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Stitches Teaser Tuesday

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Devil’s Fury MC, Book 13

A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance


Motorcycle Club, Age Gap, Dark romance, Action & Suspense

Date Published: September 22

Publisher: Changeling Press LLC


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Marci — My sister and her boyfriend had been my entire world, until I lost
them both. Laura died, and Stitches walked away. I’ve lived in hell
for the past seven years thanks to a brother who should have protected me.
Instead, he used me to further his career, not caring whether I lived or
died. Now Stitches is back, right in front of me. I always thought of him as
an older brother, so why does he suddenly seem so sexy? What would Laura
think if she knew I was falling for the man she loved?

Stitches – When I lost my woman and daughter, I walked away. I should
have taken her little sister, Marci, with me. Instead I trusted her family.
My mistake. If I’d checked on Marci, kept in touch, I’d have
known she was in trouble. Now she’s back in my life, battered and
broken. The men who dared to hurt her will pay with their lives. Especially
her older brother. I failed her before, but this time I’ll get
vengeance for all she’s suffered. It never occurred to me I’d
end up falling for her along the way. I only hope if Laura is watching over
us, she’d approve, because I don’t think I can hold myself


WARNING: Guaranteed happily ever after, no cliffhanger, no cheating.
Recommended for readers 18+ due to adult situations, language, and


Stitches tablet




Present Day


I couldn’t believe Ram had returned to the Devil’s Fury.
Although, the biggest surprise had been the women and teens he’d
brought with him. Each had suffered horribly, and I’d given them some
space the first week. Badger had agreed they would be too skittish for me to
attempt giving them an exam. It wasn’t the first time I’d used
my medical knowledge for the sake of my brothers or their women. Now I was
on the last woman, and nothing could have prepared me to come face-to-face
with Marci again. Now all grown up and looking more haunted than any woman
should. It had been ten years since I’d last seen her, which meant she
was in her early twenties now. My stomach twisted. How the hell had she
gotten mixed up in all this? And why hadn’t I known? I had so many


She wouldn’t look at me. Couldn’t say I blamed her. If it
weren’t for me knocking up her sister, Laura might have still been
alive. I might not have liked their brother, Richard, but I’d thought
he would at least make sure Marci had a decent life. I hadn’t seen a
single poster around town about her being missing. Not a peep on the local
news or radio. How long ago had she been kidnapped?


“Marci, do you remember me?” I asked, keeping my voice low and
even, not wanting to startle her.


She still wouldn’t acknowledge me. She rocked slightly as she stared
at the floor. I wasn’t sure if she needed a medical exam right now. A
psychiatrist would probably be better for her. I knew some of the women in
the club had spoken to one before. And Ram might not have a degree or
license but did well with that sort of thing. Would he be able to coax
something from her? Even a few words would help. I didn’t know if she
was in pain, hungry, or what the hell she needed right now.


Why the fuck did they have me walk in here while Marci was alone? The fact
a man came into the apartment probably scared the shit out of her. Then
again, if the others were like her, I doubted they’d have been much
comfort right now. I wished one of the old ladies had joined me for this.
But if they had, and Marci acknowledged me, then I’d have to explain
how I knew her. No one knew about Laura or our daughter, Rose, and I
intended to keep it that way if at all possible. Some things weren’t
meant to be shared, and that was a pain that was mine alone to bear.


“The last time I saw you, you were starting high school. Even though
we live in a small town, not once have I run into you or your brother,
Richard.” Marci flinched when I said her brother’s name. My nape
prickled and I inched a little closer. Did that asshole Richard have
something to do with her being here now? Was he to blame for what happened
to Marci? If so, I’d bury the fucker! “You know, I
couldn’t face you when Laura died. I called


She flinched again and whimpered. Her rocking increased. I didn’t
need a verbal response from her. Her actions alone spoke volumes. I’d
have to ask Outlaw to find him for me, which meant I’d have to tell at
least one person I knew Marci and how we were connected. I took the risk of
moving even closer to her and went down on one knee in front of her. She
froze, her eyes slowly focusing on me. Once she seemed to come back to
herself a little, her eyes filled with tears, and she flung herself into my


“I’ve got you, Marci. Everything will be fine now.” I
rubbed her back and held her tight, letting her soak my cut and tee with her
tears. When her cries quieted, I stood and lifted her into my arms. I
hesitated to take her to the bedroom she’d been using. I felt like I
needed to get her out of the apartment. The more she cried, the more urgent
it felt to get her somewhere I could make her feel safe. Clearly, this
wasn’t it.


Instead, I found myself carrying her outside and walking to my house. Thank
goodness I didn’t live at the back of the compound. I managed to let
myself in without setting her down or dropping her, then took her straight
to the living room. Easing her down onto the couch, I smoothed her hair back
from her face.


“This is my house. You’ll be safe here, all right?”


She gave me a slight nod, then curled into the corner of the couch. I went
back to close and lock the door. As I twisted the bolt into place, I stared
at it. In all the years I’d lived here, not once had I locked my door.
For the first time in ten years, I had someone to protect, and this time
I’d do a better job of it.


Marci was no longer the teenager who’d brightly smiled at me and
asked a million questions about what it was like to be part of a motorcycle
club. She’d grown into a beautiful woman. The thought of her being
abused made me grind my teeth. She should have had a loving home, a ton of
friends, and been away at college right now. Instead, she’d been
tossed into hell, most likely by her brother.


When I got back to the living room, she’d closed her eyes but
wasn’t quite asleep. She peeked at me, letting me know she was aware
of her surroundings. It was an improvement over how I’d found


“How old are you now, Marci? Twenty-two? Twenty-three?” I


“I don’t know. I lost track of time.”


I tried to hold in my anger over the situation so I wouldn’t scare
her. For her to make such a statement meant she’d been with
Vega’s men for a while. Or possibly someone before them.


“Then can you tell me what happened? Last I heard, your brother was
going to take you in until you were old enough to make it on your
own.” Her lower lip trembled, and she picked at her fingernails. I
reached over to place my hand over hers. “No one here will hurt you,
Marci. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”


Again, I silently added, because I damn sure felt responsible right now. If
I’d kept in touch or checked up on her, would this have



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About the Author

Harley Wylde is an accomplished author known for her captivating MC
Romances. With an unwavering commitment to sensual storytelling, Wylde
immerses her readers in an exciting world of fierce men and irresistible
women. Her works exude passion, danger, and gritty realism, while still
managing to end on a satisfying note each time.

When not crafting her tales, Wylde spends her time brainstorming new
plotlines, indulging in a hot cup of Starbucks, or delving into a good book.
She has a particular affinity for supernatural horror literature and movies.
Visit Wylde’s website to learn more about her works and upcoming events, and
don’t forget to sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive discounts
and other exciting perks.


Author on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok: @harleywylde

Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X: @changelingpress


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I Smile at the Sun Blitz

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Verse for Children and Misidentified Grownups

Children’s Poetry

Date Published: September 19, 2023


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Each poem is a celebration of life.

Between Judith Barrett Lawson’s clever wordplay, and the delightful
illustrations by Netta Jones, I Smile at the Sun will transport readers on a
whimsical journey through childhood — it’s joys, silly mishaps, and small
everyday wonders. Yet you don’t have to be a child to smile at I Smile at
the Sun.

In the Tradition of Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky, but in her own
unique voice, Lawson brings together lighthearted humor with heartfelt
insights, offering friendly wisdom on growing up, loss, and the importance
of dreams.

If you grew up reading Dr. Seuss and love fun tongue-twisting rhymes, then
you’ve come to the right place. Judith Barrett Lawson has written an amazing
poem book that is not only just for kids but also Misidentified Grown-ups.

Immerse yourself in I Smile at the Sun and relive treasured memories, share
its magic, and let Judith Barrett Lawson’s poetic enchantment illuminate
your day.

About the Author

Judith Lawson

Writer, screenwriter, playwright, and lyricist Judith Lawson worked in film
and television casting for 10 years. She is co-author of screenplay based on
award-winning author Kaye Gibbon’s novel Sights Unseen. She has had
more than 35 song cuts recorded, and her play of I Smile at the Sun has been
produced four times to stellar reviews.

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The Ladder Larceny Teaser Tuesday

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A Kids’ Court Whodunit #6


Middle-Grade / Mystery

Date Published: 09-29-2023


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A missing ladder. A relentless bully. Can the junior lawyer uncover the
truth before chaos erupts?

Luana Porcello has discovered a new love: volunteering at the community dog
pound. Still, as much as she enjoys working with animals, law remains her
true passion. So, when the local bully accuses his neighbor of theft, she
happily resumes her attorney role, confident of her client’s

But as Luana gets to work, a formidable wall of evidence stands against her
client, from physical proof linking him to the alleged crime scene to an
eyewitness who insists he saw the accused commit the deed. Undeterred by the
odds stacked against her, Luana is relentless in her quest to vindicate her
client. Will her determination be enough to tip the scales of justice in
their favor?

The Ladder Larceny standing book






Bully for You!


“I’m Only going to say this once. Gimme back my ladder, or
you’ll be sorry.” Billy Green hardened his jaw as he glowered at
the small boy.

“But I don’t have it!” Adam Garcia rubbed his sweaty
palms on his green t-shirt.

“You’re lying.” Billy clenched his fists and fought
against the urge to hit the boy.

Adam’s eyes darted around the park, searching for an escape. But
there was none. Billy and his companions had him trapped in a deserted area.
“I didn’t take your ladder, Billy. Honest, I

“I didn’t take your ladder, Billy. Honest,” one of
Billy’s friends parroted mockingly.

A fourth boy laughed, and Billy twisted his lips. He would have found
Evan’s mocking impression of Adam hilarious at any other time, but not
now. Now, Billy was angry. Someone had taken his ladder—he was sure
that someone was Adam—and was determined to get it back.

The four boys were in the playground at Oakdale Park, a vast compound on
the outskirts of downtown Oakdale with tennis courts, basketball courts, a
swimming pool, and more.

Adam gulped and tugged at the neck of his t-shirt. He wasn’t sure how
he would get out of this mess. He didn’t know Billy well but knew he
and his friends were troublemakers. Adam’s eyes continued scanning the
area, desperately looking for a miracle. He noticed the grass was still damp
from the night’s heavy rainfall and the deep shadows surrounding them
where they were in the shade of the climbing wall. What Adam didn’t
see was another person. That was no surprise, as when he’d arrived at
the park earlier, he’d purposely chosen this area because of the
isolation. Adam had wanted to be alone. That decision had been a mistake.
Adam bit the inside of his cheek and peeked at his tormentor.

“I’ll give you till the count of five.” Billy towered
over Adam. “If you don’t tell me where my ladder is by the time
I finish, you’ll pay. One. Two. Three.” He counted off each
number on the fingers of his right hand.

Adam hunched over, squeezed his eyes shut, and awaited his fate. A fleeting
urge to run overcame him, but he couldn’t outrun Billy. Despite being
overweight, Billy was fast, and running away would only make him angrier.
Adam knew he’d pay once Billy caught up to him. No, it was better to
stay put and accept his doom. Besides, he and Billy were neighbors, so it
wasn’t like Adam could hide from the boy.

Meanwhile, Luana Porcello and her best friend, Phoebe Chen, rode along one
of the many bike paths that wove throughout the park grounds. The girls were
on their way home after spending the morning at the Oakdale Animal Shelter
orientation for new volunteers. Their friend, Carmen Diaz, a long-time
volunteer at the shelter, had been showing them the ropes.

Phoebe noticed the four boys in the distance as they turned a corner, and
the playground appeared. She recognized Billy and his cronies and slowed her
bike. “I wonder what’s going on over there?” 

Luana’s brow creased as she followed Phoebe’s gaze with her
eyes. “Hmm. I doubt it’s anything good.”

“That’s for sure. Billy Green and those two he hangs with are
bad news, and they have that poor kid outnumbered.” She glanced at
Luana. “Maybe we should go find out what’s going on. He might
need help. What do you think?” Without waiting for an answer, Phoebe
changed directions and pedaled toward the playground.

“Phoebe! Wait!” Luana increased her speed, trying to catch up
to her friend. Sometimes, she wished Phoebe would think before she

About the Author

Caron Pescatore

Caron Pescatore was born in the United Kingdom. She spent most of her
childhood in Jamaica before migrating to the United States. After practicing
as a registered nurse for many years, Caron decided to enter law school,
obtaining her J.D. in 2001. She worked as an attorney for several years
before leaving the profession to become a stay-at-home mom—her most
challenging career to date. She recently resumed working as an attorney at
Legal Aid, representing people from marginalized communities. Ms. Pescatore
is passionate about justice and fairness for all, a sentiment that led, in
part, to her decision to write the Kids’ Court Whodunit series. Her
favorite pastimes are reading, writing, and watching true-crime shows. She
also recently discovered a love of painting using stencils. At present, Ms.
Pescatore lives in Florida with her husband and two children.

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Gobbledy Teaser

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Middle-Grade / Holiday

Date Published: 10-20-2023

Publisher: Mapleton Press


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Ever since Dexter and Dougal’s mom passed away, life has been
different—but things take a whole new turn when a shooting star turns
out to be a creature from outer space! Gobbledy is a fun-filled holiday
story that adds up to two brothers, three friends, unlimited jars of peanut
butter, a ketchup factory, and one little alien far, far from home.





“What do you think these things are?” she asks.

          A loud wail comes from
the new jar full of dirt.

          Slowly, I lift the jar
off the work table and unscrew the lid.

          Fi and I look down at the
strange bug. The little thing wails. It’s not much bigger than the two
crickets standing on the sidelines, staring.

          Fi looks at me with a
wild look in her eyes. “Does your dad know?”

          I shake my head.
“Absolutely not. No. Dad will just make me take him back to the

          I pull the lid off. The
strange little bug opens his mouth really big.

          “Okay, okay,”
I whisper. “I’ll feed you, but you have to be

          He closes his mouth and
blinks. For a second, I think he might actually understand what I’m

          There’s a bag of potato
chips on the counter in the kitchen. I drop chips into the jar one by one,
avoiding the crickets.

          Chomp. Chomp.

          “Where’s the
rock?” Fi asks.

          Chomp. Chomp.

          The back door opens.
Startled, Fi jerks upright abruptly, smacking her head on the slanted
ceiling. I try to grab her hand as it flies past my face.  Her arms
flap wildly as she falls in a woozy, slow motion out into the hall.

          “Fi?” I say


          “Fi?”  I
drop to the floor next to her and check her pulse, like I’ve seen people do
in movies.  “Can you hear me?”

          She undoubtedly
cannot.  She does not move or answer.

          The jar wobbles on the
wooden table.

          “Excuse me,”
I quickly step over her limp body and grab the jar.  I tighten my grip
as it jerks around in my arms.  Hurky-jerky, it shifts against my
shirt.  I hold tight and screw the lid back on.


          Huh? “What are you
doing home, Dougal?” I yell.

          “I live

          “I know that, but
you’re early.”

          “Not really. School
is out. Dad asked Fran to pick me up because you got in trouble again, and
he couldn’t leave work twice.”


          Fran walks into the hall
and says, “Oh my gosh, what happened?”

          I look left, then
right.  Up, then down.  Over, then under.  My eyes settle on
my backpack next to my work table. I shove the jar inside quick, listening
to the hurky-jerky sound of glass tapping against my notebooks.  I
cover the jar with my jacket and step quickly into the hall.

          Fran pulls her hand to
her mouth.  “What happened to Fi?”

          Fi is on the floor where
I left her.

          “She was, ummm, we
were doing our science projects and then she fainted.”

          “I thought you had
to turn those in today?”

          “We did, but mine
got loose and she was …”

          I stare at her limp,
oddly twisted body.

          “Do you want me to
perform CPR until the emergency workers arrive?” Dougal asks.

          Fran rolls Fiona over on
her back.  “They’ll be no emergency workers. I got this,”
she says quietly, tapping Fi’s cheeks. “Fiona?”

          Fi’s eyes pop open.

          “You passed out,
girl.  Are you okay?”


          Fran helps Fi to her
feet.  She sways, woozy, reaching for the wall.

          Their cat, Sir
Shreds-A-Lot, scratches and howls at the back door.

          “Don’t let that cat
in,” Dougal says.  “He’s been sneaking up to the attic and
eating the villagers in Mom’s village.”

          “What’s the last
thing you remember?” I ask Fi.

          She rubs her
forehead.  “Let me get an ice pack. I’ll answer that in a


About the Author

Lis Anna-Langston

Hailed as “an author with a genuine flair for originality” by
Midwest Book Review and “a loveable, engaging, original
voice…” by Publishers Weekly, Lis Anna-Langston was raised
along the winding current of the Mississippi River on a steady diet of
dog-eared books.

You can find her any day of the week in the wilds of South Carolina
plucking stories out of thin air.


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All Manner of Beast & Man Blitz

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Following a stay in an inpatient psychiatric facility, Olivia is enrolled
in a luxurious mental health recovery center to regain control of her mind
and get her life back on track. With seemingly endless amenities and a new
best friend as her roommate, has Olivia found a new personal heaven? Or is
there something more sinister lurking behind the glossy exterior?



About the Author

Damien Kane Rigden

I am a New England based author and artist. I have written in a few
different genres, however, all of my stories have common elements of
suspense and dread. My background is a mix of engineering, architecture and
studio art classes. I have been fortunate enough to find a balance in my
life where I can keep exploring the line between my technical and creative

I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
After WPI, I spent some time studying architecture at the BAC in Boston. I
have taken classes at the Currier Museum and New Hampshire Institute of Art
in Manchester, NH. I also studied reduction woodcut printmaking for a year
and a half at Piscataqua Fine Arts in Portsmouth, NH.

In 2019 I took my first foray into literature by writing a Sci-Fi thriller
novelette based around global warming called ‘Swan Song’.

My pandemic project, from early 2020 to August 2021 was a pair of books.
The first one, Bell’s Codex is an action adventure novel about solving a
book which has been encrypted in a secret code. The second one, my magnum
opus, is the ACTUAL encrypted book from the story. The puzzle is real and
you can solve it yourself.

In April of 2022 I released a suspense/thriller/horror novella entitled
“All Manner of Beast & Man.”


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