Category Archives: BOOKS

The Axe Blitz

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The Axe cover

Suspense Novella

Date Published: September 27, 2023

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


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Sweethearts Eric Leidheldt and Desiree Chauveau are spending a weekend at
his uncle’s cabin when they encounter two strangers cutting wood. Eric is
knocked unconscious, and Desi is viciously attacked. The following day two
police officers come to their apartment to arrest Desi. Her assailants are
dead, murdered with an axe, and her fingerprints are on it. She
confesses—but is she really guilty? Eric is determined to stand by
her, but the physical and emotional effects of the attack severely challenge
their relationship.



The pickup was a very old, battered Dodge. Beyond it were two bearded men
in plaid flannel shirts. The one with the axe was about forty,
broad-shouldered, and dark-haired. The other one was tall, scruffy, a little
younger, and had red hair. They both turned toward the approaching couple.
The red-haired one stared at Desi in a way Eric didn’t like, but the
other man smiled genially and said, “Howdy, folks. Pretty day,
ain’t it?”

And then he swung the axe.

About the Author

Linda Griffin

Linda Griffin knew she wanted to be a “book maker” as soon as
she learned to read and wrote her first story, “Judy and the
Fairies,” at the age of six. She retired as fiction librarian for the
San Diego Public Library to spend more time on her writing. She has had
stories of every length from short shorts to novellas published in numerous
literary journals, and The Axe is her seventh book from the Wild Rose


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A Duke’s Introduction to Courtship Blitz

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A Duke's Introduction to Courtship cover

The Gentlemen Authors, Book 2

Historical Romance, Regency Romance

Date Published: September 26, 2023


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Love caught him completely off guard and forced him to question

When Brody Evans, Duke of Corwin, goes incognito at a printing press, he
doesn’t anticipate meeting Mr. Michaels, a charming young man with
whom he shares an instant connection. Soon he’s questioning everything
he believed to be true of himself, while losing his heart in the process.
Accepting the way he feels is not only hard, it’s also illegal and
downright dangerous. Until he learns the truth and is forced to wonder
whether or not the person he fell for is real, or just an illusion.

Dressed as a boy, Harriet Michaels acquires a job at a printing press so
she can support herself and her younger sister. It seems like a good idea
until she meets Mr. Evans, the new assistant editor. Her attraction toward
him cannot be denied, but it must be concealed if she’s to avoid
detection and the risk of losing her job. The more time she spends with him,
however, the closer she comes to heartache and ruin. For as it turns out,
Mr. Evans is not who he claims to be either.

The Gentlemen Authors Series:

A Duke’s Guide to Romance

The Gentlemen Authors, Book One

A Duke’s Introduction to Courtship

The Gentlemen Authors, Book 2

A Duke’s Lesson in Charm

The Gentlemen Authors, Book 2

Coming October 24, 2023

Available on Amazon

About the Author

Sophie Barnes

USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie Barnes writes historical romance novels
in which the characters break away from social expectations in their quest
for happiness and love. Having written for Avon, an imprint of Harper
Collins, her books have been published internationally in eight languages.
With a fondness for travel, Sophie has lived in six countries, on three
continents, and speaks English, Danish, French, Spanish, and Romanian with
varying degrees of fluency. Ever the romantic, she married the same man
three times—in three different countries and in three different

When she’s not busy dreaming up her next swoon worthy romance novel,
Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, practicing yoga, baking,
gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.


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Deadlock Teaser Tuesday

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(Revenge and Zombies)


Sci Fi Romance, Suspense, Action & Adventure

Date Published: September 29. 2023


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Rory and Tessa have managed to work together to survive the island, but now
they have an even bigger task at hand. Together, they must find Bennett and
the missing zombie before the virus can take over the mainland.

Easier said than done. The mainland Tessa knew before is a different world
from the one that exists now. A mysterious plague taking over the poorer
population has people nervous, and Rory and Tessa will have their work cut
out for them. Will they be able to stop Tessa’s virus before
it’s too late?

Deadlock tablet



Copyright ©2023 Torri Heat


It was silent out on the water. The kind of silence that screamed in your
ears, demanding to be heard. The kind of quiet that raised the hairs on the
back of your neck and created trails of goose bumps along your arms. It
spoke of a storm brewing in the distance, of an imbalance in the

The last time it was this quiet was after my father died, when the laughter
had died off, when I had snuck out from under the table I was hiding beneath
and ran to cradle his body. Afterwards, I knew I had been screaming from the
soreness of my throat, and the way I gasped for air. But during those
moments, before the paramedics showed up and carried his body away, it was
silent. Completely and utterly silent. There was only the screaming quiet in
my ears, surrounding me in a way I thought I would never experience

Until now, on the boat. Rory was at the wheel, frowning as he stared into
the grey skies. We hadn’t spoken since the rush to the boat, and that
had been in mostly short sentences.

“Untie the rope for me.”

“Hand me that oar.”

“Push off.”

And getting to the boat had been too loud as we snuck past the small hordes
of zombies that had spread out across the island. Luckily, since we had
arrived at the safe zone, everything had quieted down. The zombies that had
been at the door soon gave up and spread out, and we knew that it was now or
never to make our move. Joe had loaded us up packs filled with supplies and
food — whatever the safe house had to spare. We probably had enough to last
the two of us a week on the mainland, maybe two if we stretched our rations.
A week to find Bennett, the zombie, and make our mind up about what would
happen next. I wasn’t sure yet if we’d return to the island
together, or go our separate ways. Right now, our minds were on the next
steps, and the next steps alone. We needed to find Bennett and that zombie.
There was no other way around it. If he managed to release it into the wild,
the whole thing could be a complete disaster.

There was a reason I liked science. I liked reasons. Logic. I liked there
to be answers to my questions if I worked hard enough. Two plus two always
equalled four, and I had a plan in place for how I wanted to spread the
virus. Bennett releasing one random zombie into the wild was not how my plan
was going to go and could ruin a lot more than just my revenge. I needed to
stop him before that happened.

As for Bennett when we found him… well. Unfortunately in my line of
work, there were some things I needed to do, and this was one of them. But
Bennett was a liability, and I couldn’t afford to have him running
around any more than I could have that zombie running free. I’d take
care of him when and where we found him.

The skies were darkening, and the wind was picking up, bringing my silence
to an end. Reality was flooding in, and I still needed to figure out what
our plan of action was. I pointed to the grey beach in the distance.
“I think we should try there!” I called over to Rory, yelling to
be heard over the screaming wind.

He turned to look at me, the boat cutting sharply over a wave that splashed
us both with cool water. “What?”

I pointed again. “There! Try there!”

Rory nodded and turned the wheel in the direction of the small beach. It
wasn’t the largest dock Bennett could’ve gone to, but it was
definitely the closest and easiest, which if I was bringing a zombie on my
own to the mainland is what I would’ve gone for.

The wind blew through my hair, and I grabbed for the elastic wrapped around
my wrist. Twisting my hair into a tight braid, I watched Rory as he
controlled the boat easily, as if he had been doing this all his life
despite the increasingly choppy water. I wondered what was going through his
head at this moment. Did he regret coming with me? Or maybe this was just
his way of getting back to the mainland, and he’d dump my ass as soon
as we touched ground, maybe even sending the cops my way. Not like I needed
him, really. I was certain I’d be able to find Bennett without
Rory’s help. I had been finding my way in this world alone since I was
young, and nothing had changed now.

But it might be nice to have someone to bounce ideas off, since I no longer
had James. A real, live sounding board. I didn’t need him to have
pointless conversation with. I’d rather save my breath. But to see if
my ideas were on the right track or not? Yeah, that might be nice.

I’d have to wait and see what his plan was once we got the boat to
the mainland.

About the Author

Torri Heat has always loved control. Her mind was blown when she discovered
she could control entire worlds through story writing. Throw some steamy
romance in there, and it was pretty close to perfection. Torri loves dark
heroes who ride off into the sunset on their motorcycles, fierce heroines
who can fend for themselves, and a sprinkle of the paranormal to keep things
interesting. When she’s not creating alternate realities you can find her
managing her three ring circus of kids and animals.

Find all of Torri’s books and sign up for her newsletter at her
website, or follow her on social media. You can also leave reviews!


Contact Links

Author on Facebook: @torriheatwrites

Authoron Instagram and TikTok: @torriheat


Publisher on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram: @changelingpress


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Parallel Secrets Release Blitz

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Date Published: 9/25/23

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press


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After a young girl goes missing, former TV crime reporter Vicky Robeson joins the search with the help of her attractive new love interest. They take his RV to a tiny town in rural Missouri that’s filled with odd characters and darker secrets. But Vicky has secrets of her own. She believes this kidnapped girl may be linked to a case she reported on nine years ago, when a mystery child was found walking on levee, bloody and unable to speak. Back then, Vicky failed to follow up clues only she knew. Now, she has a chance to redeem herself. As she uncovers secrets, it becomes clear someone will kill to keep them hidden.

About the Author

ML Barrs

ML Barrs ran TV newsrooms for years, guiding and managing the content and
production of more than eight hours of live newscasts a day.

In her debut novel, Parallel Secrets, protagonist Vicky Robeson shares that
kind of experience as well as the author’s passion for justice,
especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of children and other
vulnerable people.

ML Barrs grew up one of thirteen children—the first girl, with three
older brothers—a birth order she believes shaped her essence by the
time she was eight. A girl’s gotta be a bit pugnacious to get along in
that environment. Amid the chaos of fourteen people living in a mobile home
(not a double-wide), she turned fifteen, dropped out of school and ran away
from home.

Being homeless, then working minimum wage jobs quickly grew old. She earned
her GED and went to college, where she met and married the father of their
two grown children. After a successful career as a television news director
and general manager, she decided that what she really wanted to do is write
mysteries. Parallel Secrets will be published September 2023, and its sequel
is in the works.


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Orange September Virtual Book Tour

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LGBTQ+ Poetry

Date Published: September 12th 2023

Publisher: Just Breathe Jasmine


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Witness a love that transcends societal norms, and immerse yourself in this
poetic tale of love’s enduring power.

Unafraid and bare, as the autumn leaves fall over Brooklyn, a young woman
discovers a love that was, is, and will be. Orange September gives us a peek
into her heart as she navigates a budding union. Through lines brimming with
passion, romance, and a few giggles, each word paints a vivid portrait of
their love.


Orange September paperback


Poetry Excerpt for the Avid Reader

Flowers During Yellow August


I’ve received quite a few bouquets of ulterior motives, 

dried up I’m sorrys with perfume of manipulation, 

soft petals of blooming lies,

held up by stems that I’m thankful 

never took root in my heart. 


Yeah, I’ve been given flowers.


But on the last day of a Yellow August, 

outside of my job, 

you gave me a bouquet of my favorite flowers,

wrapped up in tenderness. 

Sparkling, I tasted your lips

and took a whiff of lilies that had 

an intoxicating aroma:


About the Author

Jasmine Farrell

I have always embraced the power and beauty of words. From my early years
as a bubbly and quiet church girl, I found solace and inspiration in
writing. With a pen in hand and my late grandmother’s memo pad as my canvas,
I began to weave stories and pour my heart into poetic expressions. Of
course, back then it was toddler scribbles and my mother would nod along as
I gave the best baby gibberish to relay my stories—anyway…

Poetry quickly became my niche, a medium through which I could explore the
depths of my emotions and connect with others… As a devoted bookworm and a
secret midnight snacker, I found myself immersed in the literary world,
drawing inspiration from the world around me, music and poets I looked up
to. The elders, who were solid storytellers, shaped my love for language and

Throughout my journey, I have six poetry collections, each representing a
chapter of my growth and self-expression. These collections have allowed me
to share my unique perspective with readers, delving into themes of love,
loss, de-conversion from Christianity, self-discovery, and the beauty of the
human experience. Additionally, I recently published my debut novel, marking
a significant milestone in my writing career. Still working on the second

Amidst my literary path, I stumbled into re-self-discovery that led me to
challenge and ultimately de-convert from Christianity. Graduating from a
Christian college, I found the courage to question my beliefs and embrace a
new path of authenticity and self-acceptance. This transformative experience
revealed profound aspects of my identity, including my late blooming
realization of being a lesbian, a revelation that holds immense significance
for someone who grew up in a strict fundamentalist Christian

Today, I stand proud in my newfound self-awareness. Alongside my loving
spouse, our delightful cat named Aubry (She’s the ruler of our home.
She just lets us live with her. Which is nice and stuff), and a home filled
with random kitchen twerks to various genres of music, I embrace the vibrant
colors of life. As bland as it may sound to some, this represents a
monumental shift from the constraints of my past, and I celebrate every
aspect of my journey.

Outside of writing, I find joy in exploring the world through books,
traveling to new destinations, cherishing moments with loved ones, and
immersing myself in the magic of live theater (AKA a Broadway Heaux). These
experiences fuel my creativity and shape the stories I tell.

With the upcoming release of my poetry collection, “Orange
September,” in September of this year, I eagerly invite readers into a
world mushy love and poetic romance. I am also actively engaged in other
writing projects, constantly driven to explore new themes and genres, always
seeking to captivate and inspire my audience. Growing. Learning. One page at
a time, really.

Thank you for reading my about me page and stuff. I am grateful for the
opportunity to share my poems, stories and word vomits with you, and I hope
that my words touch your heart and ignite your own creative spirit.


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