Category Archives: BOOKS

The Amber Menhir Blitz

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The Shadows of the Monolith: Book One


Fantasy, Grimdark Fantasy, Horror, Satire, Politics

Date Published: October 3, 2023

Publisher: Spinner Loom Press


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POLITIC AND CORRUPTION.”  Richard Moriarty – The Sun


With each new dawn, the celestial body known only as ‘Calamity’
draws closer – and with it the end of the world. Humanity’s only
hope from oblivion rests in the menhirs, towering bastions of scholarship
and imagination which cast long shadows across the lands. The scholars
within the menhirs devote themselves selflessly to the discovery of new
magic that will help avert the impending apocalypse … or so the
masses have been made to understand.

  In a society divided between those with occult potential and lay
citizens, Tara Langcraw is recruited into the Amber Menhir with great
interest. The long-awaited heiress of a bloodline bearing the rarest of the
six magical disciplines, time manipulation, she is expected to flourish
within this noble citadel of learning, as are her friends and fellow
recruits, Roland Ward and Peony Bianchi.

They soon find, however, that those who fail to meet expectations, or who
dare to challenge the prevailing order, put more than their marks on the
line. For the menhir squirms with rivalries, and those who stand against the
status quo may not stand for very long.



The Amber Menhir, book one of The Shadows of the Monolith series, marks the
debut of high fantasy author Jonathan N. Pruitt. A lifelong educator who has
taught around the world, Pruitt enjoys spinning spellbinding tales of dark
magic and political intrigue. When not toiling away on writing projects,
Pruitt can be found traversing about the great outdoors. For more
information, visit


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Magic in Errors Teaser Tuesday

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Date Published: 10-14-2023


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His world. Her world. My world. Your world. It’s all the same, yet entirely
different. It’s nothing but another one of God’s oxymorons laughing at us.
Some people spend their entire life waiting for an epiphany. While some

Sneha Babu’s debut novel Magic in Errors unravels a story showing how
the Universe works in beautiful and heart-breaking ways—beginning with
a neon-colored hair tie. Over the course of a few days, this seemingly
insignificant accessory passes through the hands of six people; strangers,
lovers, friends, and enemies. Every encounter sets off a chain reaction of
events, forever altering their lives in ways they never could have

Amidst their unique struggles, a slum boy, musician, policeman, celebrity,
movie agent, and businesswoman grapple with the struggle to truly live
rather than merely survive. Their lives intertwine in intricate ways, as
they confront devastating choices, experience powerful emotions, and endure
lasting tragedies, even long after one of them murders another.

What lessons can the world teach us? Does it always pay to be kind? How
could someone be connected to a person they have never met? How can a hair
tie change the course of someone’s life? Find out in Magic in



Now that Aanjaney is alone once more, he carefully opens the envelope,
seeing it’s a little wet from the rain, and pulls out the letter. He
carefully holds the piece of paper and starts reading.


Hi there,

So, yeah. I’m dead. Are you crying?

It’s two in the morning. My room is filled with the smell of
freshly-bloomed jasmines from outside, but they’re not half as pretty
as you, I swear. Many years ago, do you know what I told people when they
asked me how we were so in love all the time? I told them it’s because
we count stars at night together and give shapes to clouds during the day.
Now, I don’t know where you are or how you are doing. But I do know
that you are still somewhere under those few billion stars we counted. After
you were gone, I remember missing you between my laughs and all the
imaginary kisses we shared. You and I, we made a pretty great team—all
the weirdness included.

All the secrets beyond the skies, layers and layers of history safeguarded
by the earth, and the never-ending horizon. Yet, it’s strange how two tiny
specks find each other, unlocking magic as limitless as the cosmos.
It’s fascinating that mere fragments of this marvelous oeuvre have a
unique story written for them in the stars. Sadly, our story reached an
expiry date. But that doesn’t make it any less real. The point is, I
want you to live your life. I am glad I met you, Aanjaney Iyer. Now,
whatever happens next, I know I have lived because I have loved.

Eventually, the dusk of your life will open its sleepy eyes, ready to show
you the incredible morning. When the first rays come knocking on your
windows, don’t be afraid to pull up the blinds. You’ll see.
You’ll see that light won’t hurt. I don’t know when or how
I might die. I just hope it’s not too soon. I used to think of time as
sand slipping away from my feet. When we were together, those sands held my
roots. We grew up laughing, loving, and making mistakes together with a
fortunate stroke of serendipity. Now, I am not so sure… I
just… Did I find a family, Aanjaney? Did I die sad? I am sure Raphael
will take care of everything. He wouldn’t let me die like an old
maiden. Beneath all that anger, he is a sweet, little man. Old, but still
sexy, right?

Don’t miss me too much, okay? Now, stop worrying.

I liked you because I thought you were perfect. I loved you when I realized
you weren’t. There’s magic in errors, darling. Real stuff.

So, be happy. Love hard. Be fierce.



(PS: Get ready for some serious haunting.)


Aanjaney folds the letter neatly before putting it in his pocket. He walks
into the rain for one final touch.

About the Author

Sneha Babu

Born and raised in India, Sneha Babu is a 25 year old STEM major,
co-founder of a feminist media company by day and author by night. A few
years ago, she plotted the trajectory of this story during a discrete
mathematics class (there was a flow chart involved). Sneha did not know it
then but she had created something that would go on to heal her future self.
From trying to solve the climate crisis to smashing patriarchy, her life is
an endless rollercoaster of daring dreams.


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Cove’s Tentacles Teaser

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Monster Erotica, Capture, Gay

Date Published: October 6, 2023


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Warning: This is a Razor’s Edge Monster Erotica Story. Expect limited
plot and character development, and lots of paranormal heat. If you’re
looking for a lengthy plot driven erotic romance, this is not it!


Cove Deville knows he can’t touch alcohol without facing dire
consequences. One drink thrown in his face from a hook-up gone
embarrassingly wrong and he’s trapped in a large cooler and tossed
into a lake. Fresh water will have to do — better than nothing. Wrong.
Discovered on the lake’s sandy shore, he’s captured by a
bewildering man. Cove’s life, or what’s left of it if he
doesn’t find salt water fast, is about to drastically change.

Kilson Arestes can not recall the last time he was held by another. The
pain of loneliness has been so great he felt as if his heart was being
shredded. Those thoughts are quickly replaced with another kind of sadness
when he finds an ocean dweller who should never be in fresh water crawling
from his manmade lake. Little does Kils know saving the animal will alter
his undead life forever.

Will these fantastic creatures’ existence be changed for better or

Cove's Tentacles tablet



Copyright ©2023 J. Hali Steele

Everything eventually dies.

Death was coming for Cove Deville today. And it was his own damn

The evening had started with promise. From a table in the corner of a
restaurant he often frequented, Cove had watched a small but athletic
stranger climb out of his pickup truck and enter the eatery. A treat for me.
Taking a seat at the bar, the man looked around and their eyes met. There
was an immediate connection. Not a mentalist by a long shot, Cove gathered
they both desired a sexual escapade — a hard, fast fuck to end their
evening. Looked as if the man’s day had been spent fishing, while
Cove’s had been filled with… Shit, he never did anything other
than walk the beach and kick up seashells he’d probably emptied
himself before they drifted on shore and got smushed into the sand by
beachgoers and volleyball players.

Cove was a real man-whore who preferred men who were up in age. That day,
though, he’d craved companionship. He decided he could forego a
handsome older gentleman for a young one with a nice ass just this once. He
shamelessly flirted with the bastard until both decided to leave together.
Cove never took men home, and he’d learned not to be finicky about
where his hookups took place. After driving uphill along a winding dirt road
that appeared not to be used much, they’d ended up in the back of his
hookup’s pickup parked in a wooded area a mile or more from a steep,
craggy shoreline.

Physical release would usually be followed by Cove’s return to the
beach where, after dark, he’d undress and hide his clothing behind a
boulder. Wading into the warm ocean water, Cove would dive out of sight. An
hour or two later, rejuvenated, he’d surface, redress, and return to
his apartment in Malibu.


That evening, though, Cove had gotten stupid. He allowed an argument to
develop over the fact that Cove did not want to be screwed. He yearned to
take the younger guy. Who knew his pretty little ass was a top? While it was
not his favorite way of fucking, Cove had bottomed a handful of times in his
life. But, damn, the man he’d picked up had such a pleasing round ass
and Cove had spent nearly an hour imagining plundering said ass. Taking what
he wanted. His selfishness had bitten Cove in the behind by way of a beer
being tossed in his face.

Unfortunately, alcohol in any form or potency was deadly.

Not. A. Single. Drop.

When the fucker left to take a piss, Cove had attempted to ease the
discomfort caused by the beer. He sucked the ice from around the fish in the
cooler stretching the width of the truck bed. Eventually losing control, he
shifted and fell all the way in. Thanked God he was able to regulate his

The son of a bitch hadn’t even looked for Cove when he got back.
Cursing like a sailor when he looked in the cooler, he slammed the lid,
jumped in the cab of the pickup and drove like a bat out of hell for what
felt like miles down a bumpy dirt road. Skidding to a stop, the bastard
removed the cooler and dumped the contents, including his day’s catch,
into a small lake.

Fresh water! It would help flush the alcohol from Cove’s skin, but
remaining in this pond for too long was still a death sentence. Robbed of
the strength needed to shift, Cove knew his situation grew more dire as the
sun rose, its deadly light blazing into the sky. He heard someone approach
from the wooded area and cross the small strip of beach surrounding the
lake. The figure looked like a man. When necessary, Cove could borrow from
his octopod’s elevated sense of smell, but not this time. His animal
was as stymied as Cove. Snuffling the air from his position, Cove grappled
with discerning what stood glaring at him. He only knew the vision before
him smelled fabulous. Fresh, clean, and… not human. Definitely not
the young man from last night.

About the Author

Growl and roar — it’s okay to let the beast out. — J. Hali Steele

J. Hali Steele wishes she could grow fur, wings, or fangs, so she can stay
warm, fly, or just plain bite the crap out of… Well, she can’t
do those things but she wishes she could!

J. Hali’s a multi-published Amazon bestselling author of Romance in
Paranormal, Fantasy, and Contemporary worlds which include ReligErotica and
LGBTQ stories where humans, vampyres, shapeshifters and angels collide —
and they collide a lot! When J. Hali’s not writing or reading, she can
be found snuggled in front of the TV with a cat in her lap, and a cup of

Author on Instagram/Facebook: @jhalisteele

Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok:


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Mom Wombat Says Make War No More! Virtual Book Tour

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Mom Wombat Says Make War No More! cover


Children’s Fiction

Date Published: Sep 22, 2023

Publisher: Acorn Publishing


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Mom Wombat says, “Make friends, not war!”

“Try to get along and don’t keep score… It doesn’t matter who
has more toys, just have fun, my girls and boys. Don’t YOU be a bully,
not even now and then, not even to a foe or friend.”

Known as Mombat to her kids, she has plenty of ideas on how everyone can
learn to get along with others and have fun. Using her wit and insightful
wisdom, Mombat aims to make the world a better place by teaching positive
communication skills and the importance of friendship.


Mom Wombat Says Make War No More! standing book

About the Author

Phyllis Schwartz
Phyllis Schwartz is a married mother of two, who, after a highly successful
career in the TV news business, finally has the time to indulge in and focus
on her “civilian” writing. Even as a kid, she kept a diary and
wrote little stories and poems, a creative release that continued well into

She wrote news by day and poetry by night. And despite battling three
different types of cancer over more than three decades, she is still filled
with energy, joy, and optimism, and she looks forward to writing much more
poetry and children’s books in the future. Her writing often centers
on what she observes daily: including her friends, husband, and two
children, as well as her garden and her beautiful beach town residence in
dreamy Encinitas, all providing continued inspiration for her verse.


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Vicar Brekonridge Reveal


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Historical Mystery

Date Published: 10-23-2023

Publisher: Level Best Books’ Historia Imprint


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“In a seamless blending of historical fact and narrative skill,
Richard Helms reimagines the sensational case of Daniel M’Naghten, whose
1843 murder trial set a precedent that reverberates to this day. Helms has
crafted a thoroughly gripping historical mystery that will leave readers
eager to hear more of the “notorious thief-taker” Vicar

—Daniel Stashower, Edgar Award Winning Author of American Demon





About the Author

Richard Helms

A lifelong North Carolinian, Richard Helms retired from active practice as
a forensic psychologist in 2005, after working in the field for over two
decades. At one time, he was the only court psychologist covering four
counties in NC. A court-recognized expert in sex crimes and the psychology
of sex offenders, mystery writing was an easy transition and a logical next
step after Helms left his professional career to become a college professor
in Charlotte. He retired from teaching in the summer of 2016 to become a
full time writer. 
Helms has twenty-two novels in print. 

Besides writing, Helms loves gourmet cooking, woodworking, traveling,
simracing, amateur astronomy, playing with his grandsons, and rooting for
the Carolina Tarheels and Carolina Panthers. For a peek at his non-writing
life, check out his other website at

The parents of two grown children, Richard Helms and his wife Elaine live
in Charlotte, NC.


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