why would I want to do that to myself?”

Drake tugged on the brim of his straw cowboy hat. “Because I can see the way you’re looking at her right now. And if for nothing else, to get some answers. We all know you never got closure on that. Here’s your chance.” He waved a hand at the booth.

Closure. What a horrible way to think about running into Olivia.

But his sergeant wasn’t wrong. Fucking sage, that’s what Drake was. All he was missing was the gray fantasy beard.

“Fine, but get back. Give me some space, will ya?”

David and Sgt. Drake made mirrored moves of holding their hands up and taking a step back, and Brian followed them. Chewing on his lip, Dax huffed hard through his nose and turned toward the booth.

The people gathered around the table had left. Her back was to him, her rounded ass outlined perfectly in a pair of fitted black jeans (I said stop it!) as she dug in a box at the back of the booth.

“Do you have any brochures?” he asked in a tight voice. Not disguising it, just trying to control the surge of shocked irritation inside him. His fury mixed with another emotion Dax couldn’t quite place. 

“There’s a few on the table. Or are we all out?” 

Her voice was everything he remembered, slightly husky with a slight lilt. He would always remember that voice.


Dax steeled himself. “Yeah, I don’t see any brochures. I think they were all taken. Do you have any more?”

At this, she froze in her movements. Dax cursed himself. Something in his voice must have given him away. She jerked upright, her back still to him, and after a brief pause, she slowly spun to face him. 

It was her.


Dax’s heart stopped in his chest, and he suddenly couldn’t breathe.

Her face was closed off, as if trying to hide the shock that he guessed she must be feeling.

The same shock that brought him to stock-still stance.

The colored flyers crumpled in her fist as she stared at him. Her light blue shirt pulled tight across her ample breasts, and the white stitching on her left breast matched the wording on the pop-up. Besser Real Estate.

They stared at each other for several seconds. It seemed all the fresh beach air was gone, and his chest heaved. He watched as her own gaze roved over his body, taking him in and trying to convince herself that he was indeed standing right before her.

Because he still wasn’t sure he was seeing Olivia. It was like something from a strange fever dream.

Finally, she broke the silence.

“Dax, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

About the Author

Michelle Deerwester-Dalrymple

M.D. Dalrymple is a pen name for Michelle Deerwester-Dalrymple for her
contemporary series. She writes police, Marine Corps, and campus romances
based off real places and experiences. Are you looking for pulled from the
real word romance? Grab the Men in Uniform, Men in Uniform: Marines, or the
Campus Heat series today!

Writing in the dry heat of the Southwest, M.D. has written over 60 books
under different pen names. She has a half-dozen kids, too many pets to
count, and her hubby who is also a writer and is her happily ever


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Self Sabotage No More Virtual Book Tour

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Nonfiction / Self-Help

Date Published: 10-20-2022

Publisher: Success In 100 Pages


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You want to make a change. Write a book, make more money, lose that extra
weight, whatever…

You vow to yourself that tomorrow you are going to make it happen! This
time it will be different.

But tomorrow comes and you don’t get started.

And even if you do get started, some hidden force keeps you from committing
to the changes you made.

In short, you sabotage yourself.

In this fast, engaging read, you will learn why you are sabotaging yourself
from getting what you want but more importantly, exactly what to do about

Self Sabotage No More tablet


When I was about 12 years old, my father took me on a two-night overnight stay in Mexico. He was a commercial pilot for one of the big airlines and treated me to the trip. The airplane we were on was a typical commercial jet. To make things even more exciting, I got to sit in the cockpit.

It was an uneventful flight and so much fun just sitting in the jump seat staring at the big blue sky and beautiful clouds. It came time for us to begin our approach. Suddenly, an alarm went off, along with a computerized female voice I will never forget: 

“Pull up, pull up. Terrain ahead, terrain ahead.”

My dad spoke to me calmly but firmly: “JJ, do NOT speak.” 

I sat there, quiet as a mouse. I was at that age where I believed in my dad so completely, that I wasn’t really scared.  He was larger than life and could fix anything. But still, the alarm would not turn off.

As I peered out the window of the cockpit at miles of empty sky before us, it was clear there was nothing ahead—but the plane was on autopilot—it was a glitch, a malfunction—and they could not shut off the alarm.  

Suddenly, my dad announced: “We are going manual!”

With that, he shut down the computer and he and his co-pilot flew the plane “old school,” which meant they had complete control of the aircraft without the computer. My dad had thousands of hours of experience on every kind of airplane you can think of. He did what we are going to talk about in the coming sections. He had to turn everything off and find another way. 

The truth is that many of us have been flying on autopilot for a very long time. We’re in the same patterns, same setpoints, same thoughts, same flight path, same destination, same unprocessed emotions… in a way, it’s the same day, over and over. When we try and do something out of the routine our alarm goes off. It’s a malfunction. It’s a glitch. A false alarm. 

But it goes off nevertheless, and we adhere. The usual program requires much less energy than the “detour” we
want to take.

Frankly, the original destination was probably picked a long, long time ago by your 7-to-12-year-old-self, and you have been headed there ever since. 

This includes: 

  • I’m not worthy of success
  • I’m not smart enough
  • I’ll never be happy
  • I’ll never fit in
  • I’m not wanted
  • I’m not special
  • I better dim my light—when I shine, I hurt others
  • Wanting money is bad
  • I’ll never be forgiven
  • There’s not enough time
  • I’ll never be organized
  • I’m always late
  • I’m destined for failure 

And on and on.  

As you dive into this book, you may notice that you have to reset the autopilot to a destination more desirable—one that your adult self has decided on. You may find you have to identify and release some of the unprocessed emotions you never dealt with. 

You are going to have to delete those sabotaging beliefs that are constantly “auto-correcting” your direction. We will have a look at your setpoints, too. Are you stuck at a certain financial setpoint? Relationship setpoint? How’s your “having it all” set point? 

In the following sections, we will identify the hidden glitches, including unprocessed emotions, sabotage beliefs, and sabotage setpoints that might be holding you back and causing difficulties. We are going to shut it all down and manually bank right, moving with ease towards a new destination, a destination with intention, a destination of your choosing, a destination of your dreams. 

Excerpt permission by Success In 100 Pages and Jennie Potter. “Self Sabotage No More” is currently being distributed only through Amazon and is available in paperback and Kindle. Learn more about the author at

About the Author

Jennie Potter

Jennie Potter is a Future-Self Coach for entrepreneurs, speaker, and author
of two books.

In addition to having a background as an entrepreneur, Jennie has a
bachelor’s degree in psychology, earned a diploma at counseling
college, and is a certified John Maxwell coach.

She has invested thousands of hours in reading, coursework, study, and
practice in the areas in which she teaches and helps clients today.

Jennie is obsessed with helping people identify and remove the hidden
emotional blocks that hold people back from living their best lives. She is
passionate about identifying tangible ways to release and move through
limiting beliefs, emotions, fear, and negative mindsets. She thrives on
helping others achieve through faith, vision, release, manifestation,
exploration, and powerful daily habits—empowering others in applying
actionable ways to break through, use their God-given gifts and shine fully
as the light they were made to be in this world.

She lives on the west coast of Vancouver Island, in British Columbia with
her husband Dave, their kids, and two furbabies.


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Cyrus Teaser Tuesday

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Iron Tzars MC, Book 8


MC Club Romance

Date Published: September 8, 2023

Publisher: Changeling Press


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Odette — My life has gone down the toilet. I accidentally got myself
involved with a married man and had an… accident. Don’t get me
wrong, I didn’t love the cheating bastard, but I hate that I got
played. Naturally I did what any self-respecting eighteen year old would do.
I went to a karaoke bar and got wasted. Not my finest moment. So, when I
land in the arms of a man I’ve fantasized over for the past two years,
I’m not even surprised. My luck is just that bad.

Cyrus — The first time I met Odette she was only sixteen and already more
trouble than I knew what to do with. She’d been about to make a
mistake with a prospect from her brother’s club when I intervened. The
next time I see her, two years later, she’s singing like an angel,
drunk off her ass. I have to get her out of that bar. Taking her home with
me to our club doctor feels like the right thing to do. Deciding she’s
mine to care for and protect might make me a possessive bastard, but I
don’t like the word no so I’m not giving her the chance to


WARNING: Graphic violence and adult situations that may be triggers for
some readers. Features a protective hero and a determined heroine. Eventual
happy ending and NO cheating, as always.


Cyrus tablet




All rights reserved.

Copyright ©2023 Marteeka Karland


Odette Muse was trouble with a capital T-R-O-U-B-L-E. She was also the much
younger half-sister of a man I knew when we were in the Air Force together.
Last I heard, he still lived in Palm Beach, Florida, and rode with a club
called Salvation’s Bane. I’d met Odette there where she was
trying to sneak into the compound with a prospect she was way too good for.
At sixteen she’d been a free spirit. In love with life and all the
pleasures of the flesh, so to speak. That had only been two years ago, but
it was a memory that was clear as fucking crystal. I’d stopped her
from fucking that prospect by dragging her back to her brother, but I had no
doubt she’d found someone else. Hopefully a man more worthy of her
beauty and passion. As well as closer to her own fucking age. Though now, at
eighteen, I suppose it didn’t matter as much.

I clenched my fists as I made my way toward the stage like I was in a
trance. Emotions were elusive for me. Things better left in a sealed box
inside my mind. Not today. Rage like nothing I’d ever experienced
poured through me like molten lava. Hot and viscous. It clung to my insides
and seared me from the inside out as I watched other men watching her.
Touching her when she danced near them as she sang fucking karaoke. I
wasn’t good with emotions. Mine or anyone else’s. So this punch
to the gut was as unwelcome as it was unexpected.

Odette was better than this. She should sing her own songs. Be in a famous
band. Anything other than being the main entertainment at fucking karaoke
night in a backwoods bar. I was torn between jerking her off the stage and
taking her out back to spank her delectable ass, or killing any motherfucker
who touched her. Maybe I’d do both.

I’d just reached the stage when the song ended. She stood there with
a huge smile on her face, holding a microphone while she waved at the
cheering crowd. Odette jumped straight up, throwing her arms in the air in
joy, laughing like she didn’t have a care in the world. What the fuck
was she doing here? And why wouldn’t Blade give us a heads-up if he
knew his sister was coming this way?

She stumbled sideways and nearly fell on her ass. Thank God I was there to
catch her or she’d have broken her fool neck falling from the stage.
Like she hadn’t just fallen off the stage right into a strange
man’s arms, Odette laughed and threw her arms around my neck. I could
smell the alcohol on her the second she dropped into my arms but also her
own faint scent of honeysuckle. That scent had haunted me ever since the
first day I met Odette.

The little nymph buried her face in my neck and inhaled. “Ain’t
smelled a man like you since I tried to nail me a biker.” God, that
sultry voice! The woman had me hard as a fucking rock with just her fucking
voice. And her scent. And the softness of her skin. The crowd roared and the
people next to us pawed at her. She seemed oblivious as she nuzzled her face
against my skin. “So delicious…”

“Snap out of it, Odette!” I growled at her. No clue if she
heard me or not, but I doubted she did. Even if it wasn’t so loud I
couldn’t hear myself think in there, especially once another song
started up and the next singer belted out her song as loud as Odette had, I
was pretty sure Odette was completely wasted. Anything I said or did until
she sobered up would be a waste of time and breath.


About the Author

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka
Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and
totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination
since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout
her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and
irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of.


Author’s Instagram and Twitter: @MarteekaKarland

Publisher on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @changelingpress


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It’s A Wonderful Dog Reveal

It's A Wonderful Dog cover

A Christmas Tail

Adult Fantasy/Holiday

Date Published: November 16, 2023

Publisher: Acorn Publishing

It’s Christmas Eve in western Kansas and a snowstorm is gaining
strength as Bear Bailey, a devoted Great Pyrenees, tries to comfort his
beloved owner Mary. She’s in hot water with the local business
villain, and Bear’s earlier altercation with this miser only seemed to
make things worse. When Mary blurts out that she wishes for a different
life, Bear blames himself for her despair and runs away.

Meanwhile Jiff, a Labrador patiently waiting for his own human to meet him
at the Rainbow Bridge, sees Bear shivering alone in the blizzard. Knowing
Bear won’t survive the night without intervention, Jiff agrees to act
as Bear’s guardian angel on Earth. He is determined to show the Great
Pyrenees what the lives of the humans around him would have been like
without his presence over the years.

A holiday “tail” for those who love the season but feel the
deep loss of loved ones (both furry and human), It’s a Wonderful Dog
shines a light on the power of love and community, and reminds us that
miracles do exist.

About the Author

Keri Salas

Keri Salas grew up a small town girl with a sense of grand adventure. After
marrying her childhood sweetheart and starting their first business on a
shoestring budget, she went on to spend the last two decades as a life coach
helping others reach their dreams.

The greatest joys in her life are exploring London, snuggling with her dogs
(past, present, and future), and spending time with her husband David.
Though not necessarily in that order. She believes that people will knock
your socks off with their kindness, and life is filled with miracles and
serendipitous events to rival any great fictional book.


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